Avatar Press will be exhibiting at the Windy City Comicon in Chicago, IL, on Saturday, October 25th!? The Center on Halsted will house this great one-day event that is located in the heart of Chicago’s North Side, only blocks away from Wrigley Field.? Standard admission costs only $5, and children under 10 get in for free.? Fans will find the official Avatar Press exhibit at Booth N.? Attendees will find there all of our latest releases and other Avatar rarities including the Black Summer TP Convention Ed., Doktor Sleepless Vol.1, new Apparat novellas, the first chapter of Garth Ennis’ controversial new series, CROSSED, and the latest issue of NO HERO, the acclaimed superpowered series by creative team Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp.? The first 800 people through the doors will also receive a preview issue of Max Brooks’ (World War Z) upcoming graphic novel, The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks, compliments of Avatar Press – so don’t come late!? Avatar Press is looking forward to seeing all of our Chicago-based fans come out to support this one-day convention, so stop by and introduce yourself to our staff at Booth N this Saturday while attending Windy City Comicon.
If you have any questions about Avatar Press at Windy City Comicon, please contact David Marks at david@avatarpress.net.