Max Brooks, the New York Times best selling author of World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide, brings an all-new comic series to the industry’s most rebellious publisher. ?Featured in the April Previews, Extinction Parade #1 sees Brooks’ incredible imagination unleashed in a world where the zombie plague has decimated the human population. ?As the rolling tide of the subdead continue to wipe clean the last vestiges of humanity and swell the ranks of the shambling dead, another of the undead races begins to realize that their future may also be impacted in a world where the human food supply has been decimated. ?Vampires declare all out war on the zombie hordes in a last ditch effort to protect their way of life. ?But with the ever dwindling human race in the middle of this conflict, we get a front row seat to watch an extinction event unfold. ?”This is how a species dies…”
Extinction Parade is scheduled to be on sale in comic shops June 19th, the day before the US theatrical premiere of World War Z.