Avatar Press will have four big panels at this year’s New York Comic Con with all of your favorite guests contributing!
Session Title:?Max Brooks Zombie Survival & Extinction Parade Insights
Time:?4:15PM – 5:15PM
Max Brooks & William Christensen ? ?
Description:?Screenwriter and author of best-selling books The Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks, Max Brooks is the world’s leading authority on the defense against a ghoulish uprising! His new all-original comic book series, Extinction Parade, introduces vampires into that mix and gives fans a new race of the undead to fear and prepare for. Renowned for his campus and convention lectures nationwide, Brooks comes to New York Comic Con to share his insight into the rotting minds of the undead, discuss Zombies vs. Vampires and field questions from zombie-phobic fans!
Session Title:?Rich Johnston’s Bleeding Cool Magazine Forum
Time:?4:15PM – 5:15PM
Speakers:?Rich Johnston

Description:?BleedingCool.com is the premiere source for breaking news and entertainment in the comic book industry. Join comics Journalist Rich Johnston to discuss Bleeding Cool Magazine and the major events being covered at New York Comic Con this year! Johnston makes a special appearance stateside to talk about the upcoming ?Top 100 Comic Industry Power Rankings? and big new upcoming features for the #1 ranked comics magazine! Get ready to hear exclusive breaking news from Rich Johnston and the secrets behind the biggest comics events of 2013!
Session Title:?Avatar Press Uncut ? Max Brooks, Simon Spurrier, Kieron Gillen, Caanan White, Mike Wolfer and Publisher William Christensen
Time:?12:30PM – 1:30PM
Speakers:?Caanan White, Kieron Gillen, Max Brooks, Simon Spurrier, & William Christensen

Description:?Avatar Press invades New York with five awesome creators all talking about their new projects and massive new news! New York Times Bestselling Author, Max Brooks discusses his new projects and the future of Extinction Parade! The red-hot Uber team of Kieron Gillen and Caanan White discuss the new course of WWII. And Simon Spurrier dishes on the debut of the new webseries, Disenchanted. Want insight into the hottest titles? Can’t get enough Crossed: Badlands, Uber, or Extinction Parade? Find out what new terrors and triumphs this rogue publisher will unleash in the months ahead and get your questions answered by the publisher!
Session Title: ?Uber Unveiled – Kieron Gillen & Caanan White Reshape the Future
Date: ?10/12/13
Time: ?1:30 ? 2:30 PM
Location: ?1A01

Kieron Gillen and Caanan White have redefined the super soldier in this year?s biggest series, Uber. Now they bring their insight on the misery of battle and the horrors of war to a huge fan base at New York Comic Con! Want to know the secrets behind the Ubers and find out the inspiration that developed into the most sought after new series of the year? Join us in the Uber Panel and find out what terrors are in store for the soldiers on both sides in this epic comic series. Moderated by Publisher William Christensen.