In comic shops today – Kieron Gillen and Caanan White’s Uber #7 gives insight into two big mysteries from the second arc and supply hints toward the direction of the series. ?The Japanese Uber program has drastically changed naval warfare in the Pacific theatre. ?Until now it has been a mystery how the German Uber technology made its way to Japan. ?And in an exciting development, the under age soldier known as “Razor” comes face to face with the horrors of Uber warfare and his potential role in the coming months of the conflict is revealed.
Fans who are enjoying the re-imagining of the super soldier mythology spinning out of Uber will be excited to get this deeper glimpse into the machinations of Kieron Gillen’s unique story. ?The series continues to be must-read material with each issue and now, it is also available digitally on comiXology the same day as print. ?Whatever your preferred format, Uber continues to be one of the best war horror comic books in the market. ?Check out the limited edition, direct market exclusive hard cover
collection of the first arc to catch up on the story everyone is talking about, only at local comic shops!