Last week the premiere issue of Garth Ennis’ new space horror series, Caliban #1 debuted in comic shops and digitally on ComiXology. ?The book has been described by Ennis as his homage to Ridley Scott’s ultimate space terrror
film, Alien. ?And it lives up to that hype beginning a terrifying slow burn chiller that will make even the most die hard of comic fans sit up and take notice.
The series launch met with high praise from several respected sources:
Bloody Disgusting – “4.5 out of 5 Skulls” -?
Multiversity Comics – “8.9 out of 10” -?
Comic Addiction – “5 out of 5” -?
Check with your local comic book shop about reserving a copy of the first issue today. ?Or stop by ComiXology to find a digital copy -?