The world of Jonathan Hickman’s God is Dead has been destroyed time and time again over hundreds of years by the whims of divine beings returned. ?Issue #24 ends the fourth story arc with a stunning finale that sets up a new world order. ?With issue #25, series writer Mike Costa takes a world that is seemingly finally at peace and hoping
for a return to the old ways and turns it on its ear. ?The gods may be gone…but they are not forgotten. ?And an ancient evil has been released that has its sights set on the destruction of god and man alike. ?Someone has released the Titans.
If you have been enjoying God is Dead or you are new to the series, issue #25 is a great jump on point. ?The oversized issue begins with a recap of the story so far and introduces the major players and gods that have forged this miserable world of suffering. ?And just as you start to feel at home in it, Mike Costa throws a divine curve ball to start a new and powerful arc. ?Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy of God is Dead #25 for you and take a moment to browse the trade paperback collections of the first chapters. ?This original twist on mythology is sure to make the top of your to read pile in short order.