Now that C-Day has been announced as April 15th, in a few short months Crossed fans will be putting together their best cosplay costumes and descending upon local comic shops for a day of celebrating horror. Crossed: Badlands #75 will be released that day and comic retailers are being invited to host parties to give Crossed fans an opportunity
to indulge in the uncensored terror and to act as ambassadors to new comics fans.
As part of Avatar’s celebration of all things Crossed, fans and retailers who send in photos of their costuming, store parties, and other events will be shared with the Crossed faithful on Facebook and Twitter. Everyone loves to see the incredibly imaginative costumes and creative cosplay that fans put together and this year we want to make the internet red with Crossed images. Photos and videos can be sent to and to @avatarpress on Twitter. From there we’ll
bounce them out to all of Crossed Nation.
Thanks for supporting the most terrifying and uncensored horror comic being published! Remember to have fun on C-Day but also be safe and respectful of other fans and families at comic shops during the celebration.