The celebration of this year’s annual C-Day party in local comic shops begins with a new scribe telling a unique story in Crossed: Badlands #75. This year’s focal point of all things Crossed is a tale told in two times – the present and the ancient past. “Homo Tortor” reveals the reason behind
humanity’s near extinction 75,000 years ago and how it is related to the current Crossed outbreak.
Kieron Gillen is well known for the horrors of super human warfare in the pages of Uber. As he makes his first entry into Garth Ennis’ grueling world of survival horror, fans of the series are readying for the celebrations taking place at comic shops everywhere. This April 15th fans will descend upon the comic shop in their best Crossed cosplay to celebrate this horror icon and to spread the word about the most violent uncensored comic being published.
Check with your local comic shop to see what plans they have for C-Day 2015 and join in the terror!