These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops on Wednesday 5/11/16:
Crossed: Badlands #97
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The misery of the Crossed is nearly impossible to survive. But what happens when you face a creature that is driven by a conscious need for slow and deliberate torture? Can anyone survive against the ultimate Alpha Crossed – Smokey? Fan favorite writer Christos Gage returns to Crossed to tell the continuing tale of ultimate misery as
Smokey turns his baleful gaze toward a new future, one where he doesn’t have to paint the path with blood. Available with Regular Cover, Torture, and Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale, Wraparound Cover by Daniel Gete, C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover.
Crossed +100 #15
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Crossed +100 has taken the years in-between C-Day and a century of evolution to deliver something wholly original. Alan Moore’s extended slow burn horror has continued to surprise at every turn and scribe Simon Spurrier is delivering his most realized work since Wish You Were
Here. Future Taylor has discovered something so sinister that even the horror and destruction of the towns and lives she’s witnessed pales in comparison to the revelation. The Crossed have a plan and the trap has been sprung!
Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!