We are continuing our series of summer reading articles talking about some of the best Avatar Press trade paperback collections to enjoy during your vacation or trip to the beach. Nothing says summer like Disenchanted Vol 1 & 2. Crossed Wish You Were Here scribe, Simon Spurrier, delivers an “Avatar fairy tale.” So in this world of
pixies and sprites you have thousands of fairy folk living in a gutter town dealing with murder, drug addiction, and prostitution. These aren’t the stories granny used to read. Instead we get to experience the deterioration of the fantasy world real up close and personal. What used to be bright and cheerful is now a rundown dung heap in Vermintown.
If you are tired of the glitz and glamour of big Hollywood fairy tales, this is the perfect story for you. Check out Disenchanted Vol 1 & Vol 2 at your local comic shop, on Amazon, or digitally on ComiXology and ComCav.net.