Holed Up There:
The Avatar Press comics and other items listed below will be available in comic shops worldwide beginning this week, according to our distributor. Most retailers in the U.S. display new shipments for the week beginning on Wednesday (note: new comic day is on Thursday, June 3 in most stores this week due to the Memorial Day holiday). Ask your local stores about these items. If you can't find them locally, the links below will take you to those items in the store, which includes graphics and descriptions of those items.
You can find out what else we've released in recent weeks in the Now in Stores section.
9:07:13 PM permanent link to this item
Fans of Avatar's Holed Up comic title should pick up the June issue of ICE magazine, hitting stands this week. Holed Up is featured as their "Book Of The Month" as "this new twisted family sitcom treat... It's dark, sick, hilarious and hugely offensive. And as with all good comedy, it's funny because it's true"
Readers cannot also be treated to a special Ice online interview with Rich Johnston, found only at their website: www.icemagazine.co.uk, as they don't put the magazine online, and it can only be bought in UK newsagents.
Holed Up writer Rich Johnston describes the series this way: "Holed Up is my love letter to America. everything I love about your wonderful country is contained within. And Ice magazine, decicated to the exploration of breasts, cars and guns, seems the perfect publication to tell everyone about it. They gave it five stars you know."
Regarding Holed Up's success, Johnston remarks: "Shops round here seem to keep selling out of it, but there's enough shops still with copies, and even more shops reordering the comic to keep everyone up to date with the latest Holed family shenanigans."
"We're damn pleased at the reception this book has received, although not surprised, as we're fortunate to have the finest creative team in comics on this," says Avatar Publisher William Christensen. Well, he would if I'd asked him, said Rich Johnston as he wrote this press release, basically taking the Wanted/FHM USA puff piece [reported in the comics news recently] and changing it a little.
9:35:41 AM permanent link to this item
It's here! Rich Johnston's Holed Up #1 is now in stores in both the US and the UK. Ask your retailer for your copy today, and if he's out of stock, ask him to order more -- there are still copies available from our distributor as of this writing.
10:36:40 AM permanent link to this item
Diamond UK informed Rich Johnston that Holed Up issue 1, due to ship to US stores on Wednesday and UK stores on Thursday has sold out at their end. Diamond UK make a habit of over-ordering titles they expect will have increased demand at time of sale, so as to speed restocks for UK shops and, on Rich Johnston's Holed Up, they over-ordered considerably.
However after an increased spate in advance reorders this week, Diamond UK have sold all their reserve stock and are currently in the process of issuing reorders for the whole of the UK.
Publisher Avatar Press had considerably overprinted on issue one of the American family separatist comic book by the comic industry´s leading rumourmonger, the London-based Rich Johnston (currently touring Eastern Europe). But increased pre-orders based on publicity for stores who stock the comic, in his rumour column this week, have seen the amount available reduce considerably and a worldwide sellout is expected.
Rich Johnston's Holed Up will be available from all good comic stores this week... but possibly not for long.
For more information on Rich Johnston's Holed Up, check out www.holedup.net
10:34:24 AM permanent link to this item
Avatar Press July 2004 release information is live. Releases for the month include Stargate SG-1: Fall of Rome, Yuggoth Creatures, Warren Ellis' Strange Killings: Strong Medicine TPB, Warren Ellis' Strange Killings: Necromancer, Rich Johnston's Holed Up, Joe R. Lansdale's By Bizarre Hands, Jungle Fantasy, and more.
8:29:37 AM permanent link to this item
We've got an advance look at the text-only version of July solicitations available online now, and once again it's a great month for books from Avatar Press, including: Stargate SG-1: Fall of Rome Prequel, Warren Ellis' Strange Killings: Strong Medicine TPB, Yuggoth Creatures #1, Warren Ellis' Strange Killings: Necromancer #4, Joe R. Lansdale's By Bizarre Hands #3, Rich Johnston's Holed Up #3, Jungle Fantasy #5, and much more. Be sure to check back next week for complete graphics and information on our July lineup
8:11:33 PM permanent link to this item
After a couple of light weeks recently, several highly-anticipated Avatar Press titles will be in stores beginning Wednesday, April 21 -- including Stargate SG-1 2004 Convention Special, Joe R. Lansdale's By Bizarre Hands #1, and Rich Johnston's Holed Up #1. Check with your local shop to make sure these are going to be in stock for you, your retailer still has time to place a reorder with our distributor to make sure he has enough copies.
7:46:25 PM permanent link to this item
Holed Up, the new comic from Lying In The Gutters rumourmonger Rich Johnston, and published by Avatar is to ship on April the 21st to the USA, April the 22nd to the UK.
Solicited for May, Holed Up is shipping early to, in Richard's words, "get a look in before Astonishing X-Men comes and takes the wind out of my sales."
Holed Up, by Rich Johnston and Gonzalo Martinez tells the story of a family of survivalists, working together to keep federalists and communists at bay, and proving that the family that flays together stays together.
However, in May, Marvel Comics are publishing the first issue of Joss Whedon and John Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men. "That monster's going to sell 300,000. It's all anyone's going to be talking about. So I want to get a week or two of people talking about Holed Up before I get flattened."
Avatar Press have also chosen to give Holed Up a significant over-order, ensuring copies of Holed Up are available for curious readers and retailers "before the great vacuum known as Astonishing X-Men sucks all the interest away" said Rich Johnston.
Already facing criticism for his choice of subject, Rich Johnston is also planning to leave the country while Holed Up is being published. "I'm allergic to death threats, so I decided to go and visit the Czech Republic. It's a lot safer there.." he mumbled.
12:54:02 PM permanent link to this item
Holed Up Archives
April 2006 |
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Rich Johnston
Gonzalo Martinez
Presenting a Three Issue
Mini-Series from Avatar Press |
The most-read Internet comic columnist, Rich Johnston, is now serving
up his all-new all-twisted humor series! Holed Up is a family sitcom
with semi-automatic weaponry. Set in the separatist community of
Idaho, the Holed family must cope with the ever encroaching invasion
of a society that wants to take away their freedom. And they'll
defend it with their lives if necessary. Or preferably the lives
of other people. A black comedy where wholesome good fun meets the
very worst aspects of humanity - a nuclear family at ground zero.
Rich Johnston is the author of Lying In The Gutters, the comic
industry's premier gossip and rumor column. He has loyal readers
in every comic shop in the world and not only will use that column
to promote this comic, but also his media contacts on and offline.
Prepare for an onslaught of attention.
Welcome to the recruiting page
of the Holed Up Army.
Rich Johnston’s Holed Up is an American family
sitcom with semi-automatic weaponry. Set amongst the separatist
community of Idaho, it tells an outrageous, over the top story of
family life. Written by Lying
In The Gutters author Rich Johnston, from London, England and
drawn by Gonzalo Martinez from Chile, it's an outsider's look at
the American Family genre in extreme circumstances.
Rich Johnston’s Holed Up can be ordered now from
comic book retailers. In fact that’s the only way you’ll probably
get hold of a copy. Many retailers will not order this comic unless
you specifically order it. Which is why we’re starting the Holed
Up Army. As a soldier of the Holed Up Army, you’ll receive
exclusive art, script exerpts and signed copies of the book. On
your part you have to do everything you can to get the word out.
Photoshoppers, message board posters, website holders, retailers,
journalists, I need anyone and everyone. To join the Holed Up Army,
sign on to the
Holed Up Army Yahoo Group and pick up your first mission. There
will be more to come.
Right now, you can help by ordering the comic book.
Write this information down and take it to your retailer.
MAR04 2307 RICH JOHNSTONS HOLED UP #1 (Of 3) (MR) $3.50 for the
story-content cover
3) (MR) $3.50 For the suicide bomber cover.
You can contact Rich Johnston at rich@holedup.net
-- or even call him on 0780 1350982 (011447801350982 from the USA).
You can contact Avatar publisher William Christensen here.
Holed Up TM & ©2004 Rich Johnston.