Release Info
Titles Joe R. Lansdale's By Bizarre Hands Alan Moore's Hypothetical Lizard Steven Grant's My Flesh is Cool Joe R. Lansdale's The Drive-In Warren Ellis' Strange Killings: Strong Medicine Alan Moore's Writing for Comics Alan Moore's Another Suburban Romance Joe R. Lansdale and Tim Truman's Dead Folks Warren Ellis' Strange Killings Garth Ennis and John McCrea's Dicks Fantastic Visions: The Art of Matt Busch
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Like Avatar's Jason X? Writer Brian Pulido and artist Mike Wolfer
Writer Brian Pulido, the bloody maestro, teams up with artist Sebastian (Hypothetical Lizard) Fiumara on Jason X, the horror story of a twisted super-powered amalgamation of Jason Voorhees and future technology! Set in 2455, Uber-Jason is brought to Earth II. Kristen, a bio-engineer, needs tissue samples from Uber-Jason in the hopes that his regenerative abilities can save her and her loved ones. She is convinced she can contain his rage. Big mistake. Uber-Jason unleashes a torrent of high-tech terror and gore! As well as the regular and wraparound covers by series artist Sebastian Fiumara, it's also available with Gore and Terror covers by Juan Jose Ryp, and a super-limited black leather cover with art by Fiumara. Jason X, Jason TM Voorhees and Friday the 13th and all related characters, names, and indicia are trademarks and ©2005 New Line Cinema Corp. All Rights Reserved. S05 |