The Latest Lady Death News
Avatar Press December 2004 Solicited Releases
December 2004 solicited releases are live, and December is another fantastic
month from Avatar with material from Alan Moore, Brian Pulido, Antony Johnston,
Garth Ennis, Juan Jose Ryp, Clint Hilinski, Joe R. Lansdale, Andres Guinaldo,
Di Amorim, Oscar Zarate, Christopher Golden, and many others.
- Alan Moore's
Hypothetical Lizard - Moore, Johnston, Lorente
- Alan
Moore's Yuggoth Cultures TPB - Moore, Talbot, Johnston, Ryp, Wolfer, Burrows,
Zarate, Emerson, more
- Joe R. Lansdale's
The Drive-In TPB - Lansdale, Golden, Guinaldo
- Garth Ennis' 303 #3 - Ennis,
Burrows, Waller
- Ennis &
McCrea's Dicks Winter Fun Special - Ennis, McCrea
- Brian Pulido's
Lady Death: 10th Anniversary Special - Pulido, Hughes
- Brian Pulido's UnHoly
#1 - Pulido, Amorim
- Brian Pulido's Belladonna
#4 - Pulido, Hilinski, Waller
- Complete
December graphics & info
[ posted Friday, September 24, 2004 7:02:23 PM | permanent link to this item ]
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