Happy Independence Day From Avatar Press

crossedgetinfectedCROSSED_GET_INFECTEDEveryone at Avatar Press would like to wish our friends and fans a very happy 4th of July!  Enjoy the day and be sure to check in at your local comic shop for any special Independence Day sales they might be offering.  Why spend the day watching a silly remake of a sappy movie when you can enjoy a horror filled original in the pages of a Crossed Trade Paperback collection!  There is no help.  There is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.


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Avatar Press New to Digital 6/29/16

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology and ComCav on Wednesday 6/29/16:

Cinema Purgatorio #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Welcome, please take your greasy ticket stub and box of
Cinema3warm, stale popcorn with you ,the show is about to begin.  Enjoy a front row seat to the biggest names in comics delivering tales that will grab you by the gut and tie you in knots. These are the horror stories of Cinema Purgatorio. Illustrated in stark moody black & white, each issue is perfect-bound, with no ads, and all of the works are very long-form, meaning there are no collections planned before 2018. Jump in now and embrace the new future of comics. The one of which Alan Moore has always dreamed. It’s here, now. Hiding in the dark corner. Welcome to Cinema Purgatorio.


War Stories #19

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     In the dark days of winter, 1940, a handful of pilots show up at WarStories19a remote Royal Air Force base in rural England. Some are British, some are Poles, Czechs, French, Australians, Canadians- the orphans of Nazi-occupied Europe and the children of the Empire. No other squadron wants them; they don’t even like each other much. Which is unfortunate,
because they’re about to take to the deadly night skies at the height of the Blitz- Hitler’s dreadful aerial onslaught on the cities of Britain. Part one of the four-part Vampire Squadron, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira.


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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 6/29/16

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops on Wednesday 6/29/16:

Cinema Purgatorio #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Welcome, please take your greasy ticket stub and box of
Cinema3warm, stale popcorn with you ,the show is about to begin.  Enjoy a front row seat to the biggest names in comics delivering tales that will grab you by the gut and tie you in knots. These are the horror stories of Cinema Purgatorio. Illustrated in stark moody black & white, each issue is perfect-bound, with no ads, and all of the works are very long-form, meaning there are no collections planned before 2018. Jump in now and embrace the new future of comics. The one of which Alan Moore has always dreamed. It’s here, now. Hiding in the dark corner. Welcome to Cinema Purgatorio.


Now playing:

Cinema Purgatorio – A rampaging giant gorilla, with a moral quandary vexing him while he fights off huge beasts and rapacious movie studios.  Only Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill could take you on this trip through the dark recesses of cinema, the people behind it, the damage it has done, and the story of one woman forced to bare her soul, one short film at a time. Every issue and every story is radically different yet all weaved into one tapestry of breathtaking complexity as only Alan Moore could do.

Cinema3_PerfectA More Perfect Union – Max Brooks and Michael DiPascale bring Max’s heavily-researched and period authentic story of the Civil War to life. A rag-tag group of deserters are moved to the front, just as a wave of enormous bugs bursts into the open field.

Cinema3_CodePruCode Pru – Garth Ennis and Raulo Caceres continue the night shift FDNY paramedic Pru as she tries to grasp the scope of her job.  Today’s lesson: What to do when faced with a chest-bursting alien?

Cinema3_ModdedModded – Kieron Gillen and Ignacio Calero serve up a future where monsters are pitted against each other.  Bloody Susan tries to teach her new understudy the ways of upgrading her daemon.

Cinema3_VastThe Vast – Christos Gage and Gabriel Andrade bring a new kind of giant monster story to life! Apex is not only seemingly impossible to kill, but he leaves a trail of mutation and new monsters in his wake!

Each story has its own cover by the series artist and there is also an Ancient Tome Premium edition limited to 1000 copies. Now please take your seat, the finest comics in the world are about to begin.

War Stories #19

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     In the dark days of winter, 1940, a handful of pilots show up at WarStories19a remote Royal Air Force base in rural England. Some are British, some are Poles, Czechs, French, Australians, Canadians- the orphans of Nazi-occupied Europe and the children of the Empire. No other squadron wants them; they don’t even like each other much. Which is unfortunate, WarStories19-BattleDamagebecause they’re about to take to the deadly night skies at the height of the Blitz- Hitler’s dreadful aerial onslaught on the cities of Britain. Part one of the four-part Vampire Squadron, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira. Available with Regular, Wraparound Covers by Thomas Aria, Good Girl Nose Art, Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.



Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Providence #10 is Coming in August

Providence10-regAlan Moore’s incredible master class in Lovecraftian horror continues as it creeps toward its conclusion.  In the June Previews comic book retailers just placed their orders for the tenth issue of the seminal work by the writer who redefined an entire genre.  Alan Moore has delivered with Providence a terrifying tale in which the layers of sanity are Providence10-portaitslowly peeled away leaving the unsuspecting Robert Black vulnerable to the creatures which live just below our perception.

If you have not read Providence – be sure to seek out the limited edition Providence Act 1 HC which is a perfect introduction to the story unfolding in its pages.  Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies of this incredible tale from the mind of a true master.


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The Final Fate of Smokey is Nearly Here

Crossed99-regCrossed: Badlands #99 is in stores now revealing the next to last chapter of the fan favorite Smokey trilogy to eager readers.  Christos Gage developed one of the most enduring visions of the Crossed with the character earning a place of honor beside such notables as Horsecock and Howard Lorre.  Now as his story comes to a close and with it ushers in the end of Crossed: Badlands as a series, we turn our Crossed99-tortureattention to the upcoming releases for the Crossed universe.  Avatar Press will be making announcements soon about the direction the series is taking and we are enjoying the run up to this momentous event with the centennial issue just weeks away.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies of the latest issue of Crossed: Badlands and catch up with the available library of trade paperback collections.

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Get Your Tickets for Cinema Purgatorio #4 Now!

Cinema4You can reserve a ticket to the next issue of Alan Moore’s incredible anthology of surreal horror, Cinema Purgatorio #4, by asking your local comic shop to order a copy for you now.  Retailers are preparing their orders for books on sale in August and the curtain will rise on the next issue of this groundbreaking series late this summer.

Cinema4_PerfectIf you haven’t see this incredible new series make sure you check out the June issue of Previews on pages 284 – 285 to preview the stories now being featured.  Where else can you find stories by a full A-List group like this:

Cinema4_ModdedAlan Moore / Kevin O’Neill – Cinema Purgatorio

Max Brooks / Michael DiPascale  –  A More Perfect Union

Garth Ennis / Raulo Caceres –  Code Pru

Cinema4_CodePruKieron Gillen / Ignacio Calero –  Modded

Christos Gage / Gabriel Andrade –  The Vast

Cinema4_VastBe sure to ask for a seat near the exit…the horror is about to begin.

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Orders on Crossed +100 #18 Final Issue Are Due

Crossed100n18-regComic shop retailers everywhere are making their final decisions for the comics they will purchase from the June issue of Previews for August on sale.  One of the highlights of the Avatar list for this summer is Crossed +100 #18 – the final issue of the Alan Moore created future Crossed series written by Wish You Were Here scribe, Simon Spurrier.  The series has taken fans on an insane trip into the future Crossed100n18-WishfulFictionand seen the Crossed evolve into something more than the screaming monsters they were at the outbreak of C-Day.  Now the final tick of the clock strikes and there must be a reckoning.  Everything that has led Future Taylor to this point will change and the fate of two species hang in the balance.

If you’ve not tried Crossed +100 you are missing out on a fantastic study of evolution designed and outlined by the Crossed100n18-HorrificHomageone and only Alan Moore.  Everything about this series is woven together to create a one of a kind experience.  From the use of evolved language to the very argument of nature versus nurture is imprinted indelibly by Moore’s amazing imagination.

Ask your local comic shop to stock Crossed +100 #18 and the existing trades and back issues.  This is truly a one of a kind sci-fi horror series.

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Moore Images from Cinema Purgatorio

CPLobbyCardsProof_Page_6Fans of Alan Moore can’t get enough of the brilliant and enigmatic scribe.  When the creation of his newest project, Cinema Purgatorio, was announced everyone could feel there was something very special about it.  The strange ambiance he created in the short film promoting the project was something from a bizarre dreamscape world.

And now thanks to a beautifully shot series of lobby cards by renowned photographer Mitch Jenkins, you can have a piece of these otherworldly scenes in your collection.  The set is of eight 11×17 lobby cards that feature the cast of the cinema of the mind and give those keen of eye a hint about the upcoming tales to be told.  Ask your local comic shop to reserve a set of these surreal gems for you today!


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Penultimate Issue of Crossed Badlands #99 is Here

Crossed99-regCrossed Badlands #99 is in comic shops right now.  This is the next to last issue of the long running survival horror series and brings to a close Christos Gage’s “Smokey Trilogy.”  The fan favorite character is the perfect choice to Crossed99-tortureclose out the series on a powerful and violent note.  When the Alpha male meets the Alpha females, somethings gotta give.  And Smokey’s vision for a future where Crossed evolve and survive may not be the same thing the twins want.

Crossed99-WrapIf you’ve been reading Crossed Badlands these last several years, make sure you are there when it comes to an end with the milestone issue #100 next month.  News on the future of Crossed beyond this series is forthcoming soon with a big new announcement.

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Avatar Press New to Digital 6/15/16

These are the new digital Avatar Press items coming to ComiXology and ComCav on Wednesday 6/15/16:

Crossed: Badlands #99

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Smokey the alpha-Crossed has seen the future.  He Crossed99-regenvisions a civilization based upon his particular visions of widespread cruelty and horror.  And now he intends to see that masterwork of misery paint the world in blood.  This is a new startling story from the mind of screenwriter Christos Gage as he takes us to a place like no other – inside the mind of a monster.  Enjoy a terrifying tale from the world of the Crossed and beware what horrors are waiting for you around the next corner.  There is no help and there is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.



Mercury Heat #10

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The infection on Mercury is revealed to be none other than MH#10_regularthe legendary Crossed disease, but how can that be?  That was a work of fiction, right?  Now Luiza finds herself in a position of having to eradicate this rapidly spreading horror
before it can overtake the population of the mining town.  Luiza is earning her pay on this mission!


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