Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 6/15/16

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops on Wednesday 6/15/16:

Crossed: Badlands #99

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Smokey the alpha-Crossed has seen the future.  He envisions a Crossed99-regcivilization based upon his particular visions of widespread cruelty and horror.  And now he intends to see that masterwork of misery paint the world in blood.  This is a new startling story from the mind of screenwriter Christos Gage as he takes us to a place like no other – inside the mind of a monster.  Enjoy a terrifying tale from Crossed99-Wrapthe world of the Crossed and beware what horrors are waiting for you around the next corner.  There is no help and there is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.  Available with Regular & Torture Cover by Raulo Caceres, Wraparound Cover by Daniel Gete, Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale,  C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Caceres.

Mercury Heat #10

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The infection on Mercury is revealed to be none other than the MH#10_regularlegendary Crossed disease, but how can that be?  That was a work of fiction, right?  Now Luiza finds herself in a position of having to eradicate this rapidly spreading horror MH#10_ExcessiveForcebefore it can overtake the population of the mining town.  Luiza is earning her pay on this mission!  Available with Regular, Wraparound, Art Nouveau, and Excessive Force by series artist Nahuel Lopez.


Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Ennis Delivers a New Breed of EMT

CodePru2-ConnectingFans of Garth Ennis know that when he debuts a new series, it is always one that will leave a mark on you.  Such is the case with Code Pru, the story of Prudence, a big city EMT that realizes her beat has a special assignment.  They rescue monsters.  When a modern day creature living among humans is in danger, Pru has to answer the call and learn on the job how to administer aid to the the human-challenged CodePru1-Connectingpeople of the city.

Issues #1 & #2 of Code Pru introduce the story which continues in the pages of the Cinema Purgatorio anthology.  The special connecting covers set of Code Pru #1 & 2 is available at your local comic shop now.

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Crossed Approaches Milestone

Crossed98-WrapGarth Ennis changed the world of horror in comics with the creation of his grueling terror filled series, Crossed.  Ever since its inception fans have been clamoring for more of the no holds barred brutality of the world filled with maniacs.  There have been mini series, web-series, one shots, annuals, and CrossedB100-SummerFunmost impressively, an incredible 100 issue run on the central title Crossed: Badlands.

This summer Badlands comes to a close with the hundredth issue ending an incredible run of sadistic and unsentimental tales.  But this is not the end for Crossed.  CrossedB100-regNews about the world post Badlands is coming.  In the meantime, enjoy the ride with Christos Gage and the fan favorite Alpha-Crossed, Smokey.  We guarantee this story will end with a brutal bang.

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The Mystery Deepens in Alan Moore’s Providence

Providence09-regAlan Moore’s incredible treatise on H.P. Lovecraft’s work has reached issue #9 and is available in comic shops right now.  The monstrous series has delivered stories from uncharted regions of the human psyche and painted a picture of the dark underpinnings of reality.  Reporter Providence09-pantheonRobert Black has experienced things that others only see in nightmares and he has managed to cling to the shreds of his sanity that are still intact.

Fans and scholars are calling this one of the most realized projects of Alan Moore’s Providence09-portraitincredible career placing it as a must read addition to his library of industry defining work. If you have not tried Providence yet, be sure to ask your local comics retailer to catch you up on available issues or find them at ComiXology and ComCav for digital editions.


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Avatar Press New to Digital Comics 6/8/16

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to digital comics at ComiXology and ComCav on 6/8/16:


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     1816 was called “The Year Without A Summer.” In the weird Frankensteins Wombdarkness of that July’s volcanic winter, Mary Wollestonecraft Godwin began writing Frankenstein on the shore of Lake Geneva in Switzerland. But that is not where Frankenstein began. It began months earlier when, en route through Germany to Switzerland, Mary, her future husband Percy Shelley, and her stepsister Clair Clairmont approached a strange castle. Castle Frankenstein, some one hundred years earlier, had been home to Johann Conrad Dippel, whose experiments included the independent invention of nitroglycerin, a distillation of the elixir of life – and the transfer of a live soul into an awful accretion of human body parts. Mary never spoke of having entered the real Castle Frankenstein, stark on its hilltop south of Darmstadt.  But she did. And she was never the same again – because something was haunting that tower, and Mary met it there! Fear, death and alchemy – the modern age is created here, in lost moments in a ruined castle on a day never recorded. Ellis turns his spark of mad genius to bring us a fantastical tale in this all new original graphic novel illustrated in atmospheric perfection by Marek Oleksicki.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 6/8/16

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to comic shops Wednesday 6/8/16:

Code Pru Connecting Covers Set

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  In case you missed the original listings, these first two CodePru2-ConnectingCodePru1-Connectingissues  of Code Pru lead directly into the ongoing story in Cinema Purgatorio!  Get caught up with this special Connecting Cover set and get both issues at the original cover price!  These incredible issues come together to make an amazing oversized image from Raulo Caceres!  Limited to just 2000 sets.


Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Welcome to the Cinema of Alan Moore’s Imagination

Cinema2The new issue of Cinema Purgatorio is in comic shops now and fans are enjoying the incredible features brought together under Alan Moore’s groundbreaking black & white anthology title.  Where else can you find a group of A List creators all contributing to a wonderfully diverse and Cinema2_CodePruunique group of stories?  The talent involved in this book reads like a who’s who of the comic world – Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Max Brooks, Kieron Gillen, and Christos Gage.  Only under the watchful eye of Alan Moore could such a league of extraordinary writers come together to fulfill a singular unique vision.

Cinema2_VastStop at your local comic shop today and ask for Cinema Purgatorio #2.  Experience a trip through the surreal and terrifying!

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More Tales of Slithering Doom Arrive with Providence #9

Providence09-regFans of Alan Moore’s immersive slow burn horror series Providence have a new entry in their analysis of the Lovecraftian tale in comic shops now!  Issue #9 of the heralded narrative has arrived and with it new terrors and temptations for Robert Black as he struggles to complete his research.  We’ve seen the intrepid reporter encounter some of the most horrific people and creatures but the dread is still building toward a final revelation.  Fans and Providence09-WomenHPLscholars alike have speculated what that might be, but no one save Alan Moore and his collaborator Jacen Burrows really knows what fate is about to befall Mr. Black.

Stop by your local comic shop today to get the latest issue or to get introduced to one of Alan Moore’s most ambitious and complete masterpieces.

Providence #9

Providence09-wrapThe world of H.P. Lovecraft has begun to invade the mind of Robert Black. His quest began as project to write a book but the more he is exposed to these horrors the closer to the edge of insanity he is pushed. The cracks in the world seem to be widening as he nears some inexplicable crescendo of horror. Alan Moore and artist Jacen Burrows have created the most realized version of Moore’s Lovecraftian vision
ever published. Fans and classical scholars have flocked to the pages of Providence to decipher the many layers of story being told in this masterpiece. Moore has written every cover detail, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create an unforgettable series. Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections!

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Avatar Press New to Digital 6/1/16

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology and ComCav on Wednesday 6/1/16:

Cinema Purgatorio #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:    Welcome once again to the theatre of the macabre!  Alan Cinema2Moore and Kevin O’Neill are your hosts as the finest creators in all of comics join us in an anthology to end all anthologies.  Cinema Purgatorio is the ongoing monthly series which brings together the powerhouse creators to tell stories that only Avatar Press could.  These tales claw into your brain and nest there as you attempt to recover from the horrors you’ve witnessed.  Illustrated in stark moody black & white, every page of this series is filled with visions
from the minds of your favorite creators.  Every issue is perfect-bound, with no ads, and all of the works are very long-form, there are no collections planned before 2018. Jump in now and embrace the new future of comics.  The one of which Alan Moore has always dreamed.  It’s here, now. Hiding in the dark corner.  Welcome to Cinema Purgatorio.

Providence #9

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The world of H.P. Lovecraft has begun to invade the mind of Providence09-regRobert Black.  His quest began as project to write a book but the more he is exposed to these horrors the closer to the edge of insanity he is pushed.  The cracks in the world seem to be widening as he nears some inexplicable crescendo of horror.  Alan Moore and artist Jacen Burrows have created the most realized version of Moore’s Lovecraftian vision
ever published. Fans and classical scholars have flocked to the pages of Providence to decipher the many layers of story being told in this masterpiece. Moore has written every cover detail, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create an unforgettable series. Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 6/1/16

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops on Wednesday 6/1/16:

Cinema Purgatorio #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:    Welcome once again to the theatre of the macabre!  Alan Cinema2Moore and Kevin O’Neill are your hosts as the finest creators in all of comics join us in an anthology to end all anthologies.  Cinema Purgatorio is the ongoing monthly series which brings together the powerhouse creators to tell stories that only Avatar Press could.  These tales claw into your brain and nest there as you attempt to recover from the horrors you’ve witnessed.  Illustrated in stark moody black & white, every page of this series is filled with visions Cinema2_Moddedfrom the minds of your favorite creators.  Every issue is perfect-bound, with no ads, and all of the works are very long-form, there are no collections planned before 2018. Jump in now and embrace the new future of comics.  The one of which Alan Moore has always dreamed.  It’s here, now. Hiding in the dark corner.  Welcome to Cinema Purgatorio.

Each story has its own cover by the series artist and there is also an Ancient Tome Premium edition limited to 1000 copies.   Now please take your seat, the finest comics in the world are about to begin.

Providence #9

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The world of H.P. Lovecraft has begun to invade the mind of Providence09-regRobert Black.  His quest began as project to write a book but the more he is exposed to these horrors the closer to the edge of insanity he is pushed.  The cracks in the world seem to be widening as he nears some inexplicable crescendo of horror.  Alan Moore and artist Jacen Burrows have created the most realized version of Moore’s Lovecraftian vision Providence09-pantheonever published. Fans and classical scholars have flocked to the pages of Providence to decipher the many layers of story being told in this masterpiece. Moore has written every cover detail, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create an unforgettable series. Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections! Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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