Remembering the Night of the Living Dead

Night-of-the-Living-Dead-Tp-Russo-John-9781592911066Any conversation about zombies starts and ends with the masterful Night of the Living Dead movie.  It defined the genre, defied social convention, and started the afterlife of the zombie.  Avatar has a rich history in horror comics but none are as iconic as the multiple volumes of Night of the Living Dead trades.

Any fan who is enjoying Avatar’s current cutting edge horror books like Crossed or are reading other undead Night of the Living Dead Vol 2 - 9781592911226 - JPEG2fiction, needs to look up the Night of the Living Dead volumes and experience the continuing terror.  These are mature readers books with flesh munching violence and all the blood and guts of an Italian splatter film.

Night of the Living Dead Volume 3 - Death Valley SoftcoverStop by your local comic shop and ask for the trade paperback collections of The Night of the Living Dead or find them on Amazon or in single issue digital formats on ComiXology and ComCav.

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Rover Red Charlie – “I’m a Dog, I’m a Dog, I’m a Dog!”

RoverRedCharlie-Vol-1-TPBFans of Garth Ennis’ incredible Rover Red Charlie are very vocal about the powerful canine drama.  We’ve seen many end of the world epics but none have been as moving as watching it through the eyes of these three four legged friends.

Take an incredible journey across the country facing fear, horror, and the unknown as these inseparable companions attempt to find the Big Splash and a chance to survive in a RoverRedCharlie-6-dog-daysnow masterless world.  The touching story doesn’t pull any punches and finally explains what dogs are saying when they bark.  After reading this story you won’t help but hear “I’m a dog, I’m a dog, I’m a dog!” when your neighbor’s pet barks.

You can find Rover Red Charlie at your local comic shop, on Amazon, or as single issues on ComiXoloy and Comcav.


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Max Bemis Channels the Crossed

CrossedVol16-TPBSinger, songwriter, and comic book author, Max Bemis, has delivered a pair of unforgettable Crossed tales in the new collected edition Crossed Vol 16 in stores tomorrow. A longtime Crossed fan himself, the scribe created two very powerful tales that showcase the misery of the Crossed and the darkness inside the uninfected as well.  For as grueling a world as the Crossed inhabit, the capacity for evil is not a unique trait to their existence.

In the first tale “Shrink” two brothers come to grips over their lifelong conflict when one gets infected and makes good on years of anger and despair.  This is in the early days of the plague and as the infection finds a sleepy town so too does the past rear its ugly head in a shattered sibling relationship.

CrossedVol16-HCAnd in the second, a group of uninfected comic fans are holed up in a shop riding out the tragedy.  But behind the doors these regular Joes have hidden an ugliness that rivals the Crossed in their capacity for evil.  And their desire for new comic book adventures leads to a terminal crossroad.

If you are looking for something deeper in your Crossed tales, this is the volume for you.  Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy of Crossed Vol 16 TP or HC for you on new comic book day!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 5/25/16

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to comic shops on Wednesday 5/25/16:

Crossed Vol 16 TPB & HC

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Singer and song writer Max Bemis of Say Anything spins a CrossedVol16-TPBfresh tale of terror in the pages of Crossed: Badlands! In a world overrun by madmen and maniacs, how can anyone hope to survive with their sanity intact? When two brothers survive, one human, one Crossed, the family dynamic can be heartbreaking. Siblings are a blessing and a curse. Jack discovers that a lifetime of hatred by his troubled brother CrossedVol16-HCcan turn into an instant of misery in a Crossed world. Three very different people come to terms with the Crossed infection as a strange love triangle plays out once more further fracturing the dysfunctional family dynamic between brothers. The lessons of a Crossed world are taught in tainted blood in “Shrink” – a new terrifying story of loss and misery. There is no help, there is no hope. There is only the Crossed.  This volume collects issues #87 – 92 of the ongoing Crossed: Badlands series.
Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Frankenstein’s Womb is a Stark Horror Masterpiece

Frankensteins WombWarren Ellis has masterfully created graphic novels from every genre.  But in perhaps one of his most under appreciated visions he delivers a stark horror masterpiece that invokes the very best of Gothic storytelling.  Frankenstein’s Womb returns to 1816 where a young Marry Wollstonecraft Godwin encounters a mysteriously disfigured man in the abandoned Castle Frankenstein.

What follows is a brilliant ghost story that creates comparisons between the birth of a literary giant and an unearthly abomination.  This is Ellis at his best deconstructing and building mythos on every page.  For the fan of Penny Dreadful and Hammer Horror, this is a must read.  And for the Ellis enthusiast, it is like finding a long lost manuscript that has never been appreciated.  You can master the horror at your local comic shop or on Amazon today with Frankenstein’s Womb GN.


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Alan Moore’s Forgotten Lovecraftian Tome

YuggothFans who are loving Providence can’t seem to get enough of Alan Moore’s take on the world of H.P. Lovecraft.  Between the slow burn horror of Providence and the shocking terror of Neonomicon readers are enjoying a world that is full of surreal nightmares.  But for fans who want even more, there is a forgotten tome of treasures waiting to be found in Alan Moore’s Yuggoth Cutlures TP.

This is the perfect companion to the current titles as you can see where the taste for terror began and potentially pick up a few tidbits about what was to come.  Stop by your local comic shop or find it on Amazon today!



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Taming the Alpha Crossed

Crossed98regCVR Christos Gage’s alpha Crossed Smokey has been unstoppable since he first appeared in the now classed “Quisling” story arc.  In each installment we’ve seen the intelligence behind the eyes of this walking monster and have grown to fear him not only for his imposing physical dominance but also for his ability to plan and Crossed98tortureCVRdelay violent gratification.  Smokey has a plan and we are seeing it play out in the pages of Crossed: Badlands.

And while no one has been his physical equal…could he have met his match in the wickedly intelligent and merciless Crossed Twins?  These two women have proven to be insatiable monsters in their own right and they have the power over the one thing that Crossed98-CdayPUERTORICOseems to matter to Smokey the most…

Find out what happens in the final Crossed Badlands arc leading up to issue #100.  Crossed: Badlands #98 is available in comic shops and digitally from Comic Cavalcade and ComiXology now!

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Avatar Press New to Digital Comics 5/18/16

These are the new Avatar Press comics coming to digital release on ComiXology and Comic Cavalcade Wednesday 5/18/16:

Crossed Badlands #98

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Christos Gage delivers a fiery return story to the world of the Crossed98regCVRCrossed and the vicious alpha-infected, Smokey!   He’s found the smart girls, he’s found a place to farm and Smokey is preparing to settle in for the long-haul.  Can he pull off the first Crossed settlement?  If the Crossed are the
inevitable creeping doom, Smokey is the unavoidable fate waiting for you in a world of misery and woe.





Crossed +100 #16

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A lot can happen in 5 years. Simon Spurrier continues the Crossed100-16Regularstory of Future Taylor as with a leap into the future and the survivors full-engaged in the battle to reclaim their humanity.   Take the world of the Crossed, which nearly wiped out all of humanity, and allow Alan Moore to decipher how civilization will evolve from there. The end
result is Crossed +100, a wholly original take on the future of the Crossed world that is so immersive it has its own language and multiple cultures developed within.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 5/18/16

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to your local comic book shop on Wednesday 5/18/16:

Crossed Badlands #98

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Christos Gage delivers a fiery return story to the world of the Crossed98regCVRCrossed and the vicious alpha-infected, Smokey!   He’s found the smart girls, he’s found a place to farm and Smokey is preparing to settle in for the long-haul.  Can he pull off the first Crossed settlement?  If the Crossed are the Crossed98tortureCVRinevitable creeping doom, Smokey is the unavoidable fate waiting for you in a world of misery and woe.  Available with Regular & Torture Cover by Raulo Caceres, Wraparound Cover by Daniel Gete, Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale,  C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Caceres.

Crossed +100 #16

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A lot can happen in 5 years. Simon Spurrier continues the Crossed100-16Regularstory of Future Taylor as with a leap into the future and the survivors full-engaged in the battle to reclaim their humanity.   Take the world of the Crossed, which nearly wiped out all of humanity, and allow Alan Moore to decipher how civilization will evolve from there. The end Crossed100-16-HorrificHomageresult is Crossed +100, a wholly original take on the future of the Crossed world that is so immersive it has its own language and multiple cultures developed within. Available with a Regular, Crossed Wire and American History X cover by Gabriel Andrade, Fairy Tale cover by Emilio Laiso, Wishful Fiction by Daniel Gete and Horrific Homage by Michael DiPascale.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Crossed: Badlands #100 New in May Previews

CrossedB100-regThe end is nigh!  In fact, the long running Crossed: Badlands series comes to a conclusion with the giant sized issue #100 new in your May Previews.  The series has chronicled the misery of the Crossed for years and its final series wraps up the Christos Gage “Smokey” trilogy with an unbelievably powerful conclusion!

This is a very special issue that Crossed fans will want to savor.  The future of the Crossed will be announced soon but for the time being, we are watching Smokey’s carefully laid plans unfolding on the pages of each issue leading up to the big centennial offering.


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     This is the way the world ends in the final issue of Crossed: CrossedB100-SummerFunBadlands!  Celebrate eight years and hundreds of stories from Garth Ennis’ unrivaled horror series with this tremendous 64 page, ad-free issue!  Join Crossed scribe Christos Gage as he delivers the final installment of the Smokey trilogy, and this may be the end of life as we know it!  To help celebrate this amazing milestone we pack this issue with incredible extras celebrating the original series CrossedB100-Tortureartist Jacen Burrows!   We start with including the rare original Jacen Burrows sketchbook and an enormous cover gallery of the rarest and previously uncollected Jacen Burrows Crossed covers. There is no help. There is no hope. There is only the Crossed. Available with Regular cover by German Nobile, Wraparound & Good Eating by Daniel Gete, Torture & Summer Fun by Nahuel Lopez. Also available are the ultimate collector limited editions – a Fairy Tale Century Set of three sexy covers by Emilio Laiso which are limited to 100 each, and a Costume Change Set of six covers by Christian Zanier limited to 250 sets!



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