Crossed +100 Countdown to the End

Crossed100_15regularSimon Spurrier has been praised for his work in the Crossed universe.  From Crossed Wish You Were Here to his critically received stories in Badlands and several Annuals/Specials, every story he has created has touched a nerve with powerful characters and circumstances.  And his Crossed100-15AmHisXWraparc on Crossed +100 has been a memorable and potent continuation and furthering of the groundwork set by master scribe Alan Moore.

Now as the countdown clock continues to run, the future world of Crossed +100 inches Crossed100-15Wirescloser to its final issue.  The mystery of the evolved Crossed is slowly being revealed and Future Taylor is on a collision course with her fate.  If you have not read Crossed +100, stop in your local comic shop to find issue #15 and the trade collections of the series.  This is a comic that you won’t soon forget and its guaranteed to leave its mark on you.

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The Next Chapter of Smokey’s Story Begins in Crossed Badlands #97

Crossed97-regChristos Gage created one of the unforgettable monsters in the Crossed universe in Smokey, the hulking alpha-Crossed that is able to delay his gratification to achieve goals.  This powerful personality instantly rocketed up the popularity Crossed97-CdayEnglandcharts with longtime villains like Horsecock and Howard Lorre.  Now the final chapter of his tale has begun in what some are calling the “Smokey Trilogy”.  Crossed Badlands #97 sees Smokey’s dreams of building something special dashed with the destruction of Smokeyville.  But he’s heard the rumors…there are two female Crossed, twins, who are smart like him.  And he knows his future rests upon finding those women and Crossed97-ArtDecostarting a race of “smart” Crossed.

Stop by your local comic shop today to pick up Crossed: Badlands #97 and discover the horror of The Crossed.

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Avatar Press New to Digital 5/11/16

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to Comic Cavalcade and ComiXology on Wednesday 5/11/16:

Crossed: Badlands #97

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The misery of the Crossed is nearly impossible to survive. But Crossed97-regwhat happens when you face a creature that is driven by a conscious need for slow and deliberate torture? Can anyone survive against the ultimate Alpha Crossed – Smokey? Fan favorite writer Christos Gage returns to Crossed to tell the continuing tale of ultimate misery as
Smokey turns his baleful gaze toward a new future, one where he doesn’t have to paint the path with blood.




Crossed +100 #15

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Crossed +100 has taken the years in-between C-Day and a Crossed100_15regularcentury of evolution to deliver something wholly original. Alan Moore’s extended slow burn horror has continued to surprise at every turn and scribe Simon Spurrier is delivering his most realized work since Wish You Were
Here. Future Taylor has discovered something so sinister that even the horror and destruction of the towns and lives she’s witnessed pales in comparison to the revelation. The Crossed have a plan and the trap has been sprung!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 5/11/16

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops on Wednesday 5/11/16:

Crossed: Badlands #97

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The misery of the Crossed is nearly impossible to survive. But Crossed97-regwhat happens when you face a creature that is driven by a conscious need for slow and deliberate torture? Can anyone survive against the ultimate Alpha Crossed – Smokey? Fan favorite writer Christos Gage returns to Crossed to tell the continuing tale of ultimate misery as Crossed97-tortureSmokey turns his baleful gaze toward a new future, one where he doesn’t have to paint the path with blood.  Available with Regular Cover, Torture, and Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale, Wraparound Cover by Daniel Gete,  C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover.

Crossed +100 #15

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Crossed +100 has taken the years in-between C-Day and a Crossed100_15regularcentury of evolution to deliver something wholly original. Alan Moore’s extended slow burn horror has continued to surprise at every turn and scribe Simon Spurrier is delivering his most realized work since Wish You Were Crossed100-15AmHisXWrapHere. Future Taylor has discovered something so sinister that even the horror and destruction of the towns and lives she’s witnessed pales in comparison to the revelation. The Crossed have a plan and the trap has been sprung!

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Smokey’s Tale Heats Up In Crossed: Badlands #96

Crossed96-WrapChristos Gage created one of the most memorable characters in Crossed with Smokey.  Besides his terrifying size and savagery, this Alpha-Crossed’s ability to delay gratification and to think outside the normal parameters of the infection make him a true monster in a world of misery.  The man is driven by the need for more than the Crossed96-ArtDecoaverage Crossed will settle for.  And his ability to use the uninfected
to advance his goals is something we’ve seen him do on several occasions.

Crossed96-CdayGermanyCrossed: Badlands #96 brings the second story of the Smokey trilogy to a close.  He’s done the impossible – created Smokeyville and is attempting to breed a new generation of followers.  But can anything last in a world full of monsters?  Find out at your local comic shop for this and the library of Crossed trade paperbacks available now!


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War Stories #18 Concludes “Send A Gunboat” Story

WarStories18-wrapGarth Ennis’ powerful War Stories series visits some of the most horrifying battles ever fought.  But more than capturing the terror of war, Ennis delivers extremely potent human drama that highlights the people embroiled in these conflicts.  You get to experience the tale on two fronts – the military conflict and the human conflict – up close and personal.  Anyone who is a fan of historic battles or of griping stories of loss, this series is one that will move you.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A sneak attack on the squadron’s home base leaves Jonah all WarStories18-regat sea, while Max’s engagement hits a sudden wall. But out in the English Channel waits their adversary, the mysterious E-Boat commander nicknamed Hans the Bastard- and the showdown he has planned is nothing like WarStories18-NoseArtwhat our heroes are expecting. The concluding episode of Send A Gunboat, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira. Available with Regular, Wraparound Covers by Thomas Aria, Good Girl Nose Art, Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.


Stop by your local comic shop this week to find copies of War Stories #18.

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The Curtain Rises on Alan Moore’s Cinema Purgatorio #1

Cinema1At long last, the highly anticipated release of Alan Moore’s Cinema Purgatorio arrives in comic shops!  The visionary project brings some of the biggest writers in all of comics together to delivery a haunting anthology that hearkens back to Moore’s own memories of the theater of his youth.  These stories come together to create something truly special – a book that unites giants of creativity with a unifying theme of haunting terror.   Join Max Brooks, Garth Ennis, Kieron Gillen, Christos Gauge, and Alan Moore for this incredible visit to an otherworldly theater of the macabre.


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill invite you, and some of the Cinema1_CodePrufinest creators in comics, in to join them in a different kind of dark: Cinema Purgatorio!  This ongoing monthly series will feature Alan and Kevin in every issue and is their first major new project together since League of Extraordinary Gentlemen!  Anthology has become a dirty word, so far be it from us to clean it up.  Instead we’ll shine our light onto the cutting edge of sequential art, with black and white artwork to allow illustrator’s pure visions, and the greatest assembly of writing talent ever gathered on one series.  Every issue is perfect-bound, with no ads, and all of the works are very Cinema1_Moddedlong-form, there are no collections planned before 2018.  Jump in now and embrace the new future of comics.  The one of which Alan Moore has always dreamed.  It’s here, now. Hiding in the dark corner.  Welcome to Cinema Purgatorio.

Stop by your local comic shop to discover the terrors that await in the pages of Cinema Purgatorio!

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Avatar Press New to Digital 5/4/16

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to and ComiXology this Wednesday 5/4:

Cinema Purgatorio #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill invite you, and some of the Cinema1finest creators in comics, in to join them in a different kind of dark: Cinema Purgatorio!  This ongoing monthly series will feature Alan and Kevin in every issue and is their first major new project together since League of Extraordinary Gentlemen!  Anthology has become a dirty word, so far be it
from us to clean it up.  Instead we’ll shine our light onto the cutting edge of sequential art, with black and white artwork to allow illustrator’s pure visions, and the greatest assembly of writing talent ever gathered on one series.  Every issue is perfect-bound, with no ads, and all of the works are very long-form, there are no collections planned before 2018.  Jump in now and embrace the new future of comics.  The one of which Alan Moore has always dreamed.  It’s here, now. Hiding in the dark corner.  Welcome to Cinema Purgatorio.

Crossed: Badlands #96

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:    Christos Gage delivers a fiery return story to the world of the
Crossed98tortureCVRCrossed and the vicious alpha-infected, Smokey!   He’s found the smart girls, he’s found a place to farm and Smokey is preparing to settle in for the long-haul.  Can he pull off the first Crossed settlement?  If the Crossed are the
inevitable creeping doom, Smokey is the unavoidable fate waiting for you in a world of misery and woe.





War Stories #18

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A sneak attack on the squadron’s home base leaves Jonah all WarStories18-regat sea, while Max’s engagement hits a sudden wall. But out in the English Channel waits their adversary, the mysterious E-Boat commander nicknamed Hans the Bastard- and the showdown he has planned is nothing like
what our heroes are expecting. The concluding episode of Send A Gunboat, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira.


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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 5/4/16

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops on Wednesday 5/4/16:

Cinema Purgatorio #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill invite you, and some of the Cinema1finest creators in comics, in to join them in a different kind of dark: Cinema Purgatorio!  This ongoing monthly series will feature Alan and Kevin in every issue and is their first major new project together since League of Extraordinary Gentlemen!  Anthology has become a dirty word, so far be it Cinema1_CodePrufrom us to clean it up.  Instead we’ll shine our light onto the cutting edge of sequential art, with black and white artwork to allow illustrator’s pure visions, and the greatest assembly of writing talent ever gathered on one series.  Every issue is perfect-bound, with no ads, and all of the works are very long-form, there are no collections planned before 2018.  Jump in now and embrace the new future of comics.  The one of which Alan Moore has always dreamed.  It’s here, now. Hiding in the dark corner.  Welcome to Cinema Purgatorio.

Crossed: Badlands #96

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:    Christos Gage delivers a fiery return story to the world of the
Crossed98tortureCVRCrossed and the vicious alpha-infected, Smokey!   He’s found the smart girls, he’s found a place to farm and Smokey is preparing to settle in for the long-haul.  Can he pull off the first Crossed settlement?  If the Crossed are the Crossed98regCVRinevitable creeping doom, Smokey is the unavoidable fate waiting for you in a world of misery and woe.  Available with Regular & Torture Cover by Raulo Caceres, Wraparound Cover by Daniel Gete, Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale,  C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Caceres.

War Stories #18

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A sneak attack on the squadron’s home base leaves Jonah all WarStories18-regat sea, while Max’s engagement hits a sudden wall. But out in the English Channel waits their adversary, the mysterious E-Boat commander nicknamed Hans the Bastard- and the showdown he has planned is nothing like WarStories18-NoseArtwhat our heroes are expecting. The concluding episode of Send A Gunboat, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira. Available with Regular, Wraparound Covers by Thomas Aria, Good Girl Nose Art, Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.


Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Avatar Digital Comics Available from Comic Cavalcade!

Providence01_regularMany of Avatar’s fans love digital comics.  And many have asked for a way to get our digital comics that aren’t DRM restricted or tied to a specific app. You told us you want to be able to download the content and to have more options for how to receive your electronic comics. We are thrilled to now be able to give you those options as now you can choose PDF or CBZ files from our retail partner Comic

All you need to do is register on the site and you can gain access to some incredible digital comics and exclusive sale pricing! With this move you are no longer tied to an app to read your comics and you are now an Avatar Press insider with exclusive access to cutting edge content and specials!

Please sign up for free, or login here:

To really kick things into gear, we want to give you special access to some killer sales:

ExtinctionParade148 comics by the writers of Cinema Purgatorio for just $19.99

Providence- The Story so Far – 11 comics – $19.99

Crossed2014Special-RegFor Crossed fans, a Crossed C-Day mega bundle of 120 comics for just $99.99

Stop by and start reading some of the most cutting edge comics being published today on your favorite devices!

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