Diving Into Gravel Combat Magician

GravelWarren Ellis created an unforgettable character in the form of William Gravel.  This tough as nails soldier also happens to be a powerful combat magician.  The series is both incredibly bloody and has exceptional supernatural horror making a one of a kind read.  Ellis collaborated with long time horror artist Mike Wolfer to illustrate the gritty adventures of this grim soldier.  And over the course of a dozen series, the chronicles have become essential reading for anyone who is missing comics like Preacher and The Authority.

The best starting place is the amazing limited edition hardcover Gravel Never A Dull Day which collects his earliest adventures including:  Strange Kiss, Stranger Kisses, Strange Killings, Strange Killings The Body Orchard, Strange Killings Strong Medicine, and Strange Killings Necromancer.  It is available at your local comic shop or online at comcav.net for order.


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Supergod Deconstructs the Intersection of Super Heroes and Religion

SuperGodIn the third of the Avatar superhero trilogy of titles that includes Black Summer, No Hero, and Supergod, Warren Ellis gives us a terrifying glimpse into a world where the arms race focused on creating super humans instead of nuclear weapons.  And the result is just as frightening as the prospect of nuclear annihilation.  Each nation develops an uncontrollable monster that in some cases turns its wrath upon its very creators.  This is Ellis at his best storytelling.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Praying to be saved by a man who can fly will get you killed! From Warren Ellis, the creator of THE AUTHORITY and PLANETARY, comes the most horrifying superhero comic you’ll ever read! When scientists build messianic super-humans to save the world, no one thought about how these heroes would do it – or even if they’d want to. So begins the apocalyptic tomorrow, when supermen kill us all and end the world just because we wanted to be rescued by human-shaped things from beyond Science itself!

Stop by your local comic book shop to pick up this powerful graphic novel.  You won’t be the same after reading it.

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What Would You Give for Super Powers?

No HeroWarren Ellis has presented us with twisted choices in the pages of his best selling graphic novels.  But never has a question hit quite so close to the comic book reader as the one posed in the classic series No Hero.  How far would you go to get super powers?

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp, the team behind the fan-favorite BLACK SUMMER, are revolutionizing masked heroes yet again in this blockbuster epic! Dead heroes in the dirt. A killer capable of almost supernatural tortures. Five generations of the world’s only superhuman group. A forty-year legacy of standing for the rights of freedom and safety. A young man obsessed with the need for street justice. How much do you want to be a superhuman?  How badly does he want it? Bad enough to bring on the last days of an American legend? If he even gets to survive that long? Forty years ago, a group of superhumans emerged in San Francisco, guided by the man whose unique new drugs gave them their incredible powers. But the team is not the only thing that’s advanced over the years, and there are no easy victories when their luck finally begins to run out… This huge collection features all eight issues of the series with a cover gallery under an all-new cover by Juan Jose Ryp.

Stop by your local comic book shop to pick up a copy of this classic trade paperback and ask yourself the same questions…how far would you go?




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Revisiting Black Summer

Black Summer - 9781592910526 - JPEG2Warren Ellis has delivered dozens of incredible stories to Avatar Press readers.  One of the most powerful is Black Summer.  When John Horus decides to work for the government, it seems like a perfect match for his brand of justice.  But when he decides no one is above his personal law, he takes matters into his own bloody hands.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  The world goes black in this epic story of super-powered heroes and villains. The story begins when the political situation in the United States becomes more than Horus can stand, and he moves to take matters into his own hands. Unfortunately, not all of his team-mates are quite so eager to throw the world into chaos, and an epic conflict ensues. With Horus and the rest of the surviving Guns facing off against the military and each other, no one is safe as the bodies start to fall.

If you are looking for a fantastic mature readers superhero story – your search should start and end with Black Summer.  It is available at your local comic book shop for order.

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Powerful Warren Ellis Original Stories

Ignition City TpAvatar Press has a wonderful library of Warren Ellis stories that cover the gamut of every genre.  Fans of the master scribe will be able to indulge in tales that range from horror to action/adventure to fantasy all in the pages of the existing graphic novels.

One of our favorites is Ignition City.  This story covers many genres – sci-fi, pulp adventure, action – and it delivers a tale that is truly memorable.   IC is set in world where the pulp space adventurers have aged and are starting to die off.  One of the most famous is murdered and his daughter, a swashbuckling pilot herself, must go to the last spaceport to find the killer.  Beautifully illustrated by Gianluca Pagliarani, the stunning art really delivers on this old western tale set in the golden age of space.

Try this great graphic novel at your local comic shop and see the unleashed creativity of one of the industry’s most prolific creators.

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Don’t Miss Your Second Ticket to The Cinema

Cinema2Retailers are taking orders right now for Cinema Purgatorio #2.  The groundbreaking new anthology created by Alan Moore presents five unique stories by some of the biggest names in all of comics.  In addition to the maestro, Mr. Moore, we can enjoy new tales from Garth Ennis, Max Brooks, Kieron Gillen, and Christos Gage.  With that kind Cinema2_Vastof line up you rest assured that Cinema Purgatorio will not leaving you wanting.

These are the tales of terror from the minds of the masters.  They are akin to the nightmares that Alan Moore encountered in his youth at the strange and surreal cinema of the era.  Now fans from all over can enjoy Cinema2_Moddedsomething truly disturbing for less than the price of a matinee movie ticket.  Step into the cinema, tear your ticket, and take your seat.  The show is about to begin…

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First Chapter of Providence Collected in Limited HC

ProvidenceAct1-HCAlan Moore’s Providence has been getting rave reviews for its powerful depiction of the hidden world of H.P. Lovecraft.  It is being hailed as a true horror masterpiece and both fans and scholars are calling it essential reading.

The ambitious project won’t be collected in full for quite some time.  Avatar Press is proudly presenting a very limited edition hardcover presentation of issues #1-4 that are the perfect introduction to fans looking to explore the world of Providence.  Stop by your local comic shop today for a copy of this powerful story.  This edition will not be reprinted and will be one of the rare gems of anyone’s Alan Moore collection.


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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 4/20/16

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to comic shops on Wednesday 4/20:

Providence Act 1 HC

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore’s quintessential horror series has set the standard ProvidenceAct1-HCfor a terrifying examination of the works of H.P. Lovecraft.  It is being universally hailed as one of Moore’s most realized works in which the master scribe has controlled every iota of the story, art, and presentation.  The result has been a masterpiece like no other, unparalleled in tone and content, and a true must have addition to his essential works in the field.  For a limited one-time run, Avatar Press is presenting a collected Providence Act 1 Hard Cover edition that contains Providence issues #1-4, and all the back matter, which is limited to 6,666 copies.  This edition will not be reprinted, there will not be a softcover edition, and this material will not be printed again until the complete collection is available in the far distant future.  Don’t miss your chance to enjoy the first piece of a true horror masterpiece and enter the creeping world of Providence.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!




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God is Dead Vol 8 TPB New in April Previews

GodisDeadVol8The epic conclusion to the story Jonathan Hickman began with the return of the gods to the mortal plane comes to a powerful end in the pages of God is Dead Vol 8 TPB.  Since that first arc, scribe Mike Costa has turned the deity ravaged world upside down and inside out.  The series has read like a twisted all-powerful soap opera delivering a healthy dose of tragedy, betrayal, and revenge.  Now as the final pages roll toward a close, we look back on eight volumes of powerful fiction that is sure to change the way you think about religion.

God is Dead Vol 8 TPB is in the April issue of Previews in comic shops now.  Please ask your local shop to carry the final volume and experience the end of a one of a kind tale.

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Fiery New Chapter to Mercury Heat Arrives Today!

MercuryHeat9-WraparoundSci fi fans have been given a fantastic gift in the pages of Kieron Gillen’s Mercury Heat.  The original non-stop action series chronicles the life of Luiza, a young woman who has an unfortunate psych evaluation.  She’s one step away from a psychopath.  That severely limits her options in life.  But MercuryHeat9-ArtNouveauit does give her the opportunity to be a cybernetically enhanced bounty agent in the frontier of Mercury.

This series is pure kinetic energy and entertainment.  If you are a fan of Gillen’s incredible work on The Wicked and The Divine or Uber, you owe it to yourself to check out Luiza’s adventures.  Issue #9 of Mercury Heat is in comic shops and available digitally today.



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