Go Back in Time to the 1980s With Fashion Beast

FashionBeastTPBThe 1980s were a unique time.  It was unrivaled in audacious clothes and style but also happened to have some of the all time greatest comic books.  Who can argue with the likes of Dark Knight, Watchmen, and V For Vendetta?  Alan Moore was at the center of the movement advancing comics from pulpy bubblegum stories for kids to a format that embraced the mature reader and delivered powerful commentary on society and humanity.

Many people don’t know that during this period of FashionBeastHCmaximum creativity, Alan Moore collaborated with Malcolm McLaren of the Sex Pistols to write Fashion Beast.  The story was lost literally for decades until it was turned into a one of a kind graphic novel in 2012 by long time Moore collaborator, Antony Johnston.  The resulting tale reads akin to the blockbusters we now consider essential reading in the comic book format.  If you consider yourself a comic book aficionado, you must add Fashion Beast TPB to your reading list to experience yet another masterpiece from the titans of the industry.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of this unique story today.  Available in softcover and hardcover editions.

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Providence Delivers Visions of Ghouls

Providence07-ghoulAAlan Moore’s Providence has been changing the way fans look at horror comics with its incredible depth and imagination.  This may well be the most realized vision of Alan Moore’s direction ever captured on paper.  Every page, Providence07-ghoulDevery image, and every word is exactly as he has outlined to deliver a true masterpiece.

This month, an incredible set of limited edition covers detailed by Moore, drawn by Jacen Burrows, and painted by Michael DiPascale are available depicting the paintings of “Ronald Pittman” Providence07-ghoulCwithin the issue itself.  These horrific images are a must have for any discerning Providence fan and are highly limited to only 1000 sets.

Providence07-ghoulBAsk your local retailer to reserve a set of these masterpieces for you today.

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New in March Previews: Max Bemis’ Crossed Stories Collected

CrossedVol16-TPBSinger, songwriter, and comic book creator, Max Bemis of Say Anything, has delivered some of the creepiest new Crossed stories in a long while.  His two tales that were presented in Crossed: Badlands #87 – 92 are collected into the upcoming Crossed Vol 16 TPB which is on sale in May. CrossedVol16-HC The issues collected tell tales that focus on the twisted survivors of the Crossed outbreak and how the ever present threats turn them into monsters themselves.

These two terrifying tales are without a doubt some of the most powerful Crossed stories you will read.  Take a moment to get caught up on a new visionary’s chapter in the ongoing world of uncensored survival horror.  Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of Crossed Vol 16 TPB or HC today!

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A Different Kind of Crossed Tale

Crossed100_14RegularSimon Spurrier has helped to usher in new visions in the grueling world of the Crossed with his incredible Wish You Were Here story line.  And now he puts his unique stamp on another dark corner of the Crossed universe in the latest Crossed +100 arc.  If you’ve read Spurrier’s work in the past,  you know that he has a real knack for delivering Crossed100-14Wirespowerful human emotion and drama within the confines of horrific events.  This latest story takes you even further into Future Taylor’s world and gives you a potent tale of nature vs nurture.  The Crossed have evolved but the uninfected really havent…what happens when they put aside their base fear and hatred of the enemy to raise an infected child?  Does love win out?  Will the urges of the disease turn the child into just another plague carrier?  You must read this arc to see this story play out.  It is truly a unique tale that will have an impact on you.

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Riveting Tales of Battle From Garth Ennis

WarStories17-wrapGarth Ennis’ War Stories delivers a powerful narrative about human nature and conflict that will move you.  In each of his War Stories arcs, we meet the men and women behind the battles and discover their lives and motivations before being scarred by the misery of bloody war.  If you have any WarStories17-BattleDamageinterest in an unforgettable story that will stretch the boundaries of standard comic book fare – stop in your local comic book shop this week and pick up a copy of War Stores #17.  You will discover a true masterpiece.

War Stories #17

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The speed of Max’s whirlwind romance shocks everyone, WarStories17-regJonah most of all, but the young gunboat skipper takes life at his usual piratical pace. But out in the fog of the English Channel lurks the real pirate, the German E-Boat commander nicknamed Hans the Bastard- and soon the crew of MGB 969 find themselves charging into a deadly trap. Part two of Send A Gunboat, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira. Available with Regular, Wraparound Covers by Thomas Aria, Good Girl Nose Art, Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.


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Kieron Gillen’s Mercury Heat Vol 1 TPB Arrives in Stores Today

Kieron Uber 1Kieron Gillen is one of the hottest writers working in comics today.  His stories have captivated a wide range of audiences and he’s recently been entrusted to tell the story of Darth Vader in the new Marvel Star Wars comics in addition to his imaginative independent stories.  With tales like Phonogram, The Wicked and the Divine, and Uber under his belt, his new stories command a wide audience and interest level.

Today in comic shops, the first collected chapter of his original sci-fi epic, Mercury Heat is MercuryHeatVol1-TPBavailable.  For fans who have waited to read the first installment in a collection, this is the opportunity to explore a brand new vision of the future from one of today’s best talents.  Mercury Heat is a non-stop action tale set on the sister planet of Mercury.  In an environment where you can be killed by extreme heat or cold, a select group of people work to collect resources from this barren planet.

Luiza is a bounty agent.  Her psych profile places her one small deviation from being a psychopath but she is able to use her skills to something akin to her dream goal of being a police officer.  Now she must survive a wild-west like civilization filled with cybernetic criminals and killers.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of the trade paperback today.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology on 3/9/16

These are the Avatar Press digital items new to ComiXology this Wednesday 3/9/16:

Crossed +100 #14

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Simon Spurrier continues to deliver shocking developments in Crossed100_14Regularthe future world of the Crossed. Humanity is taking a stand and fighting back against the rising tide of infection. Future has managed convince the towns of the true threat and a violent resolution has been enacted. But the Crossed have evolved and their plotting and planning are the machinations of generations of madness. How can any sane person hope to understand what is coming next…?




War Stories #17

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The speed of Max’s whirlwind romance shocks everyone,
WarStories17-regJonah most of all, but the young gunboat skipper takes life at his usual piratical pace. But out in the fog of the English Channel lurks the real pirate, the German E-Boat commander nicknamed Hans the Bastard- and soon the crew of MGB 969 find themselves charging into a deadly trap. Part two of Send A Gunboat, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 3/9/16

These are the Avatar Press items new to comic shops this Wednesday 3/9/16:

Crossed +100 #14

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Simon Spurrier continues to deliver shocking developments Crossed100_14Regularin the future world of the Crossed. Humanity is taking a stand and fighting back against the rising tide of infection. Future has managed convince the towns of the true threat and a violent resolution has been enacted. But the Crossed have evolved and their plotting and planning are the machinations of generations of madness. How can any sane person hope to understand what is coming next…? Several special themed covers continue to enrich the series:

*American History X Wraparound – Each of these will depict a specific time in the past hundred years, showing Crossed100-14Disasteredhow things have changed and offering a peek at some key events. Each cover will display the year in which it takes place to help build the full picture. Art by Christian Zanier.
*Crossed Wires – The Crossed just don’t see or make things the same way a person would, these images celebrate that day-to-day madness. Art by Christian Zanier.
*Disastered – These will show how America has changed since the original Crossed outbreak. Art by Christian Zanier.
*Horrific Homage – What if the Crossed were there from the very beginning of comics? This edition will be an Homage to a great Golden Age cover. Art by Michael DiPascale.
*Wishful Fiction – The evolution of science-fiction would have been very different with the Crossed as we show you here! Art by Daniel Gete.

Mercury Heat Vol 1 TPB

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Kieron Gillen blasts into an all new epic sci-fi series, Mercury MercuryHeatVol1-TPBHeat! Gillen’s work has gained a massive following from titles like Uber, The Wicked and the Divine, and Darth Vader. Now he takes you to Mercury, a slow turning planet where you can outrun the sunrise along with the blistering heat it brings. This is the new frontier of space, where humanity’s insatiable need for energy is being fueled by Mercury. It’s a tough environment and it attracts a rough crowd. So Luiza is bringing her own heat as a cop on Mercury, since she’s just a bit too intense to be one on Earth. Mercury Heat introduces the sci-fi world of the future where individuals are identified by genetic markers and personality types to fill roles in society, the troublemakers seem to end up on Mercury. Luiza wanted to help people, she wanted with all her heart to be a police officer. But the automated Grapevine system had other plans for her. There are only a few legal options for someone branded with her neuroprofile. As an adult Luiza’s dream came true – just on Mercury where she enforces laws with extreme prejudice as a bounty agent in a world of hard-as-nails miners and cyborgs. This volume collects issues #1 – 6 of the ongoing Mercury Heat comic book series and the Free Comic Book Day Edition.

War Stories #17

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The speed of Max’s whirlwind romance shocks everyone, WarStories17-regJonah most of all, but the young gunboat skipper takes life at his usual piratical pace. But out in the fog of the English Channel lurks the real pirate, the German E-Boat commander nicknamed Hans the Bastard- and soon the WarStories17-BattleDamagecrew of MGB 969 find themselves charging into a deadly trap. Part two of Send A Gunboat, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira. Available with Regular, Wraparound Covers by Thomas Aria, Good Girl Nose Art, Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.


Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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New in March Previews: Cinema Purgatorio

Cinema1From the mind of Alan Moore comes the horror anthology event of the year.  Recreating the theater experience from his youth, the master of comic book writing has brought together four other visionary creators to reveal his new vision – Cinema Purgatorio.  The line up of writers in this Cinema1_Moddedbook is unrivaled – in addition to Alan Moore there are original story contributions from Garth Ennis, Kierion Gillen, Max Brooks, and Christos Gage.  Each story is delivered in stark black & white to further increase the distinct and powerful editorial of the book.  The lead story by Alan Moore and frequent collaborator, illustrator Kevin O’Neill begins the show and takes you to this dark place.

Cinema1_VastDon’t miss out on a monthly comic book of unrivaled content beginning with the May release of Cinema Purgatorio #1.  Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy for you today.

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Mercury Heat #8 Drops The Hammer

MH#8_ExcessiveForceLuiza can handle herself.  With her particular neuro profile, she is just one small shade removed from being a violent psychopath.  Naturally between her psychological predilection and the cybernetic war enhancements she has, there are very few threats that can really slow her down.

MH#8_WraparoundBut being trapped in an outpost with a horde of homicidal Crossed may be the one thing that she’s not able to overcome.  The mythical infected from the 21st century arrive in the future in a wild story that has some serious twists and turns thanks to creator Kieron Gillen.  Not all is as it seems, but it is all quite deadly for our hero.

Pick up an issue of Mercury Heat #8 at your local comic shop this week and check out Kieron’s mature readers sci-fi epic.

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