Avatar Press New to ComiXology 3/2/16

This is the new Avatar Press digital item coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 3/2/16:

Mercury Heat #8

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The second powerful arc of Kieron Gillen’s slick sci-fi epic MH#8_regularkicks into high gear as Luiza discovers that some childhood horror stories are all too real. Something far worse than criminals has come to Mercury and the destruction it delivers eclipses anything she’s ever dealt with. This plague
is utterly devastating to the unfortunates who call the mining planet their home and now a woman with a penchant for busting skulls has to find a way to deal with something far more sinister and deadly than she’s ever encountered.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 3/2/16

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to comic shops on Wednesday 3/2/16:

Mercury Heat #8

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The second powerful arc of Kieron Gillen’s slick sci-fi epic MH#8_regularkicks into high gear as Luiza discovers that some childhood horror stories are all too real. Something far worse than criminals has come to Mercury and the destruction it delivers eclipses anything she’s ever dealt with. This plague MH#8_ArtNouveauis utterly devastating to the unfortunates who call the mining planet their home and now a woman with a penchant for busting skulls has to find a way to deal with something far more sinister and deadly than she’s ever encountered. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Art Nouveau, Excessive Force, and a special Interstellar Incentive Cover by series artist Nahuel Lopez.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Caliban Discovers Terror in Deep Space

Caliban-vol1There are few things that can deliver a tale that combines the claustrophobia of a confined space and the unknown as a good space terror.  Alien is the mark by which all others are held by its unique genre defining visuals, score, and palpable tension.  But Garth Ennis gave the classic a real run for the money with his self contained collection in the Caliban TPB.  Well known for incredible characterization and authentic dialogue, Ennis once again delivers something truly special in the pages of this tome.

caliban-5-design-sketchTraveling the mundane superhighways of deep space, the ship Caliban encounters a horror that is wholly unexpected and lethal.  Ennis perfectly captures the fear of the unknown and the terror of an unstoppable alien presence reaping the souls of the ship one by one.  If you crave that feeling of the first time you saw the Alien burst from Kane’s chest, make sure you ask your local retailer to reserve a copy of the Caliban TPB now.  That terrifying exhilaration is waiting for you to start reading.

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Alan Moore Talks Writing on Comics

Alan Moore's Writing for ComicsThe comic book field is filled with new and talented young creators that are looking for their first big break.  Some of these people will be the big names of the future and they will forge their own legacies in sequential storytelling.  When we meet new writers who are looking for that first opportunity they often ask what the best way to get noticed is.

Truth be told – if you have made a connection and you want to impress with a script, you need to know how its done.  The Writing For Comics GN is an essential gateway to getting the information to do just that.  Written by Alan Moore, arguably the most influential of comic book writers, the tome delivers his personal thoughts on the craft.  This is like a short class with Alan himself on how to make good comics.

Any potential writers looking to get a leg up on the competition should check with your local comic book shop and obtain a copy of Writing For Comics as a way of initiating personal growth in your craft.

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Horror Icon Mike Wolfer Delivers the Crossed

CrossedVol15-TPBIn comic shops everywhere today, horror icon Mike Wolfer’s Crossed story “The Lesser of Two Evils” is collected into Crossed Vol 15 TPB and HC.  This marks the first time that Wolfer has both written and illustrated a tale in the Crossed universe.  His distinct style of storytelling allows us to watch as two women infiltrate and CrossedVol15-HCsystematically destroy a group of survivors from the inside.  Following the advice of their “Zombie Survival Guide” they manage to isolate and turn various members of the group against one another until the bitter resolution.

If you enjoy watching the machinations of monsters this series is the perfect jump on point for you.  Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of the collection and join the grueling world of the Crossed!

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Remembering Dan The Unharmable

DanVol01TPBAll too often comic fans feel like they are stuck in a rut.  Its the same thing every week from the big publishers and every once in a while you just need something wholly original to break it up.  Fans of David Lapham are used to reading powerful stories of crime and horror in his works.  But they probably aren’t used to reading about an indestructable lazy deadbeat dad who prefers a quiet night on the street to a luxurious get away.

Dan The Unharmable is a one of a kind psychedelic ride
DanVol2TPBthrough the surreal.  The one thing you can be sure of is that you have no idea what colorful villain or killer is going to pop up around the corner and force Dan out of his sweet spot lounging in the gutter.  This is the story of the ultimate dude finding out that though he can’t be hurt, the kids that have wormed their way into his life can be.

If you are looking for that unusual book to break up the comic rut – definitely ask your local comic shop to reserve you a copy of the Dan The Unharmable trades.  The single issue are also available on ComiXology digitally.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 2/24/16

This is the new Avatar Press item arriving at local comic shops on Wednesday 2/24/16:

Crossed Vol 15 TPB

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Comics horror veteran Mike Wolfer writes and illustrates a CrossedVol15-TPBpowerful new chapter in the Crossed saga! After admitting two women into their defensible stronghold atop a collapsed bridge, an uneasy alliance of survivors discovers just how the women successfully navigated through the horrors on the ground below. They followed the advice of their “bible,” a best-selling, “survival guide” novel. Fiction or not, the book could be the answer to saving all of their lives in the wasteland ruled by the maniacal Crossed. But trust in the uninfected can be more dangerous than the violent urges of the Crossed themselves. There is no help, there is no hope. There is only the Crossed. This volume collects issues #81 – 86 of the ongoing Crossed: Badlands series.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Kevin O’Neill at Avatar Booth Saturday 12:00

8d3e4fab5bb815da7410c2c015c3de44_originalLondon Super Comic Con is a huge event for fans every year.  Avatar Press has made the trip over the pond to set up again and bring the very best in its uncensored line of horror comics to fans in the UK.  This year we have something unprecedented to share with everyone.  There will be a very small amount of advance preview copies of the Cinema Purgatorio Regular Edition Hard Cover!  This is the very first look at Alan Moore’s unbelievable project bringing the best and brightest creators in Cinema1comics together to tell stories in one massive anthology!

Moore’s collaborator Kevin O’Neill will be signing comics at the Avatar Press booth beginning at 12:00 on Saturday.  This is a chance to pick his brain about the new Cinema Purgatorio title and about his other projects with Alan Moore.  Be sure to come early to the booth and take advantage of this rare opportunity to meet one of the greats of the comic book industry!

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Avatar Travels to London Super Comic Con!

AvatarPressLogoIf you are attending the annual London Super Comic Con this weekend, be sure to stop by and visit with Avatar Press!  The publisher will be set up and meeting fans as well as showing off new projects and books.  Attending the London Comic Con is a huge deal for us as we rarely get a chance to meet face to face with our friends and fans in England.  For a few days we look forward
8d3e4fab5bb815da7410c2c015c3de44_originalto catching everyone up on the big happenings in our publishing plan and giving fans a first look at Alan Moore’s new Cinema Purgatorio book!

Kevin O’Neill will be signing at the Avatar booth for a limited time on Saturday at 12:00!  Be sure to come by, say “hi” and chat him up on the upcoming stories in this monster anthology.  We will have a very limited supply of advance copies of the Cinema Purgatorio Regular Edition HC for some lucky fans.  Alan Moore’s incredible vision for the future of horror begins here!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 2/17/16

New digital comic from Avatar Press coming to ComiXology today Wednesday 2/17/16:

Crossed: Badlands #94

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Christos Gage returns to Crossed and to his ultimate killing Crossed94-Regmachine, Smokey, as a new group of survivors encounter the ultimate alpha male. Some victim must have told Smokey about the bunker and now there is nothing hewants more. The underground survivors are watching their worst nightmare come true… a Crossed that can plot and plan and worst of all, delay his gratification to toy with his prey.

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