Final Hours of Alan Moore’s Cinema Purgatorio Kickstarter

8d3e4fab5bb815da7410c2c015c3de44_originalThe countdown clock has almost reached zero.  In just a few hours the incredible Cinema Purgatorio Kickstarter to bring Alan Moore’s vision of a new age of horror will be complete.  But there is still time to get in on the 785b81527652a29c6692f22eaaf8ec4f_originalexcitement and the exclusive products being offered to supporters of the project.  The Stretch Goals were just met so now every person supporting the project at any level will receive an additional five digital comics as a thank you for helping to make this dream a reality.

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this historic event.  Stop by the Kickstarter page and enjoy the horror to come.

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Max Brooks & Stephen Kramer Talk Cinema Purgatorio!

Alan Moore photo-originalWith just under 24 hours left, the ambitious Cinema Purgatorio Kickstarter is coming to an incredible close.  As the clock ticks down on the final day of fundraising, Max Brooks, one of the huge talents contributing to the project is talking directly (and a bit indirectly through Stephen Kramer) to fans about the epic project.  Alan Moore has assembled his own League of Extraordinary writers to form this amazing anthology.  And we’re inviting everyone to stop by the Cinema, pick up a ticket, and step into the dark to enjoy the show.

You can be a part of this groundbreaking event and can help to ensure that the book is published for a long time to come.  Check out the video, see the stretch goal, and help make comic book history here:

Stretch Goal

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 2/17/16

New from Avatar Press issue coming to comic shops this Wednesday 2/17/16:

Crossed: Badlands #94

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Christos Gage returns to Crossed and to his ultimate killing Crossed94-Regmachine, Smokey, as a new group of survivors encounter the ultimate alpha male. Some victim must have told Smokey about the bunker and now there is nothing he Crossed94-Torturewants more. The underground survivors are watching their worst nightmare come true… a Crossed that can plot and plan and worst of all, delay his gratification to toy with his prey.  Available with Regular & Torture Cover by Christian Zanier, Wraparound by Raulo Caceres , C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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4 Days Left to Get a Ticket to Cinema Purgatorio on Kickstarter

8d3e4fab5bb815da7410c2c015c3de44_originalAlan Moore’s groundbreaking anthology has set the Kickstarter world on fire.  Avatar Press has brought together some of the biggest names in comics to contribute to a one of a kind anthology under masterful direction of the legendary Watchmen scribe.

The anthology includes stories by Kieron Gillen, Christos 7f939f6c20e1a7e35cd13ce1aa8d8e76_originalGage, Max Brooks, and Garth Ennis in addition to the lead title by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill.  Nowhere in all of comics can you find this kind of powerhouse line up all dedicated to supplying the most innovative horror stories being published.  The Kickstarter has introduced fans to a very special new series with a number of exclusive reward levels that fit all budgets.

With only four days left to get in on the fun, please take a few minutes this weekend to visit the project page here on Kickstarter and see what everyone is talking about:

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Alan Moore’s Cinema Purgatorio Kickstarter Offers New Incentives

Alan Moore photo-originalThe curtain is about to rise on Alan Moore’s fantastic new Kickstarter project Cinema Purgatorio, but before the feature starts you may want to visit the snack bar for some savory delights.  We’ve just added some amazing add-on items that will tantalize your collecting taste buds.  All of these items are extremely limited and are essentially first come first serve.  We’ll do our best to help as many folks get these items as possible.

Here’s how it works – fans who want to add these items simply need to increase their Kickstarter pledges by the additional amount and send us an email through Kickstarter to confirm what you are ordering.  We’ll get your order updated and all set so everything ships together.  And without further adieu…the treats await you…

CODE PRU #1 7 #2 Connecting Covers Set – $8 Add On

CodePru-Connecting-set (2)These are the first two chapters of Garth Ennis’ Code Pru story that lead into the continuing adventures in the pages of Cinema Purgatorio.  And this special set features an incredible connecting cover that make a unique image!



Providence #7 Paintings of Ghouls 4 Comic Set – $21 Add On

Providence07-ghouls-set (2)These amazing paintings of “Ronald Pittman” as seen in Providence #7 are available in a unique special limited edition cover set!  Painter Michael DiPascale has brought Jacen Burrows art to a surreal life here and these images are art directed and taken from the mind of Alan Moore himself.





Crossed +100 vol 1 Hardcover Signed by Alan Moore – $89 Add On

CROSSED100-Vol1-HC (2)An incredibly rare opportunity to get one of a super limited number of the sold out Crossed +100 Vol 1 HC signed by the master himself, Alan Moore.  This is an easy way to add an essential piece of Alan Moore history to your collection but there are only a handful of these left.

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Cinema Purgatorio Brings Comic Writing Legends Together

Alan Moore photo-originalAlan Moore is well known for having changed the very comic book medium with his essential story telling over the past three decades.  And now he is set to  once again leave an indelible mark upon the comic book reading population with the release of Cinema Purgatorio.  Not only does the new stark black & white anthology reinvent what you can expect from the medium but it also brings some of the most well known and regarded talent together into one incredible package.

8d3e4fab5bb815da7410c2c015c3de44_originalCinema Purgatorio begins with the first installment of the namesake story by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill and these incredible talents:

  • Kieron Gillen and Ignacio Calero on Modded – a dystopian future where enhanced monsters and daemons are pitted against each other, with a goal of catching them 785b81527652a29c6692f22eaaf8ec4f_originalall!
  • Garth Ennis and Raulo Caceres continue Code Pru – the two issue series leads directly into the ongoing tale of the night shift FDNY paramedic Pru as she learns about the beastly NY City underworld… and how to offer them medical assistance!
  •  Christos Gage and Gabriel Andrade bring a new kind of giant monster story to life withThe Vast! A war that humanity is losing seems never ending. Until one woman discovers a monster 83e3f622c587c0f66903d0e5ddb81012_originalthat will fight to protect her!
  •  Max Brooks (World War Z) and Michael DiPascale bring Max’s heavily-researched and period-authentic story of the Civil War to life in A More Perfect Union. But this time, the South has been invaded by Giant Insects! Written as only Max Brooks can, taking no detail for granted and treating everything realistically.

Be sure to check out the amazing video and Kickstarter program helping to bring this project to life here:


There are just six days left for you to get a front row seat to the horror…

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Christos Gage Brings Smokey Back to Crossed: Badlands

Crossed93RegCvrEver since Christos Gage’s Alpha-Crossed, Smokey first appeared in issues #29–32, there have been fans calling for his return.  In the “Quisling” story arc, we were introduced to this unique Crossed – a beast of a man who can delay his need for immediate gratification and seemingly understand how to take advantage of planning to achieve his goals.  As if the Crossed weren’t frightening enough, this new Crossed93Torturecharacter added a level of sophistication to the brood and all but vanquished the idea of survival.

Now, at long last, Gage returns to Smokey’s story with the second part to his tale.  In “SHTF” we see that Smokey is still just as clever as before and his new plans have grown in scope and horror.  This first part to the new story will throw you into the deep end of horror and give you a glimpse of the terror to come.

Ask your local comics retailer to reserve a copy for you today.

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(Spoilers) Mercury Heat Gets Down With the Sickness

MH#7_regularIf you are a fan of Kieron Gillen’s bombastic sci-fi adventure series about a kick ass bounty agent tackling cyber mercs and terrorists on Mercury, then you have come to expect a powerful tale packed with action and violence.  But what you may not know, is that Mercury Heat #7 which begins a new story arc also introduces an unexpected crossover element.  Spoilers ahead…

MH#7_WraparoundAs Luiza fresh off her daring rescue of the mining colony on Mercury is called in to investigate a new problem, she encounters the unthinkable.  Apparently the Crossed virus isn’t just fiction in this world as she uncovers that a facility that has gone dark is now overrun by infected.  This is the first ever crossover for either property and it marks a momentous event for Mercury Heat by putting its characters in the destructive line of sight of the grueling Crossed.  Can even someone as lethal as Luiza stop these monsters?  Or will she become a cyber-Crossed as the infection spreads?

Ask your local retailer to save a copy of this issue for you in their stores today!

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Avatar Press New to Digital 2/3/16

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 2/3/16:

Crossed: Badlands #93

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Fan favorite character Smokey and screenwriter Christos Crossed93RegCvrGage returns to the pages of Crossed with a brand new arc!  Survivalists are seen as kooks with too much money and too little sense. Having an impenetrable underground bunker allows you to ride out all sorts of disasters – floods, war, pestilence… but in a Crossed world there is no safety
regardless of the preparation. When the SHTF you have no help and no hope.  It only gets worse when Smokey and his Bandits roll into town!




Code Pru #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     That which lurks in the shadows has a name. Spoken only in CodePru2-Regularhushed whispers, tremble in fear at… Squidpump. Pru and her friends are trying to find their way in New York. The same problems we all face, demonic rituals gone wrong, stabbings, and empty fridge, and a multi-tentacle evil about
to devour us all. Learning on-the-job is much more challenging with the supernatural! This series is a lead-in to the ongoing monthly Code Pru stories running in an anthology to be announced shortly! Raulo Caceres’ art never looked better than in the luscious black and white of this series.



God is Dead #47

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The end is neigh as the penultimate issue of God is Dead is GodisDead47-Regunleashed! We have seen the world destroyed and rebuilt in new images time and time again. But something is different this go round… the final cycle of destruction and chaos are playing out for the doomed inhabitants and no
power on Heaven or Earth can prevent the End. Don’t miss out on the true end of days and the final fate of this tortured planet in the pages of God is Dead.




Mercury Heat #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen kicks off the all-new arc with a victorious Luiza MH#7_regularsettling into her new live on Mercury. Things aren’t so bad once you realize how much you enjoy the violence! But nothing can prepare her for the worst infection possible
starting to take root. A true nightmare spoken of in hushed whispers, and far more than any one woman can deal with.





Providence #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Robert Black came looking for a story but what he found is a Providence07-regworld of misery and woe. He’s become a broken man only beginning to accept the horrors of the Lovecraftian world are real and hiding in plain sight. Alan Moore and artist Jacen Burrows have delivered a slow burn tale of fear and underlying dread that has delighted fans and scholars alike.
Moore has written every cover detail, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date. Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections!



War Stories #16

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In part one of the three part “Send A Gunboat”, the men of the WarStories16-regRoyal Navy’s gunboat squadrons defend England’s coast against Nazi raiders. The little boats are fast, heavily-armed and deadly- and terribly vulnerable. And the enemy is never far away, as the commander of one vessel finds
when his German opposite number takes a dangerous interest in him and his crew. By Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira.




Digital Backlist Premieres –

Crossed: Wish You Were Here Vol 4 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Simon Spurrier delivers a devastating new chapter in the CrossedWYWHvol4HC_1024x1024most brutal survival horror story being published. The island was a safe place. Sure there were petty politics, strife, and discontent, but that was life on Cava. Now the arrival of the American drift fleet brings true civilization back to the little paradise and opens the eyes of the petty and the jealous. Everything they’ve created on the island is but a shadow of the luxury and apparent safety the drift fleet has acquired. And what of the strange Crossed woman that is tied to Shaky’s past? Is she a savior holding back the Crossed berserkers from their eventual urges to rape and pillage? Or is she a demon waiting for the moment to strike? Hell is coming for the island survivors and no place is safe from the monsters in its wake. In a world without help and without hope… .there is only the Crossed. Collects the fourth chapter of the hit online web comic Crossed: Wish You Were Here.

Freakangels Vol 6 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Twenty-three years ago, twelve strange children were born in Freakangels 6England at exactly the same moment. Six years ago, they used their psychic powers in unison and accidentally flooded the world. Today, they live in and defend Whitechapel, perhaps the last real settlement in soggy London, from the evil machinations of one of their own – a “Freakangel” gone rogue. But when Mark, the bad seed, returns and forces his old friends to expand their consciousness beyond all concepts of space and time, they discover there’s something coming… something dark and terrible beyond the borders of Whitechapel, closing in for the kill.



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Alan Moore’s Cinema Purgatorio is Live on Kickstarter!

The must have comic book event of the year is here – Alan Moore’s Cinema Purgatorio!  And you can help make it a reality on Kickstarter:

Alan Moore photo-original

In a world of used ideas spun out into unending single-premise sagas and told in full cyber-enhanced Technicolor, unapologetically we offer up CINEMA PURGATORIO, a black and white horror anthology which reaches for something both new and startling beyond the endlessly recycled characters and concepts of the 60s and the 70s. An anthology, to let its authors exercise the discipline and the invention that only short stories can provide – and out of which the vast majority of today’s memorable franchises were created – and black and white in order to impose that selfsame discipline upon its artists by removing the alluring 785b81527652a29c6692f22eaaf8ec4f_originalcamouflage of colour and requiring the same values that the classic comic illustrators made their byword. Why shouldn’t the 21st century enjoy the craft and quality that the E.C. and Warren luminaries managed, but with an originality and freshness born entirely of our anxious present and uncertain future? Why shouldn’t the world once more have horror stories which compel their audience to tremulously tell themselves “It’s just a movie; just a film”?

CINEMA PURGATORIO is an unholy resurrection of the backstreet bug-hutches and fleapits practicing their eerie silver mesmerism on our post-war predecessors, drenched in atmosphere and other less identifiable decoctions. The threadbare arenas to a generation’s adolescent fumblings and upholstery-8d3e4fab5bb815da7410c2c015c3de44_originalslashing rage alike, these peeling Deco temples were the haunted, flickering spaces where were bred the dreads and the desires of those Macmillan days; Eisenhower nights. Varnished with blood and Brylcreem, in our razor-collared cutting edge collection we restore the broken-bulb emporiums where, in the creaking backseats, modern terror and monstrosity were shamelessly conceived. In our worn aisles and glossy pages the most individual and inventive talents in contemporary comics are delivering a landmark midnight matinee in monochrome, intent on pushing both the genre and the medium beyond their stagnant formulas and into shapes that suit the unique shadows and disquiets of our present moment.

Take your curling ticket from the withered and embittered woman in the booth, regard uneasily the lobby cards for movies recalled vaguely from a clammy dream, then, if you dare, follow the failing flashlight-puddle of the usherette on down into a different kind of dark.
– Alan Moore
Get in quick – the levels are limited and rewards are incredible!
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