These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 2/3/16:
Crossed: Badlands #93
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Fan favorite character Smokey and screenwriter Christos
Gage returns to the pages of Crossed with a brand new arc! Survivalists are seen as kooks with too much money and too little sense. Having an impenetrable underground bunker allows you to ride out all sorts of disasters – floods, war, pestilence… but in a Crossed world there is no safety
regardless of the preparation. When the SHTF you have no help and no hope. It only gets worse when Smokey and his Bandits roll into town!
Code Pru #2
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: That which lurks in the shadows has a name. Spoken only in
hushed whispers, tremble in fear at… Squidpump. Pru and her friends are trying to find their way in New York. The same problems we all face, demonic rituals gone wrong, stabbings, and empty fridge, and a multi-tentacle evil about
to devour us all. Learning on-the-job is much more challenging with the supernatural! This series is a lead-in to the ongoing monthly Code Pru stories running in an anthology to be announced shortly! Raulo Caceres’ art never looked better than in the luscious black and white of this series.
God is Dead #47
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The end is neigh as the penultimate issue of God is Dead is
unleashed! We have seen the world destroyed and rebuilt in new images time and time again. But something is different this go round… the final cycle of destruction and chaos are playing out for the doomed inhabitants and no
power on Heaven or Earth can prevent the End. Don’t miss out on the true end of days and the final fate of this tortured planet in the pages of God is Dead.
Mercury Heat #7
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Kieron Gillen kicks off the all-new arc with a victorious Luiza
settling into her new live on Mercury. Things aren’t so bad once you realize how much you enjoy the violence! But nothing can prepare her for the worst infection possible
starting to take root. A true nightmare spoken of in hushed whispers, and far more than any one woman can deal with.
Providence #7
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Robert Black came looking for a story but what he found is a
world of misery and woe. He’s become a broken man only beginning to accept the horrors of the Lovecraftian world are real and hiding in plain sight. Alan Moore and artist Jacen Burrows have delivered a slow burn tale of fear and underlying dread that has delighted fans and scholars alike.
Moore has written every cover detail, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date. Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections!
War Stories #16
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: In part one of the three part “Send A Gunboat”, the men of the
Royal Navy’s gunboat squadrons defend England’s coast against Nazi raiders. The little boats are fast, heavily-armed and deadly- and terribly vulnerable. And the enemy is never far away, as the commander of one vessel finds
when his German opposite number takes a dangerous interest in him and his crew. By Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira.
Digital Backlist Premieres –
Crossed: Wish You Were Here Vol 4 GN
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Simon Spurrier delivers a devastating new chapter in the
most brutal survival horror story being published. The island was a safe place. Sure there were petty politics, strife, and discontent, but that was life on Cava. Now the arrival of the American drift fleet brings true civilization back to the little paradise and opens the eyes of the petty and the jealous. Everything they’ve created on the island is but a shadow of the luxury and apparent safety the drift fleet has acquired. And what of the strange Crossed woman that is tied to Shaky’s past? Is she a savior holding back the Crossed berserkers from their eventual urges to rape and pillage? Or is she a demon waiting for the moment to strike? Hell is coming for the island survivors and no place is safe from the monsters in its wake. In a world without help and without hope… .there is only the Crossed. Collects the fourth chapter of the hit online web comic Crossed: Wish You Were Here.
Freakangels Vol 6 GN
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Twenty-three years ago, twelve strange children were born in
England at exactly the same moment. Six years ago, they used their psychic powers in unison and accidentally flooded the world. Today, they live in and defend Whitechapel, perhaps the last real settlement in soggy London, from the evil machinations of one of their own – a “Freakangel” gone rogue. But when Mark, the bad seed, returns and forces his old friends to expand their consciousness beyond all concepts of space and time, they discover there’s something coming… something dark and terrible beyond the borders of Whitechapel, closing in for the kill.