Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 2/3/16

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops on Wednesday 2/3/16:

Crossed: Badlands #93

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Fan favorite character Smokey and screenwriter Christos Crossed93RegCvrGage returns to the pages of Crossed with a brand new arc!  Survivalists are seen as kooks with too much money and too little sense. Having an impenetrable underground bunker allows you to ride out all sorts of disasters – floods, war, pestilence… but in a Crossed world there is no safety Crossed93Tortureregardless of the preparation. When the SHTF you have no help and no hope.  It only gets worse when Smokey and his Bandits roll into town!  Available with Regular & Torture Cover by Christian Zanier, Wraparound  by Raulo Caceres , C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

Code Pru #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     That which lurks in the shadows has a name. Spoken only in CodePru2-Regularhushed whispers, tremble in fear at… Squidpump. Pru and her friends are trying to find their way in New York. The same problems we all face, demonic rituals gone wrong, stabbings, and empty fridge, and a multi-tentacle evil about CodePru2-MoviePosterto devour us all. Learning on-the-job is much more challenging with the supernatural! This series is a lead-in to the ongoing monthly Code Pru stories running in an anthology to be announced shortly! Raulo Caceres’ art never looked better than in the luscious black and white of this series. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Movie Poster, Nightlife, and a special Pure Art Incentive cover, all by series artist Raulo Caceres.

God is Dead #47

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The end is neigh as the penultimate issue of God is Dead is GodisDead47-Regunleashed! We have seen the world destroyed and rebuilt in new images time and time again. But something is different this go round… the final cycle of destruction and chaos are playing out for the doomed inhabitants and no GodisDead47-EndofDayspower on Heaven or Earth can prevent the End. Don’t miss out on the true end of days and the final fate of this tortured planet in the pages of God is Dead. Available with Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, Enchanting, Iconic Covers & End of Days covers by Ron Adrian, Carnage Wraparound Covers by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Incentive Cover also by Adrian.

Mercury Heat #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen kicks off the all-new arc with a victorious Luiza MH#7_regularsettling into her new live on Mercury. Things aren’t so bad once you realize how much you enjoy the violence! But nothing can prepare her for the worst infection possible MH#7_ExcessiveForcestarting to take root. A true nightmare spoken of in hushed whispers, and far more than any one woman can deal with. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Art Nouveau, Excessive Force, and a special Interstellar Incentive Cover by series artist Nahuel Lopez.


Providence #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Robert Black came looking for a story but what he found is a Providence07-regworld of misery and woe. He’s become a broken man only beginning to accept the horrors of the Lovecraftian world are real and hiding in plain sight. Alan Moore and artist Jacen Burrows have delivered a slow burn tale of fear and underlying dread that has delighted fans and scholars alike. Providence07-portraitMoore has written every cover detail, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date. Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections! Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

War Stories #16

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In part one of the three part “Send A Gunboat”, the men of the WarStories16-regRoyal Navy’s gunboat squadrons defend England’s coast against Nazi raiders. The little boats are fast, heavily-armed and deadly- and terribly vulnerable. And the enemy is never far away, as the commander of one vessel finds WarStories16-BattleDamagewhen his German opposite number takes a dangerous interest in him and his crew. By Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira. Available with Regular, Wraparound Covers by Thomas Aria, Good Girl Nose Art, Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.


Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Warren Ellis’ Supergod is Unforgettable

If you are looking for a graphic novel that will impact you the way Warren Ellis has done with classics like The Authority and Transmetropolitan, then look no further than Supergod.  This story takes a Watchmen-esque look at humanity’s race to build a bigger bomb by creating super humans as the ultimate weapon.  And in the midst of each nation jostling to make the ultimate monster, the fate of the entire race is sealed.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Praying to be saved by a man who can fly will get you killed! SuperGodFrom Warren Ellis, the creator of THE AUTHORITY and PLANETARY, comes the most horrifying superhero comic you’ll ever read! When scientists build messianic super-humans to save the world, no one thought about how these heroes would do it – or even if they’d want to. So begins the apocalyptic tomorrow, when supermen kill us all and end the world just because we wanted to be rescued by human-shaped things from beyond Science itself!



Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve a copy of this trade paperback collection for you today.  Or find it available on Amazon.

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No Hero Asks – What Would You Do To Get Super Powers?

What would you do to get super powers?  Or is the appropriate question, what wouldn’t you do?  Warren Ellis answers that question in the powerful story No Hero.  This incredible volume is part of a three-series thematic superhero trilogy that will make your eyes bleed.  Be sure to check out Black Summer and Supergod to complete your reading of these essential volumes.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp, the team behind the fan-No Herofavorite BLACK SUMMER, are revolutionizing masked heroes yet again in this blockbuster epic! Dead heroes in the dirt. A killer capable of almost supernatural tortures. Five generations of the world’s only superhuman group. A forty-year legacy of standing for the rights of freedom and safety. A young man obsessed with the need for street justice. How much do you want to be a superhuman? How badly does he want it? Bad enough to bring on the last days of an American legend? If he even gets to survive that long? Forty years ago, a group of superhumans emerged in San Francisco, guided by the man whose unique new drugs gave them their incredible powers. But the team is not the only thing that’s advanced over the years, and there are no easy victories when their luck finally begins to run out… This huge collection features all eight issues of the series with a cover gallery under an all-new cover by Juan Jose Ryp.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 1/27/16

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 1/27/16:

Crossed: Wish You Were Here Vol 3 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Manipulation, deceit, and petty politics rule the plague CrossedWYWHvol3TPBsurvivors living off the Scottish coast and pretending their isolated island is safe from the Crossed. But every day brings them closer to a horrible reckoning and the truth behind Shaky’s past begins to reveal his hidden nature. Now the island dreamers have met up with a society living upon a floating city of derelict boats. But the feeling that something very bad is about to happen is palpable. And the survivors must decide if they should trust in their new allies or treat the uninfected with as much caution as the insane Crossed maniacs. This is the story of the search for meaning in in a world filled with homicidal lunatics. There is no help. There is no hope. There’s only the Crossed. – Collects the third chapter of the runaway hit webcomic from www.crossedcomic.com.

Freakangels Vol 5 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Twenty-three years ago, twelve strange children were born in Freakangels Volume 5 Softcover - 9781592911158England at exactly the same moment. Six years ago, the world ended. Today, eleven strange 23-year-olds are living in and defending Whitechapel, maybe the last real settlement in flooded London. They’ve made a new friend, and together they’ve successfully defended their home from outside attackers, a ghost from the past, and threats from within. In Volume Five, everything you thought you knew about the ‘Angels is wrong. In fact, much of what they thought was true simply hadn’t been sufficiently examined. While Alice keeps watch over Whitechapel from the watchtower, the twelve reunited Freakangels down below are forced to re-examine their lives… and their deaths!

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Avatar’s Snowy Weather Reading List

So you’re snowed in for the weekend with nothing to do but watch the flakes fall.  Why not make it an Avatar weekend and grab a few of these horrifying tales to warm up your chilly nights?


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  SUPERGOD: praying to be saved by a man who can fly will SuperGodget you killed. From the creator of THE AUTHORITY and PLANETARY comes the craziest and most horrifying superhero comic you’ve ever read! In the world of SUPERGOD, superhumans are the ultimate expression of the Messiah complex, and scientists can build Messiahs who will fly down from the skies to save the world. No-one thought about how they’d do it — or even if they’d want to. So begins the apocalyptic tomorrow of SUPERGOD — the story of how supermen killed us all and ended the world just because we wanted to be rescued by human-shaped things from beyond Science itself! Take every superhero comic ever published, shove them into a nuclear-powered blender, soak it in bad vodka and set the whole thing alight — and SUPERGOD will crawl out and eat your brain!


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     ABSOLUTION introduces John Dusk, a superhero in a world AbsolutionTPBcover (2)where they’re a sanctioned arm of law enforcement. But this veteran hero has been scarred by his exposure to man’s infinite capacity for evil, and he’s seen one too many perpetrators escape justice. One day he crosses the line…lets a murderer die…and discovers it feels good. Surrounded by sociopaths, both human and superhuman, who he knows will prey on others if they’re not stopped – permanently – how far will he go, knowing every step he takes puts him further on a collision course with his teammates Alpha and The Servant, not to mention his homicide detective girlfriend? Drawing on his experience writing for TV crime dramas like Law & Order: SVU, and his years of acclaimed work on comics like G.I. Joe: Cobra, StormWatch: PHD, and Avengers: The Initiative, Gage and artist Roberto Viacava bring you a riveting, no-punches-pulled saga that fans of shows like The Shield and Dexter, or comics such as Powers and Sleeper, won’t be able to put down. He wants to be forgiven…but he doesn’t want to stop.


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Master storyteller GARTH ENNIS and Fashion Beast artist Caliban-vol1FACUNDO PERCIO team up to deliver a haunting new epic of science fiction horror. The crew of the Caliban travels hyperspace on nothing more than a routine trip for the giant vessel. Just human beings that have been inside a bit too long, confident of no other life in the Galaxy, and all the vastness of space to remind them how far they are from home. But when an impossible accident suddenly causes the Caliban to slam into an abandoned alien ship, a nightmare in space begins to unfold. Ennis delivers his unique brand of flawed characters, spot-on dialog, and trademark flare for the unexpected in a new tale in the vein of Alien.


Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve these awesome trades for you before the snow starts to fall!

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Simon Spurrier Takes Crossed +100 5 Years Ahead

Crossed100n13-RegularIn the first issue of the third arc of Crossed +100 (#13), author Simon Spurrier takes our intrepid hero Future Taylor five years forward into the future.  No…we didn’t rename it Crossed +105 but we do have a story that takes the already strange and terrifying world of tomorrow and further intensifies the growing Crossed tide of evolution.  Spurrier has seamlessly stepped into the footsteps of Alan Moore and has taken the amazing world he built in Crossed100n13-Disasteredfrightening directions.  Now as we cross the threshold of the future, you can only imagine what new horrors await the remnants of humanity as the Crossed Nation begins to expand.

If you are looking for something wholly different from the other comics being published today, try out Crossed +100.  From the genius mind of Alan Moore you’ll discover new visions of what tomorrow could look like and learn a new way of speaking with a language all its own.  Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy of Crossed +100 #13 for you today!

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Max Bemis Delivers Another Powerful Crossed Tale

Crossed92-RegularMax Bemis has been delivering some startling stories in the pages of Crossed: Badlands.  But none hit quite so squarely upon the comic collecting world as his two part story in Crossed: Badlands #91 – 92.  The conclusion of this tale of depravity in a comic shop is in stores today and will leave a Crossed92-Torturelasting impression on you.

This isn’t your average Crossed story – truth be told its more of an indictment on some survivors than anything directly related to the infection.  When a group of the usual suspects at a local comic shop survives C-Day they start out on a twisted path that ultimately ends in horror and vengeance.  Add to that the new comic book adventures of the “Anti-Crossed” and you’ll be reading a pivotal chapter in the Crossed mythos.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies of these two powerful issues and find out just how horrible a Crossed world can be.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 1/20/16

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 1/20/16:

Crossed: Badlands #92

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Say Anything singer and songwriter, Max Bemis, delivers a Crossed92-Regularvisceral story of Crossed misery that will leave you scarred for life. Every survivor knows that there is nothing but wretchedness awaiting them in a Crossed world. But despite the hate and fear that rule the infected domain, love still finds a way to creep into even the direst of circumstances. Is there hope for more than survival in a world of maniacs?




Crossed +100 #13

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Simon Spurrier kicks things up a notch in the third arc of Alan Crossed100n13-RegularMoore’s incredibly original Crossed future exploration! This issue features another time jump forward and fresh startling discoveries for Future Taylor! Humanity is on the offensive and having surprising success. Could there finally be an end in sight?





Crossed: Wish You Were Here Vol 2 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A group of Crossed plague survivors off the Scottish coast CrossedWYWHVol2TPBdefend their isolated island and pretend that they are safe from the gleeful violent misery of the Crossed. Shaky has manipulated his fellow castaways into sending him away from the faux safety of the camp and into the ravages of the Crossed world. His desire to be rid of the infighting and petty squabbling puts him in a much deadlier world but his ultimate goals go beyond the survival and denial of those living on the Coast of Cava. This is his story, the search for meaning in in a world filled with homicidal maniacs. There is no hope. There’s only the Crossed. Collects the second chapter of the runaway hit webcomic from www.crossedcomic.com.


Freakangels Vol 4 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Twenty-three years ago, twelve strange children were born freakangels v4in England at exactly the same moment. Six years ago, the world ended. Today, eleven strange 23-year-olds are living in and defending Whitechapel, maybe the last real settlement in flooded London. They’ve made a new friend, and together they successfully defended their home from raiders – but the post-apocalyptic drowned London that the eleven Freakangels survive in is never a safe place, and never surrounded by friends. In fact, there’s a serial killer stalking in their midst, and one of their own has broken their most valued rule. Volume Four of award-winning author Warren Ellis’ ongoing web comic, Freakangels, is here!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 1/20/16

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to your local comic shop on Wednesday 1/20/16:

Crossed: Badlands #92

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Say Anything singer and songwriter, Max Bemis, delivers a Crossed92-Regularvisceral story of Crossed misery that will leave you scarred for life. Every survivor knows that there is nothing but wretchedness awaiting them in a Crossed world. But Crossed92-Torturedespite the hate and fear that rule the infected domain, love still finds a way to creep into even the direst of circumstances. Is there hope for more than survival in a world of maniacs?  Available with Regular & Torture Covers by Christian Zanier, Wraparound Cover by Daniel Gete, C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

Crossed +100 #13

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Spurrier kicks things up a notch in the third arc of Alan Crossed100n13-RegularMoore’s incredibly original Crossed future exploration! Crossed100n13-HorrificHomageThis issue features another time jump forward and fresh startling discoveries for Future Taylor! Humanity is on the offensive and having surprising success. Could there finally be an end in sight?

Several special themed covers continue to enrich the series:

*American History X Wraparound – Each of these will depict a specific time in the past hundred years, showing how things have changed and offering a peek at some key events.Each cover will display the year in which it takes place to help build the full picture.Art by Christian Zanier.
*Crossed Wires – The Crossed just don’t see or make things the same way a person would, these images celebrate that day-to-day madness.Art by Christian Zanier.
*Disastered – These will show how America has changed since the original Crossed outbreak.Art by Christian Zanier.
*Horrific Homage – What if the Crossed were there from the very beginning of comics?This edition will be an Homage to a great Golden Age cover. Art by Michael DiPascale.
*Wishful Fiction – The evolution of science-fiction would have been very different with the Crossed as we show you here! Art by Jacen Burrows.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!



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The Mad Emperor of Rome – Caligula

Caligula02RegularFans of David Lapham have an awesome library of Avatar Press trades to read.  His works run the gamut from incredibly disturbing as in Crossed: Psychopath to uniquely quirky in Dan The Unharmable.  But one of his most horrifying titles was the supernatural fright fest of Caligula.

CaligulaVol2TPBIn Caligula and Caligula Vol 2: Heart of Rome, we meet Felix, an unlucky peasant boy who falls under the thrall of the demon.  Felix seeks revenge for the brutal slaying of his family, but he finds even more atrocities by the side of the possessed emperor.  And when the time comes for his final vengeance…something more than earthly desire compels him.

If you have not read these volumes, they are a must have addition to your Avatar Press collection.  Lapham is unparalleled in his ability to disturb and these stories will have you reading them with the lights on at night.  Stop by your local comic shop or find the collections on Amazon today.

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