Crossed +100 Vol 2 TPB in January Previews

Simon Spurrier stepped in to Crossed +100 to pick up the reins of the story from departing master architect Alan Moore.  Using Moore’s meticulous notes and world building scheme, Spurrier entered the future world of Crossed +100 and took the story into fascinating new directions.  Now the second arc of this innovative new title is collected and comic shops are placing their order for the volume now.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Alan Moore’s redefining of the Crossed universe 100 years in Crossed100Vol2-TPBthe future continues with his hand selected successor, Crossed: Wish You Were Here scribe, Simon Spurrier. Future Tayler’s world was devastated by the realization that one of her closest friends led to the devastation of Chooga. Now as she helps a new town of survivors prepare for the organized attack of the evolved Crossed, she realizes that her best efforts may not be enough. The Crossed have a plan and they are coming. No amount of wishful fiction will prevent the conflict to come. The Crossed +100 series is a self-contained whole new world; no prior knowledge of the Crossed100Vol2-HCCrossed series is needed. Crossed +100 Vol 2 TP contains the continuing story originally presented in issues #7 – 12 of the ongoing comic book series.

Crossed +100 Vol 2 TPB will be on sale in March at your local comic shop and on Amazon. It is available in both hardcover and paperback – ask your retailer to reserve a copy for you today.

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Mercury Heat Vol 1 TPB in January Previews

Kieron Uber 1The first collection of Kieron Gillen’s frenetic sci-fi series, Mercury Heat, is currently available for order in the January issue of Previews.  This initial collection presents the first six issues of the story into a great trade perfect for your bookshelf.  Join Luiza on her quest to become a police officer in the far flung future all the while trying to tame the psychotic neuro profile that categorized her as a shade away from psychotic.  This is the series you’ve been waiting for – filled with ruthless cyborgs, runaway technology, and robotic terrorists!



PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Kieron Gillen blasts into an all new epic sci-fi series, Mercury MercuryHeatVol1-TPBHeat! Gillen’s work has gained a massive following from titles like Uber, The Wicked and the Divine, and Darth Vader. Now he takes you to Mercury, a slow turning planet where you can outrun the sunrise along with the blistering heat it brings. This is the new frontier of space, where humanity’s insatiable need for energy is being fueled by Mercury. It’s a tough environment and it attracts a rough crowd. So Luiza is bringing her own heat as a cop on Mercury, since she’s just a bit too intense to be one on Earth. Mercury Heat introduces the sci-fi world of the future where individuals are identified by genetic markers and personality types to fill roles in society, the troublemakers seem to end up on Mercury. Luiza wanted to help people, she wanted with all her heart to be a police officer. But the automated Grapevine system had other plans for her. There are only a few legal options for someone branded with her neuroprofile. As an adult Luiza’s dream came true – just on Mercury where she enforces laws with extreme prejudice as a bounty agent in a world of hard-as-nails miners and cyborgs. This volume collects issues #1 – 6 of the ongoing Mercury Heat comic book series and the Free Comic Book Day Edition.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy for you today!


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Simon Spurrier’s Crossed: Wish You Were Here Comes to ComiXology

CrossedWYWHVol1TPBSimon Spurrier’s four volume story about the life and trials of Shaky was one of the most powerful entries into the world of the Crossed.  Unlike other shorter tales, this long form story allowed us to really get to know the flawed young writer as he attempted to live among the other survivors on their island escape.  But more than anything it felt like we watched something raw come to life in the pages Wishof this story.  Initially the likeable character showed what was really on the inside and the world around him fell to pieces.  Somehow, amid the carnage, it felt right.  And now this classic story is finally available in digital collections from ComiXology beginning tomorrow.

If you haven’t followed in Shaky’s footsteps, you should do so now.   It is one of a kind and it is sure to move you, make you laugh, and ultimately utterly horrify you.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 1/13/16

These are the new Avatar Press digital items to arrive on ComiXology this Wednesday 1/13/16:

Crossed Wish You Were Here Vol 1 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A contagion-or a curse-has decimated the planet. Marked CrossedWYWHVol1TPBwith a bloody cross, the Infected are driven to indulge their sickest desires. In this world of psychos, savages, and sexual predators, the few remaining uninfected learn to keep moving: endlessly fleeing fate. This is the story of those who refused. Those who are too desperate, too angry, or too broken to hide from horror. It’s the story of a comic-book writer who witnessed the downfall of London, and now finds himself in the midst of a new community, a new start, on a barren island off the Scottish coast. Pretending, just for a while, that he’s safe, that he’s useful… that he has a future. It won’t last. There’s no sanctuary. No fighting back. No hope. There’s only the Crossed.


Freakangels Vol 3 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Twenty-three years ago, twelve strange children were born in freakangels_3England at exactly the same moment. Six year later, the world ended. Today, eleven strange 23-year-olds are living in and defending Whitechapel, maybe the last real settlement in flooded London. They’ve made a new friend, and together they successfully defended their home from raiders — but the post-apocalyptic drowned London that the eleven Freakangels survive in is never a safe place, and never surrounded by friends. In Freakangels Volume 3, the Freakangels begin to address how to build their community while a serial killer stalks in their midst. Everything almost comes crashing down around them as one of their own breaks their most valued rule.

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Warren Ellis Epic Freakangels Comes to Digital

freakangelsWarren Ellis’ very popular webseries, Freakangels is finally coming to digital comics.  Volumes 1 & 2 of the six part trade collection are available now at Comixology with the additional four volumes to come throughout the month of January.

Freakangels tells the story of six very special teens that Freakangels v2came together and destroyed the world.  The story is illustrated by the incredible Paul Duffield and the comic has resonated with audiences for years.  This is truly an essential part of the Ellis library for anyone that has enjoyed the scribe’s work on The Authority and Transmetropolitan.  Check out the collected volumes now in print at your local comic shop or on Amazon.  And look for the digital volumes on ComiXolgy this month!


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Speculator Corner – Mercury Heat #7 Will Be HUGE

MH#7_regularNormally we leave the speculation to comic websites, but this editor just got wind of a huge unsolicited event coming in the pages of Kieron Gillen’s Mercury Heat #7 (on sale 2/3 at your local comic shop).  Now…I’ve been sworn to secrecy about exactly what this event is so details here are pretty sparse.  But you know that in all the articles we post MH#7_ExcessiveForcehere daily about Avatar comics and stories we’ve never announced something like this.  This is truly unexpected and it will most assuredly surprise you.  Take that for what its worth – this is BIG.

So if you aren’t reading Mercury Heat and you are an Avatar Press fan – make sure you get in to your local retailer and have them reserve a copy for you of issue #7 (and check out the first six issues – you’ll love it).  When the issue is live it’s going to be very hard to find one on the shelves.  And you won’t want to miss this.  Plus look – it’s a book by Kieron Gillen.  You know its good.  Trust us – this is something you won’t want to miss!

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The End is Nigh for God is Dead

GodisDead46_RegGod is Dead has been an incredible roller coaster ride of intense mythology and horror.  The world has been through so much and yet the petty gods continue to find new ways to spread their spiteful and childish indulgences.  But something is different this time.  The end of the series GodisDead46-Iconicis looming near and the final resolution is just weeks away.  If you’ve not been reading Mike Costa’s work on God is Dead you are really missing out on one of the most original series of the past several years.

Stop by your local comic shop and check out God is Dead #46 and the library of cool trade paperback collections available!

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War Stories #15 Concludes “Tokyo Club” Arc

WarStories15-regFans of powerful drama and the moving violence of history at war have flocked to Garth Ennis’ War Stories series.  Each month the tales present new perspectives on the horror of war and the impact on the lives behind the battles.  The newest issue, War Stories #15, brings a close to the moving tale “Tokyo Club.”

WarStories15-BattleDamagePRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Momentous news changes everything for the pilots on Iwo Jima, and a dangerous new program of missions soon brings heavy casualties. With the end of the war apparently in sight, each man needs his luck to last just that little bit longer- but with the enemy determined to fight to the finish, who will be left when the guns fall silent? The final part of The Tokyo Club, by Garth Ennis WarStories15-wrapand Tomas Aira.

Stop by your local comic shop to experience this latest tale of harrowing heroism and horror.  And ask about the War Stories TPB collections that are available now!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 1/6/16

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 1/6/16:

The Courtyard GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore’s haunting masterpiece, The Courtyard, is Courtyardavailable in color! The most celebrated writer in the industry, Alan Moore, teams up with brilliant artist Jacen Burrows, to unleash this timeless tale of Lovecraftian psychological horror. FBI man Aldo Sax has an amazing service record with the FBI. His legendary skills at piecing together the most baffling of cases has gotten him assigned to what may be his most confusing case yet. Several murders – no, more like lethal dismemberments – from the most unlikely of suspects just don’t addd up. And what few leads there are, all point to The Courtyard. This special collected edition of the series features an introduction by Garth Ennis!


Freakangels Vol 2 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:   Twenty-three years ago, twelve strange children were born in
Freakangels v2England at exactly the same moment. Six years later, the world ended. Today, eleven strange 23-year-olds are living in and defending Whitechapel, maybe the last real settlement in flooded London. They’ve made a new friend, and together they successfully defended their home from raiders — but the post-apocalyptic drowned London that the eleven Freakangels survive in is never a safe place, and never surrounded by friends. Night has only just fallen, but strangers already creep through Whitechapel with the worst of intentions and the weapons to see them through! Volume Two of award-winning author Warren Ellis’ ongoing web comic, Freakangels, is here! This installment collects the entire second arc of the post-apocalyptic saga into 144 gorgeous, full-color pages.

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Happy New Year From Avatar Press!

AvatarPressLogoEveryone at Avatar Press would like to wish a happy and healthy New Year to all of our friends, fans, and creators.  2016 is shaping up to be a MONSTER year for us and you can expect the very best in big name creators providing innovative new projects.  Alan Moore is delivering an incredible masterpiece in the pages of Providence but that is just the beginning.  We have even more huge surprises coming your way for next year.  And master scribes like Garth Ennis, Kieron Gillen, and Max Brooks are also prepping for this to be a year to remember with new original projects.

Thanks for helping us to keep the finest uncensored line of horror coming each and every year.  We wouldn’t be doing this without our supporters and we’re looking to raise the bar once again in 2016.  Sleep well tonight…because we bring the horror for next year starting tomorrow!


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