Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 12/16/15

These are the new Avatar Press item coming to local comic shops on Wednesday 12/16/15:

Crossed +100 #12

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The second arc of the Alan Moore developed Crossed future Crossed100n12-regexploration comes to a powerful conclusion.  Simon Spurrier has pushed Future Taylor and her friends to the brink of disaster as the Crossed plague once more begins to flourish.  Humanity barely survived its fracturing one Crossed100-12HorrificHomagehundred years ago and this newest outbreak could finish off the remnants of civilization once and for all.  Several special themed covers continue to enrich the series.


Crossed: Badlands #91

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Max Bemis starts and all-new Crossed91-Regarc of Crossed to tell another gripping story in the world of ultimate misery.After C-Day everything changed.Nothing was every normal again – not life, not family, and not survival. The majority of people who didn’t evolve with the new status quo were brutally Crossed91-Torturekilled or added to the ranks of psychopaths roaming the streets.  But what about a love story in this new world of hate? Available with Regular & Torture Covers by Christian Zanier, Wraparound Cover by Daniel Gete, C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Give Avatar for the Horror-Days

Ah yes, the holidays are here.  But at Avatar Press we celebrate the “horror-days”.  And we invite you to do the same by giving the gift of terror to your comic reading loved ones.  So to help you stuff their stockings with screams, here is a short list of some great trade paperback collections that can be found at your local comic shop or on Amazon just in time for the festivities:


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Comic book legend Alan Moore (WATCHMEN, FROM HELL) NeonomiconTPBand brilliant artist Jacen Burrows deliver a chilling tale of Lovecraftian horror! Brears and Lamper, two young and cocky FBI agents, investigate a fresh series of ritual murders somehow tied to the final undercover assignment of Aldo Sax -the once golden boy of the Bureau, now a convicted killer and inmate of a maximum security prison. From their interrogation of Sax (where he spoke exclusively in inhuman tongues) to a related drug raid on a seedy rock club rife with arcane symbols and otherworldly lyrics, they suspect that they are on the trail of something awful… but nothing can prepare them for the creeping insanity and unspeakable terrors they will face in the small harbor town of Innsmouth. NEONOMICON collects Alan Moore’s 2010 comic book series for the first time in its entirety – including his original story, THE COURTYARD, which chronicled Aldo Sax’s tragic encounter with the (somewhat) mortal agents of the Old Ones!

Garth Ennis’ CALIBAN:

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The crew of the mining ship Caliban is on a routine mission Caliban-vol1deep in the universe and confident that nothing outside the normal humdrum monotony of space travel will occur. But when they encounter an alien vessel their dreams of a simple mission turn into a nightmare unfolding along the lonely corridors of the cold steel ship. Something is stalking them and systematically eliminating the few remaining personnel one by one. How can you fight something you can’t even understand? Claustrophobic terror grips the crew now as they attempt to escape the thing that has waited patiently for them to eventually arrive in the vast lonely darkness. No one is safe in deep space. Revolutionary comics writer Garth Ennis (Preacher, Crossed) takes you down a desolate corridor with the type of high tension paranoid storytelling that will leave a lasting mark on you. Beautifully illustrated by Facundo Pericio (Fashion Beast), Caliban is a must read for horror and sci-fi fans alike. This volume collects the Caliban #1 – 7 comic book series.

Kieron Gillen’s UBER VOL 1:

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      April 24, 1945. The world holds its collective breath as the UberV1TPBwar is only days away from ending. Russian troops move through Germany to the final objective… Hitler himself. As those around the mad dictator crumble, the much ridiculed threats of the “Wunderwafen” materialize. A new weapon is delivered, one with unstoppable power – a weapon like no other and with a madman pulling the trigger. The Ubers change the direction of World War II, providing a dark and uncompromising alternative history in a way that you’ve never seen. Kieron Gillen and Caanan White deliver one of the best new series of 2013 with Uber Volume 1, collecting issues #0-5 the startling first chapter of this new horror series that reimagines the super soldier in a stark, new, bloody vision.



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Garth Ennis’ War Stories Digital Sale

WarStoriesV1Garth Ennis is well known for his powerful tales of battle throughout history.  Avatar Press is proud to be the home of the ongoing War Stories series in which the author visits battles from the ages and delivers one of a kind human drama behind the battle lines of the historical conflicts.  WarStories1-regularWhether you are a comics fan or a history buff, this series provides today’s most hard hitting tales of the grit and terror of war.

This week only through Sunday 12/13 fans can obtain a bundle of War Stories digital comics from ComiXology for a holiday bargain price.  Issues #1-12 plus volumes 1 and 2 of the collected editions can be had for $24.99 as a set or for $.99 WarStories#3_Regea for comics and $8.99 ea for collections.  This is the perfect opportunity to discover Ennis’ War Stories and find the horror behind the history books:


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New in December Previews – Mike Wolfer Delivers The Crossed

CrossedVol15-HCHorror comics legend, Mike Wolfer, returns to his roots with a terrifying tale of monsters and maniacs in Crossed Vol 15 TPB.  The collection presents his Crossed: Badlands arc “The Lesser of Two Evils” in a complete trade paperback and hardcover treatment.

Illustrated and written by Wolfer, this story tells the tale of survivors stranded upon a partially collapsed overpass. CrossedVol15-TPB Safe from the Crossed, the survivors face dwindling supplies and tattered allegiances.  When they take in two women to the group they are lulled into following the steps of their “survival guide” to stay one step ahead of the Crossed.  But instead of maneuvering the group to survive it seems that there are other machinations being put into play.

This is a great story about the monsters you don’t see.  Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of this collection for you.  Crossed Vol 15 TP is on sale in February.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 12/9/15

This is the new Avatar Press digital release coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 12/9/15:

Disenchanted Vol 1 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Welcome to Vermintown! Nobody gives a crap about the little Disenchantedpeople any more. Once they were the mainstay of folklore: goblins, leprechauns, pixies, and fey. But now? Dispossessed, forgotten, doubting even their own traditions, they’ve trickled into Vermintown: a vast and vile city of a million inch-tall malcontents. Sprawling through an abandoned subway station deep beneath London, here myth has given way to sleaze, drugs, gangland violence, and interracial hatred. Vermintown is where magic went to die. What ever happened to magic? Disenchanted answers that question with all the ugliness of the fairy slums in this first chapter of the collected webseries.

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Avatar Press Awarded Horror Publisher of the Year

bestof2013 copy




For the third year in a row, Avatar Press was honored as the Horror Publisher of the Year in Decapitated Dan’s Best Of list.  Decapitated Dan is a horror icon who has been covering comics since 2009.  His work can be found on ComicRelated.com and ComicAttack.net and he is the founder of the Ghastly Awards.

Kieron Uber 1In addition to nabbing Best Horror Publisher, Kieron Gillen and his powerful war series Uber were also honored.  Kieron Gillen was named Writer of the Year and his seminal Uber series was named Best Non-Horror Series also o the third year mikewolfer (3)in a row.  And Mike Wolfer picked up Artist of the Year for his work on the Crossed: Badlands “Lesser of Two Evils” arc which he both illustrated and wrote.

Avatar is very appreciative of Decapitated Dan’s enthusiastic support and for all of the horror fans that keep our horror books on your subscription lists.  You can find Dans full 2015 article here:  http://decapitateddan.blogspot.com/2015/12/decapitated-dans-best-of-2015-comics.html


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Garth Ennis’ Code Pru #1 Delivers Black Horror Humor

CodePru1-NightlifeThis holiday season, Garth Ennis will deliver a brand new first issue comic to all the good comic book reading fans.  On December 30th, just before New Year rolls in, comic shops will have Code Pru #1.  This incredible new series is presented in stark B&W with art by the incomparable Raulo Caceres (Extinction Parade).  Pru is s skeptic living in a CodePru1-MoviePosterworld of supernatural posers.  But what happens this realist paramedic is assigned to a unit that tends to the things that go bump in the night?  Enjoy this final dark treat from 2015 before you begin your New Year’s revelry!

Code Pru #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Garth Ennis and Raulo CodePru1-RegularCaceres bring you a black humor horror book unlike anything you’ve read!  Pru wanted nothing more than to join the FDNY and help people as a paramedic.    However, that was not to be, as she gets assigned to a special unit that tends to the monsters that live in modern day New York.  Vampires, zombies, ghouls and all the creepy things that live around us in he shadows.  But no one told her that was her CodePru1-Wrapassignment.  Learning on-the-job is much more challenging with the supernatural!  This series is a lead-in to the ongoing monthly Code Pru stories running in an anthology to be announced shortly!  Raulo Caceres’ art never looked better than in the luscious black and white of this series.  Available with Regular, Wraparound, Movie Poster, Nightlife,  and a special Pure Art Incentive cover, all by series artist Raulo Caceres.


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A New Chapter of Kieron Gillen’s Mercury Heat

MH#7_regularNew in the December issue of Previews is a startling introduction to the next chapter of Kieron Gillen’s Mercury Heat.  In the wake of the terrorist attack on Mercury, Luiza has become somewhat a local hero on the planet.  Now she’s out to clean up this moving frontier town and if they won’t let her be “a police” like her childhood dreams, she’ll MH#7_Wraparoundsettle for a bounty enforcer on rim of civilization.

Anyone who is a fan of Gillen’s immersive style and imaginative characters will love Mercury Heat.  Check out the beginning of this new story arc and find out why its the best new sci-fi series being published!  Catch up with Mercury heat at your local comic shop or digitally on ComiXology!


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Warren Ellis’ Classic Crime GN Scars Arrives on Digital

51UM9yoShSL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_Warren Ellis has written classic comics for the biggest publishers and has delivered innovative and unforgettable tales.  One of the best was Scars, the 2004 published story of John Cain, a cop that is dealing with gut wrenching loss while trying to do a job that pushes even the sanest people to the brink and beyond.  This classic teamed up Ellis with Providence illustrator Jacen Burrows and the end result was a gripping drama that takes police thrillers to a new level.  Murder, betrayal, fear, and misery connect in this unforgettable story.  Find out how much of a monster you must become to hunt human monsters.

The classic tale is now available on ComiXology as a digital edition.  And the trade paperback is available at comic book shops and on Amazon right now.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 12/2/15

These are the new Avatar Press and Boundless Comics digital releases coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 12/2/15:

God is Dead #45

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Mike Costa has turned God is Dead into the most original GodisDead45_Regmythology mash up being published! After destroying Earth and civilization time and time again, the petty gods were finally take out of the picture and separated.Once they seeped back into the world the inevitable chaos
ensued… but as these beings were being recreated by the machinations of Satan they overlooked one possibility.That the ultimate deceiver would find a way to bring back God himself.




Scars GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Warren Ellis’ brilliant crime epic is collected in this 51UM9yoShSL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_incredible graphic novel. How much of a monster do you have to become to hunt monsters? John Cain has been working Homicide long enough to get hard to pretty much anything; even wrenching personal loss. But everyone has a limit, and today it’s gotten too much to bear. Today, he gets assigned something that finally breaks through his defenses — a child killing that hits horribly close to home. Until today, he’s been a good cop, a cop who goes by procedure because it’s the best way to ensure that scum go to prison. Now, he makes the parents of the victim a chilling promise: he will find the killer using any means necessary. And the killer will not get away with it — no matter what it takes!

Boundless Comics:

Webwitch #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The heat turns up in this giant-sized second issue!  Matt Webwitch2-regMartin’s Webwitch is a sexy horror tour de force that takes fans on a powerful thrill ride through of super-spies and sultry aliens! Nina has to deal with the curse of her alien DNA and now the fate of the creepy Spider-Nation and all of humanity rests upon her shoulders. We also continue the
full-color presentation of Tim Vigil’s Webwitch series!


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