Avatar Press New To Comic Shops 12/2/15

These are the new Avatar Press and Boundless Comics releases coming to comic shops on Wednesday 12/2/15:

God is Dead #45

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Mike Costa has turned God is Dead into the most original GodisDead45_Regmythology mash up being published! After destroying Earth and civilization time and time again, the petty gods were finally take out of the picture and separated.Once they seeped back into the world the inevitable chaos GodisDead45-Iconicensued… but as these beings were being recreated by the machinations of Satan they overlooked one possibility.That the ultimate deceiver would find a way to bring back God himself. Available with Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, Enchanting Cover by Jose Luis, Iconic Cover by Juan Frigeri, Carnage Wraparound & End of Days Covers by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Incentive Cover also by Luis.

Boundless Comics:

Webwitch #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The heat turns up in this giant-sized second issue!  Matt Webwitch2-regMartin’s Webwitch is a sexy horror tour de force that takes fans on a powerful thrill ride through of super-spies and sultry aliens! Nina has to deal with the curse of her alien DNA and now the fate of the creepy Spider-Nation and all of humanity rests upon her shoulders. We also continue the Webwitch2-HoneyTrapfull-color presentation of Tim Vigil’s Webwitch series! Don’t miss the amazing array of  luscious covers with this issue including Regular, Wraparound, Honey Trap, and a Retailer Incentive Pure Art by Matt Martin and Alien Seduction cover by Karl Waller. Christian Zanier illustrates the Vintage Vixen (a homage to sexy spies of the past) and the ultra-collectable Costume Change 6 cover set (with sexy topless and nude covers included!) that is limited to just 250 sets.

For the erotic art collectors, there is an Alien Erotica Adult cover by the one and only Juan Jose Ryp and an Adult cover by series maestro Matt Martin! To see the uncensored adult covers, please visit www.boundlesscomics.com.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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On this Cyber Holiday, seek the wisdom of the Robot Head of Jack Kirby


Avatar’s First-Ever Holiday Sale is Here!

This is the not-to-be-missed,  one-day, extravaganza of deep discounts on the finest Avatar and Boundless collections!  Get great deals on collections by

With collections such as

And much, much more!  Monday+Tuesday only!

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Avatar Celebrates BlackGas Friday

1118851If you are out and about today on Black Friday, I’m sure you feel quite a bit like a zombie, shambling store to store in a crowd of similarly comatose shoppers.  So what better way could there be to unwind after fighting the masses for the best deal, than by stopping at your local comic shop and picking up a copy of Warren Ellis’ classic zombie tale – BlackGas.

When a tiny island off the East Coast of America experiences a massive storm, a crack in the fault line causes the expulsion of something foul from within the earth itself.  Soon the little town of Smoky Island is overrun by infected creatures.  And when the military seeks an ultimate solution, they may very well doom the entire world.

This is zombie horror at its very best.  Check out Warren Ellis’ take on the horror of infection and enjoy a scary yarn to cap off your Black Friday shopping.

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Enjoy a Very Avatar Thanksgiving!

Crossed88-TortureCrossed90-TortureEveryone at Avatar Press would like to wish our readers and creators a happy and healthy Thanksgiving with family and friends.  Enjoy the holiday with good food, company, and a stack of Crossed trade paperbacks.  Being ready for C-Day is essential as you never know when it will hit.  So carve up that turkey, talk to your strange uncle, and keep an eye on the news for potential outbreaks.  It’s only a matter of time now…

Be prepared for the Crossed.  When the outbreak hits there will be no help or hope.  Until then, Happy Thanksgiving!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 11/25/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 11/25:

Crossed: Badlands #90

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Singer and songwriter Max Bemis of Say Anything takes Crossed90-Regreaders on a twisted trip through the dysfunctional family dynamic of two very different brothers in a Crossed world.The end of civilization has come to town at last as the misery of the Crossed is visited upon a peaceful suburb.And thirty years of frustration and anger come to a head
between a brother and his infected sibling in the powerful conclusion to “Shrink.”




Providence #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Fans and critics alike are hailing Alan Moore’s Providence as Providence06-regthe horror event of the year! Mild mannered newsman Robert Black is uncovering a mysterious undercurrent of fear as the pieces of the Lovecraftian puzzle slowly begin to make a coherent picture. The dramatic tension is building with each incredible ad-free 40 page issue and this issue begins the big unveils. The work has been researched and
developed by Moore and Burrows over the course of several years. And the end result is an amazing tome of Lovecraftian influenced nightmares where Moore has written every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date.Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 11/25

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to your local comic shop on Wednesday 11/25:

Crossed: Badlands #90

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Singer and songwriter Max Bemis of Say Anything takes Crossed90-Regreaders on a twisted trip through the dysfunctional family dynamic of two very different brothers in a Crossed world.The end of civilization has come to town at last as the misery of the Crossed is visited upon a peaceful suburb.And thirty years of frustration and anger come to a head Crossed90-Torturebetween a brother and his infected sibling in the powerful conclusion to “Shrink.”Available with Regular & Torture Covers by Christian Zanier, Wraparound Cover by Daniel Gete, C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

Providence #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Fans and critics alike are hailing Alan Moore’s Providence as Providence06-regthe horror event of the year! Mild mannered newsman Robert Black is uncovering a mysterious undercurrent of fear as the pieces of the Lovecraftian puzzle slowly begin to make a coherent picture. The dramatic tension is building with each incredible ad-free 40 page issue and this issue begins the big unveils. The work has been researched and Providence06-Pantheondeveloped by Moore and Burrows over the course of several years. And the end result is an amazing tome of Lovecraftian influenced nightmares where Moore has written every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date.Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections! Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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Max Bemis Delivers a Second Crossed Tale

Crossed91-RegSinger and songwriter, Max Bemis, is delivering a second brutal trip into the Crossed universe with a new tale beginning in Badlands #91.  This tale hits especially close to home for comic book fans as the survivors are the usual suspects at a local comic shop.  But what happens to nice Crossed91-Tortureguys when the world ends or worse…when the new comics stop coming?

Enjoy a dark look at the world through the eyes of survivors hiding out in place where they spent most of their time before the outbreak.  And find out what is worse…the Crossed driven to madness by a disease or the uninfected driven by their Crossed91-Cday-Nigeriaown twisted and hidden base desires.

Look for Crossed: Badlands #91 in your local comic shop and on ComiXology on Wednesday 12/16.

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Return to Claustrophobic Sci-Fi Horror in the Caliban TPB

Caliban-vol1Very few movies or comics have been able to capture the tension and claustrophobic horror of Ridley Scott’s classic, Alien.  But for sci-fi fans who yearn for a story that harkens back to that dire and desperate feeling of helplessness and paranoia, Garth Ennis perfectly reinvents the mood and desolation in his original take on horror in space.  In the pages of Caliban we encounter an Earth mining ship that is on a routine trip into the cosmos in search of raw materials. caliban-4 - Copy The crew is all too nonchalant about the wonder of hurling through space faster than light and in no way prepared for the horror that waits for them in the vastness of the universe.

If you have not read this incredible self contained trade paperback story, get to your local comic shop, order on Amazon, or visit www.comcav.net to find a copy and experience a true horror masterpiece.  This is one of the must-read books of the past year and it is also a very accessible title to give as a gift to the horror comics reader in your life.

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Add More Moore to Your Digital Reading

AnotherSuburbanTrade2014Thanks to ComiXology running a special sale this week on Avatar’s Alan Moore comics and graphic novels, you can add more Moore to your digital reading list for a fantastic introductory price.  This Alan Moore bundle includes 20 comics and one graphic novel for only $19.99.  The items included are:

-Neonomicon #1-4

-Fashion Beast #1-10

-Crossed +100 #1-6

-Another Suburban Romance GN

FashionBeast1regularIf you ever wanted to sample Alan Moore’s Avatar books, this is a great way to get a lot “more” for a nice low price.  You can find the bundle of comics here:


Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyAnd if you enjoy the digital editions, please stop in your local comic book shop to find the single issue comics and trade collections for your bookshelf.

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Yuggoth Cultures & Other Growths TPB

ALAN MOORES YUGGOTH CULTURES TP-01Fans are universally hailing Alan Moore’s Providence as one of his most realized stories ever published.  This is tremendous praise for the slow-burn Lovecraftian horror that is being delivered in every issue of the new series.  Fans of Neonomicon look at Providence as a continuation of these themes of underlying horror that resides below consciousness.  And as the call for “more Moore” Lovecraftian horror is heard, we wanted to take a moment to remember another tale that delivers just that, in Alan Moore’s Yuggoth Cultures & Other Growths.



PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Yuggoth Cultures and Other Growths features tons of Alan’s Yuggothclassic short sequential comic book stories that have been long out of print, stories that have never before been seen and special developmental sections with original script pages and comments from Alan and the creators. This massive volume also has an extensive interview with Moore as he discusses Yuggoth Cultures, the stories inside and some of the amazing tales the lead to their creation as well as the real magic behind the works. As if that wasn’t enough, Antony Johnston’s work inspired by Yuggoth Cultures and the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft is included and features all-star art by Juan Jose Ryp, Jacen Burrows, Dheeraj Verma and many more along with copious notes on the Lovecraftian origins of the tales.

Yuggoth Cultures & Other Growths TPB is available from local comic shops, at Amazon, and from www.comcav.net.

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