Uber Digital Blitzkrieg on ComiXology

Uber26_RegKieron Gillen’s incredible World War II altered history series has redefined what a super soldier comic book can be.  The unrelenting and dark story details the introduction of German Ubers into the waning days of the war and the devistation they cause is at times unbearable to watch.

Uber19-regAnyone looking for a powerful comic book series that is truly innovative and unique should look no further than this incredible story.  This week fans can obtain sale priced digital copies of the award winning series at:  https://www.comixology.com/Uber-Sale/page/8453

Uber0RegAll 28 digital comics of the first chapter can be purchased in a bundle for $19.99 and all single issues for $.99 through Sunday 10/18.

If you enjoy the digital comics be sure to stop by your local comic book shop to find copies of the five Trade Paperback volumes for your bookshelf.


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A New Chapter of War Stories

WarStories13-wrapGarth Ennis has a way of telling the most poignant and powerful tales of war.  His stories focus not only on the action of the particular encounter but on the human element.  In War Stories Ennis finds a way to deliver powerful drama within the confides of horrific conflict.

WarStories13-BattleDamageThis week in comic shops War Stories #13 begins a new ark called “Tokyo Club” with artist Tomas Aria.  If you are a fan of history and the very real human horrors that happen when bullets fly, this is a perfect place for you to encounter one of the best and longest running war narratives being published.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      How do you join The Tokyo Club? Simple. You climb intoWarStories13-regyour single seat, single engine fighter- loaded with fuel and ammunition- and fly 700 miles across the open Pacific until you reach the mainland of Japan. There you fight off any enemy aircraft attempting to hit the American bombers you’re escorting to their targets. Still alive? Now comes the fun part. You fly another 700 miles back home to your airstrip on Iwo Jima, fuel running lower and lower, nothing but ocean for miles around. Any battle damage you’ve suffered will reduce your chances even further. Make it back and you’re in the club. And more good news: you get to do it all again tomorrow. Part one of three, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aria.


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Max Bemis Joins the Crossed!

Crossed87-RegSinger, songwriter, and comic scribe, Max Bemis has lent his distinct voice to a new story arc in Crossed: Badlands #87.  The issue hits comic shops and ComiXology today and tells the powerful tale of two estranged brothers – one human and one Crossed.

Crossed87-TortureIn the early days of the infection some remote areas were safe for a fleeting time after the initial outbreak.  But nothing survives the misery of the Crossed and soon two siblings are reunited for a final time to discover if old wounds can be healed or if new ones will be inflicted.  In “Shrink” we see a twisted family dynamic become the focal point of two very different men.

Crossed87-WrapStop by your local comic shop today and check out this startling new tale from one of comics most innovative new creators.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 10/14/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 10/14/15:

Crossed: Badlands #87

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Singer and song writer Max Bemis spins a fresh tale of Crossed87-Regterror in the pages of Crossed: Badlands!  In a world overrun by madmen and maniacs, how can anyone hope to survive with their sanity intact?  When two brother survive, one human, one Crossed, the family dynamic can be
heartbreaking. The lessons of a Crossed world are taught in tainted blood in this new terrifying story.





Crossed +100 #10

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Crossed: Wish You Were Here scribe Simon Spurrier takes Crossed100-10regAlan Moore’s incredible reimagining of Crossed in the future into a breathtaking ongoing monthly series!  Future Taylor beings to discover what Beau Salt’s actual seeds of
destruction are, and finds out that Crossed settlements aren’t what they seem to be .





God is Dead #43

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The epic return of the gods has come and what happens in the GodisDead43_Regwake of divine re-entry in the lives of mortals is unforgettable!  At first it was a trickle as some divine outliers found their way to Earth, but now the floodgates are open and the world is once again tossed about like a
ship on the ocean.  The last time the gods brought about the destruction of everything…will history repeat itself?





War Stories #13

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      How do you join The Tokyo Club? Simple. You climb into WarStories13-regyour single seat, single engine fighter- loaded with fuel and ammunition- and fly 700 miles across the open Pacific until you reach the mainland of Japan. There you fight off any enemy aircraft attempting to hit the American bombers you’re escorting to their targets. Still alive? Now comes the fun part. You fly another 700 miles back home to your
airstrip on Iwo Jima, fuel running lower and lower, nothing but ocean for miles around. Any battle damage you’ve suffered will reduce your chances even further. Make it back and you’re in the club. And more good news: you get to do it all again tomorrow. Part one of three, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aria.

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George RR Martin’s Skin Trade Coming to Cinemax!

GRRMSkinTrade-tpbNew York Times bestselling author, George RR Martin, has just announced that his noir werewolf tale, Skin Trade will be coming to the cable channel Cinemax soon!  Martin reveals that the deal is done and that a plot script has been ordered.  Willie Flambeaux and Randi Wade are coming to the small screen with a unique tale by the Game of Thrones creator.

The full article can be found here:  http://grrm.livejournal.com/448800.html

Fans who would like to read the collected comic book adaptation of the World Fantasy Award winning tale can find copies at your local comic shop, Amazon, or here at Comic Cavalcade:  http://www.comcav.net/products/george-r-r-martins-skin-trade-vol-01-tpb


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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 10/14/15

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to Comic Shops on Wednesday 10/14/15:

Crossed: Badlands #87

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Singer and song writer Max Bemis spins a fresh tale of Crossed87-Regterror in the pages of Crossed: Badlands!  In a world overrun by madmen and maniacs, how can anyone hope to survive with their sanity intact?  When two brother survive, one human, one Crossed, the family dynamic can be Crossed87-Tortureheartbreaking. The lessons of a Crossed world are taught in tainted blood in this new terrifying story. Available with Regular Cover by Facundo Percio, Wraparound Cover by Ignacio Calero, C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Torture &Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

Crossed +100 #10

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Crossed: Wish You Were Here scribe Simon Spurrier takes Crossed100-10regAlan Moore’s incredible reimagining of Crossed in the future into a breathtaking ongoing monthly series!  Future Taylor beings to discover what Beau Salt’s actual seeds of Crossed100-10WishfulFictiondestruction are, and finds out that Crossed settlements aren’t what they seem to be .





God is Dead #43

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The epic return of the gods has come and what happens in the GodisDead43_Regwake of divine re-entry in the lives of mortals is unforgettable!  At first it was a trickle as some divine outliers found their way to Earth, but now the floodgates are open and the world is once again tossed about like a GodisDead43-Iconicship on the ocean.  The last time the gods brought about the destruction of everything…will history repeat itself? Available with Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, Enchanting by Christian Zanier, End of Days by Jose Luis, Iconic Cover by Juan Frigeri, a Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Incentive Cover also by Frigeri.

War Stories #13

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      How do you join The Tokyo Club? Simple. You climb into WarStories13-regyour single seat, single engine fighter- loaded with fuel and ammunition- and fly 700 miles across the open Pacific until you reach the mainland of Japan. There you fight off any enemy aircraft attempting to hit the American bombers you’re escorting to their targets. Still alive? Now comes the fun part. You fly another 700 miles back home to your WarStories13-BattleDamageairstrip on Iwo Jima, fuel running lower and lower, nothing but ocean for miles around. Any battle damage you’ve suffered will reduce your chances even further. Make it back and you’re in the club. And more good news: you get to do it all again tomorrow. Part one of three, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aria.  Available with Regular &Wraparound Covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies for you today!


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New York Comic Con Signings Announced!

Kieron Uber 1Come meet Uber and Mercury Heat scribe Kieron Gillen at the Avatar Press booth #1920 at New York Comic Con this weekend!


Friday 10/9 at 4:45 – 5:15

Sunday 10/11 at 1:00 – 2:00

We have copies of all of Kieron’s latest Avatar projects available at the booth.  And you can be the first to get the lowdown on the upcoming plans for the next chapter of Uber!  See you at the con!

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New York Comic Con Exclusives

Avatar Press (Booth #1920) will have some incredible New York Comic Con Exclusives!  These books are incredibly limited so get there early to snag copies for your collection.

unnamedProvidence #4 Weird Pulp Cover – $10 limited to 1000

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This stunning edition is painted by Michael DiPascale over Jacen Burrows’ pencils.  Evoking the feel of Pulps from the 20’s and 30’s, this edition is the most limited on Providence with only 1000 copies printed!

Providence05-WeirdPulp copy




Providence #5 Weird Pulp Cover – $10 limited to 1000

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This stunning edition is painted by Michael DiPascale over Jacen Burrows’ pencils.  Evoking the feel of Pulps from the 20’s and 30’s, this edition is the most limited on Providence with only 1000 copies printed!

god-is-dead-book-alpha-leather-cgc-10GOD IS DEAD: The Book of Acts #Alpha Leather CGC Numbered CGC 10.0 Graded – $200

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This White Leather with Royal Blue Foil is only available in this CGC Numbered Edition, limited to just 150 individually numbered copies.   We offer here copies in perfect 10.0 grade!

GOD IS DEAD: The Book of Acts #Alpha Leather CGC Numbered CGC 9.9 Graded – $100

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This White Leather with Royal Blue Foil is only available in this CGC Numbered Edition, limited to just 150 individually numbered copies.   We offer here copies in stunning 9.9 grade!

crossed+100-1-leather-cgc-10CROSSED +100 #1 Leather CGC Numbered
CGC 10.0 Graded – $200

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This Black Leather with Gold Foil is only available in this CGC Numbered Edition, limited to just 150 individually numbered copies.   We offer here copies in perfect 10.0 grade!

CROSSED +100 #1 Leather CGC Numbered
CGC 9.9 Graded – $100

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This Black Leather with Gold Foil is only available in this CGC Numbered Edition, limited to just 150 individually numbered copies.   We offer here copies in stunning 9.9 grade!

mercury-heat-1-leather-cgc-10MERCURY HEAT #1 Leather CGC Numbered
CGC 10.0 Graded – $200

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This Black Leather with Gold Foil is only available in this CGC Numbered Edition, limited to just 150 individually numbered copies.   We offer here copies in perfect 10.0 grade!

MERCURY HEAT #1 Leather CGC Numbered
CGC 9.8 Graded – $75

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  This Black Leather with Gold Foil is only available in this CGC Numbered Edition, limited to just 150 individually numbered copies.   We offer here copies in 9.8 grade!

And if you can’t make it to New York Comic Con – a few copies have been reserved here at Comic Cavalcade for fans to obtain – http://www.comcav.net/collections/avatar-2015-convention-exclusives

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Warren Ellis Ultimate Digital Bundle on ComiXology Through 10/11/15

Black Summer - 9781592910526 - JPEG2Warren Ellis has written some of the very best stories of every genre in comics.  Avatar is celebrating his contributions to the vast library of original tales he has created with us by offering an Ultimate Ellis Bundle sale of his digital comics and graphic novels at ComiXology.  Through Sunday 10/11/15 fans can get an amazing 91 book package of digital comics goodness for just $59.99.




The special offer includes:

SuperGodWarren Ellis – Ultimate Ellis Bundle –

Black Summer, No Hero, Supergod

Anna Mercury, Ignition City, Doktor Sleepless

Gravel, Combat Magician

Wolfskin, Black Gas

Aetheric Mechanics, Crecy,  Atmospherics, Dark Blue

crecySingle issues and GNs from this list are also on sale this week only!  Check out the full offerings on ComiXology here:   https://www.comixology.com/Warren-Ellis-Sale/page/8369

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 10/7/15

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to comic shops on Wednesday 10/7/15:

Uber Vol 5 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen’s groundbreaking alternate war history begins UberVol5-TPBa new terrifying chapter in super human World War II warfare.  The Nazi’s have enacted Hitler’s master plan, the Great Burn is now turning all of Europe into a fire-blasted wasteland.  City after city, country after country, the very earth itself is being purged by the unparalleled power of the German onslaught.  With no answer on the horizon to stopping the Axis from purifying the entire continent, the Allies turn to Stephanie and the monster that is the HMH Churchill for a glimmer of hope.  The horrors of super human warfare continue to rage throughout Europe and the destruction mounts to global levels.  Uber is an unforgettable vision of the misery of war turned apocalypse. This volume collects issues #23 – 27 of the ongoing Uber comic book series and the Uber 2014 Free Comic Book Day Special.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve a copy for you today!


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