Crossed on Bicycles

Crossed100-9RegularThey say it’s like “riding a bicycle” – you never forget how to do it.  And this week in Crossed +100 #9 we see an entire cell of Crossed illustrating that point.  Though they are clearly the mad depraved monsters we’ve come to expect, they still remember how to ride bikes only instead of for leisure it’s for riding into battle.  Strangely enough…they didn’t think to remove the seats on the bikes which would Crossed100-9CrossedWireshave been just about perfect for the present day Crossed’s penchant for self mutilation in the course of their jubilant murder sprees.

Simon Spurrier is delivering a continually fresh take on the future world of the Crossed following up on the initial design by master scribe Alan Crossed100-9WishfulFictionMoore.  The twists and turns of this tale are incredible and sure to keep you guessing about the true motivations behind the machinations of the Crossed.  Stop by your local comic shop today to catch up on this unique horror story about the evolution of both human and Crossed one hundred years in the future.



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Mercury Heat Sizzles

MercuryHeat4-regularKieron Gillen is delivering a unique and action-packed story within the pages of Mercury Heat.  This week as the fourth issue arrives in comic shops, he ups the ante in this original sci-fi spectacle by literally pushing Luiza to the brink as she attempts to outrun the deadly boiling temperature band of Mercury’s sun-side.

MercuryHeat4-ExcForceFans of fast paced sci-fi action have received the year’s most innovative new entry as we follow one woman’s attempt to navigate her live between the profession she has always wanted and her borderline psychopathic brain profile.  Mercury Heat has everything you love about sci-fi and enough violence to give the original Total Recall a run for MercuryHeat4-Wraparoundits money in body count.

Stop by your local comic shop today and find out what makes Mercury Heat one of the year’s best comics!

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A New Terrifying Chapter of Providence Arrives Today

Providence05-regAlan Moore’s Lovecraftian masterpiece, Providence, delivers a brand new chapter of slow burn terror today in comic shops.  The fifth oversized ad-free issue takes Robert Black into a nightmare world of hidden monstrosities and sanity breaking horror.  Fans who have been following the story have found hidden messages and meaning in the Providence05-portraitreferences buried in the very fabric of the tale.  This is without a doubt one of the true horror gems in 21st century comic books.  Visit your local comic book shop to experience the mystery of Providence.

Providence #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore’s horror event of Providence05-pantheonthe year continues to push the limits of the comic book medium with an incredible ad-free 40 page fifth issue!  Robert Black is discovering a hidden underbelly of mind snapping terror as he uncovers the layers of repressed Providence05-womenhorror around him. This work has been researched and developed by Moore and Burrows over the course of several years.  The end result is an amazing tome of Lovecraftian influenced nightmares where Moore has written every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date.  Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections!  Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 9/30/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital items that are coming to ComiXology Wednesday 9/30/15:

Crossed: Badlands #86

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In the heart-stopping conclusion of “The Lesser of Two Evils,” Crossed86-Regthe remaining bridge survivors must fight for their lives… Against each other! After their humane gesture to save the lives of Morgan and Olivia by taking them into their confidence and welcoming them into the safety of the bridge stronghold, the group begins to fall victim to their
own paranoia of one another. But is their distrust genuine, a result of the “survival guide” whose words they have followed to the letter, or perhaps something far, more sinister… And premeditated?



Crossed +100 #9

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Simon Spurrier continues to take the incredible self-Crossed100-9Regularsustaining world of Alan Moore’s Crossed +100 into a frightening new direction.  Future Taylor attempts to uncover the cause behind the rising tide of Crossed
populations in the new world.  And in the darkness she finds that something insidious may cause her to question her most dear beliefs.





Mercury Heat #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen is unleashed in MercuryHeat4-regularan original sci-fi epic like you’ve never seen!  Cantankerous cop Luisa is on the trail of a killer and no amount of psychotic cyborg locals are going to get in her way.  Fast paced action mixed with awesome sci-fi concepts makes Mercury Heat the must read thrill ride of the year.  The smash-hit of FCBD continues monthly with the future world where cyborgs and memory crystals crash into a good old-fashion cop drama!




Providence #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore’s horror event of the year continues to push the Providence05-reglimits of the comic book medium with an incredible ad-free 40 page fifth issue!  Robert Black is discovering a hidden underbelly of mind snapping terror as he uncovers the layers of repressed horror around him. This work has been researched and developed by Moore and Burrows over the
course of several years.  The end result is an amazing tome of Lovecraftian influenced nightmares where Moore has written every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date.  Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 9/30/15

These are the new Avatar Press items that are coming to comic shops Wednesday 9/30/15:

Crossed: Badlands #86

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In the heart-stopping conclusion of “The Lesser of Two Evils,” Crossed86-Regthe remaining bridge survivors must fight for their lives… Against each other! After their humane gesture to save the lives of Morgan and Olivia by taking them into their confidence and welcoming them into the safety of the bridge stronghold, the group begins to fall victim to their Crossed86-Tortureown paranoia of one another. But is their distrust genuine, a result of the “survival guide” whose words they have followed to the letter, or perhaps something far, more sinister… And premeditated? Available with Regular & Torture Covers by Christian Zanier, Wraparound Cover by Ignacio Calero, C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

Crossed +100 #9

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Simon Spurrier continues to take the incredible self-Crossed100-9Regularsustaining world of Alan Moore’s Crossed +100 into a frightening new direction.  Future Taylor attempts to uncover the cause behind the rising tide of Crossed Crossed100-9CrossedWirespopulations in the new world.  And in the darkness she finds that something insidious may cause her to question her most dear beliefs.



Mercury Heat #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen is unleashed in MercuryHeat4-regularan original sci-fi epic like you’ve never seen!  Cantankerous cop Luisa is on the trail of a killer and no amount of psychotic cyborg locals are going to get in her way.  Fast paced action mixed with awesome sci-fi concepts MercuryHeat4-ArtNouveaumakes Mercury Heat the must read thrill ride of the year.  The smash-hit of FCBD continues monthly with the future world where cyborgs and memory crystals crash into a good old-fashion cop drama!  Available with Regular, Wraparound, Art Nouveau, Excessive Force, and a special Interstellar Incentive Cover by Nahuel Lopez.

Providence #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore’s horror event of the year continues to push the Providence05-reglimits of the comic book medium with an incredible ad-free 40 page fifth issue!  Robert Black is discovering a hidden underbelly of mind snapping terror as he uncovers the layers of repressed horror around him. This work has been researched and developed by Moore and Burrows over the Providence05-portraitcourse of several years.  The end result is an amazing tome of Lovecraftian influenced nightmares where Moore has written every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date.  Fans of Moore’s immersive style and meticulous grasp of storytelling will be thrilled to add this essential piece of comics history to their collections!  Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve a copy for you today!


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Crossed DOA Triple Threat

CrossedDOA1-VIP SignedCrossed: DOA is a the collected Garth Ennis penned webcomic which was used to help fund the upcoming live action Crossed project (check out the program on  The issues are extremely limited and hard to get but there is also a version which features the autographs of the three creators that make the Crossed universe what it is – author Garth Ennis, artist Jacen CrossedDOA2-VIP SignedBurrows, and editor William Christensen.  These Crossed: DOA Triple Signed editions are some of the rarest Crossed collectibles in existence with only 500 copies available.  Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies for you to complete your Crossed collection with the very creators of the most horrifying comic series being published.

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New In Previews – Max Bemis Delivers A Crossed Love Story

Crossed91-WrapSinger and songwriter of the popular band Say Anything, Max Bemis, has been delivering some of the freshest and most poignant comics being published.  From his work on Evil Empire to Polarity, Bemis has created powerful tales that have become instant hits.  Recently he delivered his first foray into Garth Ennis’ grueling world of survival horror in the Crossed series arc “Shrink.”

Crossed91-TortureBut now in the new issue of Previews, Bemis takes his next steps into the violent world of the Crossed with a story that attempts to find the one thing that the outbreak obliterated…love.  Can there still be love in a world run by the basest impulses?  You can find out in the powerful story arc beginning with Crossed: Badlands #91 which is in comic book shops this December.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve copies for you today.

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New in Previews – War Stories Vol 3 TPB

The October issue of Previews is out in stores today and with it comes the exciting listing for the first new War Stories trade collection in years.  Garth Ennis’ powerful tales of the horror and drama within bloody conflicts throughout time is here.  This volume collects the first nine issues of the Avatar ongoing series into a beautiful and moving edition.

War Stories Vol 3 TPB:

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     This volume of Garth Ennis’ powerful War Stories series WarStoriesV3-TPBfeatures tales ripped from the pages of history itself delivering a horrifying and riveting look at some of the most brutal battles throughout time. This essential tome includes three stories of battle written by Ennis and illustrated by Thomas Aria including:

Castles in the Sky: A horrifying tale of early bomber pilots and their incredibly difficult missions during wartime. Thrust into the sky with a new team of soldiers these brave men learn quickly the horrors of aerial combat over the skies of Germany.  With art by Matt Martin and Keith Burns.

Children of Israel: In 1973, the Golan Heights was the home to the most brutal tank warfare in history. As a young nation of Israel faced the imposing forces of the Syrian army, the true mettle of these soldiers would be tested as never before.   With art by Tomas Aira.

The Last German Winter: February 1945: as the Soviet war machine crashes into eastern Germany on a tidal wave of carnage and revenge, a mother and her children join the flood of refugees struggling to stay ahead of the invaders. But the realities of battle are dreadful to behold, and what the little family find waiting for them is deadlier than any mythical dragon. Worse still, the strange figures who appear from the deep woods are far from being knights in shining armour- and in these dark times, the price of salvation may just be too much to bear. With art by Tomas Aira.

This volume collects War Stories #1 – 9 of the ongoing comic book series.

Ask your local comics retailer to reserve a copy for you today!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 9/23/15

This is the new Avatar Press digital item coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 9/23/15:

War Stories Vol 2 New Edition

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A new re-mastered edition of the second volume of the WarStoriesV2original War Stories, written by Garth Ennis (Preacher, Crossed, The Boys) and featuring art by some of comics’ all-time greats. Volume 2 features:

J for Jenny
Drawn by David Lloyd (V for Vendetta). The nightly operations of an RAF Lancaster bomber are dangerous enough, but discord among the crew could mean their end.

The Reivers
Drawn by Cam Kennedy (Rogue Trooper). In the western desert, an SAS patrol wreaks in night-time raids against German units- but their leader holds a dark secret all his own.

Drawn by Carlos Ezquerra (Judge Dredd). During the brutal Spanish Civil War, four soldiers from four different armies find they have a lot in common- but not quite enough to end the conflict.

Drawn by Gary Erskine (Dan Dare). A down on his luck RAF pilot runs afoul of his commanding officer, and ends up “volunteering” for a terrifying one-way trip.

Features an afterword by Ennis in which the real-life inspiration for the stories is revealed.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 9/23/15

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to local comic book shops on Wednesday 9/23/15:

God is Dead Vol 6 TPB

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       The Titans are on the verge of being driven back into
GodisDeadVol6-TPBimprisonment, but a cornered animal is very dangerous.  Now their ultimate ally has been called and Gaia, the mother of titans and the very Earth itself has come to their aid.  What force can stand against the very soul of the world?  The threads of the God is Dead universe finally are woven together in an unforgettable arc as “American Gods” joins the primary storyline and Gabby, the girl who would be a god, must meets her final destiny.  The God is Dead world is an incredible mashup of modern mythology that has to be seen to believed!  This volume collects issues #31 – 36 of the ongoing God is Dead series.


Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve a copy for you today!


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