Epic Conclusion to Crossed: Badlands “Lesser of Two Evils” Arc Coming

Crossed86-RegHorror icon Mike Wolfer has delivered a powerful Crossed: Badlands arc called “The Lesser of Two Evils.”  The story is leading toward an epic conclusion in the upcoming pages of Crossed: Badlands #86.

A band of survivors that have taken over a partially collapsed overpass have welcomed two stragglers into their fold.  These two women come with experience via a fictional “zombie survival guide” and under the guise of helping the Crossed86-Torturepeople survive in their corner of the apocalypse.  But things are not always as they seem as the ulterior motive and masterful manipulation begin to play out.  Now with the alliances within the camp are disintegrating and the call of the Crossed is nearing.  A classic who dunnit tale concludes as we find out exactly what happens where there is no help and there is no hope…

Ask your local comic shop owner to get copies Crossed Badlands #80 – 85 to catch up on this pivotal arc today!

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Alan Moore’s Horror Masterpiece

Providence04-portraitHorror fans are discovering Alan  Moore’s modern horror masterpiece, Providence in local comic shops.  The series is one of Moore’s most immersive works and in true Lovecraftian style it is building a sense of creeping dread that is palpable.  Scholars and readers are evaluating the manuscripts trying to decipher the hidden clues and locations that tell the story beneath the story within its Providence04-regpages.  It is artist Jacen Burrows masterpiece of illustration as he meticulously weaves Moore’s web into a visual powerhouse.  Fans of traditional horror and especially of the masters like Lovecraft must pick up this series to see why it is being called “The Watchmen of Horror.”

Providence #1 -4 are available in local comic shops and digitally on ComiXology now.  Pick up these issues and discover the horror event of the year!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 9/16/15

This is the new Avatar Press digital item coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 9/16:

War Stories Vol 1 GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Fully re-mastered, these stunning works have never looked so WarStoriesV1good. Featuring some of the finest war comics ever done, with scripts by Garth Ennis (Preacher, Crossed, The Boys) and art by some of the biggest names in comics. Collected in Volume 1 are: Johann’s Tiger – Drawn by Chris Weston (The Filth). A German tank crew face their own damnation in the twilight of the Second World War, as old ghosts and old sins catch up with them. D-Day Dodgers – Drawn by John Higgins (Pride & Joy). British soldiers in the remote Italian campaign find themselves fighting a forgotten war, while others closer to home reap the glory. Screaming Eagles – Drawn by Dave Gibbons (Watchmen). Exhausted by years of combat, American paratroopers come to the end of the road and are suddenly granted a strange reward. Nightingale – Drawn by David Lloyd (V for Vendetta). A Royal Navy escort ship on the nightmarish Arctic convoy run hits trouble- and only the ultimate sacrifice will earn her crew redemption.

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Kieron Gillen’s Crossed: Badlands Arc Collected

CrossedVol14-HCKieron Gillen’s powerful tale of the Crossed in the present and far flung past is being collected into the Crossed Vol 14 TPB this Fall.  The series spun out of the festivities for the 2015 C-Day events earlier this year.  Now retailers are preparing their orders for a volume that sees one of today’s hottest writers deliver a powerful depiction of the most grueling horror story being published in comics.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen (Uber, Wicked & CrossedVol14-TPBDevine) takes the horrors of the Crossed back to the ancient past where 75,000 years ago humanity came as close as it has ever come to being purged from the Earth.  There were as few as 2000 humans remaining.  This is historical fact.  Why it came to this is generally blamed on super-volcano Toba causing a minor ice-age. But that’s not the full story.  That is not the history of the Homo Tortor, i.e. Man The Torturer.  This empire before the beginning of time, that sends raiding parties gathering other Homo species and enormous mega-fauna, invented cruelty, refined domination, and perfected killing.  And they think their power will last forever. There is no help, there is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.   This volume collects issues #75 – 80 of the ongoing Crossed: Badlands series.  Available in paperback and hardcover editions.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of this pivotal arc for you today!

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Double Shot of Crossed in Comic Shops

Crossed100n8-RegularIt’s a Crossed week in local comic book shops as issues of the ongoing Badlands series and the Alan Moore created +100 are on shelves.  Ever since the first issue of Crossed debuted, fans have flocked to the series that provides the most horrifying uncensored look at a post apocalyptic future.  This week fans can pick their poison with stories from the modern Crossed world or the far flung future 100 years after C-Day.

Crossed85-regCrossed: Badlands #85:     As the procurement team from the bridge reach their goal of the Pharm-Rite drug store and face the unthinkable horrors awaiting them, the alliances of those they left behind with newcomers Morgan and Olivia begin to erode. Following the “gospel” of the women’s survival guide, the survivors on the bridge and on the ground find their once sound confederacy unraveling. But which is worse- The maniacal, natural urges of the Crossed, or cold, calculated murder by someone who is uninfected?

Crossed100n8-CrossedWiresCrossed +100 #8:  Simon Spurrier continues to deliver a dire new tale based on Crossed100n8-Regularthe extensive world-building notes from Alan Moore! A few years after the events of the first Crossed +100 arc, Future attempts to prepare the people of Murfreesboro for the horrors she saw. But an exploratory balloon ride to the outlying settlements provides an ominous warning that the relative peace that the surviving humans managed to scrape together has begun to crumble. Crossed85-Cday-NewZealandEvery nuance of this series has been inspired by the masterfully detailed outlines of Alan Moore.

And for even more Crossed – don’t forget to visit ComiXology before 9/20 to catch up on digital issues for a fantastic 7th Anniversary price – Crossed digital back issues for $.99 or a massive 108 comic library for $79.99   https://www.comixology.com/Crossed-Anniversary-Bundle/bundle/1075

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Crossed Celebrates 7 Years of Terror

crossed-58-regGarth Ennis’ unforgettable horror series, Crossed, celebrates seven years of terror filled comics with an incredible digital sale.  This week only through 9/13 readers can get Crossed digital back issues for $.99 or a massive 108 comic library for $79.99 here on ComiXology:   https://www.comixology.com/Crossed-Anniversary-Bundle/bundle/1075

If you are a fan of all things frightening, you owe it to yourself to read the most visceral uncensored horror comic of all time.  When a plague that turns ordinary humans into Crossed74-regraving lunatics bent on violating the most heinous acts imaginable, small groups of survivors attempt to escape certain misery at the hands of monstrous mobs.  This series is unlike any you’ve read before and pushes the boundary of true grueling horror.

Crossed63-regBe warned – Crossed is not for the feint of heart but it will forever change how you look at horror comics.  There is no help.  There is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.

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Kieron Gillen Spins Sci-Fi Thriller

MERCURY-HEAT03-RegKieron Gillen is well known for his incredible work on the terror filled altered history war title Uber, but his newest creation, Mercury Heat, delivers a harrowing fast paced tale of murder in the far flung future.  Luiza has a very special psych profile.  She’s one shade away from being a psychopath according to her neuro profile results.  But that MERCURY-HEAT03-Excessivehasn’t stopped her from using her unique skills to become a bounty hunter on the rolling cyber wild west horror that is the planet Mercury.

This series appeals to fans of hard sci-fi, action, adventure, and grand space opera.  If you are looking for a fresh story that is certain to captivate and entertain, ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies of the first few issues for you.  Mercury Heat #3 is available everywhere today!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 9/9/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital titles arriving at ComiXology on Wednesday 9/9/15:

Crossed Badlands #85

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As the procurement team from the bridge reach their goal of Crossed85-regthe Pharm-Rite drug store and face the unthinkable horrors awaiting them, the alliances of those they left behind with newcomers Morgan and Olivia begin to erode. Following the “gospel” of the women’s survival guide, the
survivors on the bridge and on the ground find their once sound confederacy unraveling. But which is worse- The maniacal, natural urges of the Crossed, or cold, calculated murder by someone who is uninfected?




Crossed +100 #8

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Simon Spurrier continues to deliver a dire new tale based on Crossed100n8-Regularthe extensive world-building notes from Alan Moore!  A few years after the events of the first Crossed +100 arc, Future attempts to prepare the people of Murfreesboro for
the horrors she saw.  But an exploratory balloon ride to the outlying settlements provides an ominous warning that the relative peace that the surviving humans managed to scrape together has begun to crumble.  Every nuance of this series has been inspired by the masterfully detailed outlines of Alan Moore.



God is Dead #42

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       The world has been remade and the realms of man and god GodisDead42_Regare separate.  With the slaughter of gods fighting daily, being reaped, and set back to combat, all seems truly futile.  But somewhere, voices from Earth’s past are weaving stories about the realms of both the mortal and
the divine.  And those tales may spell doom for the peace that has divided the two realms in new creation.





Mercury Heat #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen delves deeper into his new world of Mercury as MERCURY-HEAT03-Regsurly cop Luiza goes for wild ride on the surface!.  The smash-hit of FCBD continues monthly with the sizzling sci-
fi world where cyborgs and memory crystals crash into a good old-fashion cop drama!


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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 9/9/15

These are the new Avatar Press titles arriving in local comic shops on Wednesday 9/9/15:

Crossed Badlands #85

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As the procurement team from the bridge reach their goal of Crossed85-regthe Pharm-Rite drug store and face the unthinkable horrors awaiting them, the alliances of those they left behind with newcomers Morgan and Olivia begin to erode. Following the “gospel” of the women’s survival guide, the Crossed85-torturesurvivors on the bridge and on the ground find their once sound confederacy unraveling. But which is worse- The maniacal, natural urges of the Crossed, or cold, calculated murder by someone who is uninfected? Available with Regular Cover by Christian Zanier, Wraparound &Torture Cover by Nahuel Lopez, C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

Crossed +100 #8

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Simon Spurrier continues to deliver a dire new tale based on Crossed100n8-Regularthe extensive world-building notes from Alan Moore!  A few years after the events of the first Crossed +100 arc, Future attempts to prepare the people of Murfreesboro for Crossed100n8-HorrificHomagethe horrors she saw.  But an exploratory balloon ride to the outlying settlements provides an ominous warning that the relative peace that the surviving humans managed to scrape together has begun to crumble.  Every nuance of this series has been inspired by the masterfully detailed outlines of Alan Moore.

Crossed +100 Vol 1 TP & HC

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore, the man who revolutionized comics, returns to CROSSED100-Vol1-TPBtell a horrifying tale in the world of Garth Ennis’ grueling survival horror series, Crossed!  Set 100 years in the future, Alan Moore has created a whole new world and history with a stunning attention to detail.  Examining how civilizations rebuild and how generations grow, Moore weaves a rich tapestry of humanity evolving under extreme hardship, all of which is lushly rendered by Gabriel (Ferals) Andrade.  CROSSED100-Vol1-HCArchivist Future Taylor leads a salvage team working to rebuild the historical record of the original Crossed outbreak.  She’s seen them in videos, but never any live ones, the Crossed are part of the distant past.  Until suddenly, a handful appear, and the blood begins to flow.  All is not as it seems as a horrific mystery unfolds and once again Alan Moore redefines the medium.  This masterwork is a self-contained whole new world, no prior knowledge of the Crossed series is needed.  Crossed +100 Vol 1 TP contains the full first story arc originally presented in issues #1-6 of the comic book series.  Also available in hardcover with an all-new cover by Gabriel Andrade.

God is Dead #42

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       The world has been remade and the realms of man and god GodisDead42_Regare separate.  With the slaughter of gods fighting daily, being reaped, and set back to combat, all seems truly futile.  But somewhere, voices from Earth’s past are weaving stories about the realms of both the mortal and GodisDead42-Iconicthe divine.  And those tales may spell doom for the peace that has divided the two realms in new creation. Available with Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, Enchanting & End of Days Covers by Jose Luis, Iconic Cover by Juan Frigeri, a Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Incentive Cover also by Frigeri.

Mercury Heat #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen delves deeper into his new world of Mercury as MERCURY-HEAT03-Regsurly cop Luiza goes for wild ride on the surface!.  The smash-hit of FCBD continues monthly with the sizzling sci-MERCURY-HEAT03-Excessivefi world where cyborgs and memory crystals crash into a good old-fashion cop drama!   Available with Regular, Wraparound, Art Nouveau, Excessive Force, and a special Designs Incentive Cover by the Silva Brothers.



Ask your local comic shop retailer to reserve copies of these books for you today!


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Mike Wolfer Spins Tale of Deception in Crossed: Badlands #84

Crossed84-regHorror author and illustrator, Mike Wolfer, has delivered a one-two knockout punch in the story unfolding within the pages of Crossed: Badlands.  His tale “The Lesser of Two Evils” follows two survival obsessed women as they use a popular fictional zombie survival guide to navigate the treacherous waters of the Crossed universe.  Their carefully Crossed84-Torturecrafted plan is set in motion when they find a group of survivors defending a partially collapsed overpass which presents a natural barrier to the Crossed around them.  Personalities clash and deception leads to fracturing of bonds in this tale of misery.

If you think you have what it takes to survive in a Crossed world, pick up the latest issue of Crossed: Badlands and find out what happens to even the most manipulative of people.  Crossed: Badlands #84 is available at local comic shops and digitally on ComiXology now!

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