Moore & Burrows Signed & Sketched Neonomicon Set

Neonomicon1Aux_50f197b4-8c29-448e-8b79-03476c416a0c_1024x1024Fans of Alan Moore and Jacen Burrows’ Providence know that the Lovecraft inspired story began in the pages of Neonomicon.  Now thanks to the Alan Moore Virtual Comic Con, 35 lucky collectors can get a set of the pivotal four issue series signed by both creators with an original Burrows sketch on one of the books.  This is a collectors’ Neonomicon4AUXILIARY_copyitem that is unmatched in its desirability and is truly worthy of a place of honor in any comic collection.  The Neonomicon #1-4 Remarqued set is limited to just 35 sets but fans who act now during the Virtual Comic Con will be allowed to not only obtain the Alan Moore autograph but will also be able to request a personalization on the issue.

You can find the details on this set here:

Stop by the Alan Moore Virtual Comic Con page and see what other special horrors await.


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One Week Left in Alan Moore Virtual Comic Con

Fans have been excitedly checking out the Alan Moore Virtual Comic Con as their first and perhaps only opportunity to get signed and personalized items from the hand of the Crossed+100-1-regular - Copymaster scribe, Alan Moore.  This unique opportunity takes your request front and center to the elusive creator and provides you with a one of a kind collectible.  The Virtual Comic Con is a portal to the unattainable.  This is the hardest to get autograph in all of comicdom.  And it is yours for the ordering.

You can visit the Alan Moore Virtual Comic Con here:

alan-moore-buttonStop by and peruse the selection of available products today!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 8/19/15

This is the new Avatar Press digital item coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 8/19/15:

God is Dead #41

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       After all the insanity and the misery the human race has GodisDead41_Regendured, do they have the fortitude left to recover from the unfolding horror?  Mike Costa spins the latest shocking
chapter in the world of divine destruction.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 8/19/15

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to comic book shops on Wednesday 8/19/15:

God is Dead #41

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       After all the insanity and the misery the human race has GodisDead41_Regendured, do they have the fortitude left to recover from the unfolding horror?  Mike Costa spins the latest shocking GodisDead41-Enchantingchapter in the world of divine destruction. Available with a Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, End of Days, Enchanting Covers by Jose Luis, Iconic Cover by Juan Frigeri, Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive cover also by Frigeri.

Ask your local comics retailer to reserve a copy of God is Dead for you today!

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Simon Spurrier Tackles Crossed +100

Crossed100n7-regularAlan Moore created a brand new timeline for Garth Ennis’ Crossed with his groundbreaking Crossed +100 series.  Set 100 years in the future it details the evolution of humanity and the Crossed themselves a century after the C-Day outbreak.  With the world defined and the first arc complete, Moore’s hand picked successor, Simon Spurrier, steps into the cruel future world with his first issue in comic shops now.

Crossed100n7-CrossedWiresSpurrier is known for his long form Crossed story – Wish You Were Here – which chronicled the life of Shaky and the misfit survivors of the island of Cava.  Now he takes the reins with Future Taylor and her fellow survivors as they begin a new chapter of horror dealing with Crossed that can control their impulses and organize.  The new installment takes the story in a brand new direction and enriches the already bloody vibrant world that Moore created.

Crossed100n7-DisasteredAsk your local retailer for a copy of Crossed +100 #7 in comic shops and available digitally on ComiXology now!

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Alan Moore Virtual Convention = Happy Fans

alan-moore-con-header-3For many a year, comic fans have wondered if they would ever have a chance to get a signed comic book from the private master of scribes, Alan Moore.  With no convention appearances past or future, the opportunity seemed elusive at best.

Alan Moore's Writing for ComicsBut now – thanks to the Alan Moore Virtual Convention – fans have a chance to not only get a signed book but to have those items personalized to anyone they choose.  The items available range from single issue special edition covers to entire story arc collections.  It is the perfect time to start your holiday shopping early and supply unique collectibles to your comic collecting family and friends.

Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyThe signing is extremely limited and the convention may end without notice when all the allocated items are sold.  Stop by the virtual convention webpage and order yours while there is still time!  Visit the convention store here:

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Alan Moore Virtual Convention



Hurry!  Open for two weeks only, this closes on Wednesday August 26!

Why is this a Virtual Convention?

The idea is simple, Alan Moore does not do conventions.  He hasn’t in a very long time and he will not in the future. Ever.  He hasn’t done any signings outside of England for decades.   In fact, this may be his last significant signing in any setting!   What we are trying to create here is an environment as close to what you would get at a convention, without all the hassle of travel, tickets, and waiting in line!  Alan Moore is by one of the most reclusive major talents in the World and this is the perfect opportunity to get items not just signed, but also personalized!

This Virtual Convention is a very limited event.  Each item is limited and there is also a maximum total combined we can get signed, so don’t delay!  If we hit our limit, we will have to close early without warning.

For a dear friend or your own personal collection, this is a true once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have not only the signature of the greatest comic book writer in history, but also personalized!  Each item will be uniquely hand-signed by Alan Moore and will ship to you packaged in a bag and board with a certificate of authenticity.

Orders will start shipping on October 15, 2015.

Check it out now!

Special digital offer! – Get a huge bundle of Alan Moore comics for FREE with any order that has two or more Alan Moore signed items! Included will be: Neonomicon #1-4, Crossed +100 #1-6, Fashion Beast #1-10, and Another Suburban Romance Graphic Novel! That’s 20 comics and 1 GN , a $50 value, free to any order with more than one Alan Moore signed item. Nothing you need to do except order more than one qualified item, the code for this bundle will then be sent you by October 15!Please note, digital copies are delivered via Comixology. You will be sent a code by October 15 via email for you to redeem at: The Comixology digital books are not DRM-free, but they may be enjoyed on any device with your Comixology account.


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Uber Chapter One Comes to a Close

Uber27_RegKieron Gillen’s amazing altered history epic, Uber closes out its first chapter with terrifying consequences today in comic shops and digitally on ComiXology.  With Uber #27 the curtain closes on the first act of enhanced human Uber27_WarCrimeswarfare in World War II.  And the story ends with a major revelation.  The Nazi war machine has been unstoppable in Europe but location has kept the United States relatively safe…until now.

Go to your local comic shop today and catch up on one of the most powerful stories being told in the comic book medium.  And look for Uber Chapter 2 to begin next year in 2016!

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Avatar Press Digital New to ComiXology 8/12/15

These are the Avatar Press digital items new to ComiXology this Wednesday 8/12/15:

Crossed: Badlands #83

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The bridge survivors might be beyond the grasp of the vile Crossed83-regCrossed, but they’re not out of the twisted murders’ sight. Led by “The Surgeon” and her crew, an alliance of Crossed practice their torturous ways in plain view of the survivors, and the constant barrage of horror begins to form cracks in the once solid affiliation of the uninfected. But the
survivors have even more to worry them, as Morgan and Olivia reveal that their zombie survival guide proves that the practices the group have employed could spell their doom if immediate changes aren’t implemented.



Crossed +100 #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A new chapter in Alan Moore’s future Crossed world begins Crossed100n7-regularhere with his hand-picked successor – Simon Spurrier!  Based on the vast world-building notes from Alan Moore, the author of Crossed: Wish You Were Here continues the dystopian narrative based 100 years after C-Day.
After the shocking revelations and atrocities of last issue, Future had to make some hard choices.  Now we catch up with her a few years later as Spurrier continues the outline of the intricately detailed world that sprung from the mind
of Alan Moore.



Mercury Heat #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen continues to kick things into high gear with the MERCURY-HEAT-2-Regularongoing sci-fi epic Mercury Heat!  Luiza is faced with a real murder mystery, and one that gets harder to solve with all the people trying to kill her!  But she’ll explore the dark
corners of her new home of Mercury and push things too far before she is willing to admit defeat.





Providence #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In this super-sized, ad-free, third issue, Alan Moore continues Providence03-regto re-define horror in this amazing tome of Lovecraftian influenced nightmares.  Providence is an amazing and unique work where Moore has written every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to
create his most fully-realized vision to date.  In this issue, “A Lurking Fear”,  Robert Black visits the Bogg’s Refinery in Salem and is introduced to some most peculiar-looking local folks.  And a few denizens with very bad intentions.




Uber #27

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The final issue of Uber Series 1 is here!  Kieron Gillen’s Uber27_Regincredible altered history epic closes the chapter on the first Uber series with powerful revelations.  To this point the war has ravage Europe and left a bloody trail as the Nazi’s inexorable march across the continent continued.  But now,
Hitler’s boldest stroke yet leaves the entire world trembling at the possibility of global annihilation.  Daniel Gete illustrates the final chapter of the first book of Uber! You won’t believe the cliff-hanger here, with answers to follow in 2016’s Uber series 2!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 8/12/15

These are the Avatar Press items new to comic shops this Wednesday 8/12/15:

Crossed: Badlands #83

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The bridge survivors might be beyond the grasp of the vile Crossed83-regCrossed, but they’re not out of the twisted murders’ sight. Led by “The Surgeon” and her crew, an alliance of Crossed practice their torturous ways in plain view of the survivors, and the constant barrage of horror begins to form cracks in the once solid affiliation of the uninfected. But the Crossed83-Cday-Mexicosurvivors have even more to worry them, as Morgan and Olivia reveal that their zombie survival guide proves that the practices the group have employed could spell their doom if immediate changes aren’t implemented.Available with Regular Cover by Christian Zanier, Wraparound Cover by Nahuel Lopez, Torture Cover by Raulo Caceres, C-Day Worldwide Cover by German Nobile, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

Crossed +100 #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A new chapter in Alan Moore’s future Crossed world begins Crossed100n7-regularhere with his hand-picked successor – Simon Spurrier!  Based on the vast world-building notes from Alan Moore, the author of Crossed: Wish You Were Here continues the dystopian narrative based 100 years after C-Day.
After the shocking revelations and atrocities of last issue, Future had to make some hard choices.  Now we catch up with her a few years later as Spurrier continues the outline of the intricately detailed world that sprung from the mind
Crossed100n7-WishfulFictionof Alan Moore.  Several special themed covers continue to
enrich the series:
Available with Regular & American History X Wraparound Covers by Gabriel Andrade, Crossed Wires & Disastered Covers by Christian Zanier, Horrific Homage Cover by Michael DiPascale, Wishful Fiction and a Red Crossed Retailer Incentive Cover by Andrade.


Mercury Heat #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen continues to kick things into high gear with the MERCURY-HEAT-2-Regularongoing sci-fi epic Mercury Heat!  Luiza is faced with a real murder mystery, and one that gets harder to solve with all the people trying to kill her!  But she’ll explore the dark MERCURY-HEAT-2-Excessivecorners of her new home of Mercury and push things too far before she is willing to admit defeat.  Available with Regular, Wraparound, Art Nouveau, Excessive Force, and a special Designs Incentive Cover by series artist Omar Francia.


Providence #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In this super-sized, ad-free, third issue, Alan Moore continues Providence03-regto re-define horror in this amazing tome of Lovecraftian influenced nightmares.  Providence is an amazing and unique work where Moore has written every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to Providence03pantheon_Dagon-colorcreate his most fully-realized vision to date.  In this issue, “A Lurking Fear”,  Robert Black visits the Bogg’s Refinery in Salem and is introduced to some most peculiar-looking local folks.  And a few denizens with very bad intentions.  Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

Uber #27

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The final issue of Uber Series 1 is here!  Kieron Gillen’s Uber27_Regincredible altered history epic closes the chapter on the first Uber series with powerful revelations.  To this point the war has ravage Europe and left a bloody trail as the Nazi’s inexorable march across the continent continued.  But now, Uber27-PropagandaHitler’s boldest stroke yet leaves the entire world trembling at the possibility of global annihilation.  Daniel Gete illustrates the final chapter of the first book of Uber! You won’t believe the cliff-hanger here, with answers to follow in 2016’s Uber series 2!  Available with Regular, Wraparound, War Crimes, and Blitzkrieg Covers by Daniel Gete, and a Propaganda Poster Cover by Michael DiPascale.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve these great new books for you!

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