Alan Moore’s Yuggoth Cultures

613FQ0isJiL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_Fans are enjoying Alan Moore’s new horror series, Providence, as it slowly reveals the creeping horrors of Lovecraft that it was inspired by.  Many have read the previous series, Neonomicon, and have enjoyed these trips into the world of unseen horrors with the master of the comics medium.  But some fans have missed the initial foray into Lovecraft inspired horror in the form of the massive Yuggoth Cultures and Other Growths TPB which Moore wrote.  This is a massive 312 page volume contains comics and prose stories from Alan Moore which fit perfectly with the horrors being delivered in Providence.


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Yuggoth Cultures and Other Growths features tons of Alan’s 61MW4ijmSJLclassic short sequential comic book stories that have been long out of print, stories that have never before been seen and special developmental sections with original script pages and comments from Alan and the creators. This massive volume also has an extensive interview with Moore as he discusses Yuggoth Cultures, the stories inside and some of the amazing tales the lead to their creation as well as the real magic behind the works. As if that wasn’t enough, Antony Johnston’s work inspired by Yuggoth Cultures and the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft is included and features all-star art by Juan Jose Ryp, Jacen Burrows, Dheeraj Verma and many more along with copious notes on the Lovecraftian origins of the tales.

Ask your local comic shop to get a copy of this tome for you or find it on Amazon to complete your Alan Moore collection.  Also available as a collector’s hard cover edition.


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The Dead Live Again in Night of the Living Dead Collector Box Set

NLDBackGrave-BoxSetThe Night of the Living Dead has captivated horror fans for nearly fifty years.  Avatar Press has a great library of official comic book and graphic novels that build on the story around the original movie and beyond.  Horror visionaries John Russo and Mike Wolfer take the story into new directions and eras through the comic book medium.

This fall, Avatar is pleased to present a brain munchingly good collection of all the comic books in one deluxe boxed set edition of 17 comics.  You get exclusive editions and signatures from John Russo and the one and only George Romero in this set.  Limited to just 75 sets this is the collection of all Night of the Living Dead collections.  Find the Night of the Living Dead Back From the Grave Collector Box Set in the August Previews (p289) and get your zombie on with the original undead series!

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Garth Ennis’ Powerful War Stories Continue

WarStories11-wrapGarth Ennis has been chronicling the horrors of war and the drama that unfolds in the aftermath of some of the most terrifying battles in history.  His unique voice delivers a powerful vision of the human impact and toll of these battles.  If you are looking for a hard hitting and dynamic tale of human warfare throughout history, stop by your local comic shop to pick up the latest issue of War Stories today:

War Stories #11

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:   Things get worse for the little band of Irish soldiers entering WarStories11-regHitler’s Third Reich, as the German army turns out to have plenty of fight left in it. A battle in the deep WarStories11-BattleDamagewoods leaves our heroes lost and scattered- and that’s when one of them decides to settle an old score. Tensions from Ireland’s bloody past come to a head, in part two of Our Wild Geese Go, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 8/5/15

These are the new digital Avatar Press books coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 8/5/15:

God is Dead #40

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      What would Gods do without humanity worshiping them? GodisDead40_RegWhat would humanity look like if there was never religion?  After the rebirth of the universe, major questions
are posed.  The only answers come with blood!






War Stories #11

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Things get worse for the little band of Irish soldiers entering WarStories11-regHitler’s Third Reich, as the German army turns out to have plenty of fight left in it. A battle in the deep
woods leaves our heroes lost and scattered- and that’s when one of them decides to settle an old score. Tensions from Ireland’s bloody past come to a head, in part two of Our Wild Geese Go, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 8/5/15

These are the new Avatar Press books coming to Comic Book Shops on Wednesday 8/5/15:

God is Dead #40

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      What would Gods do without humanity worshiping them?  GodisDead40_Reg What would humanity look like if there was never religion?  After the rebirth of the universe, major questions GodisDead40-Enchantingare posed.  The only answers come with blood!  Available with Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, Enchanting & End of Days Covers by Jose Luis, Iconic Cover by Juan Frigeri, a Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, and a specialGilded Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

War Stories #11

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Things get worse for the little band of Irish soldiers entering WarStories11-regHitler’s Third Reich, as the German army turns out to have plenty of fight left in it. A battle in the deep WarStories11-BattleDamagewoods leaves our heroes lost and scattered- and that’s when one of them decides to settle an old score. Tensions from Ireland’s bloody past come to a head, in part two of Our Wild Geese Go, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira. Available with Regular & Wraparound Covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.

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Providence Delivers Chilling Visions

Providence01_regularFans who have been watching for Alan Moore’s much anticipated return to Lovecraftian horror since the end of Neonomicon have been rewarded with a new series that is delivering a terrifying slow decent into madness for its characters.  This is possibly Moore’s most realized vision in Providence02-regcomics to date.  He literally has controlled ever word, every image, and every nuance of the books.  Now fans are devouring the content and trying to decipher clues in the scenes and dialogue of the series.  There are entire groups of linguists that are posting their observations and opinions on where the mystery is going.

Providence03-regProvidence #1 and #2 are currently available at your local comic shops and available for reorder from the distributor.  The third issue of Providence will be out in stores on 8/12.

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Garth Ennis Begins War Stories: Tokyo Club Arc

WarStories13-wrapGarth Ennis is well known for telling gripping stories of battle and war.  New in the August Previews for October on sale, War Stories #13 debuts a new three part tale called “Tokyo Club.”  This is the latest installment of the powerful tales of combat and crisis in the War Stories series.  Fans looking for a realistic and stark vision of the horrors and drama of war need look no further.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      How do you join The Tokyo Club? Simple. You climb into

WarStories13-regyour single seat, single engine fighter- loaded with fuel and ammunition- and fly 700 miles across the open Pacific until you reach the mainland of Japan. There you fight off any enemy aircraft attempting to hit the American bombers WarStories13-BattleDamageyou’re escorting to their targets. Still alive? Now comes the fun part. You fly another 700 miles back home to your airstrip on Iwo Jima, fuel running lower and lower, nothing but ocean for miles around. Any battle damage you’ve suffered will reduce your chances even further. Make it back and you’re in the club. And more good news: you get to do it all again tomorrow. Part one of three, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aria.  Available with Regular & Wraparound Covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.

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Crossed Double Shot of Horror

Crossed81-RegCrossed82-regCrossed: Badlands begins a new story arc written and illustrated by horror legend Mike Wolfer!  Two issues #81 & #82 are in stores today as we are introduced to a group of survivors stranded on a partially collapsed overpass.  When two women from the outside arrive and begin to assess the fortifications with their zombie survival guide things start to fall apart.  Wolfer has delivered with powerful horror stories including Friday the 13th and Night of Crossed82-Cday-VaticanCrossed81-Torturethe Living Dead.  His take on the misery of the Crossed and the paranoia of the uninfected produce a powerful new entry in the world of grueling horror.  Ask your local retailer to reserve copies of the new story arc for you today.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 7/29/15

These are the new digital Avatar Press items on sale at ComiXology this Wednesday, 7/29/15:

Crossed: Badlands #81

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A new story arc “The Lesser of Two Evils” written and Crossed81-Regillustrated by Mike Wolfer begins here! Sometimes a group of people can be too clever for their own good. When a motley band of commuters are stranded on a partially collapsed overpass they soon discover that the situation may be a blessing. With the Crossed unable to reach them, they seem relatively safe. But are forced to see the horrors playing out all around them. But in a Crossed world, safety is an illusion that is oft shattered in horrific fashion.




Crossed: Badlands #82

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      After admitting two women into their defensible stronghold Crossed82-regatop a collapsed bridge, an uneasy alliance of survivors discovers just how the women successfully navigated through the horrors on the ground below- They followed the advice of their “bible,” a best-selling, “zombie survival guide” novel. Fiction or not, the book could be the answer to saving all of their lives in the wasteland ruled by the maniacal Crossed!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 7/29/15

These are the new Avatar Press items on sale in comic book shops this Wednesday, 7/29/15:

Crossed: Badlands #81

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     A new story arc “The Lesser of Two Evils” written and Crossed81-Regillustrated by Mike Wolfer begins here!   Sometimes a group of people can be too clever for their own good.  When a motley band of commuters are stranded on a partially collapsed overpass they soon discover that the situation may be a blessing.  With the Crossed unable to reach them, Crossed81-Torture they seem relatively safe.  But are forced to see the horrors playing out all around them.  But in a Crossed world, safety is an illusion that is oft shattered in horrific fashion. Available with Art Deco Limited Edition by Michael DiPascale, Regular and a special Red Crossed Incentive Cover  by Christian Zanier, Wraparound by Nahuel Lopez and Torture cover by Raulo Caceres.  Also, starting this issue, there is a special C-Day Worldwide cover by Facundo Percio that looks at the first day of the outbreak in different countries and locations around the World!

Crossed: Badlands #82

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      After admitting two women into their defensible stronghold Crossed82-regatop a collapsed bridge, an uneasy alliance of survivors discovers just how the women successfully navigated through the horrors on the ground below- They followed the advice of their “bible,” a best-selling, “zombie survival Crossed82-Tortureguide” novel. Fiction or not, the book could be the answer to saving all of their lives in the wasteland ruled by the maniacal Crossed! Available with Regular Cover by Christian Zanier, Wraparound& Torture Covers by Raulo Caceres, C-Day Worldwide Cover by Facundo Percio, Art Deco Cover by Michael Dipascale, and Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Zanier

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –


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