It’s a Dog’s Life

RoverRedCharlie-Vol-1-TPBGarth Ennis is known for hard edged series like Crossed, Preacher, and The Punisher but he has delivered a wide range of stories covering every genre from humor to drama.  In one of his most respected titles Rover Red Charlie, he delivers what may be the ultimate view of humanity through the eyes of canines.  This series chronicles the lives of Rover, Red, and Charlie – three best friends trying to survive the end of the world together.  If you are searching for a special title that will surprise and satisfy, try the collected Rover Red Charlie at your local comic shop.

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Uber Vol 5 New in August Previews

New this month in the Previews catalog that just arrived in comic shops for October shipping, the next terrifying volume of Kieron Gillen’s Uber is collected!

“Uber is a master class in historical fiction. It never denies the weight of the issues it deals with but heightens them to a fantastical place that makes the conflict and characters more engaging and dramatic while making a bloody mess.” – Bloody Disgusting

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:    Kieron Gillen’s groundbreaking alternate war history begins UberVol5-TPBa new terrifying chapter in super human World War II warfare.  The Nazi’s have enacted Hitler’s master plan, the Great Burn is now turning all of Europe into a fire-blasted wasteland.  City after city, country after country, the very earth itself is being purged by the unparalleled power of the German onslaught.  With no answer on the horizon to stopping the Axis from purifying the entire continent, the Allies turn to Stephanie and the monster that is the HMH Churchill for a glimmer of hope.  The horrors of super human warfare continue to rage throughout Europe and the destruction mounts to global levels.  Uber is an unforgettable vision of the misery of war turned apocalypse. This volume collects issues #23 – 27 of the ongoing Uber comic book series and the Uber 2014 Free Comic Book Day Special.

Ask your local comic shop for volumes 1-4 of this one of a kind super solider altered history epic!

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God is Dead Delivers Mythology Reinvented

GodisDead39_RegAuthor Mike Costa has done an amazing job of taking dusty tomes of mythology and turning them into a vital and horrifying narration in the pages of God is Dead.  Fans have enjoyed a thrill ride of action and consequence that has seen the very Earth and all of creation destroyed by the machinations of Satan.  And now, though the world is GodisDead39-Enchantingreborn without gods, the separation that has kept mortal and divine apart is disintegrating.

Once more the influence of the gods is finding its way to the mortal plane and turning a population without imagination into groveling slaves.  The world of man has no place for physical GodisDead39-Iconicmanifestations of the divine.  And now…without visionaries and mortals with the ability to fight these monsters, the gods are positioned to once more run GodisDead39-EndofDaysroughshod over a helpless population.

If you have any interest in mythology or original storytelling, make sure you try God is Dead at your local comic book shop.  The series is unlike anything else being published and trade paperback editions are available from the first chapters of the ongoing saga.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 7/22/15

This is the new Avatar Press digital item arriving at ComiXology on Wednesday 7/22/15:

God is Dead #39

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       All of humanity has prayed for it secretly and quietly as the GodisDead39_Reggods destroyed the world around them.  “Please…just let them all die.”  And after years of suffering it seems the prayers were answered…all the gods are gone.  Or are they just somewhere else?  It all changes here, as the most
innovative mythology mashup ever published continues is unprecedented run and Mike Costa tells the latest shocking chapter in the world of divine destruction.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 7/22/15

This is the new Avatar Press item arriving in local comic book shops on Wednesday 7/22/15:

God is Dead #39

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       All of humanity has prayed for it secretly and quietly as the GodisDead39_Reggods destroyed the world around them.  “Please…just let them all die.”  And after years of suffering it seems the prayers were answered…all the gods are gone.  Or are they just somewhere else?  It all changes here, as the most GodisDead39-Iconicinnovative mythology mashup ever published continues is unprecedented run and Mike Costa tells the latest shocking chapter in the world of divine destruction. Available with a Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, End of Days, Iconic, & Enchanting Covers by Jose Luis, Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive cover also by Luis.


Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –

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Alan Moore’s Crossed +100 #6 Reveals the Secret

Crossed+100-6-regularAlan Moore put his own unique stamp on the Crossed universe with his epic reinvention of the property 100 years in the future with Crossed +100.  This week issue #6 arrived in comic shops and the reveal of the Crossed evolution is finally delivered.  For fans who have watched in Crossed+100-6-CrossedCulturegrowing horror as master story teller Moore built a world and made you care for the characters, this is the big payoff.  Future and her friends encounter the true machinations of the evolved Crossed and it will leave you devastated.

Crossed+100-6-OldcountryCGCStop by your local comic shop or ComiXology today and experience the conclusion to Moore’s powerful story.  Next month, Simon Spurrier takes over as the writer and drives the story into a frighting and unexpected direction.  After 100 years the misery of the Crossed endures.

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Kieron Gillen’s Mercury Heat Sci-Fi Epic Arrives!

MERCURY-HEAT_01_RegularUber scribe and author of comics such as The Wicked and the Divine, Three, Star Wars: Darth Vader, and Phonogram, Kieron Gillen has a brand new comic book out in shops right now.  Mercury Heat #1 is the beginning of a new ongoing space opera that tells the story of Luiza, a MERCURY-HEAT_01_ArtNouveauyoung woman that wants to be a police officer but because of an aberrant neuro-profile becomes a space bounty hunter.  Sounds like an upgrade, yes? No – this isn’t a promotion.  It is a life among the miserable and criminal on a planet that could either boil you alive or freeze you solid if you don’t stay on the horizon of the sun.

Mercury Heat is everything you expect from Kieron rolled into a sharp Avatar Press package.  It’s a violent and powerful story that will leave you wanting more.  Make sure you stop by your local comic book shop to check out this new series!

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Avatar Press New To ComiXology 7/15/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 7/15/15:

Crossed: Badlands #80

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The final powerful issue of Kieron Gillen’s Crossed Crossed80-Regularexploration of ancient history comes to a shocking conclusion!  The truth of the Homo Tortor is revealed and humanity’s brush with near extinction in the past is
explained.  But learning from the mistakes of the past may not save the present.  A last-ditch effort goes horribly wrong for the hopeful college student who has tracked down one potential explanation for the Crossed outbreak.  Knowledge is power, unless you are facing the horrors of the Crossed.



Crossed +100 #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The final issue of the first story arc comes to a dramatic and Crossed+100-6-regularpowerful conclusion! The truth about the Crossed outbreak and the resurgence of the miserable tribe of maniacs is revealed to Future Taylor. Alan Moore’s incredible story of the inevitable conclusion to the Crossed outbreak will shock and stun you like no other tale. This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium.




Mercury Heat #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Blasting out of the incredible Free Comic Book Day Mercury MERCURY-HEAT_01_RegularHeat Debut comes Kieron Gillen’s World-building space epic! This ongoing monthly is pure Gillen, Mercury Heat introduces the sci-fi world of the future where individuals are identified by genetic markers and
personality types to fill roles in society, the troublemakers end up on Mercury. Luiza wanted to help people, she wanted with all her heart to be a police officer. But the automated Grapevine system had other plans for her. There are only a few legal options for someone branded with her neuroprofile. As an adult Luiza’s dream came true – just on Mercury where she enforces laws with extreme prejudice as a bounty agent in a world of hard-as-nails miners and cyborgs.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 7/15/15

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic book shops on Wednesday 7/15/15:

Crossed: Badlands #80

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The final powerful issue of Kieron Gillen’s Crossed Crossed80-Regularexploration of ancient history comes to a shocking conclusion!  The truth of the Homo Tortor is revealed and humanity’s brush with near extinction in the past is Crossed80-Tortureexplained.  But learning from the mistakes of the past may not save the present.  A last-ditch effort goes horribly wrong for the hopeful college student who has tracked down one potential explanation for the Crossed outbreak.  Knowledge is power, unless you are facing the horrors of the Crossed.  Available with Regular, Wraparound, Torture, Megafauna, and Red Crossed Incentive Covers by Fernando Heinz.  Art Deco cover by Michael DiPascale.

Crossed +100 #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The final issue of the first story arc comes to a dramatic and Crossed+100-6-regularpowerful conclusion! The truth about the Crossed outbreak and the resurgence of the miserable tribe of maniacs is revealed to Future Taylor. Alan Moore’s incredible story of Crossed+100-6futuretensethe inevitable conclusion to the Crossed outbreak will shock and stun you like no other tale. This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium. All the covers for the series have been planned out by Alan Moore, with the images enriching and expanding on the series. Clues and glimpses of what came before, and what might be, are found throughout the variant covers. Available with Regular, American History X Wraparound, Crossed Culture, Future Tense, as well as Retailer Incentive covers of Red Crossed and Design Sketch. Also, the New World Order Wraparound (Bagged for your safety). Due to all these special protective measures this edition is strictly limited to initial orders. Don’t miss out on the ultra-rare CGC Numbered Edition as well!

Mercury Heat #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Blasting out of the incredible Free Comic Book Day Mercury MERCURY-HEAT_01_RegularHeat Debut comes Kieron Gillen’s World-building space epic! This ongoing monthly is pure Gillen, Mercury Heat introduces the sci-fi world of the future where individuals are identified by genetic markers and MERCURY-HEAT_01_ArtNouveaupersonality types to fill roles in society, the troublemakers end up on Mercury. Luiza wanted to help people, she wanted with all her heart to be a police officer. But the automated Grapevine system had other plans for her. There are only a few legal options for someone branded with her neuroprofile. As an adult Luiza’s dream came true – just on Mercury where she enforces laws with extreme prejudice as a bounty agent in a world of hard-as-nails miners and cyborgs. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Art Nouveau, Excessive Force, and a special Designs Incentive Cover by series artist Omar Francia. This first issue also has a Black Leather cover, limited to just 750 copies!

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –

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Avatar Press: Max Brooks Thursday at Comic Con!

MaxBrooks1San Diego Comic Con is in full swing today and Avatar Press is proud to have the one and only Max Brooks for two exclusive signings!

THURSDAY @ Avatar Press Booth #2701


3:00 – 4:00 – MAX BROOKS signing

6:00 – 7:00 – MAX BROOKS signing

In addition to the signings, Max will be hosting the Avatar Press panel!  Everything you wanted to know about Avatar will be revealed by the world’s most renowned zombie expert!  Find out about the new chapter of Extinction Parade and what Max’s favorite upcoming Avatar projects are!

Max Brooks & Avatar Press Cutting Edge Comics, Thursday, 7/9/15, 4:30p.m. – 5:30p.m., Room: 8

New York Times Bestselling AuthorMax Brooks gives the scoop on new projects and creators joining the industry’s most ground-breaking, risk-taking publisher!  Max Brooks hosts this panel and walk through the frightful world of Avatar Press comics!  Want insight into the hottest titles from such industry luminaries as Garth Ennis, Alan Moore, and Max Brooks?  Want to find out what the next Providence, Caliban, or Extinction Parade will be?  Can’t get enough Crossed, Uber, or God is Dead?   Find out what new terrors and travesties this rogue publisher will unleash in the months ahead!

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