Avatar Press San Diego Exclusives On Sale Preview Night!

As the doors open today for the first time on San Diego Comic Con 2015, the running of the fans is set to begin.  Everyone has mapped out their priorities for getting those first exclusives of the con and many will be coming to the Avatar Press booth #2701 to get their hands on some very limited comics.  Stake your claim to these books and be sure to come back to get Kieron Gillen’s autograph on Uber, Crossed: Badlands, and Mercury Heat!

Mercury Heat #1 SDCC: limited to 350 copies ($9.99) 

MERCURY-HEAT_01_SDCC-600x911For those who have been waiting impatiently for Kieron Gillen and Omar Francia’s newest created sci-fi epicMercury Heat, as teased in the FCBD issue, you’ll be able to get the first issue of the series as a SDCC variant.


Providence #2 Weird Pulp: limited to 1000 copies ($9.99) 

Providence02-WeirdPulp-600x917Remember when issue #1 of the series was released as a Denver Comic Con variant? Well now you can complete a variant set of #1 and #2 of Alan Moore andJacen Burrows’new Lovecraft inspired tour de forceProvidence.


Uber #25 Brickhouse: limited to 350 copies ($9.99)

Uber25-Brickhouse-600x933Kieron Gillen is starring in many of these exclusives, so dig in. This time it’s Uber #25, limited to only 350 copies.


Crossed #75 School Day cover: limited to 350 copies ($9.99)

Crossed75-SchoolDay-600x927Kieron Gillen and Rafa Ortiz on Crossed #75, which initiated the Homo Tortor plotline taking us from the time of the outbreak far, far into human pre-history.


And for folks that can’t make it to the event, Avatar has kept a small number of books aside to sell to fans via http://www.comcav.net/collections/avatar-2015-convention-exclusives.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 7/8/15

These are the new Avatar Press and Boundless Comics digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 7/8/15:

God is Dead #38

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Mike Costa has crafted some tales worthy of the ancient GodisDead38_Regmythologies that spawned them, but now something in the god ravaged world has changed.  After a hundred years of petty gods squabbling and destroying everything around them, suddenly the voices from the void are quiet.  Are all
the gods dead at last?  Or has something even more sinister come to plague a world that has already endured so much?  The most ambitious story yet unfolds in the pages of God is Dead!




Providence #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In this giant-size, ad-free, second issue, Alan Moore’s Providence02-regbreathtaking epic PROVIDENCE continues to weave a complex tapestry of modern horror.  With his artistic partner Jacen Burrows, they lead the main character Robert Black on the first leg of his exploration of the seedy underbelly of America.  Moore has designed every cover,
every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date.  There are no ads, with all 40 pages written by Moore.  Painstakingly researched, meticulously produced, this is a sequential masterpiece that will serve as important a call to the next generation of comic book writers as Watchmen did 30 years ago:  this is a definitive demonstration of just how good a comic book can be.

Boundless Comics:

Lady Death: Apocalypse #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Apocalypse wraps up in this stunning oversized final issue!  LadyDeathApoc6-RegAll stands revealed as we see that Satyricon has been pulling Queen Tormina’s strings in an effort to destroy the Blacklands. Now only Lady Death stands in his way. Will her new found powers from The Void be enough to stop the
mad demon’s apocalyptic quest? This is the final fate of the Underrealm and Lady Death. Also featuring a special pinup and behind-the-scenes gallery of art from Lady Death through the ages!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 7/8/15

These are the new Avatar Press and Boundless Comics items coming to comic shops on Wednesday 7/8/15:

God is Dead #38

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Mike Costa has crafted some tales worthy of the ancient GodisDead38_Regmythologies that spawned them, but now something in the god ravaged world has changed.  After a hundred years of petty gods squabbling and destroying everything around them, suddenly the voices from the void are quiet.  Are all GodisDead38-Iconicthe gods dead at last?  Or has something even more sinister come to plague a world that has already endured so much?  The most ambitious story yet unfolds in the pages of God is Dead! Available with Regular & End of Days Covers by Jacen Burrows,Enchanting & Iconic Covers by Jose Luis, a Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

Providence #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In this giant-size, ad-free, second issue, Alan Moore’s Providence02-regbreathtaking epic PROVIDENCE continues to weave a complex tapestry of modern horror.  With his artistic partner Jacen Burrows, they lead the main character Robert Black on the first leg of his exploration of the seedy underbelly of America.  Moore has designed every cover, Providence02-portraitevery single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date.  There are no ads, with all 40 pages written by Moore.  Painstakingly researched, meticulously produced, this is a sequential masterpiece that will serve as important a call to the next generation of comic book writers as Watchmen did 30 years ago:  this is a definitive demonstration of just how good a comic book can be. Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

Boundless Comics:

Lady Death: Apocalypse #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Apocalypse wraps up in this stunning oversized final issue!  LadyDeathApoc6-RegAll stands revealed as we see that Satyricon has been pulling Queen Tormina’s strings in an effort to destroy the Blacklands. Now only Lady Death stands in his way. Will her new found powers from The Void be enough to stop the LadyDeathApoc6-Classicalmad demon’s apocalyptic quest? This is the final fate of the Underrealm and Lady Death. Also featuring a special pinup and behind-the-scenes gallery of art from Lady Death through the ages!  Available with Regular, Auxiliary,  Alternate History, and Pure Art  Covers by Juan Jose Ryp, Wraparound by Gabriel Rearte, Sultry by Marcello Mueller, and a Classical Order Incentive Cover by Marco Turini.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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Avatar Press Brings Max Brooks and Kieron Gillen to Comic Con!

MaxBrooks1Kieron Uber 1The biggest comic book event of the year is less than a week away and Avatar Press is celebrating San Diego Comic Con 2015 with two massive creator signings!  Both Max Brooks and Kieron Gillen will be signing exclusive comics and talking about their upcoming projects at the Avatar Press booth #2701 at the show.


MERCURY-HEAT_01_SDCC-600x9113:00 – 4:00 – MAX BROOKS

4:30 MAX BROOKS PANEL – Room 8

6:00 – 7:00 – MAX BROOKS


11:00 to 1:00 – MAX BROOKS

2:30 to 3:30 – KIERON GILLEN

4:00 to 6:00 – MAX BROOKS


11:00 to 12:30 – MAX BROOKS

12:30 to 1:30 – KIERON GILLEN

4:00 to 5:30 – MAX BROOKS

6:00 – MAX BROOKS PANEL – Room 5AB


2:30 to 3:30 – KIERON GILLEN

Uber25-Brickhouse-600x933Avatar will have these great exclusive comics available while supplies last:

Mercury Heat #1 SDCC: limited to 350 copies ($9.99)

Providence #2 Weird Pulp: limited to 1000 copies ($9.99)

Uber #25 Brickhouse: limited to 350 copies ($9.99)

Crossed #75 School Day cover: limited to 350 copies ($9.99)

*Please note – Garth Ennis is not an Avatar guest for Comic Con this year.  The previous article headline was a typo.


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Happy Independence Day from Avatar Press!

crossedgetinfectedCROSSED_GET_INFECTEDAs comic fans in the United States settle in for a big Independence Day celebration on the fourth of July, everyone at Avatar Press would like to wish you a happy holiday that is safe from The Crossed!  From the creators, employees, and contributors that make the most cutting edge independent comics out there, enjoy this little slice of patriotic Crossed imagery.

And remember…there is no help, there is no hope.

There is only the Crossed.

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Avatar San Diego Comic Con Exclusives!

The biggest comic book event of the year is almost upon us and Avatar Press is celebrating San Diego Comic Con with some fantastic show exclusives:

Mercury Heat #1 SDCC: limited to 350 copies ($9.99) 

MERCURY-HEAT_01_SDCC-600x911For those who have been waiting impatiently for Kieron Gillen and Omar Francia’s newest created sci-fi epic Mercury Heat, as teased in the FCBD issue, you’ll be able to get the first issue of the series as a SDCC variant.


Providence #2 Weird Pulp: limited to 1000 copies ($9.99) 

Providence02-WeirdPulp-600x917Remember when issue #1 of the series was released as a Denver Comic Con variant? Well now you can complete a variant set of #1 and #2 of Alan Moore and Jacen Burrows’new Lovecraft inspired tour de force Providence.


Uber #25 Brickhouse: limited to 350 copies ($9.99)

Uber25-Brickhouse-600x933Kieron Gillen is starring in many of these exclusives, so dig in. This time it’s Uber #25, limited to only 350 copies.


Crossed #75 School Day cover: limited to 350 copies ($9.99)

Crossed75-SchoolDay-600x927Kieron Gillen and Rafa Ortiz on Crossed #75, which initiated the Homo Tortor plotline taking us from the time of the outbreak far, far into human pre-history.


Make sure you stop by the Avatar Press booth #2701 to meet your favorite creators and snag these sure to be sold out exclusive comics!

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A New Chapter in God Is Dead #37

GodisDead37_RegAfter the destructive events of God is Dead #36, it looked as if all of creation was forfeit to the sinister machinations of Satan.  Everything was destroyed and yet…something new was formed.  Now man and god are separated by the infinite and seemingly live their lives as they were meant. GodisDead37-EndofDays But something isn’t right and it only takes one visionary to start an entire world upon a path to either enlightenment or destruction.

Mike Costa takes the world of God is Dead in an GodisDead37-Iconicinnovative novel direction with this first new chapter of the incredible mythology mashup series.  Stop by your local comic shop or on ComiXology today to get a glimpse at this powerful new chapter of God is Dead.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 7/1/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 7/1/15:

God is Dead #37

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       It all changes right here! As volume seven of Mike Costa’s epic GodisDead37_Regodyssey starts, everything you know is out the window. Avatar’s most messianic book undergoes it’s most bizarre resurrection yet as we re-create a world where… all the Gods are dead? Join in the most innovative mythology mashup ever created as God is Dead continues to redefine fantasy in Avatar style!





Uber #26

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Allies have their backs to the ocean and the Nazis Uber26_Regcontinue their path of fire as the Great Burn continues! HMH Churchill is finally deployed in the field, can she be the Battleship destroyer Britain is praying for? The stakes couldn’t be higher as it all builds to next issue’s game-changing event that no one is expecting!





War Stories #10

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     A brand new story arc begins here! “T”was England bade our WarStories10-regwild geese go, that small nations would be free…” In the Second World War, any Irishman wanting to fight the Nazis had to join the British army- the Republic of Ireland having declared neutrality when the war began. Now, a small unit of Irish soldiers join the advance into Germany- where the going is rough and the enemy nowhere near surrender. And old tensions remain from Ireland’s own struggle for independence, as well as the bloody civil war that followed. Part one of Our Wild Geese Go, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 7/1/15

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops on Wednesday 7/1/15:

God is Dead #37

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      It all changes right here! As volume seven of Mike Costa’s epic GodisDead37_Regodyssey starts, everything you know is out the window. Avatar’s most messianic book undergoes it’s most bizarre resurrection yet as we re-create a world where… all GodisDead37-EndofDaysthe Gods are dead? Join in the most innovative mythology mashup ever created as God is Dead continues to redefine fantasy in Avatar style! Available with a Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, End of Days and Enchanting Cover by Raulo Caceres, Iconic Cover by Jose Luis, Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive cover also by Caceres.

Uber #26

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Allies have their backs to the ocean and the Nazis Uber26_Regcontinue their path of fire as the Great Burn continues! HMH Churchill is finally deployed in the field, can she be the Battleship destroyer Britain is praying for? The stakes Uber26-Propagandacouldn’t be higher as it all builds to next issue’s game-changing event that no one is expecting! Available with Regular, Wraparound, War Crimes, and Blitzkrieg Covers by Daniel Gete, and a Propaganda Poster Cover by Michael DiPascale.


War Stories #10

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     A brand new story arc begins here! “T”was England bade our WarStories10-regwild geese go, that small nations would be free…” In the Second World War, any Irishman wanting to fight the Nazis had to join the British army- the Republic of Ireland having declared neutrality when the war began. Now, a small unit WarStories10-BattleDamageof Irish soldiers join the advance into Germany- where the going is rough and the enemy nowhere near surrender. And old tensions remain from Ireland’s own struggle for independence, as well as the bloody civil war that followed. Part one of Our Wild Geese Go, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira. Available with Regular &Wraparound Covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 6/24/15

This is the new Avatar Press digital item coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 6/24/15:

Crossed: Badlands #79

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Never before has the world of the Crossed faced the massive Crossed79-Regularcreatures of prehistory! Uber scribe Kieron Gillen continues his tale of two times – the present as a group of survivors attempt to uncover the cure for the Crossed virus and the past where a group of tribesmen attempt to survive against megafauna and monsters. This Crossed tale is like no other and will take you to the brink of madness as the truth of the Homo Tortor is revealed!

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