Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 6/24/15

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to comic shops on Wednesday 6/24/15:

Crossed: Badlands #79

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Never before has the world of the Crossed faced the massive Crossed79-Regularcreatures of prehistory! Uber scribe Kieron Gillen continues his tale of two times – the present as a group of survivors attempt to uncover the cure for the Crossed virus Crossed79-ArtDecoand the past where a group of tribesmen attempt to survive against megafauna and monsters. This Crossed tale is like no other and will take you to the brink of madness as the truth of the Homo Tortor is revealed! Available with Regular, Wraparound, and Torture Covers by Fernando Heinz, Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale, Megafauna Mayhem Cover by Rafa Ortiz, and a special Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Heinz.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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David Lapham’s Ferals

FERALS01regularThe werewolf mythology has been around for a long time.  David Lapham took the supernatural tales and created something modern and visceral with his reinvention of the material.  Ferals is a fierce and unforgiving story about a lineage of feral men that hide in plain sight among the population of some northern towns.  But when a country cop gets infected by a she wolf with a secret, it begins a devastating series of events that leads to an all out feral war.

If you ever enjoyed classic werewolf stories and like gut wrenching horror, you owe it to yourself to check out Ferals at your local comic shop, online at Amazon, or digitally at ComiXology:   https://goo.gl/JY844Y


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      David Lapham and Gabriel Andrade’s hit horror series FERALS2regularredefines modern werewolf mythology the Avatar way, with violent animal ferocity and gallons of blood! Officer Dale Chesnutt is a lawman with a big, bloody problem. Slaughtered civilians are turning up in the sleepy town of Cypress, and the burden falls on him to end the carnage. But no sooner does he begin his investigation than he finds himself violently drawn to a sexy, mysterious woman€¦ and a vicious creature strikes again at Dale’s own family. Hidden among the faces on Cypress streets, unrecognizable to neighbors and friends, a culture of werewolves dating back a thousand years has found their ancient secrets threatened… and worth tearing their enemies to pieces for.

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Garth Ennis’ Crossed Vol 1

CrossedTPBDo you remember where you were on C-Day?  The first Wednesday when the premiere issue of Crossed debuted on comic shelves?  Were you ready for the horror contained within those pages?  Has the misery and terror that have been doled out in the pages of Crossed changed you?

The best fiction causes us to examine our lives and the world around us.  There can be no doubt that Garth Ennis’ Crossed changed the landscape of horror comics forever with its stark and unyielding visions.  Since that time the world of Crossed has grown by leaps and bounds as new creators bring fresh visions of depravity to the rampant Crossed hordes.

Take a moment to step back into the the beginning of a horror phenomena with Crossed Vol 1 TP which is available in comic shops, online at Amazon, and digitally at ComiXology:  https://goo.gl/aVvSkR


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Garth Ennis has pulled out all the stops to write the most DIG004901_2depraved and twisted book of his career, one that also may be his most poignant human drama! Crossed is Ennis’ horrifically visceral exploration of the pure evil that humans are truly capable of indulging and collected here are all ten heart-stopping chapters. This gut-wrenching vision is brought to vivid (and more than a little disturbing) life by his partner in crime Jacen Burrows. Imagine, for a moment, the worst crimes against humanity. Picture the cruelest affronts to decency. Conjure your darkest nightmares… and then realize it could all be so much worse. When civilization crumbles in one terrifying moment; when people are gleefully breaking into unthinkable acts of violence all around you; when everyone you love has died screaming in agony: What do you do? There is no help. There is no hope. There is no escape. There are only the Crossed.

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Mike Wolfer & John Russo’s Night of the Living Dead Prequel

Night-of-the-Living-Dead-Tp-Russo-John-9781592911066The original Night of the Living Dead movie started something very special in the world of social commentary and the horror community.  Since then there have been many attempts at recapturing the magic of that first groundbreaking film.  None have come as close as original film co-writer John Russo and horror comics legend Mike Wolfer in capturing the tone and importance of the movie.  The original Night of the Living Dead Vol 1 Tp takes fans on a trip back, with a special prequel to the first film and collecting all eight issues of the first NOTLD series in one ghoulish masterpiece.

Any zombie fan would love this volume of horror and can recognize the reason it is essential reading in the genre.  Night of the Living Dead Vol 1 Tp is available at your local comic shop, online at Amazon, and digitally as single issues at ComiXology: https://goo.gl/KK6tha.  Check it out today and enjoy what zombie fiction is meant to be.


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  A prequel to the original film from the original creator and co-writer John Russo! You’ve heard the eyewitness accounts and were shocked by the television reports, but now for the first time you’ll experience the horrifying events which led to that first Night of the Living Dead! A strange mist brings the unburied dead back to life, hungry for the flesh of the living. This incredible prequel to the blockbuster classic 1968 Night of the Living Dead film gives new insight into many of the film’s characters and locations, including horrific encounters at the farm house and Beekman’s diner, and introduces, for the first time, the Cemetery Zombie, Sheriff McClellan, the zombie girl Karen, and NOTLD hero Ben.

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Christos Gage’s Absolution

AbsolutionRubicon1regFans of the Netflix series Daredevil know that screenwriter Christos Gage is no stranger to writing vigilante fiction.  His original creation Absolution is one of the hardest hitting super vigilante stories you will ever read.  Imagine a mix of The Punisher and NCIS – that’s the type of story you will read in this fantastic series.

ChristosGageFollow the fall of cop-sponsored superhero John Dusk as the vile criminals around him cause him to slip out of the set of rules defining the police force and into a judge, jury, and executioner.  This tale not only vividly shows his fall from grace but also looks deep into the psyche of those running the police and his former super powered allies.  If you are missing new episodes of Daredevil – this is the perfect follow up to fill that craving.  Absolution is available at local comic shops, online at Amazon, and digitally at ComiXology: https://goo.gl/TMDK5e


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Super-star writer Christos Gage cuts loose with his first Avatar series! John Dusk is a man of honor. He has been fighting crime inside the rules of the law. He respects the laws he’s been sworn to uphold. But day after day, bringing in the same scum, and watching the revolving door of justice… there comes a time when a man is pushed too far. When you’re bound by rules that the bad guys ignore, when the criminals are going free, when the worst kind of man is loosed on the world, when do you finally take a stand? Where do you draw the line between being the good guy, and getting the job done – permanently? Absolution is the story of masked heroes pushed to the brink, standing on their own, and against their best friends. Sometimes, a man just needs killing.

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Warren Ellis’ Ignition City

Ignition City TpMost comic book fans remember the classic pulp characters with some fondness.  Iconic sci-fi heroes like Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, and Doc Savage put their distinctive stamp on the collective psyche of comic readers long ago and they continue to do so today.  But what happens when you take DIG009412_3one of the modern masters of comic books and let them create their own homage to these longstanding icons?

Warren Ellis created a vibrant future pulp world in the pages of Ignition City.  A young woman searches for the fate that became of her adventuring father in the dusty streets of an old space port town.  What follows is pure classic sci-fi inspired magic.  This incredible series is lavishly illustrated by Gianluca Pagliarani and is available in both print and digital editions.


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Grounded space pilot Mary Raven has come to the interzone DIG009419_1settlement in the middle of Ignition City, Earth’s largest spaceport, to recover the effects of her dead father… or so people think. Mary really wants to know how he died, and who was responsible. But today might be her last day on Earth, trapped on the last spaceport where no one cares about murder, and the only real currency is fear. She has her dead father’s ray gun, and that’s enough for space hero-turned-arms dealer Lightning Bowman to want her dead. But when she finds her father’s lost diary she discovers something nobody else in Ignition City knows… and they’ll want her dead for that, too. From Warren Ellis, the writer who reinvented science fiction in comics, comes IGNITION CITY, a retropunk “future of the past” where spaceships belch smoke and arguments are settled with blaster pistols.

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Crossed: Wish You Were Here Gets Deluxe Slipcase Edition

WYWHslipcase-mockNew in the June Previews for August shipping, Avatar Press is pleased to offer a beautiful bookshelf treatment for Simon Spurrier’s incredible Crossed: Wish You Were Here series.  The entire collection will be offered in a deluxe slipcase which handsomely presents the volumes in a top shelf style package.  This collection is a perfect gift for the Crossed fan and is a tremendous value at $59.99.

Ask your comic shop retailer to reserve a volume or two for you and share the horror of Garth Ennis’ Crossed with your family and friends.  But be sure to warn them.  In a Crossed world there is no help and there is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.

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Alan Moore Delivers Crossed +100 #5

The latest issue of Alan Moore’s incredible future for the Crossed franchise is available in comic shops now.  Future Taylor has uncovered some disturbing secrets from the interaction with the strange Crossed civilization.  She and the survivors who have lived in relative peace 100 years after the Crossed outbreak are beginning to see the meaning behind the strange occurrences and discoveries.  And that knowledge could spell ruin for the human race once and for all.

Crossed +100 #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Future Taylor discovers the shocking truth about the Crossed+100-5regCrossed infection and their evolution.  The impossible has occurred and the future holds an ominous and seemingly unstoppable horror from taking root.  Alan Moore, the man who revolutionized the comics medium, returns to monthly Crossed+100-5CrossedCulturecomics and puts his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium.


Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of Crossed +100 #5 for you today and step into a meticulously created world by a master storyteller!



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Warren Ellis Heroic Bundle at ComiXology

If you are a fan of Warren Ellis’ incredible Vertigo work over the years, then you must check out his Avatar Press dark hero stories which are all currently on sale at ComiXology for a limited time.  This Heroic Bundle includes 21 comics collecting the story arcs of No Hero, Black Summer, and Supergod.  Each of these stories is Ellis at his best, developing complex characters and moral conflicts that ultimately produce an incredible tale.

SuperGodSUPERGOD: praying to be saved by a man who can fly will get you killed. From the creator of THE AUTHORITY and PLANETARY comes the craziest and most horrifying superhero comic you’ve ever read! In the world of SUPERGOD, superhumans are the ultimate expression of the Messiah complex, and scientists can build Messiahs who will fly down from the skies to save the world. No-one thought about how they’d do it — or even if they’d want to. So begins the apocalyptic tomorrow of SUPERGOD — the story of how supermen killed us all and ended the world just because we wanted to be rescued by human-shaped things from beyond Science itself! Take every superhero comic ever published, shove them into a nuclear-powered blender, soak it in bad vodka and set the whole thing alight — and SUPERGOD will crawl out and eat your brain!

Black SummerBLACK SUMMER:  The world goes black as Warren Ellis unveils his all-new super-powered heroes and villains epic! With art by the genius Juan Jose Ryp, no fan of The Authority or Wanted will want to miss this bleeding-edge eight issue masterpiece. This #0 features an original story that leads directly into the full-size series. When the political situation in the USA becomes more than Horus can stand, he moves to take matters into his own hands. But since not all his other team-mates aren’t so eager to throw the world into chaos, an epic conflict starts to form. And no one will be safe as the bodies start to fall.


No HeroNO HERO:  Warren Ellis and Juan Jose Ryp, the team behind the fan-favorite BLACK SUMMER, are revolutionizing masked heroes yet again in a hot new series! Dead heroes in the dirt. A killer capable of almost supernatural tortures. Five generations of the world’s only superhuman group. A forty-year legacy of standing for the rights of freedom and safety. A young man obsessed with the need for street justice. How much do you want to be a superhuman? How badly does he want it? Bad enough to bring on the last days of an American legend? If he even gets to survive that long? Forty years ago, a group of superhumans emerged in San Francisco, guided by the man whose unique new drugs gave them their incredible powers. But the team is not the only thing that’s advanced over the years, and there are no easy victories when their luck finally begins to run out…

Get the limited sale price on this bundle through June 14th here:  https://www.comixology.com/Warren-Ellis-Heroic-Bundle/page/1975


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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 6/10/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital items arriving on ComiXology this Wednesday 6/10/15:

Alan Moore’s Another Suburban Romance GN

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     One of the seminal works from the writer who defined AnotherSuburbanTrade2014modern comics, Alan Moore, is remastered for the first time in breathtakingly vibrant color! Alan Moore’s performance works making up the play Another Suburban Romance are lavishly illustrated as full sequential stories. Comprised of three major pieces, adapted from Moore’s original presentations by frequent collaborator Antony (Fashion Beast) Johnston, this original graphic novel is completely illustrated by Juan Jose Ryp. Running from the 1920’s Chicago-style killings in Old Gangsters Never Die, to the ruminations on modern life in the namesake piece Another Suburban Romance, this powerful work is an essential piece of the Alan Moore graphic novel library that no fan will want to miss!

Crossed +100 #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Future Taylor discovers the shocking truth about the Crossed+100-5regCrossed infection and their evolution. The impossible has occurred and the future holds an ominous and seemingly unstoppable horror from taking root. Alan Moore, the man who revolutionized the comics medium, returns to monthly comics and puts his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium.



Boundless Comics:

Lady Death: Apocalypse #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     As a horde of the blood-infected attack Sanctum House, Lady LadyDeathApoc5-regDeath finds herself giving into the power of the Void which makes her extremely dangerous to friends and foes. Meanwhile Queen Tormina completes the sacrifice ceremony and her senior advisor stands revealed.

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