Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 5/27/15

These are the new Avatar Press items that are arriving at comic shops on Wednesday 5/27/15:

Dark Gods #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The final issue of the first powerful arc of Justin Jordan’s DarkGods6-regularDark Gods is here!  The agents of The Storm must face the rising tide of ancient monsters from the void of Chaos.  Their mission has been to stop the flood of horrors, but what happens if they fail?  The world as we know it must DarkGods6-Deityevolve as everyday people that lived in ignorance of the monsters just outside their vision are brought face-to-face with the grinning devils of other dimensions.  The Dark Gods have arrived. German Erramouspe illustrates this new series with special painted sequences by Michael DiPascale. Available with Regular, Wraparound, and Fully-Painted Deity Covers by Michael DiPascale, Sultry Siren Cover from Christian Zanier, and a special Nightmare Retailer Order Incentive Cover also by Zanier.

God is Dead #36

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      This is it, everything from the entire series comes to a head as GodisDead36_Regvolume six wraps up in carnage!  Mike Costa has been building for years towards this massive culmination of every plot thread to date.  Whatever you expect, there is no GodisDead36-Enchantingway this won’t be amazing!   Available with a Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, Enchanting & Iconic Covers by Raulo Caceres, a Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, End of Days Cover by Jose Luis, and a special Gilded Incentive Cover also by Luis.


Providence #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The most important work of 2015 begins here with the long-Providence01_regularawaited arrival of Alan Moore’s breathtaking epic PROVIDENCE with his artistic partner Jacen Burrows.  In his most carefully considered work in decades, Moore deconstructs all of Lovecraft’s concepts, reinventing the entirety of his work inside a painstakingly researched framework of American history. Both sequel and prequel to NEONOMICON, PROVIDENCE begins in 1919 and blends Providence01-Pantheonthe mythical visions of HPL flawlessly into the cauldron of racial and sexual intolerance that defined that era on the East Coast of America. Every line from artist Jacen Burrows is perfectly honed to complete this immersive experience. The result is a breathtaking masterpiece of sequential art that will define modern horror for this generation. Invoking a comparison it to a prior literary masterpiece is not something to be handled lightly, but in scope, importance and execution: Providence is the Watchmen of horror.

Moore has designed every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to Providence01-Portraitcreate his most fully-realized vision to date.  There are no ads, all 32 pages are written by Moore, and Jacen Burrows has spent the past two years slaving over the finest detail Providence01-WomenofHPLpossible on the pages.  The entire work is already written, intricately crafted to tie the most nuanced threads together over the breadth of the series.  Painstakingly researched, meticulously produced, this is a sequential masterpiece that will serve as important a call to the next generation of comic book writers as Watchmen did 30 years ago:  this is a definitive demonstration of just how good a comic book can be. Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

Uber #25

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Gillen and Gete return to the war in the Pacific as we revisit Uber25_Regthe state of Japan.  With the failed atomic weapon, the decisive end in the Pacific has not been found and the grinding war of attrition takes a vast toll on both sides.   Uber25-PropagandaThe superhuman advantage of Japan is equaled in many ways by the firepower advantage of the USA.  So the bodies continue to pile to the heavens…  Available with Regular, Wraparound, War Crimes, and Blitzkrieg Covers by Daniel Gete, and a Propaganda Poster Cover by Michael DiPascale.


Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575



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Avatar Press Signing & Panel Times for Denver Comic Con Released

denver_comic_con_logo (1)Avatar Press is bringing a huge guest list to this weekend’s Denver Comic Con that includes Max Brooks, Garth Ennis, Kieron Gillen, and Jacen Burrows!  Fans attending the show will have access to these powerhouse creators during the following signing times:


Saturday 5/23

Garth Ennis12:00 – 2:00   Garth Ennis, Kieron Gillen, Max Brooks, Jacen Burrows
4:00 –  7:00   Garth Ennis, Kieron Gillen, Max Brooks, Jacen Burrows

Sunday 5/24

11:00 – 12:30    Max Brooks
11:00                 Kieron Gillen Spotlight panel (Room 607)
12:00 – 2:00    Kieron Gillen
12:00 – 1:00     Garth Ennis
Brooks_Max (2)12:00 – 3:00    Jacen Burrows
2:30                 Max Brooks Spotlight panel (Room 607)
3:00 – 4:00     Garth Ennis
3:30 – 6:00     Max Brooks
4:00 – 6:00     Kieron Gillen
4:50                 Garth Ennis Spotlight panel (room 607)
5:00 –  7:00    Jacen Burrows
6:00 – 7:00    Garth Ennis


Monday 5/25

Kieron Uber 111:00 – 1:00    Max Brooks
12:00 – 2:00   Kieron Gillen
12:00 – 4:00   Jacen Burrows
3:00 – 4:00     Max Brooks
3:00 – 4:00     Kieron Gillen


Don’t miss out on these great opportunities to meet your favorite creators and to get some incredible Denver Comic Con exclusive comics!

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Sneak Peek of Providence #1 at Denver Comic Con

denver_comic_con_logo (1)This weekend lucky fans who are attending the Denver Comic Con from May 23 – 25th will enjoy a rare treat.  Jacen Burrows, Alan Moore’s collaborator on Neonomicon and Providence, will be signing autographs, drawing commissions, and talking about his new project with fans.  The event will be punctuated with the Providence01-WeirdPulp copyavailability of a Providence #1 Weird Pulp Denver Comic Con exclusive comic book which will be available on site before the 5/27 mass release in comic shops.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get insights on what the collaborative process is with the legendary Alan Moore.  Burrows has had the opportunity to work with some of the titans of the comics industry and he will be sharing thoughts and anecdotes about his efforts to create Jacen Burrowsprojects and characters with these luminaries.  Stop by the Avatar Press booth for signing times and to get copies of the limited exclusive Providence #1 Weird Pulp comic book!



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Denver Comic Con Exclusives Revealed

This holiday weekend lucky fans attending the Denver Comic Con from May 23 – 25th are in for a major treat.  In addition to an unparalleled Avatar Press guest list that includes Garth Ennis, Kieron Gillen, Max Brooks, and Jacen Burrows – they will also be able to get these super limited edition convention exclusives:

Crossed75-DenverArtDeco copyUber25-BirdsofWar copyCrossed #75 Denver Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale and limited to 350 copies ($10)


Uber #25 Birds of War by Michael DiPascale and limited to 350 copies ($10



Uber25_VIP copyProvidence01-WeirdPulp copyUber #25 VIP – Very rare cover by DiPascale and limited to 250 copies ($20)


Providence #1 Weird Pulp – A stunning painted cover by Jacen Burrows and DiPascale that is limited to 1000 copies ($10)


Get your favorite creators to sign these incredible exclusives and your other collectibles at the Avatar Press booth this weekend!
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Mercury Heat Debut Free on ComiXology 5/20/15

mercury-heat-fcbd-2015Kieron Gillen’s brand new ongoing sci-fi series, Mercury Heat will be free to sample on ComiXology tomorrow, Wednesday 5/20/15.  This special issue was a part of Free Comic Book Day this year and now as a way of reaching out to fans who couldn’t make it to the big event or didn’t have a participating comic shop near them, everyone will be able to read this premiere installment free digitally on ComiXology.

Mercury Heat introduces us to Luiza, a little girl with big dreams and a problem.  In the future your occupation is decided by your neuroprofile – an automated system determines based on your genetic markers and predispositions what you will do in the future.  Luiza just wanted to be a police officer.  She wanted to help people and keep the peace.  But her Kieron Uber 1profile was far too unstable…in fact there are precious few occupations for this particular set of markers.

Now Luiza is a bounty agent on the wild west frontier of Mars.  Tracking down illegal mining henchmen and cyborgs is all in a days work for her.  And you can find out what makes Luiza special in this great debut issue.  Check it out and look for Mercury Heat #1 coming up in July!

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Reserve Your Copy of Mercury Heat #1

MERCURY-HEAT_01_RegularLocal comic shops are finalizing their orders for product shipping in July and at the top of that list is Kieron Gillen’s newest ongoing series, Mercury Heat.  Fans will recognize the title from this year’s Free Comic Book Day event where the Mercury Heat Debut issue introduced us to Luiza, a young lady with an unusual dream and a specific neuroprofile.

MERCURY-HEAT_01_Excessive ForceLuiza’s genetic markers and personality type made her an unstable choice for a police officer but the perfect choice for a bounty agent.  On Mars the wild west lives again only inhabited by hard-as-nails miners and cyborg outlaws.  Now she must stay one step ahead of the dawn and put down threats to the population with extreme prejudice.  Be one of the first to experience this new vision of the future from one of today’s best writers.

MERCURY-HEAT_01_WraparoundAsk your local comics retailer to reserve a copy of Mercury Heat #1 for you today!

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Brooks – Ennis – Gillen – Burrows at Denver Comic Con

denver_comic_con_logo (1)Memorial Day Weekend – May 23 – 25 – the Denver Comic Con will host four of Avatar Press’ biggest creators!  This is an opportunity to meet each in person, get autographs, and hear stories from your favorite comic book stars.

Stop by the Avatar Press booth for schedules, specials, and incredible exclusive comics and merchandise available first at the show.

Brooks_Max (2)Max Brooks – New York Times Bestselling author of World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide, Max is also the creator of the wildly successful Extinction Parade series of comics and graphic novels!  Have a question about how to survive in a zombie apocalypse?  This is your chance to ask the world’s leading authority on it!

Jacen BurrowsJacen Burrows – This is a chance to meet the artist who collaborated with Garth Ennis on the very first Crossed series and who brought Alan Moore’s vision of the H.P. Lovecraft influenced world of Neonomicon and Providence!  Jacen will be doing a limited number of commission drawings on site!


Garth EnnisGarth Ennis – One of the industry’s most sought after and powerful creators, Ennis is the father of titles like Preacher, The Boys, and the uncensored horror phenomena of Crossed. Always a huge hit at conventions, Ennis will be meeting fans, signing autographs, and talking about his many creations over the years.  Find out what is next from Ennis in comics, movies, and television series in person at this rare convention appearance.

Kieron Uber 1Kieron Gillen – Gillen has been gaining legions of fans on his incredibly original works like The Wicked and the Divine and Uber.  Now is the time to catch the Star Wars: Darth Vader scribe in person and find out about his newest original series – Mercury Heat while getting an autograph on your favorite comics!


Watch www.avatarpress.com for announcements on show exclusives and signing schedules coming soon!

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George R.R. Martin’s In the House of the Worm TP Arrives in July

house-of-the-worm-TPBThe biggest name in fantasy, George R.R. Martin, brings one of his most popular short stories to life in comics with the In the House of the Worm TP collection in stores this July.  Fans of Game of Thrones have been clamoring for more of Martin’s fantasy work in comics and this story has it all – a strange society with underground terrors and ancient prophecies.  Follow the tragic story of Annelyn as he changes from petulant child to shell-shocked survivor in a journey that takes him far beneath the feet of his fellow friends and into the lair of the Grouns.  What horrors have been buried beneath the ages will once again be revealed and nothing this young man can do will change the misery about to be unleashed.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of this special trade paperback collection for you and experience a one of a kind tale from a true master storyteller.

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Phoenix Comic Con Avatar VIP Packages Still Available

vipbadge-PHOENIX-avatarThe Phoenix Comic Con is coming up at the end of the month and Avatar Press is bringing an incredible list of guests to the show.  Fans who have purchased the amazing VIP packages in the past have enjoyed unprecedented access to the creators and an instant library of Avatar graphic novels and special editions.  This year with Jacen Burrows and Max Brooks headlining the event, the opportunities are even greater.

The Avatar VIP packages get you a 4-day ticket to the Brooks_Max (2)convention and over $600 worth of value in one super package.  There are still a few packages left from the scant 100 available.  The content of the package includes:

16 graphic novels (that are different than ones offered in previous years VIP sets), 5 beautiful Art Prints, a special Crossed 75 VIP cover, a set of God is Dead #1-25  and special access to the autograph lines!  It’s over $600 retail value for only $150! Only 100 will be sold, and we Jacen Burrowssell out every year, so please grab one right away!


  • All Avatar guests Autograph Access – all VIPs get to line up first for Max Brooks and Jacen Burrows and get up to 30 items signed from each!
  • crecyAvatar Graphic Novel Library – 16 Avatar graphic novels! Immerse yourself in the best Avatar has to offer with this massive collection of graphic novels by Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, Alan Moore and more!  These are not volumes you have gotten in previous VIP sets!  Included are: Aetheric Mechanics,  Crecy,  Frankenstein’s Womb Graphic Novels.  Captain Swing TPB, Crossed Volumes 9,10,11,12 and Wish You Were Here Vol 4, Fashion Beast TPB,  Ferals Volumes 1,2,3 and Stitched Volumes 1,2,3.

Each set includes these amazing limited edition comics:

  • GodisDead09_EndofDaysCrossed: Badlands #75 VIP Pure Art VIP – This horrifically scarce edition is only available with VIP sets and is limited to just 250 copies!
  • God is Dead #1-25 – One copy of each issue, all filled with Jacen Burrows covers! Jacen has drawn loads of covers for this series, with this special group we’ll make sure your 25 issues all have Burrows covers.  You can get them all signed at the Avatar booth! (only 1 cover pictured, but you get 25 comics!)
  • Extinction Parade Art Prints– An amazing set of 5 terrifying art prints showing the “Stages of Death”!  These images were written by Max Brooks and are all-new illustrations by Raulo Caceres.  Get them all signed by Max Brooks at the Avatar booth!

Avatar Phoenix Comic Con VIP Packages can be purchased here:  http://www.comcav.net/products/phoenix-comicon-2015-avatar-vip-set

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God is Dead Divine Digital Sale

GodisDead1Fans have embraced the world of divine destruction created by Jonathan Hickman and Mike Costa.  As the series has developed we’ve seen humanity face terrible wrath at the hands of the petty gods of antiquity.  The rise and fall of warring pantheons, a devastated global GodisDead09_Regcivilization, and the master plan by the Great Deceiver have all led to one of the most original comic books being published today.

If you have been waiting for the right time to try this series out, be sure to check out the limited sale opportunity on ComiXology that provides 32 issues of the series for $29.99.


This is the GodisDead25_regperfect way to sample the story so far.  Get your inner divine on now with God is Dead!


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