God is Dead Vol 5 TP in Stores

Jonathan Hickman created an incredibly vibrant world of clashing mythologies in the series God is Dead.  From those first stories of the return of deities from ancient pantheons, Mike Costa has developed the ongoing saga into a story full of plot twists and fantastic horrors as any classical literature.

Now as a new day dawns in the world of divine retribution made manifest, the Titans have returned and are wreaking havoc upon a god-weary world.  Can the petty gods come together to retake the Earth and if they do will it be once again shattered by their pride?  And just who put these terrible machinations into motion…?  Find out as the saga of God is Dead continues to steamroll toward the final revelations.

God is Dead Vol 5 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       The Great Deceiver threw the world into chaos when after GodisDeadVol5millennia of plotting and planning he finally killed God.  Now Satan has initiated a pact to release the Titans upon the pantheons of gods still fighting for dominion over man.  After all the Earth has been through, after all the pantheons have done to each other, after all the centuries of hate have boiled to the surface, what could possibly unite the Gods of old?  Something unspeakable is coming to this devastated planet.  Series author Mike Costa opens a World-shattering new story as the worst fears of the most powerful deities come true – the Titans have returned!  More powerful than ever, and with horrific giant beasts at their bidding, the Titans are back and plan to eliminate the gods once and for all!  This volume collects issues #25 – 30 of the ongoing God is Dead series.

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Exclusive Providence #1 Premieres at Denver Comic Con

denver_comic_con_logo (1)Jacen BurrowsAvatar Press is bringing an impressive list of guests to the upcoming Denver Comic Con May 23 – 25th.  With headliners like Max Brooks, Garth Ennis, Kieron Gillen, and Jacen Burrows, fans who frequent the booth with have ample opportunities to meet with some of the biggest names in all of comics.

As a special event, attendees of the convention will have first crack at an exclusive Denver Comic Con alternate cover of the Providence01-WeirdPulp-copy-600x916year’s biggest horror event – Alan Moore’s Providence #1.  The “Weird Pulp” cover is drawn by artist Jacen Burrows and painted by Michael DiPascale.  This exclusive early look at Providence is limited to 1000 copies and will be available at the Avatar Press booth.  Don’t miss your chance to be one of the first anywhere to see the premiere issue of this series before it is on stands everywhere 5/27.


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Uber #24 in Stores Now

Uber24-RegularUber24-WarCrimesKieron Gillen’s incredible altered history war comic Uber is rolling full steam toward the end of of the first series.  Issue #24 reveals the plans for the deployment of HMH Churchill and gives a definitive look at the desperation building in the war effort.  As Germany’s Great Burn continues to level cities and entire populations, the Allies reach for a desperate gamble.  The girl who became the HMH Churchill is all but lost beneath the distortion of the super Uber24-PropagandaUber24-Wrapsoldier activation.  But her heart hasn’t changed and she has become the great hope for a way to stop the relentless march of the Nazis.


If you have not been reading the powerful story of this incredible series, make sure you stop by the local comic shop and pick up the first volumes of Uber’s Trade Paperbacks to get immersed in the world of enhanced human warfare.

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Avatar Press Brings Big Guests to Denver Comic Con

denver_comic_con_logo (1)Avatar Press is set to deliver huge guests to the Denver Comic Con this upcoming Memorial Day weekend 5/23 – 5/25.  Fans attending the convention will have an opportunity to meet these incredible talents, get autographs, and buy exclusive merchandise:


Brooks_Max (2)Max Brooks – New York Times Bestselling author of World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide, Max is also the creator of the wildly successful Extinction Parade series of comics and graphic novels!  Have a question about how to survive in a zombie apocalypse?  This is your chance to ask the world’s leading authority on it!

Jacen BurrowsJacen Burrows – This is a chance to meet the artist who collaborated with Garth Ennis on the very first Crossed series and who brought Alan Moore’s vision of the H.P. Lovecraft influenced world of Neonomicon and Providence!  Jacen will be doing a limited number of commission drawings on site!


Garth EnnisGarth Ennis – One of the industry’s most sought after and powerful creators, Ennis is the father of titles like Preacher, The Boys, and the uncensored horror phenomena of Crossed. Always a huge hit at conventions, Ennis will be meeting fans, signing autographs, and talking about his many creations over the years.  Find out what is next from Ennis in comics, movies, and television series in person at this rare convention appearance.

Kieron Uber 1Kieron Gillen – Gillen has been gaining legions of fans on his incredibly original works like The Wicked and the Divine and Uber.  Now is the time to catch the Star Wars: Darth Vader scribe in person and find out about his newest original series – Mercury Heat while getting an autograph on your favorite comics!


Watch www.avatarpress.com for announcements on show exclusives and signing schedules coming soon!


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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 5/6/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital items coming to ComiXology this Wednesday 5/6/15:

Crossed: Badlands #77

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Uber scribe, Kieron Gillen, tells a Crossed tale like no other.  Crossed77-RegularAs the modern-day group of survivors stumble upon an amazing find, the unfolding drama of the Homo Tortor 80,000 years ago unveil their greatest form of amusement,
a coliseum built to pit humans vs prehistoric beasts! Join the hunt for answers to one of history’s greatest mysteries!





God is Dead #35

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Decades of searching has led to an incredible find.  All of the GodisDead35_Regstories of God is Dead intersect as the master plan is revealed.  Gods, men, and would-be conquerors alike discover that the final price of absolute rule is annihilation.  The unbelievable tale being woven in God is
Dead begins to clarify and the ramifications of the story will shock you to the core!





Uber #24

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A startling new story arc begins here in Kieron Gillen’s Uber24-Regulargroundbreaking alternate history epic!  The unbelievable aftermath of the Battleship fight between Germany’s Sieglinde and Russia’s Maria changes the very face of the war on all sides.  As the world faces devastation on a global scale, the Allies encounter new horrors in the enhanced human war to end all wars.  Will there be an end to World War II or will this conflict lead to the very death-throes of the human race?




War Stories #8

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As the full horror of the Soviet advance becomes clear, the WarStories8-reglittle group of German refugees makes its way through the dark woods of East Prussia. Romance flares between our heroine and one of her saviors, but these German war
heroes are not all they seem. And the road to salvation is a dangerous one, growing more so with every step along it. Part two of The Last German Winter, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 5/6/15

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops this Wednesday 5/6/15:

Crossed: Badlands #77

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Uber scribe, Kieron Gillen, tells a Crossed tale like no other.  Crossed77-RegularAs the modern-day group of survivors stumble upon an amazing find, the unfolding drama of the Homo Tortor 80,000 years ago unveil their greatest form of amusement, Crossed77-Torturea coliseum built to pit humans vs prehistoric beasts! Join the hunt for answers to one of history’s greatest mysteries!  Available with Regular, Wraparound, Megafauna Mayhem Covers by Fernando Heinz, Torture Cover by Raulo Caceres, Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale, and a special Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Heinz.

God is Dead #35

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Decades of searching has led to an incredible find.  All of the GodisDead35_Regstories of God is Dead intersect as the master plan is revealed.  Gods, men, and would-be conquerors alike discover that the final price of absolute rule is annihilation.  The unbelievable tale being woven in God is GodisDead35-Enchanting-colorDead begins to clarify and the ramifications of the story will shock you to the core!  Available with a Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, End of Days and Enchanting Covers by Jose Luiz, Iconic Cover by Raulo Caceres, Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive cover also by Caceres.

Uber #24


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      A startling new story arc begins here in Kieron Gillen’s Uber24-Regulargroundbreaking alternate history epic!  The unbelievable aftermath of the Battleship fight between Germany’s Sieglinde and Russia’s Maria changes the very face of the war on all sides.  As the world faces devastation on a global Uber24-Propagandascale, the Allies encounter new horrors in the enhanced human war to end all wars.  Will there be an end to World War II or will this conflict lead to the very death-throes of the human race?   Available with Regular, Wraparound, and Blitzkrieg Covers by Daniel Gete, a War Crimes Cover by Caanan White, and a Propaganda Poster Cover by Michael DiPascale.


Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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First Look at Kieron Gillen’s Mercury Heat on FCBD!

fcbdComic fans have a special treat tomorrow at Free Comic Book Day programs across the globe as Kieron Gillen’s newest ongoing sci-fi series will premiere with a free Mercury Heat Debut FCBD Edition!  The all-original series brings Gillen’s incredibly imaginitive and powerful narratives from stories like Uber, The Wicked and the Divine, and Star Wars: Darth  Vader to a new world of cyborgs and assassins.  Mercury is like the wild west – and its going to take a tough agent to bring these future ruffians to justice.  Check out this first chapter of the incredible new series at your local comic shop tomorrow!

Find a comic shop near you that is participating in the event at:  http://www.freecomicbookday.com/storelocator

Mercury Heat Debut – FCBD  2015 Ed

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Kieron Gillen blasts into Free Comic Book Day with an mercury-heat-fcbd-2015exclusive preview introduction to his all-new sci-fi series, Mercury Heat! Over the last few years, Gillen’s work has gained a massive following from titles like Uber, The Wicked and the Divine, and Iron Man. Now Gillen takes you to Mercury, a slow turning planet where you can outrun the sunrise. Along with the blistering heat it brings. This is the new frontier of space, where humanity’s insatiable need for energy is being fueled by Mercury. It’s a tough environment and it attracts a rough crowd. So Luiza is bringing her own heat as a cop on Mercury, since she’s just a bit too intense to be one on Earth. This special issue features the first chapter of this ongoing saga, a special introduction to the World of Mercury Heat, and a look at the ships, designs, and making of this epic. The future is here with this primer and first chapter of 2015’s biggest sci-fi title!

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Celebrate Free Comic Book Day with Mercury Heat!

Kieron Uber 1Free Comic Book Day is almost upon us – this Friday 5/2 comic book shops across the globe will be inviting everyone in for a celebration of the art form.  Fans will be able to sample comics from a variety of publishers including Avatar Press’ brand new preview of the upcoming Mercury Heat series from fan favorite writer Kieron Gillen.

Mercury Heat is a new sci-fi adventure that follows the adventures of a gritty cop on the mercury-heat-fcbd-2015wild frontier of Mercury.  In this incredible new ongoing series by Gillen (Phonogram, Wicked & the Divine, Uber) we will encounter science fiction Avatar Press style with no holds barred.  And Avatar is proud to be giving Free Comic Book Day fans first peek at the new series this weekend!

To find a local comic shop near you, visit the Free Comic Book Day Comic Shop Locator:  http://bit.ly/FCBDComicShops

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C-Day Continues in Crossed: Badlands #76

Crossed76_RegularKieron Gillen started C-Day off this year with his new story arc “Homo Tortor” which began in Crossed: Badlands #75.  Readers were introduced to a frightening new story told in both the ancient past and the present.  In the days leading up to and just after C-Day, the world strives to survive the Crossed76-ArtDecounleashed horror of the Crossed.  One young man ties the outbreak to a college professor’s theories.  But to have any hope of finding the professor or his lost girlfriend, he must convince some serious soldiers to help him infiltrate a Crossed infected territory to find a hidden survival bunker.  And in the ancient past a tribe of bestial warriors spreads a Crossed76-MegafaunaWrapfamiliar misery across the young Earth.  How does the violent life of the blood men factor into the development of the Crossed plague?  Only time will tell…

Crossed: Badlands #76 is in comic shops and available digitally from ComiXology today!


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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 4/29/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital comic books coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 4/29/15

Crossed: Badlands #76

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen continues his tale of Crossed set in two times.  Crossed76_RegularThe modern day outbreak and a previously unheard of original outbreak in the ancient past!  As horrific megafauna and giant reptiles threaten every move, witness the near extinction of man at the hands of grinning monsters in this violent and terrifying primitive world.  There is no help, there is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.




God is Dead #34

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Zeus has been resurrected and his fury knows no bounds.  GodisDead34_RegThe Titans have taken the brunt of the greatest of the gods anger and now in the aftermath of the reclaiming of Olympus, only one thing remains.  Now comes the inevitable march for rule over the remaining realms.  But something is different this time.  The fates have aligned to bring unforeseen powers to bear and not even the petty gods can alter this coming onslaught!








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