Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 4/29/15

These are the new Avatar Press comic books coming to comic shops on Wednesday 4/29/15

Crossed: Badlands #76

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Kieron Gillen continues his tale of Crossed set in two times.  Crossed76_RegularThe modern day outbreak and a previously unheard of original outbreak in the ancient past!  As horrific megafauna and giant reptiles threaten every move, witness the near extinction of man at the hands of grinning Crossed76-Torturemonsters in this violent and terrifying primitive world.  There is no help, there is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.  Available with Regular Cover by Fernando Heinz, Wraparound and Megafauna Mayhem Covers by Rafa Ortiz, Torture Cover by Raulo Caceres, Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale, and a special Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Heinz.

God is Dead #34

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Zeus has been resurrected and his fury knows no bounds.  GodisDead34_RegThe Titans have taken the brunt of the greatest of the gods anger and now in the aftermath of the reclaiming of Olympus, only one thing remains.  Now comes the inevitable march for rule over the remaining realms.  But something is different this time.  The fates have aligned to GodisDead34-Iconicbring unforeseen powers to bear and not even the petty gods can alter this coming onslaught!  Available with a Regular Cover by Jacen Burrows, an Enchanting Cover by Gardenio Lima, a Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, End of Days Cover by Jose Luiz, Iconic Cover by Raulo Caceres, and a special Gilded Incentive Cover also by Luiz.

War Stories #8

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As the full horror of the Soviet advance becomes clear, the WarStories8-reglittle group of German refugees makes its way through the dark woods of East Prussia. Romance flares between our heroine and one of her saviors, but these German war WarStories8-NoseArtheroes are not all they seem. And the road to salvation is a dangerous one, growing more so with every step along it. Part two of The Last German Winter, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira. Available with Regular &Wraparound Covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Avatar Brings Max Brooks to C2E2

Brooks_Max (2)Avatar Press is at the Chicago based C2E2 convention this weekend and we are bringing New York Times bestselling author, Max Brooks!  This is your chance to meet Brooks in person, talk about his ExtinctionParadeWarV2incredible books like World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide, and to see his latest graphic novels including Extinction Parade and Harlem Hellfighters.


Brooks will be hosting two panels:

Title: Avatar Press & Max Brooks – Cutting Edge Comics
Date: Friday, 4/24
Time: 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
RM S404
Title: Max Brooks – Zombies vs. Vampires: The Extinction Parade Survival Panel
Date: Saturday, 4/25
Time: 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM
RM S404
And has a signing schedule all set:
Friday       11AM-1PM
Saturday   12PM-3PM
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Bleeding Cool Examines Alan Moore’s Providence

Providence03pantheon_Dagon-colorBleeding Cool Magazine #16 is in comic shops this week.  Within the pages of the publication is an incredible interview with Alan Moore which discusses his influences and objectives for the upcoming release of Providence.  Moore is working with collaborator Jacen Burrows on a definitive Lovecraft inspired series that acts as both prequel and sequel to the seminal work he did on Neonomicon.

Today on Bleeding Cool.com you can read a companion piece to that interview which goes into detail about the character of Robert Black, a gay Jewish man attempting to Providence03women_MrsBoggsMarsh_color-cxsurvive the prejudices of both Lovecraft and the world around him.  Moore tackles the subject and provides his opinion of how the reader can experience Black’s life as an outsider in the year of 1919 within the context of the story being spun in Providence.

You can read the companion piece here:  http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/04/23/alan-moore-writes-a-gay-jewish-protagonist-for-providence-to-address-lovecrafts-prejudices/

BCMag16And look for Bleeding Cool Magazine #16 in comic shops today.

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Big Changes Begin in God is Dead #33

GodisDead33_RegFrom the beginning, the Jonathan Hickman created world of God is Dead broke the rules of most comic books.  With its aggressive introduction of living gods from every pantheon it changed the way a narrative about divine beings was told.  And since that initial story line, Mike GodisDead33-IconicCosta has developed an escalating violence that all is leading to a major change.  A change so bold that it will literally reinvent everything about the world of God is Dead.

Fans have followed along watching battle after battle, but now the true  end game is emerging.  Satan was the being that plotted and planned to kill God and set these events into motion.  Does it not also make sense that it was his machinations from the start that GodisDead33-Enchantinghave taken the world here…to the brink…and beyond?

Pick up the latest issue of God is Dead #33 in stores today and see the unbelievable events that have been set in motion.  The end is near…for everyone.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 4/22/15

The following Avatar Press digital comic book will be available on ComiXology Wednesday 4/21/15:

God is Dead #33

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Deception is the currency of the day as the gods plot and plan GodisDead33_Regbehind each other’s backs with their petty strategies for ruling the devastated Earth.  But among the struggling human survivors on the ruined planet, one hunter finally finds the most important girl in the world.  Will history repeat itself with the rise of Gaia or is it too late for even Mother Earth to recover from the strain of hundreds of years of misery?

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Avatar Press New To Comic Shops 4/22/15

This is the new Avatar Press issue arriving in comic shops this Wednesday 4/22/15:

God is Dead #33

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Deception is the currency of the day as the gods plot and plan GodisDead33_Regbehind each other’s backs with their petty strategies for ruling the devastated Earth.  But among the struggling human survivors on the ruined planet, one hunter finally GodisDead33-Iconicfinds the most important girl in the world.  Will history repeat itself with the rise of Gaia or is it too late for even Mother Earth to recover from the strain of hundreds of years of misery? Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Gilded Retailer Incentive Covers by Jacen Burrows, Iconic and Enchanting Covers by Raulo Caceres, and a Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575



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Crossed +100 #7 Welcomes Simon Spurrier

Crossed100n7-regularThe say the future is wide open and ripe with possibilities.  Well the people that say that clearly don’t live in a Crossed world.  This June Crossed Wish You Were Here scribe Simon Spurrier steps into the Crossed +100 world created by the one and only Alan Moore.  Moore hand selected Spurrier for the unenviable duty of picking up the story of Future Taylor from where Moore’s groundbreaking story leaves off.

Crossed100n7-WishfulFictionCrossed fans have been captivated by Moore’s unique and incredibly detailed world in Crossed +100.  Spurrier promises to take the story in a umique direction while maintaining the high standards of intricate detail and research that made the world such an incredible achievement.  Of Spurrier’s ability, Moore had this to say:

“Si Spurrier attacks a concept with a ferocity that’s unlike that of anybody else, cracking its bones to see what the marrow tastes like and delivering something startling, Crossed100n7-HorrificHomagedreadful, funny and heartfelt; something visceral and smart and crackling with original ideas.  With his run on Crossed +100 he takes that skull-littered wilderness in a direction which is shocking, perfect, and one that I’d never have dreamed of in a hundred years.  This, believe me, is going to be **** movie.” – Alan Moore

Crossed100n7-CrossedWiresWith an endorsement like that you can be sure Crossed +100 #7, out in June, will be one of the must read books of the season.  Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy for you today.

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Avatar Press Brings Ennis & Burrows to Calgary Comic Con

Garth EnnisCalgary Comic Con & Entertainment Expo is this weekend April 16 – 19th and Avatar Press is making the trip north with the original creative team of Crossed: Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows!  Fans of Ennis’ uncensored original horror series have a rare opportunity to talk to the man himself and find out his future plans for Crossed.  Have questions about the direction the series Jacen Burrowsis going or want to find out the latest on Crossed: DOA the new live action series?  You can ask the man himself!  Burrows will also be signing as well and doing a limited number of art commissions for rabid fans.

Ennis’ signing schedule has been released for fans that are attending the show:

Thursday 5 to 7:30 PM
Friday 1 to 3:00 PM
Friday 5 to 7:00 PM
Saturday 12 to 2:00 PM
Saturday 4 to 6:00 PM
Crossed 75 CalgaryAnd don’t forget to look for the exclusive Crossed: Badlands #75 Calgary Comic Con exclusive comic book available only at the show!
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C-Day Arrives in Comic Shops World Wide!

Crossed75-regIt is the day that Crossed fans wait for all year long.  C-Day, the day Crossed cosplayers descend upon their local comic shops to pick up the new major story arc in Crossed: Badlands and to spread the word about their favorite uncensored horror stories.  This year the event is based around Kieron Gillen’s first Crossed story – “Homo Tortor” which begins in Crossed: Badlands #75 on sale today.

Crossed75-HomoTortorGillen has been creating some of the most horrifying work of his career in the pages of Uber, but now he is unleashed in Garth Ennis’ terrifying world of misery and infection.  Crossed fans are encouraged to frequent the local comic book shop today and check out this first chapter of a new terrifying story within the world of Crossed.  And tell your friends – warn them how the infection is spread and that in a world of Crossed there is no help and there is no hope.  There is only the Crossed!

Kieron Uber 1Gillen talked to Bleeding Cool about his new story arc – you can find out more about the story from the scribe himself:  http://t.co/hKbGIm8wL6

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 4/15/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital comics available at ComiXology on Wednesday 4/15/15:

**Celebrate C-Day!***

Crossed: Badlands #75

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Crossed C-Day 2015 is here!  And to celebrate the event, Crossed75-regsuperstar writer Kieron Gillen (Uber, Wicked & Devine) is launching a new story arc that will take the horrors of the Crossed back to the ancient past!  75,000 years ago was the closest humanity has ever came to being purged from the Earth.  There were as few as 2000 humans remaining.  This is historical fact.  Why it came to this is generally blamed on super-volcano Toba causing a minor ice-age. But that’s not the full story.  That is not the history of the Homo Tortor, i.e. Man The Toturer.  This empire before the beginning of time, that sends raiding parties gathering other Homo species and enormous mega-fauna, invented cruelty, refined domination, perfected killing.  And they think their power will last forever. Join the hunt for historical answers with this issue that kicks off C-Day events worldwide as fans celebrate the grueling world of Crossed at comic shops everywhere.  There is no help, there is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.

Crossed +100 #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As the layers of the mystery begin to unravel, Future Taylor Crossed+100-4reggoes to compare notes with an archivist from another settlement.  All the evidence points to an impossible conclusion.  One that seems so radical, Future has to search out the final answers on her own.  Alan Moore, the man who revolutionized the comics medium, returns to monthly comics and puts his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium.


Dark Gods #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       The human race thrived in blissful ignorance of the horrors DarkGods5-regularoutside our safely constructed reality.  But when Justin Jordan pulled down the dam holding back the darkness, a new hell on earth was unleashed.Now the forces ushering in the new age of monsters are on the rise and the ancient order of protectors are waging a losing war. German Erramouspe illustrates this new series with special painted sequences by Michael DiPascale.




God is Dead #32

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       The Great Deceiver has been busy plotting and planning.  GodisDead32_RegAfter the death of his greatest foe, he was unprepared for what would happen next.  But now, history’s most devious fallen angel has a new plan and it may be his most vile yet.  Mike Costa takes the deity ravaged world to the brink with this newest chapter in the God is Dead universe.

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