Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 4/15/15

These are the new Avatar Press comics arriving in comic shops on Wednesday 4/15/15:

**Celebrate C-Day!***

Crossed: Badlands #75

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Crossed C-Day 2015 is here!  And to celebrate the event, Crossed75-regsuperstar writer Kieron Gillen (Uber, Wicked & Devine) is launching a new story arc that will take the horrors of the Crossed back to the ancient past!  75,000 years ago was the closest humanity has ever came to being purged from the Crossed75-RitualEarth.  There were as few as 2000 humans remaining.  This is historical fact.  Why it came to this is generally blamed on super-volcano Toba causing a minor ice-age. But that’s not the full story.  That is not the history of the Homo Tortor, i.e. Man The Toturer.  This empire before the beginning of time, that sends raiding parties gathering other Homo species and enormous mega-fauna, invented cruelty, refined domination, perfected killing.  And they think their power will last forever. Join the hunt for historical answers with this issue that kicks off C-Day events worldwide as fans celebrate the grueling world of Crossed at comic shops everywhere.  There is no help, there is no hope.  There is only the Crossed.  Available with Regular, Homo Tortor, Megafauna Mayhem, & Terror Birds Covers by Fernando Heinz, Torture & Ritual Covers by Raulo Caceres, Wraparound Cover by Rafa Ortiz, Art Deco Cover by Michael DiPascale, Femme Fatale cover by Juan Jose Ryp, and a special Red Crossed Incentive Cover also by Heinz.

Crossed +100 #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As the layers of the mystery begin to unravel, Future Taylor Crossed+100-4reggoes to compare notes with an archivist from another settlement.  All the evidence points to an impossible conclusion.  One that seems so radical, Future has to search out the final answers on her own.  Alan Moore, the man Crossed+100-4oldcountrywho revolutionized the comics medium, returns to monthly comics and puts his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium.

Dark Gods #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       The human race thrived in blissful ignorance of the horrors DarkGods5-regularoutside our safely constructed reality.  But when Justin Jordan pulled down the dam holding back the darkness, a new hell on earth was unleashed.Now the forces ushering in the new age of monsters are on the rise and the ancient DarkGods5-Sirenorder of protectors are waging a losing war. German Erramouspe illustrates this new series with special painted sequences by Michael DiPascale. Available with Regular and Wraparound covers from series artist German Erramouspe, sultry Siren cover from Christian Zanier, a Fully-Painted Deity cover by Michael DiPascale, and a special Nightmare Retailer Order Incentive cover also by Zanier.

God is Dead #32

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       The Great Deceiver has been busy plotting and planning.  GodisDead32_RegAfter the death of his greatest foe, he was unprepared for what would happen next.  But now, history’s most devious fallen angel has a new plan and it may be his most vile yet.  GodisDead32-EnchantingMike Costa takes the deity ravaged world to the brink with this newest chapter in the God is Dead universe.  Available with a Regular, Iconic, and Gilded Retailer Incentive Covers by Jacen Burrows, an Enchanting Cover by Gardenio Lima, a Carnage Wraparound Cover by German Nobile, and an End of Days Cover by Raulo Caceres.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Start C-Day With Crossed Vol 12 TP

CrossedVol12-TPBC-Day is coming up on Wednesday April 15th!  But if you want to prepare yourself for the horror, stop by your local comic shop this weekend and check out Crossed Vol 12!  David Lapham spins another twisted tale in the vein of Psychopath and Family Values.  In this story a father is pushed beyond the limits of sanity when first his daughter is killed and then his entire life is destroy by a powerful pornographer and drug dealer.  Gavin Land is sent to CrossedVol12-Hardcoverprison but the misery doesn’t end there as his life is systematically shredded and shoved in his face.  Somewhere in there he cracks and begins a long game to track down and murder everyone that ruined his life.  And a little thing like a million Crossed maniacs between him and revenge isn’t going to stop him.

This is a tale of vengeance that will stick with you for a long time.  Check out the new Crossed Vol 12 collection and start your own quest to be a part of C-Day next week!

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Crossed Cosplay on C-Day

541616_990748147605397_6933260202686020885_n Carlos Crossed 2 Comic Con Portugal Local comic shops everywhere will be celebrating C-Day on April 15th!  Crossed fans will be gathering at their stores to share their enthusiasm for the most frightening uncensored horror comic book being published.  And one of the many traditions of C-Day is the support of fans who cosplay as their alter Crossed personalities during the event.

IMG_7406Lendra Crossed 2We love to see new pictures of fans sharing their love of Crossed at the comic shop and Avatar is helping to connect fans via our Facebook and Twitter outlets.  If you are attending C-Day in a Crossed costume, send us your pictures and we will share them with everyone.  There’s nothing like the sight of a pack of Crossed descending upon the local comic shop and sharing what they love about the series with new fans.

Be safe and courteous but have fun!

Avatar Press on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/avatarpresscomics?ref=hl

Crossed on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/crossedcomicbook?ref=hl

Avatar on Twitter:   @avatarpress


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C-Day One Week Away!

Crossed75-regThe worldwide celebration of Garth Ennis’ grueling horror series, Crossed begins in local comic shops everywhere next Wednesday April 15th.  Avatar Press is celebrating the occasion with a brand new story arc in Crossed: Badlands by Uber scribe Kieron Gillen that is also on sale for C-Day.  The new arc is the first time that an author other than Ennis himself is writing the C-Day offering.

Kieron Uber 1Kieron Gillen has amassed a huge following for his Image and Marvel comics as well as the groundbreaking series, Uber with Avatar.  Now Gillen puts his stamp on the ever expanding Crossed universe with “Homo Tortor” – a series set in both the present and the ancient past.  Is it possible that the Crossed plague was to blame for the near extinction of the human race during one of the darkest periods in history?  Gillen takes us to that place and what you will see there cannot be unseen.

Crossed75-TortureCelebrate C-Day by donning your Crossed cosplay and acting as an ambassador to Crossed at your local comic shop.  Send in your photos to us on Twitter and Facebook so we can share your experience with all of the Crossed fans.  Everyone have fun on C-Day and remember to be considerate of all fans visiting the store for their weekly comics.


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C-Day Celebration Begins with Digital Sale

CROSSED PSYCHOPATH Harold LorreApril 15th is C-Day, the day that comic shops worldwide celebrate Garth Ennis’ grueling horror series, Crossed!  Fans of the the most  terrifying uncensored horror series being published will Crossed72-regularflock to local comic book stores in their favorite Crossed cosplay costumes to help spread the word to fans who have yet to experience the horror.

To help introduce new fans to this nightmare world, Avatar is running a massive C-Day sale on digital copies of Crossed at ComiXology.  Now through April 24th fans can purchase Crossed digital comics for up to 74% off!


There are two special bundle offers:

Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyCrossedBadlands22-xMega Bundle #1 – includes 103 issues of Crossed (including the first issue of Alan Moore’s Crossed +100) for $99.99.  This is an immersive introduction to Crossed that gives you the original series and every issue published beyond – including Family Values, Psychopath, Badlands, and annuals/specials.

2015 Bundle #2 – includes all 28 issues of Crossed published between last C-Day and today!  This is the package that is perfect for fans that purchased the C-Day bundle last year as it supplies only the newest issues and doesn’t duplicate comics from the 2014 bundle.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 4/8/15

This is the new Avatar Press collection coming to comic shops Wednesday 4/8/15:

Crossed: Badlands Vol 12 TP & HC

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Garth Ennis’ world of Crossed has become the pinnacle of CrossedVol12-TPBsurvival horror in fiction.  David Lapham (Stray Bullets) returns to Crossed with a crime story told both before and after the Crossed outbreak!  A father is pushed to the brink when his family is brutally tortured and killed.  With only CrossedVol12-Hardcoverrevenge to keep him going, he becomes a monster himself with only one purpose, to find the man that did this and make him suffer more than anyone has before.  But then C-Day happened and the world changed. Now a mystery to solve becomes one man’s singular obsession to cross a sea of maniacs and destroy a monster no matter the cost.  There is no help and there is no hope. There is only the Crossed.  This volume collects issues #62 – 70 of the ongoing Crossed: Badlands series.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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C-Day is Coming April 15

Crossed75-HomoTortorThey say that only two things are inevitable…death and taxes.  Both collide on April 15th this year as C-Day returns to comic shops and celebrates Garth Ennis’ most horrifying creation.  Fans and cosplayers of the extremely violent series will be flooding into local comic book stores in costume to share their favorite uncensored terror filled comic and spread the disease.

Crossed75-regComic shops are having all kinds of events – from cosplay contests to local sales on the library of Crossed horror.  Fans and retailers are encouraged to take photos of the Crossed cosplayers invading their stores and share them with us on Twitter and Facebook.  Avatar will be posting up new pictures of the invasion for all to see as C-Day approaches.  And in stores on this special day is Crossed: Badlands #75 – the first issue of Kieron Gillen’s incredible new story arc “Homo Tortor.”

Crossed75-RitualJoin the insanity and share your fandom with friends and collectors.  But please remember to be safe and conscientious of your surroundings.  We want everyone who visits the comic shop on C-Day to enjoy their trip.

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New War Stories Arc Begins

WarStories7-regIn comic shops today, Garth Ennis’ powerful tales of combat and loss begin a new chapter with War Stories #7.  “The Last German Winter” is a story set in the harrowing past of World War II.  Refugees flee the destruction wrought by the Soviet war machine.  Families, ragged and struggling, with no say in the decisions of war, these people only hope to remain ahead of the horrors that the advancing Russians bring.  But the reality of war is ugly and no one is spared.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  “When I was a little girl, my WarStories7-wrapmother told me tales of knights in shining armour, who would save damsels like me from dragons and other monsters…” February 1945: as the Soviet war machine crashes into eastern Germany on a tidal wave of carnage and revenge, a mother and her children join the flood of refugees struggling to stay ahead of the invaders. But the realities of battle are dreadful to behold, and what the little family find waiting for them is deadlier than any mythical dragon. Worse still, the strange figures who appear from the deep woods are far from being knights WarStories7-BattleDamagein shining armour- and in these dark times, the price of salvation may just be too much to bear. A dark tale of conflict and its consequences, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira: part one of The Last German Winter.

Stop by your local comic shop today to experience a masterfully told tale of the misery of war.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 4/1/15

This is the new Avatar Press comic coming to digital on ComiXology this Wednesday 4/1/15:

War Stories #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      “When I was a little girl, my mother told me tales of knights in WarStories7-regshining armour, who would save damsels like me from dragons and other monsters…” February 1945: as the Soviet war machine crashes into eastern Germany on a tidal wave of carnage and revenge, a mother and her children join the flood of refugees struggling to stay ahead of the invaders. But the realities of battle are dreadful to behold, and what the little family find waiting for them is deadlier than any mythical dragon. Worse still, the strange figures who appear from the deep woods are far from being knights in shining armour- and in these dark times, the price of salvation may just be too much to bear. A dark tale of conflict and its consequences, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira: part one of The Last German Winter.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 4/1/15

This is the new Avatar Press comic hitting comic shops this Wednesday 4/1/15:

War Stories #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     “When I was a little girl, my mother told me tales of knights in WarStories7-regshining armour, who would save damsels like me from dragons and other monsters…” February 1945: as the Soviet war machine crashes into eastern Germany on a tidal wave of carnage and revenge, a mother and her children join the flood of refugees struggling to stay ahead of the invaders. WarStories7-NoseArtBut the realities of battle are dreadful to behold, and what the little family find waiting for them is deadlier than any mythical dragon. Worse still, the strange figures who appear from the deep woods are far from being knights in shining armour- and in these dark times, the price of salvation may just be too much to bear. A dark tale of conflict and its consequences, by Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira: part one of The Last German Winter. Available with Regular & Wraparound Covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive Covers by Matt Martin.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575



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