Avatar Announces Phoenix Comic Con VIP Set 2015

vipbadge-PHOENIX-avatarAvatar Press rolls into one of our favorite shows of the year, the Phoenix Comic Con May 28 – 31st!  This year we are proud to be bringing two fan favorite creators – Max Brooks (World War Z) and Jacen Burrows (Neonomicon).  The show will once again have the amazing value of the Avatar VIP Packages for fans who want to attend the show, get front line service with Avatar creators, and an amazing library of Avatar trades and exclusives.  These packages give the Avatar fan the best experience of the show and four star service with the publisher.

The 2015 VIP sets are available now here:  http://www.comcav.net/products/phoenix-comicon-2015-avatar-vip-setMaxBrooks1For $150 you get over $600 in value and all of the contents are offered for the first time to Phoenix fans!

ll Avatar guests Autograph Access – all VIPs get to line up first for Max Brooks and Jacen Burrows and get up to 30 items signed from each!

Jacen BurrowsAvatar Graphic Novel Library – 16 Avatar graphic novels! Immerse yourself in the best Avatar has to offer with this massive collection of graphic novels by Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, Alan Moore and more! These are not volumes you have gotten in previous VIP sets! Included are: Aetheric Mechanics, Crecy, Frankenstein’s Womb Graphic Novels. Captain Swing TPB, Crossed Volumes 9,10,11,12 and Wish You Were Here Vol 4, FERALSVol1TPBFashion Beast TPB, Ferals Volumes 1,2,3 and Stitched Volumes 1,2,3. (not all items pictured below)

Each set includes these amazing limited edition comics:

Crossed: Badlands #75 VIP Pure Art VIP – This horrifically scarce edition is only available with VIP sets and is limited to just 250 copies!

GodisDead1IconicGod is Dead #1-25 – One copy of each issue, all filled with Jacen Burrows covers! Jacen has drawn loads of covers for this series, with this special group we’ll make sure your 25 issues all have Burrows covers. You can get them all signed at the Avatar booth! (only 1 cover pictured below, but you get 25 comics!)

Extinction Parade Art Prints- An amazing set of 5 terrifying art prints showing the “Stages of Death”! These images were written by Max Brooks and are all-new illustrations by Raulo Caceres. Get them all signed by Max Brooks at the Avatar booth!

Order your set today – quantities are limited!

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New Chapter in God is Dead Mythology

GodisDead31_RegJonathan Hickman created a unique fictional world where all the colorful gods of ancient times return to modern society and wreak divine chaos on the globe.  Mike Costa has taken that world and developed the characters and creatures to an incredible level.  We’ve seen this god-struck planet endure battles against the divine and human foes.  And through all the insanity, the world kept moving.

GodisDead31-EndofDaysBut now, a new darker chapter is unleashed in comic shops with God is Dead #31.  What more can the weary population endure?  They’ve already faced a hundred years of unimaginable misery.  But now…from the depths of Hell itself, a new terror arises to wrench control of the world away.  And no one will see the surprise twist coming.

GodisDead31-IconicIf you enjoy mythology you simply must be reading God is Dead.  Stop by your local retailer to catch up on the latest issue and to purchase the collected editions.


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Crossed: Badlands #74 In Stores

Crossed74-tortureThe final issue of Crossed: Badlands before C-Day is out in comic shops today.  David Hine revisits Japan to tell a story that spun out of his dark “Gore Angels” tale.  Now the unexpected and violent conclusion to “5 Bloody Fingers” will bring the story full circle.  In what is one of the most Crossed74-FatalFantasyunexpected finishes to any Crossed story, the five inseparable childhood friends must face that one of their own has turned and their own bonds are all that is left in a world gone mad.

This Crossed story has it all – cosplay, a killer lion, the Yakuza, and a mess of infected Crossed74-wrapCrossed at a pop culture convention.  Ask your local comic shop to reserve you a copy and find out what they are doing for C-Day on April 15th.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 3/25/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital comics coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 3/25/15:

Crossed: Badlands #74

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In the fatal conclusion to the arc, costumes and Crossed74-regdisembowelment are the order of the day as David Hine takes readers to a Japanese cosplay convention during the C-Day outbreak. A mob family tries to rescue their daughter before she can be turned by the grinning maniacs loose in the street. But in a Crossed world it doesn’t matter who you were before the outbreak, misery will find you.





God is Dead #31

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       A new chapter in the book of the divine is opened! In the GodisDead31_Regaftermath of the Titans’ devastation, a new power arises. But as mankind attempts to recover from the misery and insanity of years of divine carnage, a new horror creeps over them. Can the shell-shocked population come to grips with the new state of the world or will this new insanity be the final straw that destroys the human race?

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 3/25/15

These are the new Avatar Press comics hitting comic shops on Wednesday 3/25/15:

Crossed: Badlands #74

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In the fatal conclusion to the arc, costumes and Crossed74-regdisembowelment are the order of the day as David Hine takes readers to a Japanese cosplay convention during the C-Day outbreak. A mob family tries to rescue their daughter Crossed74-torturebefore she can be turned by the grinning maniacs loose in the street. But in a Crossed world it doesn’t matter who you were before the outbreak, misery will find you. Available with Regular, Wraparound and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Fernando Heinz, a Fatal Fantasy cover by Michael DiPascale, and a Torture cover by Christian Zanier.

God is Dead #31

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       A new chapter in the book of the divine is opened! In the GodisDead31_Regaftermath of the Titans’ devastation, a new power arises. But as mankind attempts to recover from the misery and insanity of years of divine carnage, a new horror creeps over them. Can the shell-shocked population come to grips GodisDead31-Iconicwith the new state of the world or will this new insanity be the final straw that destroys the human race? Available with a Regular, End of Days, Iconic, and Gilded Retailer Incentive covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, a special Enchanting cover by Gardenio Lima.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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First Look At Alan Moore’s Providence

Providence01_regularFans of one of the greatest voices in all of comics are eagerly awaiting the May shipping debut of Alan Moore’s Providence.  Reunited with his Neonomicon creative collaborator Jacen Burrows, the pair have put together a twelve issue Lovecraftian assault on the senses that will redefine the horror genre.

Providence01-PortraitAs the first images from the series begin to leak, Bleeding Cool premiered three of the first pages from Providence #1 here:  http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/03/20/first-look-3-pages-of-alan-moore-and-jacen-burrows-providence-1/

Moore had complete creative control on this project – literally down to designing every nuance and cover image.  This is Moore’s most immersive series to date and with no Providence01-Pantheonsmall amount of confidence is being called “the Watchmen of horror.”

Providence #1 is on sale in local comic shops this May.  Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy today.

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Bleeding Cool Previews Avatar Press June Comics

Everyone loves when the new month’s comic book listings are revealed.  Is there anything quite as exciting as getting a glimpse at the new creators and projects that are coming up in a few months?  As everyone waits for the new Previews to land in comic shops, our friends at Bleeding Cool have revealed their early look at the biggest and most exciting comics on the horizon.

You can get a sneak peek at Avatar’s June comics here:  http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/03/16/avatar-press-solicitations-for-june-2015-si-spurrier-joins-crossed-100/

Crossed100n7-regularCrossed100n7-WishfulFictionThe big news for June of course is the selection of Simon Spurrier to follow in the footsteps of Alan Moore on Crossed +100 #7.  What direction will Future Taylor’s life go as the misery of the Crossed continues to evolve 100 years later?  You can find out coming up in June!


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T-Minus 4 Weeks to C-Day

Crossed75-HomoTortorApril 15th is C-Day, the worldwide celebration day where fans and cosplayers descend upon local comic shops in support of the uncensored world of horror created by Garth Ennis.  It’s a day for enjoying the terror of the crossed and this year we celebrate with a new arc from Uber scribe, Kieron Gillen.  Crossed: Badlands #75 is the first issue of the “Homo Tortor” story arc which kicks off this year’s festivities.

Crossed75-regLocal comic shops will be having parties, introducing fans to the series with special sales, and encouraging cosplay in their stores.  This is a chance to share the disease with your friends at the comic shop.  Anyone who has thought about stepping into the word of Crossed will have a chance to find out what has made it the most terrifying series being published.

Crossed75-RitualWe encourage fans, cosplayers, and retailers to send in pictures of their revelry to share with all the Crossed faithful on Twitter @avatarpress and Facebook/Crossed.  Please be enthusiastic to non-readers on C-Day but also respectful and aware of children.  Crossed is extreme adult horror and we want to share the scares of this unique universe but also to make sure everyone enjoys their trip to the comic shop.

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Best of Avatar Press Horror Sale

Ferals18regDo you love horror?  Avatar Press is steeped in the tradition of embracing the frightening and delivering some of the most spine chilling tales in all of comics.  For fans that have waited for the right time to step into these nightmares, Avatar Press is offering out a massive “Best of Avatar NOTLDDeathValley#2RegHorror” bundle of comics on ComiXology to try those visions of fear at a great price that isn’t so scary.  From Warren Ellis to Garth Ennis this package of 126 comics covers the gamut of terror tales:

Bundle contains: Blackgas #1-3, Blackgas 2 #1-3, Caligula #1-6, Caligula: Heart of Rome #1-6, Crossed #0-9, Ferals #1-18, Fevre Dream #1-10, Gravel #0-21, Gravel: Combat Magician #0-4, Night of the Living Dead #1-5, Night of the Caligula04RegularLiving Dead: Aftermath #1-12, Night of the Living Dead 2008 Annual, Night of the Living Dead 2011 Annual, Night of the Living Dead: Back from the Grave, Night of the Living Dead: Hunger, Night of the Living Dead: Holiday Special, Night of the Living Dead: Just a Girl, Night of the Living Dead: New York, Escape of Gravel03_Regthe Living Dead #1-5, Escape of the Living Dead: Airborne #1-3, Escape of the Living Dead: Fearbook #1, Plague of the Living Dead #1-6, and Plague of the Living Dead Special #1

This is the time to conquer your fear and find out if you can handle Avatar horror comics.  Save up to 71% on this economy priced $69.99 bundle of digital comic book terror.  You can find the offer here:  https://www.comixology.com/Avatar-Best-of-Horror-Bundle/page/5781

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Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day the Avatar Way

dicksvol1TPBWith St Patrick’s day just a day away, before you begin the celebration of all things Irish, take a moment to put yourself in a jovial mood with Garth Ennis’ hilarious series – Dicks.  The first two volumes of the exploits of Dougie and Ivor are available in trade paperback collections at your local comic shop.  Fans will note that the pairing of Dicks V2Garth Ennis and John McCrea has produced some of the most memorable series out there.  From Hitman to The Boys – these two creators have brought a unique approach to their projects and garnered fans from all corners of the comics world.

Start off your holiday with one of these hilarious volumes and then hit the town to celebrate the Avatar Press way!

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