Simon Spurrier Picked By Alan Moore to Continue Crossed +100

Crossed100n7-regularSimon Spurrier is no stranger to the world of Crossed.  His run on Crossed: Wish You Were Here and his many entries into the world of Crossed: Badlands make him one of the most well versed in that universe behind only its creator Garth Ennis.  Now, Alan Moore himself has hand selected Spurrier to pick up the reins on the Crossed +100 universe following his initial story arc beginning with issue #7.

Crossed100n7-WishfulFictionMoore has created a whole new universe which is accessible without any knowledge of the Crossed.  His world creation process includes hundreds of pages of notes and ideas about how the people and virus has evolved over the period of a century.  Now Spurrier will step in and take those notes to the next level by continuing the story.  Moore speaks of his selection process and why he chose Spurrier to step in:

Crossed100n7-HorrificHomage“Si Spurrier attacks a concept with a ferocity that’s unlike that of anybody else, cracking its bones to see what the marrow tastes like and delivering something startling, dreadful, funny and heartfelt; something visceral and smart and crackling with original ideas.

With his run on Crossed +100 he takes that skull-littered Crossed100n7-Wrapwilderness in a direction which is shocking, perfect, and one that I’d never have dreamed of in a hundred years. This, believe me, is going to be **** movie.”

Crossed +100 #7 is in the April issue of Previews for June on sale.  You can catch up with Spurrier at this weekend’s London Super Comic Con and get the lowdown on his efforts to take Crossed further into the future.

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Avatar Creators at London Super Con!

Avatar Press is bringing a huge list of popular comic book creators to this weekend’s London Super Comic Con!  If you are planning to attend the show make sure you spend some time shopping the awesome exclusives and meeting with some of the biggest names in comics:

Garth EnnisGarth Ennis – Legendary creator of Preacher, The Boys, and Crossed will be signing comics and talking about his upcoming projects at the Avatar booth.  Stop by for a chance to talk one-on-one with the creator of Caliban, Rover Red Charlie, and War Stories.  Plus you can find out the very latest on the new project Crossed: Dead or Alive!

MaxBrooks1Max Brooks – New York Times bestselling author and zombie scribe Max Brooks will be helping his rabid fans prepare their plans for surviving the undead uprising.  He is also debuting his second Extinction Parade Graphic Novel Collection – War on site and signing all of his popular titles!

Kieron Uber 1Kieron Gillen – The award winning author of indie hits like Phonogram, The Wicked & the Divine, and Three will be meeting fans and talking about his smash altered history series Uber and his upcoming sci-fi series Mercury Heat!  This is a chance to find out what inspires Kieron and to get all of your favorite comics signed by a visionary in the medium.

sispurrierSimon Spurrier – The author of the only long-form Crossed series, Wish You Were Here, Simon has an incredible talent for creating intricate and detailed characters that you can’t help but relate to.  His work at Avatar has been groundbreaking – from multiple runs on various Crossed projects to his wonderfully inventive fantasy world Disenchanted, Simon is without a doubt one of the most creative authors in comics today.


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Avatar Exclusives for London Super Con

If you are one of the lucky folks heading to this weeks London Super Con 3/14 – 3/15, make sure you stop by the Avatar booth to see the incredible list of creators and exclusives available.  Here is a look at a few of the great books you can get at the show:

Crossed73-LondonArtDeco-600x933Crossed #73 London Art Deco – cover artist: Michael DiPascale – 7 Pounds – Limited to just 350 copies, series creator Garth Ennis will be available for signing, please check at the Avatar Press booth for times.

Uber23-AxisofPower-600x927Uber #23 Axis of Power – cover artist: Caanan White – 7 Pounds – Limited to just 350 copies, writer Kieron Gillen will be available for signing, please check at the Avatar Press booth for times.


LadyDeathAp1-century-bring-it-600x927Lady Death: Apocalypse #1 Century Editions – cover artist: Juan Jose Ryp – 20 LadyDeathAp1-century-crackling-600x927Pounds Each – Get all three editions, each limited to just 100 copies! Bring It, Crackling, and Moonlight – the most limited Lady Death LadyDeathAp1-century-moonlight-600x927books ever!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 3/11/15

This is the new digital Avatar Press item coming to ComiXology  this Wednesday 3/11/15:

War Stories #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As if defending the Golan Heights against impossible odds WarStories6-regwasn’t enough, the battered Israeli survivors of the battle now find themselves leading an invasion of Syria. The race to Damascus is on, but even with the tables turned against the Arab coalition the action is still furious and losses heavy. Can there even be winners and losers in a war that seems destined to last forever? Garth Ennis and Toma Aira conclude their tale of 1973’s Yom Kippur War, in the final part of Children Of Israel.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 3/11/15

These are the new Avatar Press items coming to comic shops this Wednesday 3/11/15:

God is Dead Vol 4 TPB

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Everything Mike Costa has written has been building to this GodisDead_V4epic fourth volume! With the immortal Gods waging constant war, and the overcrowded Earth full of misery, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. But Albert has been working on a secret plan, one that can turn the tide back in humanity’s favor. This tome features it all, epic God battles, Jesus vs the Dragon, and one man’s quest to bring his family happiness, even if it means killing everyone else. This volume collects issues #19 – 24 of the ongoing God is Dead series.



War Stories #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As if defending the Golan Heights against impossible odds WarStories6-regwasn’t enough, the battered Israeli survivors of the battle now find themselves leading an invasion of Syria. The race to Damascus is on, but even with the tables turned against the Arab coalition the action is still furious and losses WarStories6-wrapheavy. Can there even be winners and losers in a war that seems destined to last forever? Garth Ennis and Toma Aira conclude their tale of 1973’s Yom Kippur War, in the final part of Children Of Israel. Available with Regular &Wraparound covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive covers by Matt Martin.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –



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Avatar Press on the Road to London!

WilliamCIt is the beginning of convention season and the Avatar Press crew is packing up for a trip across the pond to London Super Comic Con!  Publisher William Christensen will be introducing fans to the latest Avatar Press comics and projects in person.  And MaxBrooks1the very special booth guest this year is Max Brooks.  Max will be talking to fans and introducing them to Extinction Parade Vol 2 War TP collection.  If ever you wondered how to survive a zombie apocalypse, Mr. Brooks is just the person to talk to and walk you through his zombie proofing ideas.

Garth EnnisComics superstar Garth Ennis is also headlining the event and will be signing comics for fans at the Avatar booth.  Ennis has had an incredible run of fantastic stories this past year including Caliban, Rover Red Charlie, and War Stories.  There will be opportunities to read all these incredible titles and talk to the creative mastermind behind them.

sispurrierSimon Spurrier, the longtime scribe of Crossed: Wish You Were Here will be talking about all of his exciting upcoming Avatar comics as well.  And he will be letting fans in on his next big collaboration with an industry giant!

Kieron Uber 1Kieron Gillen has been lighting the comic scene up with his work on Uber. But lucky fans attending London Super Con will also be able to talk to him about his new sci-fi epic Mercury Heat, debuting on Free Comic Book Day and his highly anticipated run on Crossed: Badlands to kick off C-Day 2015!

For more information about London Super Con check their website at

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Uber #23 Reveals HMH Churchill At Last

Uber23-regThe Allies have faced a losing battle attempting to catch up with and surpass the Nazi Uber development and deployment.  They’ve faced enhanced soldier spies and bold moves by Hitler that have shifted the course of the war Uber23-WarCrimesdrastically.  Up until now, catch up hasn’t been good enough.  Every advancement the Allies have mustered has been countered by the Third Reich.

As Hitlter’s Great Burn is enacted and cities begin to face the direct assault of Uber halo effects, a lone bright spot emerges in the Allied camp.  After a lot of soul searching, Stephanie makes a Uber23-Propagandamove that allows the HMH Churchill to be fully activated.  Now the sole alternative to combat Nazi Uber23-BlitzBattleship Ubers is at last in play.  The story of Uber continues to be one of the most ground breaking in all of comics.

Stop by your local comic shop to find Uber #23 and get caught up on Kieron Gillen’s masterpiece.

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Alan Moore’s Crossed +100 #3 in Stores Now!

Crossed+100-3-regularAlan Moore’s legion of fans have been closely watching as his vision for the future of horror in the Crossed universe plays out for Future and her friends.  After nearly a hundred years the Crossed are starting to appear again and Crossed+100-3-OldCountryin force.  The new civilization that has sprung up from the ashes of the 21st Century is struggling to understand the horrors of the infection first hand.  Their attempts to find links to the past and the origin of the plague may be leading them to a revolutionary discovery…

Crossed+100-3-FutureTenseIf you enjoy the grueling world of terror that Garth Ennis created with Crossed, you owe it to yourself to witness the stark landscape as seen through the eyes of the man that revolutionized comics.  Alan Moore has created a Crossed+100-3-CrossedCulturemeticulously planned out world with a breathing developing language and social structure.  This is without a doubt one of the freshest takes on the Crossed plague since its debut.  Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy of the latest issue and join in the terror.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 3/4/15

Avatar Press digital books new to ComiXology Wednesday 3/4/15:

Crossed: Badlands #73

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Crossed sickness spread over every continent and city. Crossed73-regDavid Hine returns to the outbreak in Japan to spin a tale of misery as several friends must face the insane horrors of an infected society driven by bloodlust. As civilization crumbles they must find a safe place in the heart of 125 million psychopaths.





Crossed +100 #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      When human civilization is lost, does that mean we’ve lost our Crossed+100-3-regularhumanity? Alan Moore returns to monthly comics and puts his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor and her crew uncover a horrific nest and get forced into making some brutal choices. Attempting to piece together the past and the history of the Crossed, Future Taylor is discovering the horrifying truth of the plague that nearly wiped out the human race. This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium.


God is Dead #30

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The powerful conclusion to this chapter of God is Dead turns GodisDead30_Regthe world into powder keg. Titans have ravaged the divine and the mortal leaving the already devastated population in tatters. Is there a savior who can bring about a return to some semblance of normalcy? Or is the world positioned to burn eternally beneath the heels of giants?





Uber #23

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      It’s the battle everyone has been waiting for, Germany’s Uber23-regSieglinde vs Russia’s Maria as the most powerful women in the World unleash their epic powers in a Battleship vs Battleship ultimate carnage-fest! Kieron Gillen unleashes the thunder as super-humans face-off on a level never before witnessed. Back in Blighty, Stephanie makes an eye-opening discovery. Even in the face of the terrors that are occurring worldwide, there is still hope. But will it be too little too late?

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 3/4/15

Avatar Press books new to comic shops Wednesday 3/4/15:

Crossed: Badlands #73

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Crossed sickness spread over every continent and city. Crossed73-regDavid Hine returns to the outbreak in Japan to spin a tale of misery as several friends must face the insane horrors of an infected society driven by bloodlust. As civilization Crossed73-FatalFantasycrumbles they must find a safe place in the heart of 125 million psychopaths. Available with Regular and Wraparound covers by Fernando Heinz, Torture cover by Christian Zanier, a Fatal Fantasy cover by Michael DiPascale, and a special Red Crossed Incentive cover also by Heinz.

Crossed +100 #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      When human civilization is lost, does that mean we’ve lost our Crossed+100-3-regularhumanity? Alan Moore returns to monthly comics and puts his unique stamp upon the Crossed universe, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future Crossed+100-3-FutureTense100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor and her crew uncover a horrific nest and get forced into making some brutal choices. Attempting to piece together the past and the history of the Crossed, Future Taylor is discovering the horrifying truth of the plague that nearly wiped out the human race. This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium.

God is Dead #30

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The powerful conclusion to this chapter of God is Dead turns GodisDead30_Regthe world into powder keg. Titans have ravaged the divine and the mortal leaving the already devastated population in tatters. Is there a savior who can bring about GID30-Enchantinga return to some semblance of normalcy? Or is the world positioned to burn eternally beneath the heels of giants? Available with a Regular, End of Days, Iconic, and Gilded Retailer Incentive covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, a special Enchanting cover by Facundo Percio.

Uber #23

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      It’s the battle everyone has been waiting for, Germany’s Uber23-regSieglinde vs Russia’s Maria as the most powerful women in the World unleash their epic powers in a Battleship vs Battleship ultimate carnage-fest! Kieron Gillen unleashes Uber23-Propagandathe thunder as super-humans face-off on a level never before witnessed. Back in Blighty, Stephanie makes an eye-opening discovery. Even in the face of the terrors that are occurring worldwide, there is still hope. But will it be too little too late? Available with Regular, Wraparound, and Blitzkrieg covers by Daniel Gete, a War Crimes by Caanan White and a Propaganda Poster cover by Michael DiPascale.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –

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