New in March Previews – God is Dead Vol 5 TP

GodisDeadVol5Mike Costa’s unbelievable ongoing story of divine wrath begins to draw all of its myriad strings together for what is the culmination of centuries worth of god wars on Earth.  The war ravaged planet has  endured more than anyone could have imagined at the hands of the greedy gods.  But now the master plans of the most devious dieties begin to unfold as century old machinations begin to be revealed.  What will happen in a world where the gods ravage mortals like playthings?  You can find out in God is Dead Vol 5 TP due in comic shops this May!


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New in March Previews – Alan Moore’s Providence #1

Providence01_regularThe new March Previews catalog for May shipping is now in comic shops.  Avatar Press is proud to announce the long awaited Alan Moore original Lovecrafitan horror series, Providence is finally here!  Over two years of development has lead us to a pivotal point in comic book history.  Alan Moore, the man who redefined comic books, once again joins his artistic collaborator Jacen Burrows to create an unparalleled work of fiction.  Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of your favorite cover today.


Providence #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The most important work of 2015 begins here with the long-Providence01-Portraitawaited arrival of Alan Moore’s breathtaking epic PROVIDENCE with his artistic partner Jacen Burrows. In his most carefully considered work in decades, Moore deconstructs all of Lovecraft’s concepts, reinventing the entirety of his work inside a painstakingly researched Providence01-Pantheonframework of American history. Both sequel and prequel to NEONOMICON, PROVIDENCE begins in 1919 and blends the mythical visions of HPL flawlessly into the cauldron of racial and sexual intolerance that defined that era on the East Coast of America. Every line from artist Jacen Burrows is perfectly honed to complete this immersive experience. The result is a breathtaking masterpiece of sequential art that will define modern horror for this generation. Invoking a comparison it to a prior literary masterpiece is not something to be handled lightly, but in scope, importance and execution: Providence is the Watchmen of horror.

Providence01-WomenofHPLMoore has designed every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date. There are no ads, all 32 pages are written by Moore, and Jacen Burrows has spent the past two years slaving over the finest detail possible on the pages. The entire work is already written, intricately crafted to tie the most nuanced threads together over the breadth of the Providence01-Wrapseries. Painstakingly researched, meticulously produced, this is a sequential masterpiece that will serve as important a call to the next generation of comic book writers as Watchmen did 30 years ago: this is a definitive demonstration of just how good a comic book can be. Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.



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Ask Your Local Comic Shop About C-Day 2015

Crossed75-regComic shop retailers are wrapping up their orders for Crossed: Badlands #75 right now and making their preliminary plans for what C-Day celebrations they will have.  If you are interested in being a part of this year’s celebration, make sure you ask your local comic shop what they will be doing for the event and for them to reserve a 20140724_205538copy of Crossed: Badlands #75 for you.

Some comic shops are having parties with homemade snacks – Crossed cupcakes and other creative treats.  Others are having sales for fans that show up dressed in Crossed costume.  And the most energetic are staging photo shoots and videos of the Crossed invasions of their stores.  Whatever your local shop is doing – you can be a big part of it by being a Crossed Comic Con Portugalambassador and helping to spread the infection.  By working with your comic shop you can help introduce other fans to the series and be a part of the yearly celebration of Garth Ennis’ brutal uncensored horror phenomena.

Remember to send your Crossed cosplay photos in and we will share them here, on Facebook, and on Twitter!  On April 15th, there is no help, there is no hope, there is only C-Day.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 2/25/15

This is the new Avatar Press digital comic coming to ComiXology this week on Wednesday 2/25/15:

Dark Gods #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      There are things out there from the darkness which were DarkGods4-regnever meant to return to the world of the living. Justin Jordan has thrown the flood gates open and released these monsters into the world of modern mankind. Now the whispers in the dark have shape and form and nothing can stop them from their goal of reaping chaos. But an ancient order of protectors called “The Storm” has not given up on driving the darkness out. German Erramouspe illustrates this new series with special painted sequences by Michael DiPascale.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 2/25/15

This is the new Avatar Press item coming to comic shops this week on Wednesday 2/25/15:

Dark Gods #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      There are things out there from the darkness which were DarkGods4-regnever meant to return to the world of the living. Justin Jordan has thrown the flood gates open and released these monsters into the world of modern mankind. Now the whispers in the dark have shape and form and nothing can DarkGods4-Dietystop them from their goal of reaping chaos. But an ancient order of protectors called “The Storm” has not given up on driving the darkness out. German Erramouspe illustrates this new series with special painted sequences by Michael DiPascale. Available with Regular and Wraparound covers from series artist German Erramouspe, sultry Siren cover from Christian Zanier, a Fully-Painted Deity cover by Michael DiPascale, and a special Nightmare Retailer Order Incentive cover also by Zanier.



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Bleeding Cool Previews Avatar’s May Comics

Providence01-WrapBleeding Cool announced the highly anticipated Avatar Press solicitations for May 2015 by covering the debut of the Alan Moore mega-series, Providence!  The return to the H.P. Lovecraft inspired world of Neonomicion is without a doubt one of the biggest events of the year and will define horror for generations to come.

You can see all of the great comics scheduled for this spring here:



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Uber Vol 3 TP in Stores Now!

Kieron Uber 1Kieron Gillen’s masterful altered history tale that introduces super soldiers into the waning days of World War II has captured the imagination of comic book fans everywhere. Uber tells the dark story of extended and escalated world conflict that takes the very real horrors of that age and turns them into monsters that make the atomic bomb look like a firecracker.

The third volume of this amazing and terrifying series is available in local comic shops this week.  Catch up on the building horror as the Allies race to counter the building misery of the Nazi advance over Europe and learn the circumstances that turned three normal people into unstoppable Battleships.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The horrors of enhanced soldier war have taken a dire turn Uber-Vol3-tpbfor the Allies.  Their attempts to develop a counter to the German Battleship Ubers have led to a crossroads in development.  But the discovery that the Nazis have not only discovered the same weapons but have improved upon them leaves a terrible hole in their ability to mount a defense.  With both sides suffering herculean losses and the devastation of world war decimating every nation, the escalation of super human combat is making the Allies desperate for foothold.  Kieron Gillen (Journey into Mystery) has created a unique and terrifying mix of the fantastic and the horrible that will leave you speechless in the blood soaked pages of Uber.  The horrors of super human warfare are immeasurable.  This volume collects issues #12 – 17 of the ongoing Uber comic book series.


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Alan Moore’s Providence Revealed

After years of speculation and rumor, the long awaited reuniting of legendary scribe Alan Moore and artist collaborator Jacen Burrows is being solicited for May release in the upcoming volume of Previews.  This is a sneak peek at the description of what is being hailed as “The Watchmen of Horror” in terms of its importance and scope in the genre:

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The most important work of 2015 begins here with the long-Providence01_regularawaited arrival of Alan Moore’s breathtaking epic PROVIDENCE with his artistic partner Jacen Burrows. In his most carefully considered work in decades, Moore deconstructs all of Lovecraft’s concepts, reinventing the entirety of his work inside a painstakingly researched framework of American history. Both sequel and prequel to NEONOMICON, PROVIDENCE begins in 1919 and blends the mythical visions of HPL flawlessly into the cauldron of Providence01-Portraitracial and sexual intolerance that defined that era on the East Coast of America. Every line from artist Jacen Burrows is perfectly honed to complete this immersive experience. The result is a breathtaking masterpiece of sequential art that will define modern horror for this generation. Invoking a comparison it to a prior literary masterpiece is not something to be handled lightly, but in scope, importance and execution: Providence is the Watchmen of horror.

Moore has designed every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date. There are no ads, all 32 pages are written by Moore, and Jacen Burrows has Providence01-Pantheonspent the past two years slaving over the finest detail possible on the pages. The entire work is already written, intricately crafted to tie the most nuanced threads together over the breadth of the series. Painstakingly researched, meticulously produced, this is a sequential masterpiece that will serve as important a call to the next generation of comic book writers as Watchmen did 30 years ago: this is a definitive demonstration of just how good a comic book can be. Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 2/18/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital comics coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 2/18/15:

Crossed: Badlands #72

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Around every corner is a grinning madman waiting to commit Crossed72-regularthe worst atrocities imaginable to you. David Hine takes a new trip into Japan as the Yakuza find out they may have bitten off more than they can chew. When a mob boss’ daughter is trapped in a cosplay convention, the claret must flow to cut a bloody path of rescue.





God is Dead #29

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Mike Costa has taken the war ravaged Earth and expanded to GodisDead29-regwar in every realm as the Titans are back, this time with horrific giant beasts to wage war on the Gods of old. As entire pantheons are wiped out, the remaining gods have to get past centuries of differences or face the same, final, fate.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 2/18/15

These are the new Avatar Press books coming to local comic shops on Wednesday 2/18/15:

Crossed: Badlands #72

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     Around every corner is a grinning madman waiting to Crossed72-redcrossed commit the worst atrocities imaginable to you. David Hine takes a new trip into Japan as the Yakuza find out they may have bitten off more than they can chew. When a mob boss’ Crossed72-torturedaughter is trapped in a cosplay convention, the claret must flow to cut a bloody path of rescue. Available with Regular, Wraparound and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Fernando Heinz, a Fatal Fantasy cover by Michael DiPascale, and a Torture cover by Christian Zanier.

God is Dead #29

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Mike Costa has taken the war ravaged Earth and expanded GodisDead29-regto war in every realm as the Titans are back, this time with horrific giant beasts to wage war on the Gods of old. As entire pantheons are wiped out, the remaining gods have to GodisDead29-EndofDaysget past centuries of differences or face the same, final, fate. Available with a Regular, End of Days, Iconic, and Gilded Retailer Incentive covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, a special Enchanting cover by Facundo Percio.


Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –


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