Celebrate Friday the 13th With Night of the Living Dead

NightofLDVol2HCIf you are fan of classic horror and are looking for something to expand your comic reading terrors this Friday the 13th, stop by your local comic book shop to find copies of Avatar’s Night of the Living Dead collections.  With stories that range from prequels to the original movie to ones that take the ghoul infestation to the Night of the Living Dead Volume 3 - Death Valley Softcoverend of the grooviest decade, the 1970s – these stories have the intestine munching zombie action you expect from NOTLD.

These comics aren’t soap operas with zombie backdrops.  They are hardcore horror tales written by some of the masters of the genre – John Russo, Mike Wolfer, and NOTLDA1RegularDavid Hine.  Take a walk on the dead side with Avatar’s line of Night of the Living Dead collections today and make this a bloody valentine for your eyes.

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Kieron Gillen Comes to Crossed #75

Crossed75-regThe celebration of this year’s annual C-Day party in local comic shops begins with a new scribe telling a unique story in Crossed: Badlands #75.  This year’s focal point of all things Crossed is a tale told in two times – the present and the ancient past.  “Homo Tortor” reveals the reason behind Crossed75-HomoTortorhumanity’s near extinction 75,000 years ago and how it is related to the current Crossed outbreak.

Kieron Gillen is well known for the horrors of super human warfare in the pages of Uber.  As he makes his first entry into Garth Ennis’ grueling world of survival horror, fans of the series are readying for the celebrations taking place at comic shops everywhere.  This April 15th Crossed75-Ritualfans will descend upon the comic shop in their best Crossed cosplay to celebrate this horror icon and to spread the word about the most violent uncensored comic being published.

Check with your local comic shop to see what plans they have for C-Day 2015 and join in the terror!

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Uber Revelations

Uber22-regKieon Gillen’s world of Uber has taken the comic community by storm.  In the pages of its altered history epic, the mysteries of this extended World War have become as important as the deadly consequences of the development of super soldiers.  One of the biggest Uber22-Propagandamysteries is exactly what happened to Hitler after he was presumed killed at the hands of one of his Battleships.

As we’ve seen the rejuvenated Fuhrer preparing some master plans we’ve wondered how it is that he lives and that his attitude seems more…stable than before.  That mystery is finally uncovered in Uber #22 which is on sale in comic shops today.  And the answer is a mystifying two fold Uber22-WarCrimesconspiracy that ties into other parts of the skittering Uber creature.

If you have not tried Uber, stop by your local comic shop to pick up the latest issue and catch up with the trade paperbacks from the first chapters.  You won’t believe what you’ve been missing!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 2/11/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital comics on ComiXology Wednesday 2/11/15:

Uber #22

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The Allies have been beaten to the punch in nearly every angle Uber22-regof the escalating war. Then things get really bad as Bletchley Park itself is threatened and any hope they have of furthering their research is cast into doubt. They’ve endured losses that break nations and seen hopes dashed upon the stark rocks of reality. All of their hopes lie in the hands of Stephanie as she attempts to find one aspect of activation that will give them a foothold in the conflict.




War Stories #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As a massed Syrian armored assault smashes into the WarStories5-regdefenders of the Golan Heights, Israeli tank crews struggle against odds of nearly ten to one. No help is coming. Every enemy tank destroyed is instantly replaced. Iron, flesh and will begin to buckle under the ordeal, as Israel’s darkest hour unfolds. Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira continue their tale of the Yom Kippur War, in part two of the three part Children Of Israel.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 2/11/15

These are the new Avatar Press books at local comic shops on Wednesday 2/11/15:

Uber #22

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The Allies have been beaten to the punch in nearly every angle Uber22-regof the escalating war. Then things get really bad as Bletchley Park itself is threatened and any hope they have of furthering their research is cast into doubt. They’ve endured losses that break nations and seen hopes dashed Uber22-Propagandaupon the stark rocks of reality. All of their hopes lie in the hands of Stephanie as she attempts to find one aspect of activation that will give them a foothold in the conflict. Available with Regular, Wraparound, War Crimes, and Blitzkrieg covers by Caanan White and a Propaganda Poster cover by Michael DiPascale.


War Stories #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      As a massed Syrian armored assault smashes into the WarStories5-regdefenders of the Golan Heights, Israeli tank crews struggle against odds of nearly ten to one. No help is coming. Every enemy tank destroyed is instantly replaced. Iron, flesh and will begin to buckle under the ordeal, as Israel’s darkest WarStories5-NoseArthour unfolds. Garth Ennis and Tomas Aira continue their tale of the Yom Kippur War, in part two of the three part Children Of Israel. Available with Regular &Wraparound covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive covers by Matt Martin.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Avatar Nominated for Multiple 2014 Ghastly Awards

Caliban-1-terrorThe Ghastly Awards were founded in 2011 by horror blogger extraordinaire Decapitated Dan and recognize outstanding achievements in horror comics.  Named for comic horror legend Graham Ingles the awards are a staple of the horror comics community.  This year Avatar Press is Crossed64-tortureproud to have six nominations among the terror filled 2014 class of comics:



Best Ongoing Title – Crossed
Best Limited Series – Caliban
Best One Shot – Crossed Special
Best Anthology – GID Book of Acts Alpha
Best webcomic – Disenchanted
Best Horror Comic Cover – Caliban 1 Terror

Stop by the website by February 9th and cast your vote for the spookiest comics of the year!  
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C-Day 2015 Comic Shop Parties

Crossed75-regNow that C-Day has been announced as April 15th, in a few short months Crossed fans will be putting together their best cosplay costumes and descending upon local comic shops for a day of celebrating horror.  Crossed: Badlands #75 will be released that day and comic retailers are being invited to host parties to give Crossed fans an opportunity Sarkotto indulge in the uncensored terror and to act as ambassadors to new comics fans.

As part of Avatar’s celebration of all things Crossed, fans and retailers who send in photos of their costuming, store parties, and other events will be shared with the Crossed faithful on Facebook and Twitter.  Everyone loves to see the incredibly imaginative costumes and Milan 1creative cosplay that fans put together and this year we want to make the internet red with Crossed images.  Photos and videos can be sent to www.facebook.com/avatarpresscomics and to @avatarpress on Twitter.  From there we’ll IMG_6159bounce them out to all of Crossed Nation.

Thanks for supporting the most terrifying and uncensored horror comic being published!  Remember to have fun on C-Day but also be safe and respectful of other fans and families at comic shops during the celebration.

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David Hine Returns to Crossed: Badlands

Crossed71-regularHorror author David Hine begins a four issue arc of Crossed: Badlands beginning with #71 in comic shops today.  His last entry into the world spun the tale of outbreak in Japan in the tale “Gore Angels.”  This new entry is a sequel to that story, featuring five friends that try to Crossed71-FatalFantasysurvive the outbreak at their doorstep.  “5 Bloody Fingers” is a story that dives into the bonds of friendship and the deterioration of the world around them as the Crossed wash over all things.

Fans who have enjoyed Hine’s unique approach to Crossed stories will find this tale particularly satisfying.  From the Crossed71-tortureruthless Japanese gangsters to the Crossed infection spreading through a cosplay theme park, this story has something for every extreme horror fan.

Crossed71-wrapStop by your local comic shop today to pick up this first entry in the new chapter and to catch up on Garth Ennis’ visceral horror series.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 2/4/15

These are the new Avatar Press digital comics coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 2/4/15:

Crossed: Badlands #71

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     David Hine returns with a tale that rips open a fresh bloody Crossed71-regularwound in the Crossed universe as he takes us back to Japan. When a group of five friends realize this isn’t a video game, but life itself has gone crazy, they are thrust into a mad rush to save each other. But the horrors of he Crossed in Tokyo are more than they ever imagined.





God is Dead #28

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Titans have returned and are laying waste to the original GodisDead28-regrealms of the Gods. With their immortality gone, and their ranks thinning quickly, desperate measures may be the only option. Can they get past a lifetime of hubris and hatred to unite the pantheons to fight the unbeatable foes?

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 2/4/15

These are the new Avatar Press comics coming to comic shops on Wednesday 2/4/15:

Crossed: Badlands #71

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     David Hine returns with a tale that rips open a fresh bloody Crossed71-regularwound in the Crossed universe as he takes us back to Japan. When a group of five friends realize this isn’t a video game, but life itself has gone crazy, they are thrust into a Crossed71-torturemad rush to save each other. But the horrors of he Crossed in Tokyo are more than they ever imagined. Available with Regular and Wraparound covers by Fernando Heinz, Torture cover by Christian Zanier, a Fatal Fantasy cover by Michael DiPascale, and a special Red Crossed Incentive cover also by Heinz.

God is Dead #28

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Titans have returned and are laying waste to the original GodisDead28-regrealms of the Gods. With their immortality gone, and their ranks thinning quickly, desperate measures may be the only option. Can they get past a lifetime of hubris GodisDead28-Enchantingand hatred to unite the pantheons to fight the unbeatable foes? Available with a Regular, End of Days, Iconic, and Gilded Retailer Incentive covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, a special Enchanting cover by Facundo Percio.


Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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