The Dark Gods Breathe Chaos

DarkGods3-regJustin Jordan’s first original series at Avatar, Dark Gods, is a unique look into the horror genre.  Within the pages we see a group set against allowing the chaos of the universe to penetrate our world and turn the orderly civilization of human beings into a charnel house.

The element of chaos as an entity or power working to DarkGods3-Sirencorrupt the world is an interesting concept.  Jordan encapsulates it perfectly in the old gods that are attempting to crack our consciousness and run rampant over the world.  Dark Gods is a mix of H.P. Lovecraft meets the Matrix that will keep you on the edge of your seat while you watch the events unfolding.  If you are looking for something original to add to your horror reading list, ask your local comic shop to hold copies of Dark Gods #1-3 and begin your descent into madness.

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New in Previews – Max Brooks Extinction Parade Vol 2 War TP

ExtinctionParadeWarV2Max Brooks has been reinventing the zombie genre for year with his well researched and innovative stories about combating the undead.  His Zombie Survival Guide is an instruction manual on surviving the uprising of the shambling dead.  But what happens if the ghouls win?  What if the human race is pushed to the brink of extinction by a wave of zombie plague?  What happens next?

In the pages of Extinction Parade, Brooks details how other hidden subspecies would respond to the potential extinction of man.  How would the predatory undead species of vampires react to the certain annihilation of their primary food source?  This second volume of Brooks’ zombies vs vampires epic reveals the evolution forced upon the vampire race in order to react to the changing population of the planet.  Fans of supernatural horror and specifically Brooks’ creative approach to them will enjoy this continuing series of graphic novels.

Ask your local comic book shop to reserve a copy of Extinction Parade Vol 2 War TP for you today.  And be sure to find the first volume to catch up on the terrifying events of Extinction Parade.

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New in Previews: Crossed: Badlands #75

Crossed75-HomoTortorThe February Previews arrives in comic shops today featuring all the exciting new comics due out this April.  Avatar Press celebrates the 2015 C-Day on April 15th with a horrifying new chapter in the Crossed: Badlands saga.  Kieron Gillen, the creative mind behind Uber, the terrifying alternative history vision of World War II, picks Crossed75-Ritualup the reins to tell a prehistoric chapter in the history of the human race.  This new arc, called “Homo Tortor,” takes readers to a place and time where extinction nearly overcame the species and reveals the monstrous dangers and creatures behind this deadly period.

This new Crossed: Badlands arc kicks off the excitement behind the C-Day festivities in which fans will descend Crossed75-regupon comic shops in Crossed cosplay costumes to introduce new readers to the most violent horror tale in comics and to celebrate with fellow enthusiasts. April 15th will be the fourth worldwide C-Day and is an opportunity for fans everywhere to celebrate Garth Ennis’ unique survival horror universe.  Ask your local comic shop if they will be having a Crossed party on C-Day and how you can participate.  And be sure to send in your pictures from the event of store decorations and cosplayers so we can share them with all the Crossed fans!

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Crossed C-Day 2015 is April 15th

Crossed75-regWednesday April 15th, Garth Ennis’ legions of Crossed fans will flock to local comic book shops and book stores to celebrate the fourth annual C-Day.  Avatar Press, publisher of extreme horror comics, designates one Wednesday a year to all things Crossed.  Now comic shops worldwide encourage rabid fans to don their Crossed cosplay costumes and come in for parties, photos, and an opportunity to become a new reader ambassador for the comic series that Crossed75-Ritualredefined grueling horror.  Fans of extreme horror have a lot to celebrate as a golden age of Crossed settles in during the early months of 2015.  Alan Moore has created an all new vision of the future in Crossed +100 and the bi-weekly Crossed: Badlands core series continues to deliver the most disturbing uncensored horror being published.

For the first time ever, the C-Day event is centered on a writer other than Crossed’s prolific creator, Garth Ennis.  Crossed75-HomoTortorUber scribe Kieron Gillen brings a story of the Crossed in the ancient past to the bi-weekly series Crossed: Badlands beginning with the milestone issue #75 which arrives on Wednesday, April 15th – C-Day.  The new story arc “Homo Tortor” takes readers to a point in history where the human race nearly slipped into extinction and uncovers what role the vile plague played in Crossed75-Torturethat event.  Gillen is no stranger to apocalyptic horror as his work on Uber has won numerous accolades, revolutionized the alternate history genre, and redefined the concept of super soldiers.

Avatar Press and will be promoting stores and fans participating in the cosplay events by running their pictures online and in social media for everyone to see.  All we ask is that everyone keep the event Crossed75-megafauna-mayhemin perspective, have fun, and be safe.  Crossed is extreme horror fiction that allows you to step into the most frightening scenario ever published.  But in the real world we want to encourage everyone to be responsible and courteous to non-readers and families also enjoying their visit to the comic book shop.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 1/28/15

These are the new Avatar Press comic books that are arriving in local comic shops this Wednesday 1/28/15.

Dark Gods #1 Serpent Cover

DarkGods1-serpentPRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  Justin Jordan’s smash-hit new series is now available with a new painted cover by Michael DiPascale and is limited to just 750 copies!






God is Dead: Book of Acts Alpha Lucifer Cover

god-is-dead-boa-alpha-luciferPRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The ultimate jam-book and the ultimate rarity!  This ultra-limited edition of just 300 copies features an all-new cover by Fernando Heinz .






God is Dead: Book of Acts Omega Anubis Cover

god-is-dead-boa-omega-anubisPRODUCT DESCRIPTION:  The best writers unleashed on a World with all the god returned!  This ultra-limited edition of just 300 copies features an all-new cover by Fernando Heinz .





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Uber Revelations

Uber21-regKieron Gillen’s masterful altered history epic Uber, has been filled with mysteries and puzzles that can potentially effect the outcome of the war.  One of the biggest ones has been the identity of the mole within Allies camp.  How is Uber21-Propagandasomeone tapping into their discoveries and passing
information back to Germany?  That mystery is solved in Uber #21 as Stephanie discovers the traitor and that knowledge may well make her pay the ultimate  price.

And the German Battleships have been largely uncontested with no ordinance being able to impact them.  Until now.  At long last, the battle between fully activated Ubers is Uber21-WarCrimeshere and Sieglinde will finally see what it is like to stand toe-to-to against equal power in the hands of Moscow’s Katyusha.  The pure destructive power of the clash may scorch the Earth forever.

Uber21-wrapIf you have not tried Uber, stop by your local comic shop
and ask for the trade paperback collections of this epic series.  Get caught up on the most vicious alternate history comic every created in the pages of Uber.

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Step Inside the Future of Crossed

Crossed+100-2-RegularAlan Moore has redefined the comics medium multiple times with revolutionary stories that have a place of reverence within the reading community.  Last year in God is Dead: Book of Acts Alpha he lent his distinctive voice to Crossed+100-2-design-battlebusthe deity ravaged world that Jonathan Hickman created.  Now in the pages of Crossed +100, Moore returns to comics to put his incredible stamp onto Garth Ennis’ masterwork survival horror series.

Crossed+100-2-CGCNumberedSet 100 years in the future after the modern Crossed outbreak, Moore delivers a story that is both dynamic and unique.  This is Moore’s ultimate vision of how the world would develop after the majority of the human race is wiped Crossed+100-2-FutureTenseout by the virus.  Inside the pages of Crossed +100 we see the development of language, civilization, and the human spirit as it attempts to understand what brought humanity to the brink of extinction.

Simply put, this is a modern horror masterpiece and fans of Crossed have an opportunity to read something that is uniquely tied to the violent world they have frequented these past six years. Crossed+100-2-AmHistoryXWrapCrossed +100 #2 is in stores now.  Ask your local comic shop to set aside a copy today.

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Crossed: Badlands #70

Crossed70-RegularThe big finale to David Lapham’s revenge arc of Crossed: Badlands comes to a powerful conclusion with issue #70.  We’ve seen Gavin Land’s life go from a normal family life to a psychologically shattered existence over the course of this story and the resulting metamorphosis turned him into a focused killing machine.  But the time has come for retribution and the man that took everything from him is Crossed70-Torturefinally going to pay.  Despite Wentz turning to God and trying to save thousands of people from the Crossed, he’s still the same scumbag pornographer that ruined Land’s life.  And that means justice must be dolled out one painful punch at a time.

David Lapham is known for his powerful crime fiction.  He brings that in spades along with a violent vision of horror that defined much of the Crossed universe to this story.  If you have been following the unlikely road to revenge for Gavin Land, make sure you pick up Crossed: Badlands #70 to see where the journey ends.  Crossed: Badlands #70 is available in comic shops and digitally on ComiXology today.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 1/21/15

These are the new Avatar Press comics coming to ComiXology Wednesday 1/21/15:

Crossed +100 #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore places his unique stamp upon the Crossed Crossed+100-2-Regularuniverse, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak! Future Taylor leads a salvage team that is exploring the ruins of Tennessee. She tries to piece together the past, while they gather supplies for the future. Together with the settlement of Chooga, they take the tentative steps of a new generation as they attempt to understand the horror that nearly wiped out the human race. But disturbing threads emerge, some sightings of Crossed occur, and a century-old mystery begins to be revealed. This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium. Enter Alan Moore’s world of grueling survival with Crossed +100.

Crossed: Badlands #70

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The epic conclusion to David Lapham’s brutal tale of misery Crossed70-Regularand revenge is here! At long last, there are no more obstacles and no more reasons for delay. Gavin Land’s ultimate opportunity to avenge his family has come. And though his single minded purpose has helped him to survive in a world gone mad, what happens when that driving force is gone? Is the end of the quest simply the end of all? Or will he find some measure of peace doled out in buckets of blood?




Dark Gods #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Justin Jordan has destroyed the barrier that holds back the DarkGods3-regdarkness and has let slip the ancient horrors back into the world. Those things that lurk just beyond human perception have returned and they are set upon reclaiming the carefully constructed human order in the name of unbridled chaos. Monsters, gods, and fiends from the recesses of base human fear are now made manifest in the flesh and nothing can stop their terrible need for destruction. German Erramouspe illustrates this new ongoing series that brings your nightmares to life.



God is Dead #27

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Mike Costa has taken the war ravaged world to a new GodisDead27_regterrifying place. As gods make and break alliances in the face of destruction by the unstoppable Titans, the world burns beneath divine battle. And amidst the destruction and death, mankind unlikely saviors plot a way to send the gluttonous gods back to their dusty tombs.





Uber #21

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Allies are in a desperate race to counter the destructive Uber21-regonslaught of the German Uber battleships. With three potential Uber candidates in the USA the military makes moves to develop their own super soldiers. But will prejudicial decisions about which candidates will be fully activated doom the fledgling program before it gets off the ground? Kieron Gillen and Caanan White have captivated the comics community with the horrors of super human warfare in World War II.



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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 1/21/15

These are the new Avatar Press comics coming to Comic Shops Wednesday 1/21/15:

Crossed +100 #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore places his unique stamp upon the Crossed Crossed+100-2-Regularuniverse, as he and artist Gabriel Andrade paint a vivid picture of the future 100 years after the outbreak!  Future Taylor leads a salvage team that is exploring the ruins of Tennessee.   She tries to piece together the past, while they Crossed+100-2-CrossedCulturegather supplies for the future.  Together with the settlement of Chooga, they take the tentative steps of a new generation as they attempt to understand the horror that nearly wiped out the human race.  But disturbing threads emerge, some sightings of Crossed occur, and a century-old mystery begins to be revealed.   This multi-layered story delivers a new brand of horror to Crossed fans at the hands of the scribe that redefined the comics medium.  Enter Alan Moore’s world of grueling survival with Crossed +100.

Crossed: Badlands #70

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The epic conclusion to David Lapham’s brutal tale of misery Crossed70-Regularand revenge is here!  At long last, there are no more obstacles and no more reasons for delay.  Gavin Land’s ultimate opportunity to avenge his family has come.  And though his single minded purpose has helped him to Crossed70-Torturesurvive in a world gone mad, what happens when that driving force is gone?  Is the end of the quest simply the end of all?  Or will he find some measure of peace doled out in buckets of blood?  Available with Regular, Wraparound and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Fernando Heinz,  a Fatal Fantasy cover by Michael DiPascale, and a Torture cover by Christian Zanier.

Dark Gods #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Justin Jordan has destroyed the barrier that holds back the DarkGods3-regdarkness and has let slip the ancient horrors back into the world.  Those things that lurk just beyond human perception have returned and they are set upon reclaiming the carefully constructed human order in the name of unbridled chaos.  Monsters, gods, and fiends from the DarkGods3-Sirenrecesses of base human fear are now made manifest in the flesh and nothing can stop their terrible need for destruction.  German Erramouspe illustrates this new ongoing series that brings your nightmares to life.  Available with Wraparound cover from series artist German Erramouspe, Regular and sultry Siren covers from Christian Zanier, a Fully-Painted Deity cover by Michael DiPascale, and a special Nightmare Retailer Order Incentive cover also by Zanier.

God is Dead #27

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       Mike Costa has taken the war ravaged world to a new GodisDead27_regterrifying place.  As gods make and break alliances in the face of destruction by the unstoppable Titans, the world burns beneath divine battle.  And amidst the destruction GodisDead27-Enchantingand death, mankind unlikely saviors plot a way to send the gluttonous gods back to their dusty tombs. Available with a Regular, Iconic and Gilded Retailer Incentive covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and Enchanting and End of Days covers by Facundo Percio.

Uber #21

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     The Allies are in a desperate race to counter the destructive Uber21-regonslaught of the German Uber battleships.  With three potential Uber candidates in the USA the military makes moves to develop their own super soldiers.  But will prejudicial decisions about which candidates will be fully Uber21-Propagandaactivated doom the fledgling program before it gets off the ground?  Kieron Gillen and Caanan White have captivated the comics community with the horrors of super human warfare in World War II.  Available with Regular, Wraparound, War Crimes, and Blitzkrieg covers by Caanan White and a Propaganda Poster cover by Michael DiPascale.


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