Caliban Collected in February

Caliban-vol1Caliban, the sci-fi horror event of 2014, receives a deluxe trade paperback collection which will hit comic shops on Wednesday February 11th.  Garth Ennis is well known for being one of the most innovative creators in the field.  His approach to every story begins with believable and grounded characters that come to life with spot-on dialogue.  In Caliban, it is this dedication to breathing life into the supporting cast that really allows the terror and dread of the story to take on a life of its own.

Caliban is a classic sci-fi horror thriller but it goes far beyond the tropes of the space monster and into the psychological horror of the unknown.  Anyone who enjoys a horror story that will take you to the edge of your seat and beyond should reserve a copy with your local comic shop today.


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Alan Moore’s Classic Another Suburban Romance

AnotherSuburbanTrade2014For fans of Alan Moore, there are a few essential projects that you must read – Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and From Hell are at the top of that list.  But the library of his works extends much further than those seminal stories.

Avatar has an extensive library of Moore’s works including some that have recently received an enhancement in the form of being colorized.  Moore’s Another Suburban Romance is a must read graphic novel that presents the performance works of this legendary writer into a powerful and moving sequential narrative.  Long time collaborator Antony Johnston adapts the three main stories into this incredible package illustrated by the incomparable Juan Jose Ryp.

The end result is nothing short of spectacular.  This new colorized version of the work is available in comic shops and at Amazon today.  Expand your Moore library with Another Suburban Romance GN and let your imagination grow.

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Spurrier & Jordan Take on Crossed

Two of today’s hottest young writers take on the grueling world of Garth Ennis’ Crossed in the new Volume 11 Trade Paperback in stores now.

CrossedVol11-HCSimon Spurrier has visited Crossed before, his long form webcomic Crossed: Wish You Were Here is a staple in the universe and delivered some of the most memorable characters of any Crossed tale to date.  In this volume of the collections he takes you to a picturesque environment in the English countryside with tweeting birds, friendly vicars, crumpets and jam, and a mob of Crossed lurking near the duck pond.  No one sees Wheezy the fat asthmatic kid hiding up in the old tower but if he shows his face it will only be the farmer’s wife between him and a bloody fate.  The problem is, she’s Crossed too.  This story delivers chills in a way that would make the old EC tales proud.


CrossedVol11-TPBJustin Jordan’s first foray into the Crossed universe takes you to the heart of problem with trusting anyone, Crossed or not, in this world.  Two women attempt to escape the band of monsters out for their blood.  When a mysterious unseen Samaritan helps them escape to a sanctuary it seems as though they’ve found what little safety there is in the new world order.  But trusting anyone in the world of Crossed usually leads to a gut-wrenching and miserable end.

Stop by your local comic book shop to experience the ultimate in uncensored horror.  Ask to see their Crossed library and immerse yourself in a masterpiece of modern terror.

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New to ComiXology 1/14/15

These are the new Boundless Comics digital releases that will premiere on ComiXology Wednesday 1/14/15:

Lady Death #7 – 13

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     After the mind-blowing revelation of the true identity of LadyDeath7regDeath Queen, the next chapter of LADY DEATH begins! Drawn back to the Under Realm after her banishment to Earth, Lady Death has returned, but she is a shadow of her former self and still not in possession of her full power. That power lies in the hands of Death Queen, who has ripped her greatest nemesis through the dimension-spanning breach for one very specific purpose: To fuel the enormous Infernal Engine will could wipe out all life in the entire Under Realm! It’s the battle you’ve been waiting for, as Wargoth takes on the monstrous Behemoth, the Demon-led rebellion launches an attack against the zombie hordes guarding the Infernal Engine and Lady Death goes head-to-head with Death Queen in the most emotional and vicious battle of her life!

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 1/14/15

These are the new Avatar Press titles new to comic book shops this Wednesday 1/14/15:

Crossed Vol 11 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Crossed universe is an unyielding nightmare vision of CrossedVol11-TPBanimal depravity and homicidal insanity.  In this volume, two of the industry’s best new talents come together to tell very different stories of despair.  Simon Spurrier takes you to a picturesque environment in the English countryside CrossedVol11-HCwith tweeting birds, friendly vicars, crumpets and jam, and a mob of Crossed lurking near the duck pond.  No one sees Wheezy the fat asthmatic kid hiding up in the old tower but if he shows his face it will only be the farmer’s wife between him and a bloody fate.  The problem is, she’s Crossed too.  And newly-Crossed Justin Jordan tells his first diabolical tale as two women attempt to escape the band of monsters out for their blood.  When a mysterious unseen Samaritan helps them escape to a sanctuary it seems as though they’ve found what little safety there is in the new world order.  But trusting anyone in the world of Crossed usually leads to a gut-wrenching and miserable end.  Crossed Vol 11 TP collects Crossed 2014 Annual and issues #57 – 61 of the ongoing Crossed: Badlands comic book series.

Crossed +100 #1 Deluxe Collector’s Box

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:     This amazing Deluxe Collector Box set is the best way to get Crossed+100-1-BoxSetLeatherimmersed in the world of Crossed +100!  With over $250 worth of product, this is a steal at $99.99!  This Deluxe Set is everything  a collector could want, with loads of exclusive goodies, all bundled into one giant box!  Check out the incredible contents:

All eight Crossed +100 #1 covers!  The Regular, American History X, Crossed Culture, Future Tense, New World Order, Black Leather, Red Crossed and Design Sketch are included!

– Both of the Crossed +100 Taste Test covers, Human and Crossed, are inside!

– A giant 24″ x 36″ folded poster of one of Gabriel’s beautiful covers!

Along with these exclusive items:

– ALAN MOORE signed copy of a special edition of Crossed +100 Taste Test – only available here!

– Crossed +100 #1 Black Leather with Gold foil – you can only get in this set!

– Crossed +100 #1 American History X Pure Art – only available in this set!

– Four amazing 11 x 17 Crossed Art Prints! Two from the outbreak by Jacen Burrows and two showing 100 years into the future by Gabriel Andrade!

– Limited to a tiny 500 sets, these are sure to go fast!

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Battle of the Battleships

Uber23-regKieron Gillen’s Uber has been redefining alternate history comics for the better part of two years now.  The stark vision of a World War without end has captivated audiences and  created new nightmares for readers to discover.  Everything in the Uber universe has been leading up to this…the battle between battleship class Ubers.

Uber23-WarCrimesRussia’s unlikely Battleship Maria engages with Germany’s powerhouse Battleship Sieglinde!  The ground will quake and the casualties will be enormous as two unthinkable powers collide.  As the world watches the intensity is amped up to unfathomable heights. This battle may determine the eventual outcome of the horrendous war.  But regardless of which side wins…it may still spell doom for the entire human race.

Uber #23 is in the January issue of Previews and will be on sale in March.  Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy of this incredible series for you now!

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Garth Ennis’ War Stories Begin New Chapter

WarStories4-regIn stores this week, the newest issue of War Stories begins a tale filled with the horrors of battle throughout the ages.  Garth Ennis has created stories that deliver the drama and damage of war while simultaneously capturing the human essence behind the terror of armed conflict.  The newest tale, “Children of Israel” takes readers to the Golan WarStories4-wrapHeights and delivers one of the most powerful stories of conflict from the young nation of Israel.  Stop by your local retailer this week and catch up on these incredible stories of heroism and horror.

War Stories #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       In 1973, the Golan Heights was the home to the most brutal WarStories4-BattleDamagetank warfare in history.  As a young nation of Israel faced the imposing forces of the Syrian army, the true mettle of these soldiers would be tested as never before.  No one delivers hard hitting stories of war like Garth Ennis.  War Stories is the showcase for some of the darkest hours from history’s most violent clashes and this month Tomas Aria illustrates part one of Children of Israel. Available with Regular &Wraparound covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive covers by Matt Martin.

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God is Dead Vol 4 TP New in Previews

GodisDead_V4The latest volume of Jonathan Hickman’s unique world of divine retribution is listed in the January Previews for March on sale.  Mike Costa has taken this world ravaged by the divine and turned it into a vicious puzzle with factions and pantheons waging a devastating war amongst themselves for rule over all.

In this latest chapter, after finally undoing the curse of immortality upon the Earth, humankind forces the gods back to their own planes of existence.  But can anyone truly force a god to do anything for long?  And now that Satan has revealed himself as the killer of the almighty, what devious schemes does the Prince of Lies have up his sleeve for man and god alike?

If you enjoy mythology and Avatar’s brand of brutal uncensored storytelling, make sure you check with your local comic shop to reserve a copy of this newest tome and to catch up on the events of the past God is Dead collections!

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 1/7/15

These are the new digital Avatar Press titles to ComiXology Wednesday 1/7/15:

Crossed: Badlands #69

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      David Lapham is a master of violent crime drama and his Crossed69-Regularlatest foray into the world of Crossed has created some of the most brutal images yet. Gavin Land was a normal family man. He loved his kids and his wife. He played by the rules. But when a sadistic pornographer debases and kills his daughter before systematically destroying his life, something deep inside snaps. And not even a world full of homicidal maniacs will stop him from revenge.




God is Dead #26

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Titans have been released upon a war ravaged world. Now GodisDead26_reggiant beings and beasts threaten to turn the planet into a blazing ruin. The bickering gods have no choice but to unite in the face of certain destruction. But can their temporary truce last long enough to defeat the Titans or will the temptation to turn upon each other be too great to pass up? Don’t miss the epic new direction for God Is Dead!




War Stories #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In 1973, the Golan Heights was the home to the most brutal WarStories4-regtank warfare in history. As a young nation of Israel faced the imposing forces of the Syrian army, the true mettle of these soldiers would be tested as never before. No one delivers hard hitting stories of war like Garth Ennis. War Stories is the showcase for some of the darkest hours from history’s most violent clashes and this month Tomas Aria illustrates part one of Children of Israel.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 1/7/15

These are the new Avatar Press titles that are arriving in comic shops this Wednesday 1/7/15:

Crossed: Badlands #69

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      David Lapham is a master of violent crime drama and his Crossed69-Regularlatest foray into the world of Crossed has created some of the most brutal images yet.  Gavin Land was a normal family man.  He loved his kids and his wife.  He played by Crossed69-Torturethe rules.  But when a sadistic pornographer debases and kills his daughter before systematically destroying his life, something deep inside snaps.  And not even a world full of homicidal maniacs will stop him from revenge.  Available with Regular, Torture and Red Crossed covers by Fernando Heinz, Wraparound cover by Christian Zanier, and a Fatal Fantasy cover by Michael DiPascale.

God is Dead #26

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The Titans have been released upon a war ravaged world.  GodisDead26_regNow giant beings and beasts threaten to turn the planet into a blazing ruin.  The bickering gods have no choice but to unite in the face of certain destruction.  But can their temporary truce last long enough to defeat the Titans or will the temptation to turn upon each other be too great to GodisDead26-EndofDayspass up? Don’t miss the epic new direction for God Is Dead!  Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Gilded Retailer Incentive covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, an Iconic by Facundo Percio, and a special Enchanting cover by Gardenio Lima.


War Stories #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      In 1973, the Golan Heights was the home to the most brutal WarStories4-regtank warfare in history.  As a young nation of Israel faced the imposing forces of the Syrian army, the true mettle of these soldiers would be tested as never before.  No one delivers hard hitting stories of war like Garth Ennis.  War WarStories4-NoseArtStories is the showcase for some of the darkest hours from history’s most violent clashes and this month Tomas Aria illustrates part one of Children of Israel. Available with Regular & Wraparound covers by Tomas Aria, and Good Girl Nose Art & Battle Damage Retailer Incentive covers by Matt Martin.




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