Rover Red Charlie Honored At Horror Comic Awards

comic-award-trophyThe winners of the annual Horror News Network Horror Comic Awards are out!  Avatar was nominated for several categories and was featured in the Staff Selections as “series of the year!”  Rover Red Charlie was selected by Stephanie Shamblin Gray for the honor.

RoverRedCharlie-Vol-1-TPB“Rover Red Charlie was such an amazing story.  Garth Ennis was at the top of his game and absolutely nailed the very human emotions of terror, confusion, and even hope by using a cast of dogs as our protagonists.  A horror story so close to the heart is rare and wonderful.”  – Stephanie Shamblin Gray.

Check out the full list of Horror Comic Award nominees and winners here:


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Uber New Year

Welcome to the future!  It’s 2015 and if you haven’t been reading Kieron Gillen’s masterful re-imagining of World War II with super-human enhanced soldiers, you’ve been missing out on one of the best new ongoing series being published.  Uber manages to capture the misery of war and the hopelessness of what seems like global extinction as the outcome in one drama filled and powerful narrative.

Ask your local comic shop about catching up on this incredible series with volumes 1 and 2 of the Trade Paperback collections in stores now:


UberV1TPBApril 24, 1945. The world holds its collective breath as the war is only days away from ending. Russian troops move through Germany to the final objective… Hitler himself. As those around the mad dictator crumble, the much ridiculed threats of the “Wunderwafen” materialize. A new weapon is delivered, one with unstoppable power – a weapon like no other and with a madman pulling the trigger. The Ubers change the direction of World War II, providing a dark and uncompromising alternative history in a way that you’ve never seen. Kieron Gillen and Caanan White deliver one of the best new series of 2013 with Uber Volume 1, collecting issues #0-5 the startling first chapter of this new horror series that reimagines the super soldier in a stark, new, bloody vision.


Uber-Vol-2-TPBKieron Gillen redefined the alternate history comic by radically revitalizing the super soldier in the pages of Uber. This sweeping war epic shows all the grime, and fear, and blood of enhanced soldier warfare in an unrelenting World War II drama. The first blow in the battle between English and German Ubers has been wrought and neither nation walks away whole. The war rages on in the Pacific Theatre as Japanese Kamikaze pilots attempt to drive the US forces out while delivering devastating losses to the enemy naval fleet. But the tides of war change as the Japanese deploy their own enhanced soldiers and the Germans deliver their devastating secret attack. Uber Volume 2 collects issues #6-11 of the ongoing comic book series.

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Happy New Year From Avatar Press!

crossed-wywh-2014-new-yearsAvatar Press would like to extend wishes for a very happy and prosperous new year to all of our readers!  Your support over the year has made projects with Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Max Brooks, and all of the incredible talents working with Avatar possible.  We are looking forward to sharing new uncensored visions of horror with everyone in the coming New Year.

Happy New Year from Everyone at Avatar Press!

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Happy Holidays from Avatar Press!

102960_309612_3All of the artists, writers, and staff at Avatar Press would like to wish our readers and supporters a very happy holiday season!  Enjoy the festivities with a taste of horror from the most cutting edge independent publisher
in comics.

1540648-night_of_the_living_dead_holiday_special_1_wrap_cvr_superCheck in with your local comics retailer to see what great Christmas Eve specials they have in-store and remember to give the gift of comics and graphic novels this year. Introducing friends and other fans to comic books is a great way to support the hobby we all love.


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Avatar Holiday Reading

Ever wonder what an Avatar Christmas story would be like?  The family nestled around the tree while visions of Crossed maniacs danced in their heads.  Now you can tell for yourself by carving out some time to catch up with the most shocking horror series being published.  Garth Ennis created a world of grueling nightmares with Crossed.  You can experience the uncensored horror of his vision with these Ennis’ penned trade paperbacks which are available at your local comic shop:

Crossed Vol 1 TP:

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Imagine, for a moment, the worst crimes against humanity. CrossedTPBPicture the cruelest affronts to decency. Conjure your darkest nightmares… and then realize it could all be so much worse. When civilization crumbles in one terrifying moment; when people are gleefully breaking into unthinkable acts of violence all around you; when everyone you love has died screaming in agony: What do you do? There is no help. There is no hope. There is no escape. There are only the Crossed. Garth Ennis has pulled out all the stops to write the most depraved and twisted book of his career, one that also may be his most poignant human drama! Crossed is Ennis’ horrifically visceral exploration of the pure evil that humans are truly capable of indulging and collected here are all ten heart-stopping chapters. This gut-wrenching vision is brought to vivid (and more than a little disturbing) life by his partner in crime Jacen Burrows.

Crossed: Badlands Vol 4 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Two tales of terror from the most vicious landscape in CrossedVol4TPBmodern horror, written by groundbreaking graphic novelists Garth Ennis and Jamie Delano! When the worldwide outbreak transforms most of humanity into murderous psychopaths, the uninfected survivors are driven by desperation to the very brink of sanity and morality. In the United Kingdom, a young man devastated by the traumatic death of his wife struggles to survive the roving bands of Crossed at his heels. Meanwhile, three small groups of survivors in the marshy Florida Everglades – haunted by personal demons, driven by primal fears and all-too-human desires – find themselves on a collision course guaranteed to leave bloody, fiery destruction in their wake…

Crossed: Badlands Vol 6 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       In a volume that spans several eras of Crossed infection, we CrossedVol6TPBjoin three prolific writers each telling a tale set in the horrifying misery of the world during the plague. Simon Spurrier puts us in the mind of a unique Crossed relationship, one which sees lovers from two different worlds as they are driven apart by infection. David Lapham continues fan favorite Crossed Psychopath survivor, Amanda’s tale as she fights with the rising insanity in her own mind and a group of lunatic scavengers in “The Livers.” And series creator Garth Ennis returns to tell a story so big that it re-defines the way you will see the Crossed. In “The Fatal Englishman” the biggest question in the Crossed universe is answered… how it all begins. Go where other horror survival stories fear to tread and enter the grueling world of the Crossed! Trade collects issues #19-28 of the Crossed Badlands series.

Crossed: Badlands Vol 10 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Garth Ennis returns to the horrifyingly brutal world he CrossedVol10TPBcreated with a story that fans have waited over five years for! The Crossed outbreak created a miserable, grueling world of monsters that dash out all hope of survival and ensures a terrifying end to everything in their path. For the first time, master storyteller Garth Ennis takes you back to the early days of outbreak and delivers the unexpected – a Patient Zero tale. With the outbreak spreading like wildfire across the globe, a group of soldiers attempt to piece together how the disease spread so quickly and to reverse the horror they see taking place in the streets. And as they struggle to catch up with events, a plane carries the extinction of the human race toward its target to trigger the nuclear destruction of the world. In a world where there is no help and there is no hope… there is only the Crossed. Collects issues #50-56 of the ongoing Crossed: Badlands comic book series.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 12/24/14

These are the new Avatar Press comic books available at local comic shops everywhere on Wednesday 12/24/14:

Crossed +100 #1 Leather Cover

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore returns to monthly comics in epic fashion with Crossed+100-1-leatherCrossed +100!  Set 100 years in the future, Moore has created a whole new world and history with a stunning attention to detail.  Examining how civilizations rebuild and how generations grow, Moore weaves a rich tapestry of humanity evolving under extreme hardship, all of which is lushly rendered by Gabriel (Ferals) Andrade.  Archivist Future Taylor leads a salvage team working to rebuild the historical record of the original Crossed outbreak.  She’s seen them in videos, but never any live ones, the Crossed are part of the distant past.  Until suddenly, a handful appear, and the blood begins to flow.  All is not as it seems as a horrific mystery unfolds and once again Alan Moore redefines the medium.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you -?


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Avatar Holiday Reading

If you are like most folks, this time of year is filled with rushing about and trying to get gifts for the important people in your life. A lot of comic book shops are running events this weekend where you can get sale priced comics and trade paperbacks for the comic collector in your life.  Or…even add a little of your own holiday joy to your personal list of reading material with a new title for your collection.

Consider these Avatar trades for possible gifts to give the comic reader in your life:

FashionBeastTPBFashion Beast – Alan Moore and Malcolm McLaren created this dystopian version of Beauty and the Beast in the eighties right after Watchmen changed comics forever.  It is a beautifully illustrated fairy tale from one of the most visionary minds in the medium that is painstakingly brought to life by Antony Johnston.

RoverRedCharlie-Vol-1-TPBRover Red Charlie – Garth Ennis is known for a lot of hardcore tales from Crossed to Preacher.  This story of three canine best friends at the end of the world is a really wonderful tale of hope that delivers on Ennis’ incredible talent for developing unique dialogue and characters.  It is a moving story that can be given to just about any reader in the appropriate age range.

ExtinctionParade-vol-1-tpbExtinction Parade– Max Brooks is a creator that is pretty much loved by everyone.  His legions of fans have made World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide mega-hits world wide.  And this unique graphic novel allows the New York Times bestselling scribe the forum to deliver a powerful story about evolution with the forces of the undead.

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Caliban Collected

Caliban-vol1Garth Ennis’ incredible sci-fi horror series Caliban is being collected into a deluxe trade paperback due out in stores this coming February.  Retailers are tabulating their orders now to make sure the local comic shops are stocked with 2014’s best new series come the New Year.  Ask your favorite retailer to reserve a copy for you today.

Caliban is a claustrophobic lesson in terror as the crew of this lonely mining vessel discover that the empty vastness of space has something horrible waiting for them.  Soon the unwary astronauts face the unthinkable in a creeping story that delivers fresh chills.  Revolutionary comic writer Garth Ennis takes you to a very dark place with the type of high tension storytelling that will leave a lasting mark on you.  Look for the Caliban Tp in the December issue of Previews in comic shops now.



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What Ellis Do You Want for the Holidays?

Avatar celebrates the start of the holiday season with an incredible bundle of Warren Ellis’ classic comics on ComiXology.  The “Fantastic Futures” bundle includes digital copies of Ellis’ best Avatar science fiction series – Ignition City, Anna Mercury, and Doktor Sleepless!

Through Sunday 12/21 all 27 issues of these series are available for $24.99:

Ignition City TpIgnition City:  Where did the space heroes go to die? A new series by Warren Ellis, the writer who reinvented science fiction in comics, in the alternate-world style of the award-winning MINISTRY OF SPACE and AETHERIC MECHANICS — a retro-punk “future of the past” where spaceships still belched smoke and arguments were still settled with laser pistols. 1956. Personal space flight is becoming illegal all over the world. Grounded space pilot Mary Raven has to journey to Earth’s last spaceport, the island of Ignition City, to recover her dead father’s effects — and discovers, there in the lawless interzone of the ramshackle settlement raised inside the ring of launch pads, that her father died on the wrong end of a ray-gun. She’s not going to leave until she finds out who killed Rock Raven, but there’s a lot of people who’d rather feed her to the recycling chipper first..

Doctor SleeplessDoktor Sleepless:  It’s the near future. No-one has their flying car. Everyone feels cheated. What America needs now is a Mad Scientist. A city with a secret is shocked out of its apathy by the return of a young technological genius who has reinvented himself as Doktor Sleepless. But perhaps he never left and perhaps his planned new future doesn’t include the city. For fans of Ellis’ fantastic sci-fi tales and have missed the absence of Transmetropolitan, this series is what the Doktor ordered!



annam1Anna Mercury:  Warren Ellis introduces you to the sultry Anna Mercury in this daring sci-fi series! Dancing amid the spires of a city called New Ataraxia, there is a woman who can cloud men’s minds, leap across buildings as if weightless, unerringly fire twin automatic pistols in the most insane conditions, and disappear in a crowded room. She fights against the political repression of an insane technocratic society, and she comes from a place that no-one in New Ataraxia has ever heard of. And she’s got one hour to save the city from itself. A high-octane blend of The Shadow, Tomb Raider, retropunk science fiction and 21st century Weird Pulp Action, ANNA MERCURY is a headlong adventure serial about a beautiful and mysterious spy-adventurer who is not what she seems….

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Digital Deal on Caliban & Rover Red Charlie

Garth Ennis fans have a lot to celebrate this week as two of his most critically acclaimed recent projects, Caliban and Rover Red Charlie, are on sale at ComiXology!  This limited time bundle opportunity runs through December 21st and offers digital issues #1-7 of Caliban and #1-6  of Rover Red Charlie for 63% off the regular price at $14.99 for the lot.

Caliban:  Master storyteller GARTH ENNIS and Fashion Beast artist FACUNDO PERCIO Caliban-1team up to deliver a haunting new epic of science fiction horror. The crew of the Caliban travels hyperspace on nothing more than a routine trip for the giant vessel. Just human beings that have been inside a bit too long, confident of no other life in the Galaxy, and all the vastness of space to remind them how far they are from home. But when an impossible accident suddenly causes the Caliban to slam into an abandoned alien ship, a nightmare in space begins to unfold. Ennis delivers his unique brand of flawed characters, spot-on dialog, and trademark flare for the unexpected in a new series in the vein of Alien.


Rover Red Charlie:  When a worldwide epidemic suddenly rids the Earth of all humans, RoverRedCharlie-Vol-1-TPBwhat happens to man’s best friend? GARTH ENNIS – the master wordsmith of Preacher and Crossed – delivers a story like no other, as a band of canines set out to survive on their own for the first time. This is the story of three best friends at the end of the World. Charlie was a helper dog and he was good at getting his feeders safely around. Now he and his pals Rover and Red must escape the failing New York City and find their way in this new order. Ennis applies his incredible talent for creating rich and complex characters to a whole new species, with this shockingly original tale that is fully painted by Michael Dipascale.


Give the gift of great comics this holiday season:

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