Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 12/17/14

This is the new Avatar Press item in comic shops on Wednesday 12/17/14:

Another Suburban Romance TP (Color Edition)

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      One of the seminal works from the writer who defined AnotherSuburbanTrade2014modern comics, ALAN MOORE, is re-mastered for the first time in breathtakingly vibrant color!  Alan Moore’s performance works making up the play Another Suburban Romance are translated into print and lavishly illustrated as full sequential stories.  Comprised of three major pieces, adapted from Moore’s original presentations by frequent collaborator Antony (Fashion Beast) Johnston, this original graphic novel is completely illustrated by Juan Jose Ryp.  Running from the 1920’s Chicago style killings in Old Gangsters Never Die, to the ruminations on modern life in the namesake piece Another Suburban Romance, this powerful work is an essential piece of the Alan Moore graphic novel library that no fan will want to miss!

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you -?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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David Lapham on Crossed

Crossed68-regularDavid Lapham’s Crossed stories are nightmares come to life.  He has taken a lifetime of telling some of the most twisted tales and turned them into comics that have scarred readers.  From Crossed: Family Values to Crossed: Psychopath, these stories have helped to define the Crossed landscape with scenes and characters that leave a lasting impression.

Crossed68-TortureHis latest arc playing out in the pages of Crossed: Badlands continues this tradition of developing unique characters, non-stop violence, and over-the-top horrors.  If you are a fan of David’s other Crossed tales or his beautifully done crime noir comics, make sure you take a few minutes to see what terrors are unfolding in this latest tale.  Crossed: Badlands #68 is in stores now and available at your local comic shop or digitally on ComiXology.


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A New Chapter of God is Dead Begins

GodisDead25_regGod is Dead #25, the oversized new chapter in Jonathan Hickman’s divine war series, is in stores now!  Mike Costa has taken the world of God is Dead and delivered a god-bomb of creative and fantastic horror to a planet shaken to the core by divine warfare.  Now after everything that has GodisDead25-Enchantinghappened to the shell shocked population, a horrifying new chapter begins.

This issue is a perfect jump on point for new fans as it features an extensive primer that recaps the story thus far in easy to follow chunks.  Anyone can pick up God is Dead #25 and easily step right into the big picture of the GodisDead25-Iconicseries.

Satan has crafted a new plan…and it looks like the first thing on his plate is releasing the Titans and killing off all the remaining gods.  Where will the story take us…?  Pick up this issue and find out what horrors are on the horizon.

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New in December Previews – Uber Vol 3 Tp

Kieron Gillen’s powerful tale of enhanced soldier warfare in the dying days of World War II has become a must read series for comic fans.  The carefully thought out and powerfully told story has captivated audiences and redefined the alternate history genre.

In comic shops now, Uber Vol 3 TP collecting issues #12 – 17 of the series, is available for order in the pages of the Previews catalog:

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The horrors of enhanced soldier war have taken a dire turn Uber-Vol3-tpbfor the Allies.  Their attempts to develop a counter to the German Battleship Ubers have led to a crossroads in development.  But the discovery that the Nazis have not only discovered the same weapons but have improved upon them leaves a terrible hole in their ability to mount a defense.  With both sides suffering herculean losses and the devastation of world war decimating every nation, the escalation of super human combat is making the Allies desperate for foothold.  Kieron Gillen (Journey into Mystery) has created a unique and terrifying mix of the fantastic and the horrible that will leave you speechless in the blood soaked pages of Uber.  The horrors of super human warfare are immeasurable.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of this essential chapter in the unfolding horror of Uber.  This volume will be on sale in February.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 12/10/14

These are the Avatar Press comic books that are new to digital on ComiXology Wednesday 12/10/14:

Crossed: Badlands #68

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      When you finally get your hands on the scumbag that Crossed68-regulardestroyed your life, what would you do first?  What if you had to hold back the insanity driving your revenge until you could save a girl that reminds you of your daughter and a literal boatload of innocents from the Crossed?  Would you be able to keep your hands from strangling the life out of a man long enough to do the right thing?  David Lapham shows us that the Crossed aren’t the only ones capable of atrocities in a violent revenge story that will scar you for life.



God is Dead #25

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       A perfect jump-on point with a series recap, super-size issue, GodisDead25_regand new story arc!  After all the Earth has been through, after all the pantheons have done to each other, after all the centuries of hate have boiled to the surface, what could possibly unite the Gods of old?  Something unspeakable is coming to this devastated planet.  Series author Mike Costa opens a World-shattering new story arc as the worst fears of the most powerful deities come true – the Titans have returned!  More powerful than ever, and with horrific giant beasts at their bidding, the Titans are back and plan to eliminate the Gods once and for all!  Don’t miss the epic new direction for God Is Dead beginning right here in this oversized book of dread.

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Avatar Press New in Comic Shops 12/10/14

These are the Avatar Press comic books that are new in comic shops on Wednesday 12/10/14:

Crossed: Badlands #68

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      When you finally get your hands on the scumbag that Crossed68-regulardestroyed your life, what would you do first?  What if you had to hold back the insanity driving your revenge until you could save a girl that reminds you of your daughter and a Crossed68-FatalFantasyliteral boatload of innocents from the Crossed?  Would you be able to keep your hands from strangling the life out of a man long enough to do the right thing?  David Lapham shows us that the Crossed aren’t the only ones capable of atrocities in a violent revenge story that will scar you for life.  Available with Regular and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Jacen Burrows, a Fatal Fantasy and Wraparound cover by Michael DiPascale, and a Torture cover by Raulo Caceres.

God is Dead #25

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       A perfect jump-on point with a series recap, super-size issue, GodisDead25_regand new story arc!  After all the Earth has been through, after all the pantheons have done to each other, after all the centuries of hate have boiled to the surface, GodisDead25-Iconicwhat could possibly unite the Gods of old?  Something unspeakable is coming to this devastated planet.  Series author Mike Costa opens a World-shattering new story arc as the worst fears of the most powerful deities come true – the Titans have returned!  More powerful than ever, and with horrific giant beasts at their bidding, the Titans are back and plan to eliminate the Gods once and for all!  Don’t miss the epic new direction for God Is Dead beginning right here in this oversized book of dread.  Available with a Regular, End of Days, Iconic and  Gilded Retailer Incentive covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Enchanting cover by Gardenio Lima.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you -?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Avatar Projects Featured on Decapitated Dan’s Best of 2014

Horror icon Decapitated Dan posted his Best of 2014 Horror Comics and Avatar Press was among the big winners!  Being mentioned in virtually every category, Avatar creators and projects won top honors for:

AvatarPressLogoBest Writer – Justin Jordan (Dark Gods)
Best Artist – Fernando Heinz (Stitched)
Horror Pub of the Year – Avatar Press
Best Mini Series – Caliban
Best Non-Horror Title – Uber


Avatar is proud to be considered one of the top publishers delivering chills and thrills in comics month in and month out.  Many thanks to Decapitated Dan and the entire horror community for recognizing the great creators that contribute toward Avatar’s many monstrous comic books.


Please take a moment to see all of the nominees and winners here:

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New in December Previews – Caliban TPB

Caliban-vol1Garth Ennis’ incredible space horror epic, Caliban is collected into a must-have trade paperback edition this month in Previews.  The story of a salvage team’s trip through space and the terror they encounter at the hands of an alien entity was one of 2014’s most praised new series. Fans enjoyed the chilling premise and execution as the members of the Caliban were hunted and preyed upon by an unknown entity in a perfectly executed tale of suspense and terror.

Caliban is a 176 page deluxe trade paperback collection featuring the entire 7 issue run of the series and an incredible cover gallery by series artist Facundo Percio.  The Caliban Trade Paperback will be in stores this February.  Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy of this must-read sci-fi epic today.

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Alan Moore’s Crossed +100 is Here

Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyIn comic shops and available digitally on ComiXology, Alan Moore’s highly anticipated foray into the Crossed universe is finally here.  Crossed +100 takes readers one hundred years into the future to see the world as it is post-infection.  This is a completely new universe Crossed+100-1-CrossedCulture - Copythat has been planned out to the minutest detail by the man who revitalized comics with some of the most well known stories ever published.  No previous knowledge of Crossed is needed to enjoy and immerse yourself in this instant horror classic.

Crossed+100-1-OldCountryCGCIf you ever wondered what would happen to the world after a global infection destroys the population, now you can get a front row seat to the answer courtesy of Alan Moore.  Stop by your local comic shop today to see what horrors await in the pages of Crossed +100 #1.


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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 12/3/14

These are the new Avatar Press comics to ComiXology on Wednesday 12/3/14:

Crossed +100 #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore returns to monthly comics in epic fashion with Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyCrossed +100! Set 100 years in the future, Moore has created a whole new world and history with a stunning attention to detail. Examining how civilizations rebuild and how generations grow, Moore weaves a rich tapestry of humanity evolving under extreme hardship, all of which is lushly rendered by Gabriel (Ferals) Andrade. Archivist Future Taylor leads a salvage team working to rebuild the historical record of the original Crossed outbreak. She’s seen them in videos, but never any live ones, the Crossed are part of the distant past. Until suddenly, a handful appear, and the blood begins to flow. All is not as it seems as a horrific mystery unfolds and once again Alan Moore redefines the medium.

Crossed: Badlands #67

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      David Lapham delivers a violent and bloody tale of revenge Crossed67-regthat can’t be quelled. When a man’s world and family are systematically destroyed in front of him, something snaps inside. And once that dam holding back the insanity is gone, he is capable of anything. Now his sole purpose is make the man that wrecked his world suffer. And the Crossed are just another obstacle to overcome on the way to revenge.




Dark Gods #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Justin Jordan unleashes a vision of bleak horror as the group DarkGods2-regknown as the Storm tries to hold back the forces that claw at your nightmares. This is the return of the Dark Gods! Tiamet has her children spreading carnage and preparing for her return!






Extinction Parade: War #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The final issue of the second series epic conflict erupts into a ExtinctionParadeWar5-regsuper-size issue as the Army of the Bloodline is finally revealed! The war between Vampires and Zombies reaches a critical point as the long rumored Vampire army is finally assembled, preparing for a way to end this War. New York Times Bestselling Author MAX BROOKS pushes the limits of modern horror to the breaking point in this pivotal chapter in his epic tale of undead class battle. Extinction Parade will return in 2015 with the third, and final chapter of the most epic conflict ever!



Uber #20

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      1945. Days before the fall of Berlin, a secret German program Uber20-regfor manufacturing enhanced humans turns certain defeat into unlikely victory and starts a whole new chapter in the World War. Most recently, England looses a leader in a terror attack on London, and the latest German technology is used to resume the naval blockade against the Allies. The hope is the Allies’ own technological edge – Heavy Panzermensch – will be enough to turn the land war. And then it’s revealed the Germans have them too… Kieron Gillen has captivated the comics’ community as the misery of super human warfare continues to unfold.



War Stories #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      War is horror. And no one knows how to chronicle the bitter WarStories#3_Regand bloody corners of conflict than Garth Ennis. Is this final chapter of the first arc, the brave bomber pilots have to suffer through the worst kind of Hell to carry out their mission. Or die trying.


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