Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 12/3/14

These are the new Avatar Press comics on sale in comic shops Wednesday 12/3/14:

Crossed +100 #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Alan Moore returns to monthly comics in epic fashion with Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyCrossed +100!  Set 100 years in the future, Moore has created a whole new world and history with a stunning attention to detail.  Examining how civilizations rebuild and how generations grow, Moore weaves a rich tapestry of humanity evolving under extreme hardship, all of which is Crossed+100-1-CrossedCulture - Copylushly rendered by Gabriel (Ferals) Andrade.  Archivist Future Taylor leads a salvage team working to rebuild the historical record of the original Crossed outbreak.  She’s seen them in videos, but never any live ones, the Crossed are part of the distant past.  Until suddenly, a handful appear, and the blood begins to flow.  All is not as it seems as a horrific mystery unfolds and once again Alan Moore redefines the medium.

Crossed: Badlands #67

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      David Lapham delivers a violent and bloody tale of revenge Crossed67-regthat can’t be quelled.  When a man’s world and family are systematically destroyed in front of him, something snaps Crossed67-Tortureinside.  And once that dam holding back the insanity is gone, he is capable of anything.  Now his sole purpose is make the man that wrecked his world suffer.  And the Crossed are just another obstacle to overcome on the way to revenge.  Available with Regular and Red Crossed covers by Jacen Burrows, Wraparound and Fatal Fantasy covers by Michael DiPascale, and a Torture cover by German Erramouspe.


Dark Gods #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      Justin Jordan unleashes a vision of bleak horror as the DarkGods2-reggroup known as the Storm tries to hold back the forces that claw at your nightmares. This is the return of the Dark Gods! Tiamet has her children spreading carnage and DarkGods2-Dietypreparing for her return! Available with Wraparound cover from series artist German Erramouspe, sultry Siren cover from Christian Zanier, Regular and a Fully-Painted Deity cover by Michael DiPascale, and a special Nightmare Retailer Order Incentive cover also by Zanier.


Extinction Parade: War #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      The final issue of the second series epic conflict erupts into ExtinctionParadeWar5-rega super-size issue as the Army of the Bloodline is finally revealed! The war between Vampires and Zombies reaches a critical point as the long rumored Vampire army is finally assembled, preparing for a way to end this War. New York ExtinctionParadeWar5-EndSpeciesTimes Bestselling Author MAX BROOKS pushes the limits of modern horror to the breaking point in this pivotal chapter in his epic tale of undead class battle. Extinction Parade will return in 2015 with the third, and final chapter of the most epic conflict ever! Available with Regular, Wraparound, End of a Species, Leather (limited to just 1000 copies), and Bloodwashed and Pure Art Retailer Order Incentive covers, all by series artist Raulo Caceres.

Uber #20

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:      1945. Days before the fall of Berlin, a secret German Uber20-regprogram for manufacturing enhanced humans turns certain defeat into unlikely victory and starts a whole new chapter in the World War. Most recently, England looses a leader in Uber20-Propagandaa terror attack on London, and the latest German technology is used to resume the naval blockade against the Allies. The hope is the Allies’ own technological edge – Heavy Panzermensch – will be enough to turn the land war. And then it’s revealed the Germans have them too… Kieron Gillen has captivated the comics’ community as the misery of super human warfare continues to unfold. Available with Regular, Wraparound, War Crimes, and Blitzkrieg covers by Caanan White and a Propaganda Poster cover by Michael DiPascale.

War Stories #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:       War is horror.  And no one knows how to chronicle the WarStories#3_Regbitter and bloody corners of conflict than Garth Ennis.  Is this final chapter of the first arc, the brave bomber pilots WarStories#3-NoseArthave to suffer through the worst kind of Hell to carry out their mission.  Or die trying.  Available with Regular, Wraparound, Good Girl Nose Art, and Battle Damage Retailer Incentive covers by Matt Martin.




Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you -?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Happy Thanksgiving From Avatar Press

ExtinctionParade02WrapAll of the artists, writers, and staff?at Avatar Press would like to wish our readers and supporters a very happy Thanksgiving. ?Enjoy the season with a taste of horror from the most cutting edge independent publisher NotLDAftermath12wrapin comics.

Check in with your local comics retailer to see what great Black Friday specials they have in-store and remember to give the gift of comics and graphic novels this year. ?Introducing friends and other fans to comic books is a great way to support the hobby we all love.

And be sure to visit www.crossedcomic.com on Thursday?for a new chapter of Crossed: DOA to add some terror to your turkey-day.

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Countdown to Crossed +100

Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyNext week the highly anticipated new Alan Moore series, Crossed +100 #1 will be on sale in comic shops and digitally. ?The series marks the return of the scribe that changed the very nature of comic storytelling in a new Crossed+100-1-CrossedCulturemonthly comic. ?The fate?of the Crossed will be revealed as the survivors of the future attempt to patch together the threads of the past and determine the true nature of the Crossed.

Alan Moore has created a stand alone world that takes the inevitable to its logical conclusion. ?No prior knowledge of Crossed continuity is required to enjoy and enter this new frightful landscape of horrors. ? If you are a fan of Crossed+100-1-AmHistoryCrossed or someone who has always wanted to find out what the most terrifying story being told is about, this is a fantastic entry point for you to experience Garth Ennis’ horror masterpiece.

Check with your local comics retailer to reserve a copy of Crossed +100 #1 today.


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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 11/26/14

New Avatar Press comic books to local comic shops on Wednesday 11/26/14:

Crossed +100 Taste Test

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Before the epic begins, we offer a sampler platter, if you will, Crossed +100 Taste Test Crossed FlavorCrossed +100 Taste Test Human Flavorshowing the savory goods on offer. Get a first look at the pencil art of Gabriel Andrade, design sketches, and notes from Alan Moore. This special edition is limited to just 3000 copies and will be in stores the week before #1. Also available in Crossed Flavor, equally limited to a scant 3000 copies.


Crossed Special ?2014 Pool Party 4 Cover Set

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This special collection of 4 covers is limited to only 500 sets.

Crossed Special Pool Party









Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you -?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575




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George R.R. Martin’s In the House of the Worm Concludes

InHouseofWorm4-regGeorge R.R. Martin’s unlimited imagination delivers the final chapter of his fantastically original tale, In the House of the Worm this week in local comic shops. ?In the House of the Worm #4 reveals the final fate of?Annelyn and the Meat Bringer. ?Surrounded by Grouns and terrifying InHouseofWorm4-Paintedworms, this spoiled young man?discovers the truth about the races of the?fantasy realm. If he is able to survive the terrors of the absolute dark below ground, he has a chance to change the world. ?Or become a martyr as some truths are meant to not be uncovered. ?

Fan favorite George R.R. Martin introduces another InHouseofWorm4-Wrapdistinctly original story that will appeal to Game of Thrones fans. ?Stop by your local comic shop to discover a new tale from one of the biggest names in fantasy fiction.

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David Lapham’s Return to Crossed

Crossed66-RegularDavid Lapham has penned some of the most vital stories in the Crossed Universe. ?From Crossed: Family Values to Crossed: Psychopath, his influence and characters have defined the depths to which those infected by the virus will go to attain their miserable goals. ?The celebrated scribe Crossed66-FatalFantasyhas returned to the pages of Crossed: Badlands to tell a story of deprivation that drives a normal man to become a monster.

Gavin Land was a family man until a ruthless pornographer abused and killed his daughter. ?Vengeance drove Land to attempt to kill the man that shattered his life, but when he lands in prison he discovers just how far evil extends. ?While locked behind bars his wife and son are abducted and suffer a Crossed66-Torturesimilar fate. ?He’s truly lost everything, except the burning heat of revenge. ?When the Crossed outbreak lands him on the outside, even the grinning hordes of infected can’t stand between him and killing the man that destroyed his family.

Crossed66-WrapLapham shows us the decent into madness fueled by revenge in this essential arc in the Crossed cannon. ?Crossed: Badlands #66 is in stores this week.

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Epic God is Dead Story Arc Conclusion in Stores Today

GodisDead24_RegThe powerful conclusion to God is Dead’s fourth story arc is in comic shops today. ?Scribe Mike Costa has taken the seed of Jonathan Hickman’s divine retribution series and turned it into an epic all out mythological battle royal. ?This issue has it all – the fate of the gods, the sacrifice of the divine, and the return of death to the world.

GodisDead24-IconicIf you haven’t been reading God is Dead, check with your local comic shop to find the trade paperbacks of the first chapters and to reserve a copy of the new jump-on story arc beginning in God is Dead #25. Anyone who enjoys mythology and swords and sorcery will love?the gripping drama and horrors in God is Dead.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 11/19/14

These are the new Avatar Press comics to ComiXology on Wednesday 11/19/14:

Crossed: Badlands #65

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The horror master behind Crossed: Family Values and Crossed65-regCrossed: Psychopath, DAVID LAPHAM continues a grimy tale of exploitation and vengeance. In a tale set both before and after the Crossed outbreak, one father must discover how far he will go to avenge the sadistic destruction of your family. That quest becomes all the more difficult when the Crossed are trying to so what they do best – kill everyone.





Crossed: Badlands #66

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?DAVID LAPHAM reaches into your skull and pulls your Crossed66-Regularbrains out with a rusty fork with his visceral and painful story of a man who has nothing left but to kill the person that destroyed his life. Who can survive in a Crossed world? The driven can. Hatred fuels survival when your life only means a chance at inflicting the same pain that you?ve lived with to the perpetrator of your misery.There is no help and there is no hope. There is only the Crossed.




Dicks: To the End of Time #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA have saved the final DicksEOT6-regularover the top insult for last! If you thought Dougie and Ivor couldn?t possibly screw up any more than they already have, you?re in for a treat. Having wrecked the timeline and faced the horror of the Dong, the Dicks have one last chance to make it right before they destroy everything. Join?us in celebrating the final adventure of the Dicks.





George R.R. Martin’s In the House of the Worm #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Vengeance, betrayal, and horror come together in GEORGE InHouseofWorm4-regRR MARTIN?s terrifyingly original tale, In the House of the Worm! Legions of Martin?s Game of Thrones fans are looking for more of his intricate tales of intrigue. And they can find it here in a series that captures the political machinations of a lost world and the petty indulgences of a privileged boy. Everyone suffers when the truth about the mythic White Worm is finally revealed!




God is Dead #24

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The last chapter of the fourth unrelenting story arc comes GodisDead24_Regto a conclusion that will shake the world to the core. Tying together threads spread over the entire series so far, the most unexpected players turn out to be the keys to ending the World-wide conflict.




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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 11/19/14

New Avatar Press books to comic shops Wednesday 11/19/14:

Crossed: Badlands #66

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?DAVID LAPHAM reaches into your skull and pulls your Crossed66-Regularbrains out with a rusty fork with his visceral and painful story of a man who has nothing left but to kill the person that destroyed his life. Who can survive in a Crossed Crossed66-FatalFantasyworld? The driven can. Hatred fuels survival when your life only means a chance at inflicting the same pain that you?ve lived with to the perpetrator of your misery.There is no help and there is no hope. There is only the Crossed. Available with Regular, Fatal Fantasy, and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Michael DiPascale, as well as Torture and Wraparound covers by German Erramouspe.

Dicks: To the End of Time #6

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? GARTH ENNIS and JOHN MCCREA have saved the final DicksEOT6-regularover the top insult for last!? If you thought Dougie and Ivor couldn?t possibly screw up any more than they already have, you?re in for a treat.? Having wrecked the timeline and faced the horror of the Dong, the Dicks have one last DicksEOT6-ClassicMomentschance to make it right before they destroy everything.? Just us in celebrating the final adventure of the Dicks.? Available with Regular, Offensive, and Classic Moment Incentive covers by series artist John McCrea.



George R.R. Martin’s In the House of the Worm #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? Vengeance, betrayal, and horror come together in InHouseofWorm4-regGEORGE RR MARTIN?s terrifyingly original tale, In the House of the Worm!? Legions of Martin?s Game of Thrones fans are looking for more of his intricate tales of intrigue.? And they can find it here in a series that captures the InHouseofWorm4-Paintedpolitical machinations of a lost world and the petty indulgences of a privileged boy.? Everyone suffers when the truth about the mythic White Worm is finally revealed!? Available with Regular, Wraparound, Regal Incentive covers by series artist Ivan Rodriguez and a painted cover by Michael Dipascale.


God is Dead #24

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The last chapter of the fourth unrelenting story arc comes to a GodisDead24_Regconclusion that will shake the world to the core.? Tying together threads spread over the entire series so far, the most unexpected players turn out to be the keys to ending GodisDead24-EndofDaysthe World-wide conflict.? ?Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.




Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you -?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Justin Jordan & Simon Spurrier Tackle Crossed Vol 11 TPB

CrossedVol11-TPBTwo fan favorite writers team up to deliver a new volume of the vilest grueling horror in comics with Crossed Vol 11 TPB. ?This new collection includes Jordan’s first work on Crossed, his frightening story from Crossed: Badlands #57 – 61 that details two women’s attempt to outrun the Crossed and their past. ?But sometimes finding someone to save you isn’t always the best situation. ?Especially when that person has a death wish for a horde of Crossed and plans to use you to accomplish it.

CrossedVol11-HCSi Spurrier is no stranger to the world of Crossed. ?His Wish You Were Here webseries masterfully told a long form tale that was engaging and fearless. ?Now he delivers a one shot story of an asthmatic kid stranded atop a farm tower watching the Crossed just below him circle and wait for their chance at grabbing him. ?Its the kind of story that will scar you. ?As you would expect, as in a world of Crossed there is no help and there is no hope. ?There is only the Crossed.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of Crossed Vol 11 TPB for you today and join the frenzy.

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