Crossed DOA To Premiere Today

crossed-doa-final-warning-5pmGarth Ennis’ new Crossed project, Crossed: Dead or Alive, will premiere today Thursday November 13th at 5:00 Central Time at ?The much anticipated web series heralds the beginning of a very ambitious project to bring Crossed to film. ?Through a crowd-sourcing event Avatar Press hopes to raise enough money to produce the live action webisodes as a precursor to a potential feature film. ?Garth Ennis will have complete creative control over the project so you can expect this to be the purest vision of the Crossed world possible.

Details about the program will be released with the initial?chapter of the webcomic today. Stop by the website for the first exclusive look at the future of Crossed tonight!


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Powerful War Stories

WarStories#3_WrapGarth Ennis’ new war comic book, War Stories, is presenting powerful tales from every era of the battlefield. ?The first three issue arc, “Castles in the Sky,” takes you on a desperate?World War II era tale of heroism WarStories#3_Regand terror in the skies over Europe. ?Ennis is a master at capturing gripping stories and delivering the best dialogue in comics. ?War Stories will move you and make you look at the terror of combat in a new light.

The first two issues of the series are on sale at local comic shops and digitally on ComiXology. ?Look for the last issue of the first story arc in stores on December 3rd:

War Stories #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? War is horror.? And no one knows how to chronicle the bitter WarStories#3-BattleDamageand bloody corners of conflict than Garth Ennis.? Is this final chapter of the first arc, the brave bomber pilots have to suffer through the worst kind of Hell to carry out their mission.? Or die trying.

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Alan Moore’s Crossed +100 Debuts December 3rd

Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyOne of the most anticipated entries into the world of Garth Ennis’ Crossed will debut in less than a month. ?Alan Moore, the scribe that changed the world of comics forever with his poignant works, is bringing his brand of genius to the unrelenting world of the Crossed. ?Crossed + 100 #1 Crossed+100-1-CrossedCultureintroduces us to the world of the future, post a Crossed outbreak. ?Society, what is left of it, has changed to meet the needs of a drastically reduced population and to adapt with?the demands of a world without billions of humans putting their brand of control over it.

This new installment is a great starting point for fans that have been wanting to find out what the most brutal survival horror series being published is all about. ?Alan Moore has created a self sustaining world thought out to the millionth degree with painstaking detail Crossed+100-1-AmHistoryabout the how and why things are the way they are. ?This series will make you think, it will take you into the world of the Crossed and allow you to walk with the survivors as they attempt to find out where?the horrors came from.

Join the thousands of rabid Crossed fans as they discover a new chapter in?the most grueling horror comic book being published.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 11/12/14

New Avatar Press items coming to comic shops Wednesday 11/12/14:

Crossed: Badlands #65

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? The horror master behind Crossed: Family Values and Crossed65-regCrossed: Psychopath, DAVID LAPHAM continues a grimy tale of exploitation and vengeance.? In a tale set both before and after the Crossed outbreak, one father must discover how far he will go to avenge the sadistic destruction of your family.? That quest becomes all the more difficult when the Crossed65-FatalFantasyCrossed are trying to so what they do best – kill everyone.? Available with Regular and Red Crossed covers by Jacen Burrows, Wraparound and Torture covers by Gabriel Andrade, and a Fatale Fantasy cover by Michael DiPascale.


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Justin Jordan Goes Dark

The Dark Gods are returning and only a few mysterious people from an organization called “The Storm” can stand between the chaos and the innocent. ?In the first issue of Dark DarkGods1-regGods, we are introduced to Josh Resnick, a guy?literally in the wrong place at the wrong time. ?As the forces of chaos literally have sprung up from beneath his feet in a seemingly normal office building, Josh has to survive much more than standard?office politics. ?Now coworkers practice ritual sacrifice and horrific creatures from the world of nightmares are out to kill him.

DarkGods1-DietyThe first two issues of Justin Jordan’s Dark Gods reveal a world that is on the brink, unbeknownst to the general population. ?As the creatures from the void force their way into the world we know, the dam that holds the chaos at bay is reaching its snapping point. Soon the insanity of the elder gods will be loose and nothing will be able to save the human race.

DarkGods1-SirenIf you enjoy action-horror comics and want a taste of something fresh, give Dark Gods a try. ?Issue #1 is in stores now and available digitally from ComiXology.

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Battle of the Battleships

Uber19-WarCrimesKieron Gillen’s fans have been taken on a powerful ride through a violent alternate history in which World War II has taken a terrifying turn. ?With the introduction of the Ubers into the waning days of the war, the death and chaos of extended super human warfare has turned history on its ear.

Uber19-regAs we have seen other countries begin to develop their own super soldiers in an attempt at slowing the German Battleships, we’ve been leading up to the inevitable…a battle between Battleship class Ubers. ?There is much speculation about which country will be the first to develop a successful Battleship after the terrible turn that Battleship HMH Colossus took when facing the German weapon Sigelinde. ?As England, Russia, Uber19-wrapand the United States vie for control of the technology and the first successful counter to the Germans, we continue to read along and wonder who it will be.

If you have not been reading Kieron Gillen and Caanan White’s Uber series, it is a must-find at the comic shop for you. ?This is one of the most powerful narratives being published and like the countdown clock to doomsday, it is nearing the tolling of the bell. ?What horror await in Uber…find issue #19 in your local comic shops now along with Volumes 1 and 2 of the trade paperback collections. ?Join in the fight!

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God is Dead’s New Chapter

GodisDead25_regThe world of Jonathan Hickman’s God is Dead has been destroyed time and time again over hundreds of years by the whims of divine beings returned. ?Issue #24 ends the fourth story arc with a stunning finale that sets up a new world order. ?With issue #25, series writer Mike Costa takes a world that is seemingly finally at peace and hoping GodisDead25-Iconicfor a return to the old ways and turns it on its ear. ?The gods may be gone…but they are not forgotten. ?And an ancient evil has been released that has its sights set on the destruction of god and man alike. ?Someone has released the Titans.

If you have been enjoying God is Dead or you are new to the series, issue #25 is a great jump on point. ?The oversized issue begins with a recap of the story so far and introduces the major players and gods that have forged this miserable GodisDead25-Enchantingworld of suffering. ?And just as you start to feel at home in it, Mike Costa throws a divine curve ball to start a new and powerful arc. ?Ask your local retailer to reserve a copy of God is Dead #25 for you and take a moment to browse the trade paperback collections of the first chapters. ?This original twist on mythology is sure to make the top of your to read pile in short order.

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Boundless Comics Return with Lady Death Kickstarter

LadyDeathApoc1-KickstarterLady Death is poised to return to a revamped Boundless Comics line with the help of her fans. ?The Lady Death Kickstarter fund raising program was launched as a way to help create the funds needed to move the new Apocalypse series into immediate production. ??Boundless has undergone a significant LadyDeathApoc1-KickstarterArtDecorestructuring and is ramping up to begin again to deliver the hottest femme fatales in a whole new way. New characters are being created, new series, and of course new stories that expand the universe and give readers more options for the kinds of comics they want to buy. But getting that engine up and running requires help from the readers that have made Boundless?comics successful in the past.

You can see all the rewards and options for the Lady Death Kickstarter program here: ?

Thanks for your support and for helping bring this iconic character back to monthly comics! ?Visit us for the latest info on Boundless? re-launch at? on Facebook and Twitter under Boundless Comics.

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Avatar Press New in Comic Shops 11/5/14

New Avatar Press items in comic shops Wednesday 11/5/4:

God is Dead Vol 3 TP

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Mankind prayed for salvation.? As the gods of mythology God-is-Dead-V3fought and destroyed around them, they hoped and spoke in hushed tones of the return of the Christian God.? Now Jesus Christ has risen and once again walks among mortals.? But thousands of years of recounting the stories of the Bible won?t prepare people for the truth about the All Powerful.? They believed that Jesus was the savior of the human race and that he would return to do so again.? Now the Son of God has come back but his salvation comes as the most horrific of prices. The most audacious arc of God Is Dead has arrived as MIKE COSTA delivers the intensity and darkness in a world of divine wrath.? God is Dead Vol 3 TP collects issues #13 ? 18 of the ongoing comic book series.


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Happy Halloween from Avatar Press

Megan CrossedIts our favorite time of the year at Avatar Press as fans and readers bring their enthusiasm for comic book characters and turn them into some of the best costumes in fandom. ?We’ve seen hundreds of Crossed, Freakangels, and Night of the Living Dead zombies over the years. ?And we are looking forward to seeing what new characters pop up this Halloween and over the year during convention season.

In the spirit of Halloween, Avatar has all of the Night of the Living Dead comics on sale through midnight tonight at ComiXology – you can get a giant bundle of shambling dead for $49.99 for a little while longer: ?

Milan 1And for your viewing pleasure we’ve included some of the best Crossed cosplay here to populate your nightmares. ?Check out the Crossed Facebook page for even more nightmare visions.

Happy Halloween!

SarkotAndrew Makes Some FriendsIMG_6159

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