Crossed +100 #2 New in Previews

Crossed+100-2-RegularFans picking up the new issue of the Previews catalog from their local comic shop were treated to another month worth of the best cutting edge horror being published. ?Alan Moore continues his groundbreaking run on the future of Crossed+100-2-FutureTenseGarth Ennis’ Crossed universe with Crossed +100 #2. ?It wasn’t a dream, the writer that redefined the comics medium is putting his stamp on the most vicious grueling horror comic out there.

It is a Crossed month as Justin Jordan’s Crossed Vol 11 TP also debuts telling the frightening story of two women’s flight from the clutches of CrossedVol11-TPBthe Crossed into the hands of a madman. ?The horrors of the Crossed seem to know no bounds and this latest nightmare vision will leave a lasting mark on those brave enough to read it.

Stop by your local comic shop and see what new horrors are waiting for you in the pages of Avatar’s upcoming horror comics.


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Digital Frights For Halloween

NOTLD AnnualEvery Halloween millions of pop culture fans go out in search of the best movies and comics with a spooky edge. ?This year, Avatar makes it easy to get your fright fix with an exclusive bundle of zombie comics to whet your appetite for the undead. ?For a limited time through Halloween night Night of the Living Dead fans can feast upon this incredible package of 69 digital horror filled classic comics for a 388513-21579-130358-1-escape-of-the-livingghoulishly good price at ComiXology:

Black Gas #1-3

Black Gas 2 #1-3

Escape of the Living Dead #1-5

Escape of the Living Dead: Airborne #1-3

Escape of the Living Dead: Fearbook

NOTLDDeathValley#2GoreNight of the Living Dead #1-5

Night of the Living Dead: Aftermath #1-12

Night of the Living Dead: Death Valley #1-5

Night of the Living Dead Specials – 2008 Annual, 2011 Annual, Back From the Grave, Hunger, Just a Girl, New York

NOTLDA1RegularPlague of the Living Dead #1-6

Plague of the Living Dead: Fearbook

This bite sized bundle is 61% off the standard digital price for a creepy $49.99 worth of shambling dead goodness. ?You can walk away with the Halloween sale by visiting this ComiXology link: ?

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 10/29/14

These are the new Avatar Press comic books coming to ComiXology?Wednesday 10/29/14:

Crossed: Badlands #64

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?It took him years of misery to find the man that ruined his life, Crossed64-regbut Mr. Land is channeling the horrors, the prison abuse, and the misery that he?s endured into the magazine of an assault rifle. He?s watched others embrace the life of excess, drugs, and sexual exploitation that claimed his daughter. Now he plans on delivering his own brand of final punishment to those that took everything from him. And though wave after wave of Crossed attempt to heap their misery upon this broken man, nothing will stand in the way of his ultimate vengeance. DAVID LAPHAM etches another tale of misery into the Crossed universe that will scar you for life. There is no help and there is no hope. There is only the Crossed.


Dark Gods #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Justin Jordan is unleashed in an epic all-new, ongoing series! DarkGods1-regMurdock leads The Storm, humanities last line of defense against the brewing Primordial Chaos and The Serpent, Tiamet herself! But her children slowly emerge ahead of her return, as human-monster hybrids inflicting horrors in their wake. The Storm has to keep this bottled up, prevent the rest of humanity from breaking into panic, and hold back the flood of horrors that come with the return of the original evils, the Dark Gods themselves!




God is Dead #23

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The new armies of the gods collide with the newly undead GodisDead23_Reghumans as the fodder for the fray! Mike Costa pushes the world to the limit as the raised pantheons engage in all-out war! And though Earth may be the prize for the ultimate victors, will a burnt cinder of rock be worth the heavenly wrath that has been unleashed?





Uber #19

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?KIERON GILLEN has captivated the comics? community with Uber19-regthe horror and drama unfolding in the enhanced human warfare of World War II. As the war starts to slide in favor of the Nazis unstoppable Ubers, the Allies strike out with a desperate gamble. They can?t match the Uber Battleships one-on-one, but maybe they can use surgical strikes against the mounting tide. Join the legions of readers as the misery of super human warfare continues to unfold.




War Stories #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?No one captures the horror and misery of war like GARTH WarStories2-RegENNIS! The horrors of WW2 bomber pilots faced were so much greater than simply the enemy fire. The mettle of a man gets tested in many ways in a conflict of that scale. Ennis proves time and time again that in battle it isn?t the technology or the weapons you wield, but the fire within that leads to the ultimate outcome on the battlefield.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 10/29/14

These are the new Avatar Press comic books at local comic shops Wednesday 10/29/14:

Crossed: Badlands #64

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: It took him years of misery to find the man that ruined his life, Crossed64-regbut Mr. Land is channeling the horrors, the prison abuse, and the misery that he?s endured into the magazine of an assault rifle.? He?s watched others embrace the life of excess, drugs, and sexual exploitation that claimed his Crossed64-torturedaughter.? Now he plans on delivering his own brand of final punishment to those that took everything from him.? And though wave after wave of Crossed attempt to heap their misery upon this broken man, nothing will stand in the way of his ultimate vengeance.? DAVID LAPHAM etches another tale of misery into the Crossed universe that will scar you for life.? There is no help and there is no hope.? There is only the Crossed.? Available with Regular, Torture, and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Gabriel Andrade, Wraparound cover by German Erramouspe, and Fatal Fantasy cover by Emilio Laiso.

Dark Gods #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? Justin Jordan is unleashed in an epic all-new, ongoing DarkGods1-regseries!?? Murdock leads The Storm, humanities last line of defense against the brewing Primordial Chaos and The Serpent, Tiamet herself!? But her children slowly emerge DarkGods1-Dietyahead of her return, as human-monster hybrids inflicting horrors in their wake. The Storm has to keep this bottled up, prevent the rest of humanity from breaking into panic, and hold back the flood of horrors that come with the return of the original evils, the Dark Gods themselves!?? Available with Regular and Wraparound cover from series artist German Erramouspe, sultry Siren cover from Christian Zanier, a fully-painted Deity cover by Michael DiPascale, and a special Nightmare Retailer Order Incentive cover also by Zanier.

God is Dead #23

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The new armies of the gods collide with the newly undead GodisDead23_Reghumans as the fodder for the fray! Mike Costa pushes the world to the limit as the raised pantheons engage in all-out GodisDead23-Iconicwar! And though Earth may be the prize for the ultimate victors, will a burnt cinder of rock be worth the heavenly wrath that has been unleashed? Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

Uber #19

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? KIERON GILLEN has captivated the comics? community Uber19-regwith the horror and drama unfolding in the enhanced human warfare of World War II.? As the war starts to slide in favor of the Nazis unstoppable Ubers, the Allies strike Uber19-Propagandaout with a desperate gamble.? They can?t match the Uber Battleships one-on-one, but maybe they can use surgical strikes against the mounting tide. Join the legions of readers as the misery of super human warfare continues to unfold.? Available with Regular & Wraparound covers by Caanan White, Propaganda Poster cover by Michael DiPascale, and War Crimes and Blitzkrieg Incentive covers by Caanan White.

War Stories #2

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? No one captures the horror and misery of war like GARTH WarStories2-RegENNIS!? ?The horrors of WW2 bomber pilots faced were so much greater than simply the enemy fire.? The mettle of a man gets tested in many ways in a conflict of that scale.? WarStories2-NoseArtEnnis proves time and time again that in battle it isn?t the technology or the weapons you wield, but the fire within that leads to the ultimate outcome on the battlefield.? Available with Regular, Wraparound, Good Girl Nose Art, and Battle Damage Retailer Incentive covers by Matt Martin.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –

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Crossed For Halloween

SAM_2299Everyone loves a good costume for Halloween, and Avatar Press is asking all Crossed fans that cosplay as one of the infected for parties and such to send in their photos. ?All fan photos will be featured on the Avatar and Crossed Facebook pages and will be shared with other fans. ?This is your chance to let your inner freak SAM_2217flag fly. ?Just be sure to be safe and courteous to others enjoying the season, especially kids.

Enjoy the Halloween holiday?and your time as a Crossed. ?You never know how long it will be until C-Day hits and the world is transformed into a Crossed wonderland.

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Halloween Spotlight: Ferals

FERALS01regularIt is that time of year, when fans and readers prowl about their local comic shops looking for the best in undiscovered horror comics to enjoy during the Halloween season. ?If you are looking for something that will fit nicely in your binge watching of The Strain or The Walking Dead, try David Lapham and Gabriel Andrade’s?visceral re-imagining of the classic werewolf mythology in Ferals.

FERALSVol2TPBFerals is a three volume trade paperback series that builds in intensity and scope to a fever pitch. ?A small town sheriff is infected by a mysterious woman whose murder seems to spark strange changes and urges in the unsuspecting lawman. ?This series has the very best of mature intrigue, violence, and drama that you expect from good horror. ?It is a sexy revitalization of a classic tale and FERALSVol3one that will entertain you during those chilly fall evenings when ghosts and goblins are about.

Ask your local comic shop to introduce you to Ferals and find out what everyone is howling about.

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The Future of Crossed at Your Local Comic Shop

Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyThe internet was abuzz with interest when the announcement of legendary comics writer Alan Moore putting his stamp on the Crossed universe with Crossed + 100. ?This stark future series that fast forwards the world of Crossed 100 years to show us what has become of the human race is undoubtedly going to be a masterful horror tale that will expand your ideas of what the Crossed are. ?Alan Moore has taken the Crossed plague to its inevitable end and has developed a wholly original take on the horrors of this universe. ?If you are a fan of Crossed, you won’t want to miss this pivotal?series.

Crossed+100-1-NewWorldBaggedLocal comic shops are finalizing their orders for this important new series this week and will be deciding how many copies will be available for readers to obtain. ?If you are interested in seeing what the man who redefined the comics medium has in store for Garth Ennis’ unique survival horror series, please make sure you ask your local comics shop to reserve a copy Crossed + 100?for you today.

December is only a handful of weeks away and Alan Moore’s Crossed +100 will be here in time to haunt your holidays.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 10/22/14

New Avatar Press comic books coming to ComiXology?Wednesday 10/22/14:

Crossed 2014 Special

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? Justin Jordan locks us in our nightmares as this Special takes?Crossed2014Special-Regus to Federal Prison! Jesse Bullock is not a good man, but a very hard man. Down for armed robbery and assault, the only crimes they were able to prove, he has but one good quality: he loves his cousin Otis. When they end up imprisoned at the same jail, Jesse intentionally gets himself?denied parole to make sure he’s there to protect Otis, who isn?t the sharpest tool in the shed. But that job gets much harder when the Crossed spread inside those escape-proof walls! Jordan and artist Fernando (Stitched, Crossed) Heinz unleashes this new oversized horror tale that will scar your fragile mind with depraved misery.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 10/22/14

New Avatar Press comic books coming to comic book shops Wednesday 10/22/14:

Crossed 2014 Special

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? Justin Jordan locks us in our nightmares as this Special takes Crossed2014Special-Regus to Federal Prison! Jesse Bullock is not a good man, but a very hard man. Down for armed robbery and assault, the only crimes they were able to prove, he has but one good quality: he loves his cousin Otis. When they end up imprisoned at the same jail, Jesse intentionally gets himself Crossed2014Special-Torturedenied parole to make sure he’s there to protect Otis, who isn?t the sharpest tool in the shed. But that job gets much harder when the Crossed spread inside those escape-proof walls! Jordan and artist Fernando (Stitched, Crossed) Heinz unleashes this new oversized horror tale that will scar your fragile mind with depraved misery. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Torture and Red Crossed Retailer Order Incentive covers by Gabriel Andrade. Also as special 4 cover Pool Party set, with art by Matt Martin, that is limited to just 500 sets!

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you –

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Max Brooks Announces Extinction Parade Free for Halloween Comic Fest

MaxBrooks1New York Times bestselling author and noted zombie scribe, Max Brooks, has spent the last decade educating fans and zombie fanatics on the best ways to survive an undead uprising. ?His lectures are always sold out and standing room only as thousands of followers soak up his savvy and often humor filled anecdotes on fighting back against the walking dead.

ExtinctionParade01-halloweenOn Monday October 20th he will take to the airwaves across the US to let road weary commuters know that they can get a free copy of Extinction Parade #1 in participating comic shops for Halloween Comic Fest. ?Saturday October 25th is the day that comic book proprietors will be having parties in their stores celebrating the season and giving away a diverse selection of free comics to fans that participate. ?Extinction Parade #1 is one of the free comics and introduces fans to Max Brooks’ unique zombies vs ExtinctionParade-vol-1-tpbvampires world with the full first issue of the series. ?Extinction Parade is also collected ?as a Trade Paperback available now from comic shops and online from Amazon. ?The second chapter of this horrifying series, called Extinction Parade: War, is also available in single issue comic format.

Make sure you listen to your local morning drive stations to catch Max Brooks this Monday and be sure to visit your local comic shop on October 25th for Halloween Comic Fest!

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