A New Direction for God is Dead #25

GodisDead25_regJonathan Hickman’s God is Dead universe has been through the proverbial fire. ?The population of the once recognizable world has?endured the Second Coming, the return of the pantheons of old, the release of the Titans, and even the resurrection of Jesus. ?It is hard to imagine GodisDead25-Gildedthat anything else could shake those stalwart mortals that continue to survive in the wake of godly powers fighting over the remnants of the world.

But Mike Costa has more in store for these wretched souls. ?God is Dead #25 marks the beginning of a brand new direction for the series in a super-sized jump-on arc. ?The Titans have returned to the world and though the GodisDead25-Enchantingbalance of life and death has been restored, are there any who can stand against these giant monsters? ?Welcome to old school Kaiju monsters as leviathan sized ancients attempt to claim the earth for their own.

If you have not tried God is Dead, stop by your local comic shop and ask the retailer to reserve a copy of this new chapter for you.

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Are You Ready for the Future of Crossed?

Crossed+100-TTCrossedAvatar Press premiered the much anticipated first look at Alan Moore’s Crossed + 100 at last week’s New York Comic Con. ?Fans soaked up the Taste Test preview that included Moore’s essay on the upcoming series and gave glimpses of the design work and first pages of the initial issue. ?Moore addresses his fascination with the Crossed and why he Crossed+100-TTHumanconsiders the property “one of the most profoundly moral pieces” the scribe has ever read.

The preview edition provides an enlightening essay by Moore, the first pages of the Crossed +100 #1 script, and pencil and ink sample pages from series artist Gabriel Andrade (Ferals). ? All three versions of the NYCC Exclusive Crossed +100 Crossed+100-TT-vipTaste Test can be purchased at www.comcav.net?or at your local comic shop in late November.

Comic shops are compiling ?their orders for Crossed + 100 #1 right now and will be preparing their stores for the horror to come in December. ?Ask your local comics retailer to reserve a copy of this groundbreaking addition to the grueling horror universe of Garth Ennis’ Crossed.

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New York Comic Con Exclusives Available Online at Comic Cavalcade

New York Comic Con was a huge success and Avatar Press enjoyed meeting fans and friends during the event. ?If you couldn’t make it out to the show, Avatar did save some copies of the exclusive comic con items which are available now online at Comic Cavalcadewww.comcav.net:



Crossed + 100 Taste Test Human Flavor – Limited to 3000 copies $3.00

Crossed +100 Taste Test Crossed Flavor – Limited to 3000 copies $3.00







Crossed +100 Taste Test VIP – Limited to 350 copies $20.00

Crossed: Badlands #50 Princess Cover – Limited to 750 copies $6.00



god-is-dead-boa-alpha-lucifer copygod-is-dead-boa-omega-anubis copy


God is Dead Book of Acts #Alpha Lucifer – Limited to 300 copies $10.00

God is Dead Book of Acts #Omega Anubis – Limited to 300 copies $10.00



god-is-dead-boa-alpha-leatherredGod is Dead Book of Acts #Alpha White Leather Ruby Red- Limited to 200 copies $40.00

Extinction Parade War #2 Leather Gold – Limited to 150?copies $75.00




Extinction Parade War #3 Leather Gold – Limited to 150 copies $75.00

Uber #17 Heroines – Limited to 600 copies $10.00






Uber #17 VIP -Limited to 200 copies $35.00

Caliban #1 Dark Matter Gold – Limited to 300 copies $25.00






Caliban #2 Dark Matter Gold – Limited to 300 copies $25.00

Neonomicon 1-4 Remarqued Signature Set – Limited to 35 copies $125.00



The Comic Cavalcade online store is taking orders for these books right now: ?http://www.comcav.net/collections/new-york-comic-con-2014-exclusives

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Crossed DOA Discussed at NYCC


In the Garth Ennis Crossed Spotlight panel at New York Comic Con, many of the details of the upcoming live action and web comic details of Crossed: Dead on Arrival were revealed.?William Christensen? announced at NYCC on Saturday night that the?Garth Ennis?created webcomic coming October 30th entitled?Dead on Arrival?will also be part of a series of filmed live action webisodes directed by Ennis. The comic will run over 12 weeks starting October 30th, running 12 Thursdays in a row except for Christmas.

Avatar will also be doing?fundraising for the webisodes. The funding will be gathered through Avatar Press?s own infrastructure rather than through a site like Kickstarter. Rather than a system of donation, there will be paid tiers that result in specific products. Buying from the tiers will support the filming of the webisodes and all items will ship by December. Since it take so long to make a filmed series, rewards won?t be delayed until after production. It will be ?exactly what Garth wants? in terms of content and direction.

As the funds start coming in, pieces will be put together on professional budgets for large-scale scenes and special effects teams. There will be an ongoing multi-month fundraiser, Christensen said. Unlike Kickstarter, there won?t be a limiting goal to reach before moving forward. It?ll take some time, he said, and their initial goal is $100,000 for Season One. They are hoping to surpass the goal and put the extra money into higher production quality. They want to develop 3 or 4 seasons of webisodes that then move into a Feature Film. Ennis reportedly already has the Feature Film script written for?Crossed.

Additional details about the webcomic, the webisodes, and the fundraising will be released soon.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 10/8/14

New Avatar Press digital comics coming to ComiXology on Wednesday 10/8/14:

Caliban #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The final issue of the Caliban crew?s frightening story delivers caliban-7a devastating conclusion! Fans have called GARTH ENNIS and FACUNDO PERCIO?s Caliban ?the best horror sci-fi since Alien? and the tale has lived up to the hype. Down every alien corridor a hybrid of human and extraterrestrial horror waits to slaughter the unsuspecting. Human kind is all too trusting of the dangers hidden in the limitless depths of space. Now their mistake will usher in a new era of fear and misery unlike anything they?ve ever known. No one is safe in dead space.



Crossed: Badlands #63

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? Crossed Master Scribe, DAVID LAPHAM returns to his crime Crossed63-regdrama roots to tell a Crossed story of being pushed to the breaking point. Mr. Land was a normal father with teenage daughter and a young son. But his life was turned into a miserable horror long before the Crossed plague hit thanks to a despicable pornographer and killer. After the death of his daughter he became something else, something more deadly than the maniacs that inherited the earth. And now he lives for one thing. Revenge.




Dicks End of Time #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Dougie and Ivor are men on a mission. They are out to save DicksEOT5-regeveryone in history from the greatest evils and in the process, insult every comic book reader with the most hilariously offensive antics ever published. But all of their old foes are gathered against them, how can they hope to defeat the Dong and the Ballacks before the Pope dies in the most horrific of ways? You’ll never know without reading Dicks: End of Time!




Extinction Parade: War #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?New York Times Bestselling Author, Max Brooks delivers a ExtinctionParadeWar4-regscathing commentary on the privileged lives of vampires in this blood-soaked new chapter in the horror event of the year!At long last the parasitic vampire race has begun to act of its own accord against the rising tides of the subdead hordes. Taking up swords, and guns, and fists they have amassed an Army of the Bloodlines. And as each devastatingly powerful vampire adds their distinct prowess to the fight, the destruction of the enemy becomes almost within their grasp.



George RR Martin’s In the House of the Worm #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The biggest name in fiction, GEORGE RR MARTIN, house-of-the-worm-3delivers one of his seminal works to the pages of comic books with In the House of the Worm! This classic science fiction fantasy tale will appeal to fans of Game of Thrones and Martin?s list of unforgettable novels. On a lost planet a privileged boy learns that destructive creatures and plots of revenge populate this fantastically fearful world of horror.





God is Dead #22

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Thunderbolts fly and mountains shake beneath the onslaught GodisDead22-regof divine vengeance. Mankind is stuck in the middle as the very forces of existence begin to pit vast human, but immortal, armies into brutal endless combat. With the secrets of human ascension to godhood long lost, is there anything or anyone that can lead mortal man out of the new darkness?





War Stories #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Garth Ennis’ War Stories find a new home at Avatar with WarStories1-regularthe launch of this ongoing monthly! Pulling tales from real conflicts throughout modern history, this series is where a master storyteller brings the horrors of war to life in comics. Ennis travels the timeline to pull some of the most harrowing tales of valor and bloodshed from history?s most violent battles with his trademark wit and spot-on dialogue to show the humanity within the inhuman horrors. The first story is Castles in the Sky, a tale of early bomber pilots and their incredibly difficult missions.

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Avatar New York Comic Con Exclusives

Avatar Press has announced the list of New York Comic Con exclusives for this years show:



Crossed + 100 Taste Test Human Flavor – Limited to 3000 copies $3.00

Crossed +100 Taste Test Crossed Flavor – Limited to 3000 copies $3.00







Crossed +100 Taste Test VIP – Limited to 350 copies $20.00

Crossed: Badlands #50 Princess Cover – Limited to 750 copies $6.00



god-is-dead-boa-alpha-lucifer copygod-is-dead-boa-omega-anubis copy


God is Dead Book of Acts #Alpha Lucifer – Limited to 300 copies $10.00

God is Dead Book of Acts #Omega Anubis – Limited to 300 copies $10.00



god-is-dead-boa-alpha-leatherredGod is Dead Book of Acts #Alpha White Leather Ruby Red- Limited to 200 copies $40.00

Extinction Parade War #2 Leather Gold – Limited to 150?copies $75.00




Extinction Parade War #3 Leather Gold – Limited to 150 copies $75.00

Uber #17 Heroines – Limited to 600 copies $10.00






Uber #17 VIP -Limited to 200 copies $35.00

Caliban #1 Dark Matter Gold – Limited to 300 copies $25.00






Caliban #2 Dark Matter Gold – Limited to 300 copies $25.00

Neonomicon 1-4 Remarqued Signature Set – Limited to 35 copies $125.00



If you can’t make it to the convention – the Comic Cavalcade online store is taking orders for these books right now: ?http://www.comcav.net/collections/new-york-comic-con-2014-exclusives

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Avatar New York Comic Con Signing Schedule


Come see Avatar Press’ huge creators at this extensive list of signing times for this week’s New York Comic Con. ?Featured writers include – Garth Ennis, Max Brooks, Kieron Gillen, Simon Spurrier, Mike Costa, and Justin Jordan. ?For details on ticketed events like the Garth Ennis signings, please stop by the Avatar Press booth #1920.

Signing times:

Thursday 10/9
2:00 to 3:30 – Garth Ennis (ticketed event)
2:00 to 4:30 – Simon Spurrier
2:30 to 4:30 – Max Brooks
3:30 to 4:30 – Kieron Gillen
3:30 to 4:30 – Mike Costa
3:30 to 4:30 – Justin Jordan
5:15 to 6:00 – PANEL – Avatar and Max Brooks – Room 1A14
6:00 to 7:00 – Max Brooks
6:00 to 7:00 – Simon Spurrier

Friday 10/10
12:00 to 2:00 – Max Brooks
1:00 to 3:00 – Garth Ennis (ticketed event)
2:00 to 3:00 – Mike Costa
2:00 to 6:00 – Simon Spurrier
3:30 to 6:00 – Max Brooks
4:00 to 5:30 – Kieron Gillen
6:15 to 7:00 – PANEL – Kieron Gillen – Room 1A14

Saturday 10/11
11:30 to 12:30 – Max Brooks
12:00 to 1:30 – Garth Ennis (ticketed event)
12:00 to 3:00 – Simon Spurrier
1:00 to 1:45 – PANEL – Max Brooks – Room 1A18
2:00 to 5:00 – Max Books
3:30 to 6:00 – Garth Ennis (ticketed event)
4:30 to 6:30 – Simon Spurrier
5:00 to 6:00 – Mike Costa
5:00 to 6:30 – Kieron Gillen
7:00 to 7:45 – PANEL – Garth Ennis / Crossed – Room 1A21

Sunday 10/12
11:00 to 12:00 am – Kieron Gillen
12:00 to 3:00 pm – Max Brooks
12:00 to 4:00 pm – Simon Spurrier
1:00 to 2:00 pm – Mike Costa
1:00 to 2:00 pm – Justin Jordan

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 10/8/14

New Avatar Press comics coming to comic book shops on Wednesday 10/8/14:

Caliban #7

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The final issue of the Caliban crew?s frightening story delivers caliban-7a devastating conclusion! Fans have called GARTH ENNIS and FACUNDO PERCIO?s Caliban ?the best horror sci-fi since Alien? and the tale has lived up to the hype.? caliban-7-terrorDown every alien corridor a hybrid of human and extraterrestrial horror waits to slaughter the unsuspecting.? Human kind is all too trusting of the dangers hidden in the limitless depths of space.? Now their mistake will usher in a new era of fear and misery unlike anything they?ve ever known.?? No one is safe in dead space.?? Available with Regular, Wraparound, Terror, and Design Sketch Incentive covers by Facundo Percio and an ultra-limited Dark Matter edition of just 1000 copies.

Crossed: Badlands #63

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Crossed Master Scribe, DAVID LAPHAM returns to his crime Crossed63-regdrama roots to tell a Crossed story of being pushed to the breaking point.? Mr. Land was a normal father with teenage daughter and a young son.? But his life was turned into a miserable horror long before the Crossed plague hit thanks Crossed63-Tortureto a despicable pornographer and killer.? After the death of his daughter he became something else, something more deadly than the maniacs that inherited the earth.? And now he lives for one thing.? Revenge.Available with Regular and Red Crossed covers by Gabriel Andrade,Torture cover by Rafa Ortiz, Wraparound cover by German Erramouspe, and a Fatale Fantasy cover by Emilio Laiso.

Dicks End of Time #5

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Dougie and Ivor are men on a mission.? They are out to save DicksEOT5-regeveryone in history from the greatest evils and in the process, insult every comic book reader with the most hilariously offensive antics ever published.? But all of their old foes are gathered against them, how can they hope to DicksEOT5-classic-momentsdefeat the Dong and the Ballacks before the Pope dies in the most horrific of ways?? You’ll never know without reading ?Dicks: End of Time!? Available with Regular, Offensive, and Classic Moment Incentive covers by series artist John McCrea.

Extinction Parade: War #4

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? New York Times Bestselling ExtinctionParadeWar4-regAuthor, Max Brooks delivers a scathing commentary on the privileged lives of vampires in this blood-soaked new chapter in the horror event of the year!At long last the parasitic vampire race has begun to act of its own accord against the rising tides of the subdead hordes.? Taking up swords, and guns, and fists they have amassed an Army of ExtinctionParadeWar4-end-of-speciesthe Bloodlines.? And as each devastatingly powerful vampire adds their distinct prowess to the fight, the destruction of the enemy becomes almost within their grasp.? Available with Regular, Wraparound, End of a Species, Leather (limited to just 1000 copies), and Bloodwashed and Pure Art Retailer Order Incentive covers, all by series artist Raulo Caceres.

George RR Martin’s In the House of the Worm #3

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?The biggest name in fiction, GEORGE RR MARTIN, delivers house-of-the-worm-3one of his seminal works to the pages of comic books with In the House of the Worm!? This classic science fiction fantasy tale will appeal to fans of Game of Thrones house-of-the-worm-3-paintedand Martin?s list of unforgettable novels.? On a lost planet a privileged boy learns that destructive creatures and plots of revenge populate this fantastically fearful world of horror.? Available with Regular, Wraparound, Regal Incentive covers by series artist Ivan Rodriguez and a painted cover by Michael Dipascale.

God is Dead #22

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? Thunderbolts fly and mountains shake beneath the onslaught GodisDead22-regof divine vengeance.? Mankind is stuck in the middle as the very forces of existence begin to pit vast human, but immortal, armies into brutal endless combat.? With the secrets of human ascension to godhood long lost, is there GodisDead22-Iconicanything or anyone that can lead mortal man out of the new darkness? Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

War Stories #1

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? Garth Ennis’ War Stories find a new home at Avatar with the WarStories1-regularlaunch of this ongoing monthly!?? Pulling tales from real conflicts throughout modern history, this series is where a master storyteller brings the horrors of war to life WarStores1-NoseArtin comics.? Ennis travels the timeline to pull some of the most harrowing tales of valor and bloodshed from history?s most violent battles with his trademark wit and spot-on dialogue to show the humanity within the inhuman horrors.? The first story is Castles in the Sky, a tale of early bomber pilots and their incredibly difficult missions. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Good Girl Nose Art, and Battle Damage Retailer Incentive covers by Matt Martin.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you -?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575

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New York Comic Con Avatar Press Panels

Join Avatar Press at these New York Comic Con Panels:

Avatar Press & Max Brooks – Cutting Edge Comics: ?

AvatarPressLogoThursday 10/9 5:15 – 6:00: ?New York Times Bestselling Author, Max Brooks joins Avatar Press Publisher William Christensen and other top Writers to give the scoop on new projects and Creators joining the industry’s most ground-breaking, risk-taking publisher! Max Brooks hosts this Q&A panel and walk through the frightful world of Avatar Press comics! Want insight into the hottest titles from industry luminaries like Ennis, Brooks, & Moore? Find out what new terrors this rogue publisher will unleash in the months ahead! ? Room?1A14

Kieron Gillen Spotlight:

Kieron Uber 1Friday 10/10 ?6:15 – 7:00: ??Kieron Gillen?s Phonogram and Journey Into Mystery comics have made him one of the hottest Writers in the industry. Uber changed the face of war comics with an unrelenting look at super soldiers in World War II. Now this rising star talks all things comics and gives a sneak preview of his next big Avatar project. Find out in a Q&A with Kieron himself about his new series Mercury Heat, get the lowdown on the game changing events coming up in Uber and a new original series announcement! ?Room 1A14

Max Brooks – Zombies vs. Vampires: The Extinction Parade Survival Panel:

MaxBrooks1Saturday 10/11 ?1:00 – 1:45: ?Max Brooks, the bestselling Author of The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z, returns to provide intel and anecdotes on how to survive a Vampires vs Zombies apocalypse! Brooks comes to New York Comic Con to share his insight on his new comic series Extinction Parade: War and into the rotting minds of the shambling dead, the aristocratic self-entitled vampire race and to field questions from zombie-phobic Fans! Get your questions answered from the source in this exciting Q&A opportunity! ?Room 1A18

Garth Ennis – Crossed DOA & the Future of Crossed:

Garth EnnisSaturday 10/11 ?7:00 – 7:45: ?Survival horror changed forever when Garth Ennis created the grueling world of Crossed. For over five years he has defined the genre with an unrelenting series which dares you to read and experience the horror. Join an all-star panel of creators as Garth Ennis (Preacher, Crossed) is joined by Simon Spurrier (Crossed: Wish You Were Here), Justin Jordan (Crossed: Badlands) and a very special comics giant guest to reveal the future of Crossed comics, webseries and the DOA live action webisodes! ?Room 1A21


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Avatar Creators at New York Comic Con


Avatar Press (Booth #1920) rolls into the Big Apple next week for the New York Comic Con 10/9 – 10/12/14. ?The highlight of the show will be the powerful list of creators that are going to be in attendance and available to meet with fans to sign comics.

MaxBrooks1Max Brooks – known worldwide for his incredible zombie fiction – World War Z and The Zombie Survival Guide, Max Brooks is a New York Times bestselling author of both prose and graphic novels. ?His new series Extinction Parade pits the forces of the undead against each other as the entitled vampire race attempts to stem the tidal?wave of subdead zombies from driving their human prey to extinction.

GarthEnnisGarth Ennis – the creator of Preacher and Crossed is one of the biggest names in all of comics. ?His many projects cross all the genres and each presents a must read in the archives of comic book collecting. ?Garth will be signing Crossed, Caliban, Rover Red Charlie, Dicks, and his many other powerful tales as well as giving the fans the lowdown on all things Crossed for 2015.


Kieron GillenKieron Gillen – one of the hottest young writers in all of comics, Kieron Gillen has become a must read creator thanks to titles like Phonogram, Journey into Mystery, The Wicked and the Divine, and his World War II alternate history – Uber. ?This is a rare opportunity to meet the author in the States and find out what new creations he has upcoming from Avatar Press.


sispurrierSimon Spurrier – the Crossed: Wish You Were Here and Disenchanted webcomic scribe has made quite an impact on the world of Crossed with his powerful stories. ?Join Simon at the Crossed panel and find out what the future holds for his upcoming projects and what new nightmares he will be unlocking at Avatar Press..


Visit all the Avatar creators and stock up on your favorite titles at New York Comic Con next week!



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