David Lapham Returns to Crossed

Crossed62-regIn comic shops today, the latest installment of Garth Ennis’ grueling horror survival world continues with a tale from one of the most terrifying storytellers in the Crossed universe. ?David Lapham, writer of the Crossed: Psychopath and Crossed: Family Values story-lines, returns to Crossed with a vengeance and a new long format story that is told before and after the Crossed outbreak.

Gavin Land was a regular guy?-?father, a husband, a suburbanite – before the world ended. ?But before the first infection, a different kind of monster defiled?and killed his Crossed62-Torturedaughter, destroyed his family, and tortured him with what had been done. ?Land changed into a messenger of vengeance and lived only to kill the people that had done this to him. ?When the Crossed outbreak hit, it made it both easier and harder for his vision of revenge to be seen through. ?Now he has to fight through a world of maniacs but the upside is that none of them care if he is an insane, murdering, madman now.

Crossed: Badlands #62 begins the new arc and is available today.

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Avatar Press New to ComiXology 10/1/14

Avatar Press comics new to ComiXology on?Wednesday 10/1/14:

Crossed: Badlands #62

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? DAVID LAPHAM returns to the brutal world of Crossed with a Crossed62-regcrime story told both before and after the Crossed outbreak! Lapham?s vision for the misery of the Crossed is unparalleled. A father is pushed to the brink when his family is tortured by a horrific thug. But then C-Day happened and the World changed. A mystery to solve gets much harder in a World of psychotics! There is no help and there is no hope. There is only the Crossed.




God is Dead #21

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Mike Costa has shown us the second coming of the god wars GodisDead21-regand brought back the risen savior of Christianity only to see the world continue to evolve into a haven of misery. Now as the gods we thought were dead and gone begin to return for vengeance, what will stop them before they burn the very earth to a cinder?





Uber #18

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?With the realization that the Nazis have pulled far ahead of uber-18-regthe Allies in development Ubers, hope starts to fade and some greater gambles are taken with the few Allied Heavy Tank-Men that remain in hopes of turning the tide. Desperation is the currency of the hour with no end in sight to the horrors of enhanced human warfare. Kieron Gillen and Daniel Gete spin a new chapter of fear and genocide in the pages of the most devastating war coming being published.

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Avatar Press New to Comic Shops 10/1/14

New Avatar Press comics in shops Wednesday 10/1/14:

Crossed: Badlands #62

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?DAVID LAPHAM returns to the brutal world of Crossed with a Crossed62-regcrime story told both before and after the Crossed outbreak!? Lapham?s vision for the misery of the Crossed is unparalleled.? A father is pushed to the brink when his family is tortured by a horrific thug.? But then C-Day Crossed62-Torturehappened and the World changed. A mystery to solve gets much harder in a World of psychotics! ??There is no help and there is no hope.? There is only the Crossed.? Available with Regular and Red Crossed Incentive covers by Gabriel Andrade, Torture cover by Rafa Ortiz, Wraparound cover by German Erramouspe, and Fatal Fantasy cover by Matt Martin.

God is Dead #21

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?Mike Costa has shown us the second coming of the god wars aGodisDead21-regnd brought back the risen savior of Christianity only to see the world continue to evolve into a haven of misery.? Now as the gods we thought were dead and gone begin to GodisDead21-end-of-daysreturn for vengeance, what will stop them before they burn the very earth to a cinder?? ?Available with a Regular, End of Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by Burrows.

Uber #18

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ?With the realization that the Nazis have pulled far ahead of uber-18-regthe Allies in development Ubers, hope starts to fade and some greater gambles are taken with the few Allied Heavy Tank-Men that remain in hopes of turning the tide.? Uber-18-PropagandaDesperation is the currency of the hour with no end in sight to the horrors of enhanced human warfare.? Kieron Gillen and Daniel Gete spin a new chapter of fear and genocide in the pages of the most devastating war coming being published.? Available with Regular& Wraparound covers by Daniel Gete, Propaganda Poster cover by Michael DiPascale, and War Crimes and Blitzkrieg Incentive covers by CaananWhite.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you -?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Alan Moore’s Another Suburban Romance in Color

012 001012 001One of the essential?volumes of the Alan Moore library gets a special deluxe color treatment edition bringing this classic B&W tale to vibrant life. ?Another Suburban Romance GN is based on Moore’s performance works and is beautifully illustrated by Juan Jose Ryp. ?Antony Johnston adapts the three stories directly from the original Alan Moore presentations into a seamlessly gripping series of tales.



PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:??? One of the seminal works from the writer who defined AnotherSuburbanTrade2014modern comics, ALAN MOORE, is re-mastered for the first time in breathtakingly vibrant color!? Alan Moore’s performance works making up the play Another Suburban Romance are translated into print and lavishly illustrated as full sequential stories.? Comprised of three major pieces, adapted from Moore’s original presentations by frequent collaborator Antony (Fashion Beast) Johnston, this original graphic novel is completely illustrated by Juan Jose Ryp.? Running from the 1920’s Chicago style killings in Old Gangsters Never Die, to the ruminations on modern life in the namesake piece Another Suburban Romance, this powerful work is an essential piece of the Alan Moore graphic novel library that no fan will want to miss!

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of the new volume today.

*Alan Moore photo by Mitch Jenkins

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Alan Moore on Crossed +100

Crossed+100-1-AmHistoryThe internet was a-buzz with excitement when the news about famed creator Alan Moore?taking on a new series that goes 100 years beyond the viral outbreak of the Crossed in Garth Ennis’ seminal survival horror story. ?Moore spoke on what he believes makes the Crossed such an interesting subject and what you can expect from his initial story arc:

“The Crossed are a force of nature, a force of the world that has just happened with no real explanation, nor is one necessary, and which humanity has had to deal with. ?I think that that was what attracted me to the idea. ?It was Crossed+100-1-designsketchduring my conversations with Garth, since I was a delighted convert to his Crossed work, that I was just saying the kind of thoughts that Crossed tended to arouse in me. ?I was thinking “Yeah, so what would happen to the world? ?Would it be a universally bad thing, the Crossed outbreak?” ?And actually, you could say that for 99 percent of the species on the planet , no it would be great. ?It would make a tremendous difference to the environment because human industry would stop dead. ?That would not completely halt global warming. ?We have probably gone too far. ?We are going to have some warming even if we stopped tomorrow. ?We are probably going to have dodgy weather for a couple of centuries in my understanding. ?Because if we Crossed+100-1-NewWorldBaggedhad actually stopped back when everyone said we should stop, back in the 70’s, then we could have probably averted this.

What kind of human future would there be at all? ?Would humans all be gone? ?Once I started thinking about this, I checked all this with Garth, and he thought that it was logical, and it seemed pretty sound. ?So, that’s been part of the thrill of it.”

Moore brings a unique perspective to all projects he undertakes and Crossed +100 is sure to be no exception. ?Look for the new series in the October issue of Previews to be on sale in local comic shops this December. ?And ask your local comics retailer to reserve a copy of this new take on terror for you today.

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Rover Red Charlie Fetches Readers Today

RoverRedCharlie-Vol-1-TPBIn stores today, the collected edition of Garth Ennis’ moving story about three canine friends at the end of the world arrives to deliver a fresh four legged?perspective on the end of the world. ?Ennis received heartfelt acclaim from readers and comic collectors everywhere as the story unfolded over the six issue series. ?But perhaps the biggest RRC 1  Pg 05 colored (3)compliment came from fellow comic writing legend Alan Moore who said:

“Garth Ennis manages, with hardly any homo sapiens in sight, to tell what is quite possibly the most profoundly human story of his already astonishing career. ?This is a book for life, not just for Christmas.”

If you are a fan of Ennis’ library of work, a lover of good RRC 1  Pg 10 11 colored (3)stories, or just a dog person, this is the book you have been waiting for. ?Rover Red Charlie will make you reassess what makes us human and will win your heart with the incredible painted illustrations of Michael DiPascale.

Stop by your local retailer today to see a copy of this new must-read addition to the Avatar graphic novel library.

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New in October Previews – Alan Moore: Crossed + 100

Crossed+100-1-regular - CopyThe new volume of Previews hits comic shops tomorrow and with it comes the announcement Crossed fans have been waiting for. ?The man who redefined the comics medium, Alan Moore, is putting his stamp on Garth Ennis’ runaway Crossed+100-1-CrossedCulturehit horror series, Crossed. ?With a story by the biggest name in comics and lavish art by Gabriel Andrade (Ferals), Crossed +100 is lining up to be the horror event of the year.

In this special series, Alan Moore has taken control of every aspect of the title giving it his incredible attention to detail. ?Each cover has been specifically designed and Crossed+100-1-FutureTensedetailed by Moore so that fans can get a deeper understanding of the world and the future of the Crossed. ?This series features the creative mark of two of the biggest writers in the entire industry.

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy for you today and look for Crossed +100 #1 in December.

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Avatar Press Items on Sale 9/24/14

New Avatar Press items on sale in local comic shops on Wednesday 9/24/14:

Rover Red Charlie TPB

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ? ? ? GARTH ENNIS ? the creator of Preacher and Crossed ? RoverRedCharlie-Vol-1-TPBdelivers a story like no other, as an unlikely band of canines set out to survive in a world gone horribly mad. When a worldwide plague wipes out humanity, what happens to man?s best friend? Charlie was a helper dog and he was good at it. Now he and his friends Rover and Red must escape the bloody city and find their way in this strange master-less new world. Ennis applies his incredible talent for shockingly original tales and spot-on dialogue in this fully painted story will change the way you look at pets and takes you on a spiritual journey of rediscovery through the eyes of these canine best friends. Rover Red Charlie Vol 1 TP collects issues #1-6 of the comic book series.

Visit the Comic Shop Locator Service to find a comic book store near you -?http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575


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Ennis’ War Stories Rage On

WarStories2-RegThe second issue of War Stories continues the riveting tale of World War II bomber pilots who were asked to do the impossible. ?Featured in the September?issue of Previews, this second issue delves deeper into Ennis’ incredible vision for battlefront tales and the humanity and horror they represent.

About the Issue: ?No one captures the horror and misery of war like GARTH ENNIS! The horrors of WW2 bomber pilots faced were so much greater than simply the enemy fire. The mettle of a man gets tested in many ways in a conflict of that scale. Ennis proves time and time again that in battle it isn?t the technology or the weapons you wield, WarStories2_Wrapbut the fire within that leads to the ultimate outcome on the battlefield. Available with Regular, Wraparound, Good Girl Nose Art, and Battle Damage Retailer Incentive covers by Matt Martin.

War Stories #2 is in comic shops?this November. ?Ask your local retailer to reserve copies of War Stories #1 & #2 for you today!


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Are You Prepared for the Chaos of the Dark Gods?

DarkGods1-DietyJustin Jordan brings his view of the chaos before mankind to Avatar with the November release of Dark Gods #1. ?The issue introduces the concept of what came before the big bang. ?Creatures of chaos and darkness that fed upon swirling anarchy of pre-being. ?Those forces still seek to enter the well organized world of human beings and there DarkGods1-regare those among us who facilitate that return. ?This is the story of people that chip away at the fabric holding back the chaos until it comes flooding in.

Jordan has delivered tales of supernatural horror before, but this new series is an uncensored look through the fog of reality and into the maw of insanity. ?In his own words Jordan says that “Dark Gods is about a universe where the order we impose on chaos is DarkGods1-regslowly stripped away and we’re made to see just how deep and dark reality runs. ?Because the chaos is aware and it wants into our orderly universe. ?When we created the gods, we gave them a way in.”

Ask your local comic shop to reserve a copy of Dark Gods #1 for you today and prepare for the abyss to stare into your heart.

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